Diamond Member
Matthew Yglesias: Democrats won the election on abortion
As has been noted repeatedly, before and after this week’s elections, for the president’s party to do well in the midterms is unusual. One...
As I've noted previously, the drive that pushed the Democrats over the top last week was the two-pronged attach (certainly developed through focus groups) that (a) a vote for Republicans is a vote against "democracy," and (b) vote for Democrats to protect abortion rights.
The first one is, of course, nonsense, both logically and factually, but so what?
The second one, however, is evil because it was a blatant strategy of exploiting voter ignorance.
Democrats in Congress literally CANNOT do anything to "protect" or "promote," or "enhance" the right of a woman to get an abortion. They simply cannot do it.
The Dobbs decision stands for the proportion that, absent some mention of abortion in the Constitution or an enabling Constitutional Amendment, the Federal government (that is to say, Congress) has no legitimate role in making abortion policy. It is entirely a matter for the States to decide, each in their own judgment.
Politically, one might say that Lindsey Graham "teed up" the issue with his foolish "abortion ban" gambit [Republican Graham proposes national ban on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy], but the fact remains that any attempt by Congress to state or implement a national abortion policy would "immediately" be shot down by the USSC.
And they knew this. No abortion-related law will pass Congress, now or ever.
Leftists are evil. They won this election on lies, distortions, and refusal to discuss the actual issues.