Not Russia, Not Racism....Not The Chinese Virus


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....just one more in their long line of lies, scams and plots.

1. Long-gone Marxist theoretician proven correct yet again!

Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramsci’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

2. Nowhere is Gramsci proving more prescient than in the Wuhan virus scam. By now, any with more than a double digit IQ recognizes that the virus has been weaponized to remove Trump from office, what with the conflicting and ever-changing advice from the experts, masks-no masks, congregate-don't congregate, the protocols that make every death attributable to covid, and the demands of teacher's unions to keep kids home so that parents can't go back to work and the economy can't recover.

3. Some of the mortality stats prove why lock-down was never necessary:
"Those age 50-64 were better but still not great. At 0.14% Infection Fatality Rate Estimate, that's 14 deaths for every 10,000 infections. For people in this age group, it's about 14 times more dangerous than influenza. But from there, the Infection Fatality Rate Estimate drops dramatically. Those age 20-49 have a 0.0092%, or nine deaths per 100,000 infections. As for children age 10-19, the rate drops to 0.00032%, or three deaths per 1 MILLION infections.

It's understandable that mainstream media and Democrats do not want this information known because it would eliminate the need for locking down the nation, at least for those under 50-years-old."
Infection Fatality Rate Estimates: The numbers they don't want you to know | NOQ Report

4. The median age of reported COVID-19 deaths in Florida on Wednesday was 93”

5. And this interesting note:

"Shelby County woman who passed away 6 months ago gets letter saying she is COVID-19 positive
She died in February but the test supposedly took place in June.

"It's been 6 months, almost 7, since she passed away. There was no testing that was done at that time. On her death certificate it was stated she died, what the cause of death was, and it was not COVID-19. It was COPD," said Whittington.
The Millington resident said his mom fought a long battle with COPD and was considered in stage 4 when she died in hospice at the home of a friend."

Occam's Razor puts the spotlight on the Democrats: just one more scam.
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I spent several days during the last week in Pennsylvania.....had dinner indoors.....get that? restaurants on each day.


"NYC to Allow Indoor Dining at 25 Percent Capacity, Marking COVID Recovery Milestone"

Looks like a lawsuit brought Comrade de Blasio to agree........

Another Democrat attempt to destroy America and Americans falling apart.
"Governor Cuomo Says New York Will Be Recording All COVID Deaths As 'Death By Trump'
September 9th, 2020

ALBANY, NY—New York, which boasts the highest number of Coronavirus deaths and the most available nursing home space in the country, is making some important changes to its COVID statistics. By order of Governor Cuomo, all virus deaths will now be classified as "death by Trump."

"President Trump has done a terrible job managing this crisis," said Cuomo while stretching yellow tape across the doors of Shady Heritage Retirement Home. "And I'm not just saying that because I did a terrible job or I want Biden to win the election. If it weren't for Trump, no one would have died in New York. I'm 100% sure of that."
In addition to changing the statistics, the New York County DA will be pursuing charges against the entire Trump family holding them responsible for every death to ever occur in the state since America declared independence from Great Britain.
In a speech given to a lone tumbleweed in Times Square, Cuomo vowed to not rest until Donald Trump is brought to justice."

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