Not the view you were looking for: A conservative woman's view on abortion

Then logically women who have abortions should go to prison for life shouldn't they?

According to your logic perhaps. Don't put words in my mouth.

You have to be insane to believe that abortion was murder but no one should get punished for it.

Institutionalized murder. Think about it, that's legal.

What kind of a demented ghoul are you?

None of the sort. What kind of desperate spin doctor are you?

You got a lot of nerve to talk about putting words in people's mouth. You claimed I called a fetus "just a clump of cells" and the several times I asked you back up your statement you ran away. I never did but you're too proud to admit your error.
Then logically women who have abortions should go to prison for life shouldn't they?

According to your logic perhaps. Don't put words in my mouth.

You have to be insane to believe that abortion was murder but no one should get punished for it.

Institutionalized murder. Think about it, that's legal.

What kind of a demented ghoul are you?

None of the sort. What kind of desperate spin doctor are you?

You got a lot of nerve to talk about putting words in people's mouth. You claimed I called a fetus "just a clump of cells" and the several times I asked you back up your statement you ran away. I never did but you're too proud to admit your error.

He's ranting about how the fetus is a person, but thinks it's absurd that the law should treat it as a person.
So fetuses have human DNA. And that supports the right-to-control-others-lives arguments how?

Everyone knows that the fetus is not human until it passes out of the birth canal and the Prog Fairy comes to wave her magic wand over it to make it human.
No, we equate life with the ability of the fetus to survive outside the womb. That's when life begins.
So... Infancy?
No, life begins whenever a person in good faith and good conscience believes it to begin, were citizens may not seek to compel others to accept their beliefs through force of law.

Each individual is at liberty to decide for himself when life begins, absent unwarranted interference from the state.
No, we equate life with the ability of the fetus to survive outside the womb. That's when life begins.
So... Infancy?
No, life begins whenever a person in good faith and good conscience believes it to begin, were citizens may not seek to compel others to accept their beliefs through force of law.

Each individual is at liberty to decide for himself when life begins, absent unwarranted interference from the state.
So you're literally saying that life begins whenever someone thinks it does. Not only do you get to decide who's a person and who's not, you even get to decide which biological facts are true. Awesome. Just, awesome. You, sir, are the definition of liberal excellence in consistent and logical reasoning.
I don't even care about the legal justification for murdering babies. But how the hell did America become okay with this enough to act like it's a right to kill your kids and those who don't like it are the bad guys. Abortion is literally the most evil topic in human history.
No, we equate life with the ability of the fetus to survive outside the womb. That's when life begins.
So... Infancy?
No, life begins whenever a person in good faith and good conscience believes it to begin, were citizens may not seek to compel others to accept their beliefs through force of law.

Each individual is at liberty to decide for himself when life begins, absent unwarranted interference from the state.

I don't feel compelled to believe that Dims have attained life as of yet.

So long as they are dependent on Big Brother for their survival they should not be consdered viable.
No, we equate life with the ability of the fetus to survive outside the womb. That's when life begins.
So... Infancy?
No, life begins whenever a person in good faith and good conscience believes it to begin, were citizens may not seek to compel others to accept their beliefs through force of law.

Each individual is at liberty to decide for himself when life begins, absent unwarranted interference from the state.
So you're literally saying that life begins whenever someone thinks it does. Not only do you get to decide who's a person and who's not, you even get to decide which biological facts are true. Awesome. Just, awesome. You, sir, are the definition of liberal excellence in consistent and logical reasoning.
Either you have no comprehension skills or you're a liar – likely both, as that is not what was posted.

Otherwise, your post is typical of most on the right: to twist, to distort, and to lie.
I don't even care about the legal justification for murdering babies. But how the hell did America become okay with this enough to act like it's a right to kill your kids and those who don't like it are the bad guys. Abortion is literally the most evil topic in human history.
In your opinion – subjective, personal, and irrelevant.

Abortion is not 'murder,' to maintain otherwise is ignorant idiocy and demagoguery.
No, we equate life with the ability of the fetus to survive outside the womb. That's when life begins.
So... Infancy?
No, life begins whenever a person in good faith and good conscience believes it to begin, were citizens may not seek to compel others to accept their beliefs through force of law.

Each individual is at liberty to decide for himself when life begins, absent unwarranted interference from the state.

I don't feel compelled to believe that Dims have attained life as of yet.

So long as they are dependent on Big Brother for their survival they should not be consdered viable.
And this is typical of the stupidity common to most on the right – ridiculous partisan idiocy, contributing nothing of merit or worth.
What if I told you that you can go to any event protesting abortion and satanists show up to scream at the protesters. Literally gothed out people wearing swasticas hailing satan because in their eyes, abortion is our nation's sacrifice to satan. That's how twisted it is. If you don't believe me you can find it online very easily. A recent example was at a planned parenthood in Austin Texas a couple weeks ago
No, we equate life with the ability of the fetus to survive outside the womb. That's when life begins.
So... Infancy?
No, life begins whenever a person in good faith and good conscience believes it to begin, were citizens may not seek to compel others to accept their beliefs through force of law.

Each individual is at liberty to decide for himself when life begins, absent unwarranted interference from the state.

I don't feel compelled to believe that Dims have attained life as of yet.

So long as they are dependent on Big Brother for their survival they should not be consdered viable.
And this is typical of the stupidity common to most on the right – ridiculous partisan idiocy, contributing nothing of merit or worth.

But it all boils down to what we value as being equal to our person

Slaves were deemed as glorified animals, not human.

Jews were viewed as vermin, not human

Non-Muslims are viewed as infidels, not human.

The fetus is a parasite, not human.

And the list goes on
No, we equate life with the ability of the fetus to survive outside the womb. That's when life begins.
So... Infancy?
No, life begins whenever a person in good faith and good conscience believes it to begin, were citizens may not seek to compel others to accept their beliefs through force of law.

Each individual is at liberty to decide for himself when life begins, absent unwarranted interference from the state.

I don't feel compelled to believe that Dims have attained life as of yet.

So long as they are dependent on Big Brother for their survival they should not be consdered viable.
And this is typical of the stupidity common to most on the right – ridiculous partisan idiocy, contributing nothing of merit or worth.

But it all boils down to what we value as being equal to our person

Slaves were deemed as glorified animals, not human.

Jews were viewed as vermin, not human

Non-Muslims are viewed as infidels, not human.

The fetus is a parasite, not human.

And the list goes on
I couldn't come up with a better way of saying it myself
Right wingers continue to dehumanize women who seek abortions. Why won't you vote for programs which help low income families. Many of these families would then be in a position to have another child.

Job protections for pregnant women, maternity leave, government funded Medicare, higher minimum wages.

As long as you deny that poverty is the reason so many women seek abortions, you have to find new ways to insult and dehumanize those who cannot afford more children and are faced with an unplanned pregnancy.
Right wingers continue to dehumanize women who seek abortions. Why won't you vote for programs which help low income families. Many of these families would then be in a position to have another child.

Job protections for pregnant women, maternity leave, government funded Medicare, higher minimum wages.

As long as you deny that poverty is the reason so many women seek abortions, you have to find new ways to insult and dehumanize those who cannot afford more children and are faced with an unplanned pregnancy.

Then you fall in the group Votto talked about, you consider a fetus a parasite?
Right wingers continue to dehumanize women who seek abortions. Why won't you vote for programs which help low income families. Many of these families would then be in a position to have another child.

Job protections for pregnant women, maternity leave, government funded Medicare, higher minimum wages.

As long as you deny that poverty is the reason so many women seek abortions, you have to find new ways to insult and dehumanize those who cannot afford more children and are faced with an unplanned pregnancy.

Dehumanize women?

Funny, I don't recall anyone advocating killing women and throwing them in dumpsters.

What is also funny is the only time I hear left wingers happily talk about saving money on government programs is when it comes to abortion. Less mouths to feed, don't ya know.

Then in their next breath, they are defending the invasion of poor Mexicans onto American soil.
Then you fall in the group Votto talked about, you consider a fetus a parasite?
I started a thread on this about how the abortion rate would take a drastic fall (something both sides allegedly want) if men would give enough of a damn to ask whether she considers a fetus a parasite or pregnancy/parenthood slavery before getting her pregnant. The only person who responded was a UN conspiracy theorist and it quickly dropped off the boards. It was... amusing...