Noticing the race of kids

As implied in my previous response, I HAVE spoken to such women in the past.

As have I. Some want a plaything for a while. If the woman in the picture wants a black man, who cares?

She can want a black man without telling me about it.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

I think there is a vast difference between telling someone something, and wearing a t shirt.

Wearing an easily read t-shirt is communicating that message to everyone close enough to read the message.

My point stands.

She can want a black man without telling me about it.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

I've worn a t shirt that says "Southern girls are HOTTER" in Vermont. Does that count?

You are making much about nothing. The girl prefers blacks and isn't hiding it. If your feelings get hurt because every white woman doesn't want you, the problem is with your sensitivity, not her shirt.

Ah, if you were convinced that you were in the right, you would not have invented a strawman to attack instead of what I was actually saying.

My point stands.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.
LMAO!! First you claim all women with blacks are fat trailer trash, when shown a pic of 4 attractive women with black men you claim they are hookers? Now THAT is going the extra mile in denial.
It seems an element of frustrating curiosity attends the subject of White women's apparent attraction to Black men, a curiosity which is fueled by the equally apparent fact that the reverse is almost non-existent. Historically, attractive women are referred to, even in such classical literature as Shakespeare's Othello,, as "fair maidens," while attractive men are referred to as "tall, dark and handsome," a circumstance that leaves Black women and White men feeling excluded -- even betrayed.

I recall the first time that I ran into such behavior.

It was in college and a white buddy of mine and I were sitting in the Student Union and a black female friend of ours from Trinidad joined us.

Something, I forget what, something she had seen or read, had sparked in her a sudden fascination for supposedly athletic and attractive indian men. By indian, I mean "native american".

She waxed poetic about it for a while. My Buddy and I let her go for a bit. I recall us looking at each other with a "why is she telling us about how attractive OTHER men supposedly are"?

After a while, as she seemed to be looking for a response from us, we gave her one.

WE waxed poetic wondering about the attractiveness of supposedly flat athletic indian male stomachs after they had caught a 70 cal musket ball and similar developments.

I felt we had responded completely appropriately.


Imagine telling a female friend all about why you find women that are different from HER to be so very attractive.

Better yet, give it a try. See how that works out for you.

BEST YET, tell a black woman why you find white women so much more attractive than black women.

Holy crap, you're one insecure little thing.

Any man that tells you he is so "secure" that he does not care what attractive women say about him is gay or lying.
People are attracted to who they are attracted to. No need to feel left out. Find one who wants you.
While that sentiment qualifies for Hallmark consideration, reality holds that there is feeling left out and being left out and a short, fat, pasty fellow normally will not stand a chance against a tall, lean, handsome competitor where mate-shopping women are concerned.

I've known a number of men, who met some or ALL of those criteria and yet found mates. At least one was very impressive. (of the mates)

They all seemed to have in common a brittle and unfounded self confidence. And/or played a guitar in a band.

BUT, by and large, yes, your point "feeling vs being" is exactly right.
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As have I. Some want a plaything for a while. If the woman in the picture wants a black man, who cares?

She can want a black man without telling me about it.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

I think there is a vast difference between telling someone something, and wearing a t shirt.

Wearing an easily read t-shirt is communicating that message to everyone close enough to read the message.

My point stands.

She can want a black man without telling me about it.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

I've worn a t shirt that says "Southern girls are HOTTER" in Vermont. Does that count?

You are making much about nothing. The girl prefers blacks and isn't hiding it. If your feelings get hurt because every white woman doesn't want you, the problem is with your sensitivity, not her shirt.

Ah, if you were convinced that you were in the right, you would not have invented a strawman to attack instead of what I was actually saying.

My point stands.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

The problem with your argument is that the girl in the picture didn't say anyone was unattractive. Saying that she finds one the most attractive does not mean she finds anyone else unattractive.

For example, I can say I love steak. That does not mean I dislike pork chops. It just means I like steak the most.
By stating that ONE group of men, she "loves" it implies that other groups of men are "not loved".

Insecure? HUrt

I admit the opinion of attractive young women has impact on me.
Why does it imply that? I think you are just sensitive. The only thing it implies is that she loves Black men best.

It just does. YOu would understand if the shirt instead said something about "loving white men".
Why would it hurt me if she or any other woman loved white men?

Coming from the racist that believes that I should have been physically beaten for showing the "terrible disrespect" of dropping some candy while handing it to a young black cashier.


You didnt answer my question. Did it stump you so you needed a diversion?

I was pointing out that you are so sensitive to even the slightest HINT of disrespect to your Race that your pretense of non concern is not credible.
As have I. Some want a plaything for a while. If the woman in the picture wants a black man, who cares?
In Elizabethan England, no one would care. But in modern America there is much concern, some of which is quite critical. Perhaps not so much in New York or San Francisco, but there is quite a difference in Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, et al.

I live in Georgia now. I am from Alabama. There are plenty of mixed race couples in both places. And not just in Atlanta or Birminghams. I know of 3 white women dating or married to black men in Lineville AL (pop. 2,395).

If someone doesn't like who she is dating, fuck'em. The days of being scared of ignorant rednecks is gone.

THe days of dealing with the consequences of stupid decisions is not.
Also I have found that women can tell pretty quickly if you are judgmental. The less judgmental you are the faster they open up.
I agree.

Women are extremely more insightful than men are. The average woman will know more about a man within ten minutes than a man will know about her in a day or more.

Men should learn to pay attention. A woman will, often enough, tell you all you need to know. If you just pay attention.

And the first thing you need to do, it take everything she clearly and openly STATES, with a large number of grains of salt.
She can want a black man without telling me about it.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

I think there is a vast difference between telling someone something, and wearing a t shirt.

Wearing an easily read t-shirt is communicating that message to everyone close enough to read the message.

My point stands.

She can want a black man without telling me about it.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

I've worn a t shirt that says "Southern girls are HOTTER" in Vermont. Does that count?

You are making much about nothing. The girl prefers blacks and isn't hiding it. If your feelings get hurt because every white woman doesn't want you, the problem is with your sensitivity, not her shirt.

Ah, if you were convinced that you were in the right, you would not have invented a strawman to attack instead of what I was actually saying.

My point stands.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

The problem with your argument is that the girl in the picture didn't say anyone was unattractive. Saying that she finds one the most attractive does not mean she finds anyone else unattractive.

For example, I can say I love steak. That does not mean I dislike pork chops. It just means I like steak the most.

You have been conditioned to be meek to the point of willfully NOT seeing when you are being insulted.
As have I. Some want a plaything for a while. If the woman in the picture wants a black man, who cares?
In Elizabethan England, no one would care. But in modern America there is much concern, some of which is quite critical. Perhaps not so much in New York or San Francisco, but there is quite a difference in Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, et al.

I live in Georgia now. I am from Alabama. There are plenty of mixed race couples in both places. And not just in Atlanta or Birminghams. I know of 3 white women dating or married to black men in Lineville AL (pop. 2,395).

If someone doesn't like who she is dating, fuck'em. The days of being scared of ignorant rednecks is gone.

THe days of dealing with the consequences of stupid decisions is not.

Dating the person you want is not a stupid decision. Thinking you have the right to commit violence against someone for dating who they want is a stupid decision. And teh consequences will be life in prison or the death penalty.
I think there is a vast difference between telling someone something, and wearing a t shirt.

Wearing an easily read t-shirt is communicating that message to everyone close enough to read the message.

My point stands.

She can want a black man without telling me about it.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

I've worn a t shirt that says "Southern girls are HOTTER" in Vermont. Does that count?

You are making much about nothing. The girl prefers blacks and isn't hiding it. If your feelings get hurt because every white woman doesn't want you, the problem is with your sensitivity, not her shirt.

Ah, if you were convinced that you were in the right, you would not have invented a strawman to attack instead of what I was actually saying.

My point stands.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

The problem with your argument is that the girl in the picture didn't say anyone was unattractive. Saying that she finds one the most attractive does not mean she finds anyone else unattractive.

For example, I can say I love steak. That does not mean I dislike pork chops. It just means I like steak the most.

You have been conditioned to be meek to the point of willfully NOT seeing when you are being insulted.

Wrong. I have not been conditioned. YOU have been conditioned to seek out any slight. The words on a t-shirt, in a picture, of a girl you don't even know, has you talking about insults. Do you feel insulted by what people's t-shirts say? I damn sure don't.
Depends on the women. In the past 20+ years, I have not had a single lover that I did not know what they liked, what they disliked, and what they wanted, before we had sex. Maybe a woman who plays that game is what you want. I prefer open and honest discussions.
I must confess I never once had that kind experience with a woman. In fact, if a woman ever came on that frankly and aggressively with me I believe it would have been a bit of a turn-off.

I should say I am eighty years old and my philandering days ended when I met my late wife, which was over half-a-century ago. So I won't discount the possibility of change in certain social attitudes for the behavioral differences we're discussing.

But I do have three married daughters and four teen-age grand-daughters whose behavior and attitudes I am able to closely observe. Based on what I'm told (and have overheard) the basic maneuvers in the mating game remain fairly intact.

Both my wife and I are much younger than 80, though still middle aged. My wife was quite aggressive during her pre-marriage days.

SHE relates that the reactions she got indicated that being "frank and aggressive" was very rare even in "our day".

She did, at times, end up scaring away men, or ending up hurting them emotionally.

IMO, you are correct, that the "mating game" remains fairly intact.
I live in Georgia now. I am from Alabama. There are plenty of mixed race couples in both places. And not just in Atlanta or Birminghams. I know of 3 white women dating or married to black men in Lineville AL (pop. 2,395).

If someone doesn't like who she is dating, fuck'em. The days of being scared of ignorant rednecks is gone.
Am I to understand that all the protest and occasional furor about "racism" is exaggerated deception? That it really doesn't exist?

Pretty much.
I live in Georgia now. I am from Alabama. There are plenty of mixed race couples in both places. And not just in Atlanta or Birminghams. I know of 3 white women dating or married to black men in Lineville AL (pop. 2,395).

If someone doesn't like who she is dating, fuck'em. The days of being scared of ignorant rednecks is gone.
Am I to understand that all the protest and occasional furor about "racism" is exaggerated deception? That it really doesn't exist?

I don't believe I said that at all. Is people disliking interracial dating/marriage the main example of racism today?

You certainly did say that.

Your previous statements, dismissing the likelyhood of running, even in Georgia, into a single racist who might react badly to a white woman openly stating her love of black men, shows that you are convinced that White Racism is effectively non existent.
As have I. Some want a plaything for a while. If the woman in the picture wants a black man, who cares?
In Elizabethan England, no one would care. But in modern America there is much concern, some of which is quite critical. Perhaps not so much in New York or San Francisco, but there is quite a difference in Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, et al.

I live in Georgia now. I am from Alabama. There are plenty of mixed race couples in both places. And not just in Atlanta or Birminghams. I know of 3 white women dating or married to black men in Lineville AL (pop. 2,395).

If someone doesn't like who she is dating, fuck'em. The days of being scared of ignorant rednecks is gone.

THe days of dealing with the consequences of stupid decisions is not.

Dating the person you want is not a stupid decision. Thinking you have the right to commit violence against someone for dating who they want is a stupid decision. And teh consequences will be life in prison or the death penalty.

If you make your dating/mating decisions based on stupid reasons, that is stupid, and it will bite you on the ass.

You will end up with mates poorly chosen, and have to deal with the consequences of having seriously flawed mates.

I have personally seen such results end up seriously screwing with the women in question.
Wearing an easily read t-shirt is communicating that message to everyone close enough to read the message.

My point stands.

She can want a black man without telling me about it.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

I've worn a t shirt that says "Southern girls are HOTTER" in Vermont. Does that count?

You are making much about nothing. The girl prefers blacks and isn't hiding it. If your feelings get hurt because every white woman doesn't want you, the problem is with your sensitivity, not her shirt.

Ah, if you were convinced that you were in the right, you would not have invented a strawman to attack instead of what I was actually saying.

My point stands.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

The problem with your argument is that the girl in the picture didn't say anyone was unattractive. Saying that she finds one the most attractive does not mean she finds anyone else unattractive.

For example, I can say I love steak. That does not mean I dislike pork chops. It just means I like steak the most.

You have been conditioned to be meek to the point of willfully NOT seeing when you are being insulted.

Wrong. I have not been conditioned. YOU have been conditioned to seek out any slight. The words on a t-shirt, in a picture, of a girl you don't even know, has you talking about insults. Do you feel insulted by what people's t-shirts say? I damn sure don't.

A person that wears a T-shirt with a message on it, puts that message out there to everyone around them.

That is not me looking for a "slight". That is me receiving and responding to a message that rude and stupid woman put out there for everyone.
I live in Georgia now. I am from Alabama. There are plenty of mixed race couples in both places. And not just in Atlanta or Birminghams. I know of 3 white women dating or married to black men in Lineville AL (pop. 2,395).

If someone doesn't like who she is dating, fuck'em. The days of being scared of ignorant rednecks is gone.
Am I to understand that all the protest and occasional furor about "racism" is exaggerated deception? That it really doesn't exist?

I don't believe I said that at all. Is people disliking interracial dating/marriage the main example of racism today?

You certainly did say that.

Your previous statements, dismissing the likelyhood of running, even in Georgia, into a single racist who might react badly to a white woman openly stating her love of black men, shows that you are convinced that White Racism is effectively non existent.

You trying to carry the torch?
I've worn a t shirt that says "Southern girls are HOTTER" in Vermont. Does that count?

You are making much about nothing. The girl prefers blacks and isn't hiding it. If your feelings get hurt because every white woman doesn't want you, the problem is with your sensitivity, not her shirt.

Ah, if you were convinced that you were in the right, you would not have invented a strawman to attack instead of what I was actually saying.

My point stands.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

The problem with your argument is that the girl in the picture didn't say anyone was unattractive. Saying that she finds one the most attractive does not mean she finds anyone else unattractive.

For example, I can say I love steak. That does not mean I dislike pork chops. It just means I like steak the most.

You have been conditioned to be meek to the point of willfully NOT seeing when you are being insulted.

Wrong. I have not been conditioned. YOU have been conditioned to seek out any slight. The words on a t-shirt, in a picture, of a girl you don't even know, has you talking about insults. Do you feel insulted by what people's t-shirts say? I damn sure don't.

A person that wears a T-shirt with a message on it, puts that message out there to everyone around them.

That is not me looking for a "slight". That is me receiving and responding to a message that rude and stupid woman put out there for everyone. pretty much always just got out of the pool, huh?
I live in Georgia now. I am from Alabama. There are plenty of mixed race couples in both places. And not just in Atlanta or Birminghams. I know of 3 white women dating or married to black men in Lineville AL (pop. 2,395).

If someone doesn't like who she is dating, fuck'em. The days of being scared of ignorant rednecks is gone.
Am I to understand that all the protest and occasional furor about "racism" is exaggerated deception? That it really doesn't exist?

I don't believe I said that at all. Is people disliking interracial dating/marriage the main example of racism today?

You certainly did say that.

Your previous statements, dismissing the likelyhood of running, even in Georgia, into a single racist who might react badly to a white woman openly stating her love of black men, shows that you are convinced that White Racism is effectively non existent.

You trying to carry the torch?

What in my posts leads you to even ask that question? Try to be very clear and please quote the exact phrase that makes you think so.
I live in Georgia now. I am from Alabama. There are plenty of mixed race couples in both places. And not just in Atlanta or Birminghams. I know of 3 white women dating or married to black men in Lineville AL (pop. 2,395).

If someone doesn't like who she is dating, fuck'em. The days of being scared of ignorant rednecks is gone.
Am I to understand that all the protest and occasional furor about "racism" is exaggerated deception? That it really doesn't exist?

I don't believe I said that at all. Is people disliking interracial dating/marriage the main example of racism today?

You certainly did say that.

Your previous statements, dismissing the likelyhood of running, even in Georgia, into a single racist who might react badly to a white woman openly stating her love of black men, shows that you are convinced that White Racism is effectively non existent.

You trying to carry the torch?

What in my posts leads you to even ask that question? Try to be very clear and please quote the exact phrase that makes you think so.

Your glaring, desperate insecurity, tiny.
Ah, if you were convinced that you were in the right, you would not have invented a strawman to attack instead of what I was actually saying.

My point stands.

When was the last time you just randomly told some woman who was walking by, that you did not find her attractive?

Have you ever done that? I have not. It would be extremely rude and disrespectful.

IF some WHITE GUY told a Black Woman that was just walking by that he did not find her attractive because of RACE, in our society he would be branded a terrible person.

The problem with your argument is that the girl in the picture didn't say anyone was unattractive. Saying that she finds one the most attractive does not mean she finds anyone else unattractive.

For example, I can say I love steak. That does not mean I dislike pork chops. It just means I like steak the most.

You have been conditioned to be meek to the point of willfully NOT seeing when you are being insulted.

Wrong. I have not been conditioned. YOU have been conditioned to seek out any slight. The words on a t-shirt, in a picture, of a girl you don't even know, has you talking about insults. Do you feel insulted by what people's t-shirts say? I damn sure don't.

A person that wears a T-shirt with a message on it, puts that message out there to everyone around them.

That is not me looking for a "slight". That is me receiving and responding to a message that rude and stupid woman put out there for everyone. pretty much always just got out of the pool, huh?

Nothing in your post, as far as I could tell, addressed my point.

Do you deny that T-shirts with writing on them are messages to those that could potentially read them?

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