Not only do black lives matter, All lives matter.

If the HOLY BIBLE says that homosexuality is a sin, and people of the Islam faith are struggling with their homosexuality because of what the HOLY BIBLE says, yet Muslims say that sodomy is hallal, or permissible, if it helps your walk with God, then what would they do?
If the HOLY BIBLE says that homosexuality is a sin, and people of the Islam faith are struggling with their homosexuality because of what the HOLY BIBLE says, yet Muslims say that sodomy is hallal, or permissible, if it helps your walk with God, then what would they do?
They would be utterly against anyone who tells them that sodomy is an abomination to the LORD.
so how can anyone think they are pleasing God while committing abominations to God? IF GOD sees it as abominable, can I change HIS mind?
The American Mirror? :laugh:
I'll agree with you, that source is suspect, that said, you don't attack that source, that is a fallacy.

What you do, is deny the allegation and prove it false. If you can.

One has to doubt whether the allegation is false though, because the original source of the information comes from the CIA backed disinformation source, INFOWARS.

Some of their intel is good, some not so much. To find out what intel is good, and what is not, a person should find a second source. One has been provided here. This is a fact, not conjecture. DeRay McKesson is a Deep State agent provocateur.

The Deep State is funding this chaos.

We should not be partisan and let the elites divide and conquer us. It is a game, we are the pawns.

The facts speak for themselves.
I'm not attacking the source. I am dismissing it. It could be true but from that source I wont even take it seriously. My thing is that it really doesnt matter if who funded what or who is living where. As long as they are working on a solution for my people I give them props.

That's a riot.

"They" who ever they be, don't give a shit about "your" people. They really don't.

Elite blacks have about as much in common with you as they do Steve McRacist. And you and Steve McRacist have more in common with each other than these fuckers that are trying to sow chaos to create their one world order.

Divide et Impera is an old Roman tactic used for hundreds and hundreds of years by the elites. It is about pitting one poor group of sad souls against another, when their common interest is really in uniting with each other.

Only through a huge amount of chaos can the liberal-democratic West justify undemocratic means to change bureaucratic systems that have been nearly a century in the making. Only through violent chaos can they hope to institute their Agenda 2030 crap, or whatever they renamed it.

And if you think the neo-feudalism they are going to replace the participatory republics and democracies are going to be "a solution for my people," you haven't studied history, nor do you understand how deep politics work. They don't give a shit about the poor, ethnic minorities, hungry, homeless, women, etc., nor does justice for the plebes enter into their calculations. Not once transformation is complete. Did you know they have made it illegal to give hand outs to the poor now?

When their reordering of society is over, there will just be LESS justice and LESS compassion for everyone.



He saw back then, but you are being willfully blind today.



All these racist elites want is an excuse to declare martial law. Wise up.
Thats conspiracy talk. Wake up. The control of the elites has evolved to a point where they dont have to declare martial law.

Hello? Are you even paying attention?

France has been in a state of Emergency for the past year. With another Gladio B operation to continue it. . . . right. . . on. . . schedule.

I dont think you are paying attention. What does France and Belgium have in common besides the fact that they are neighbors?
What I see is an organized religion trying to 'tell' themselves that their Holy Script is True and that the Christian Holy Scripts are not. Otherwise, they would do as every gay American has done, which is to leave the faith and be gay and happy.
And this whole concept of how sodomy is not an abomination to God is beside me. How could any Pastor to God's children teach them that performing sodomy in the watchful eyes of God is NOT a loathsome thing to HIM? If the Pastors want to somehow 'lovingly' change the person's life, that is one thing but ultimately the change has to start with their water baptism then. This way, God can be a part of the transformation.
Just attending Church and going through 'rites', even if you were baptized as a child, is not a conscious decision from the person to have God a part of their daily life. Being baptized as a child and recommitting your life to God as an Adult would mean more to God, I believe, than daily strivings to get right with God. First step would be to 'show' God that you want Him in your life by being 'immersed' in water in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is even what Christ Jesus has told us to do. Not to be overly tolerant, which would show a lack of temperance.
And how would anyone be 'justified' in saying that because they 'love' the person, they are unwilling to correct the person?
And this whole concept of how sodomy is not an abomination to God is beside me. How could any Pastor to God's children teach them that performing sodomy in the watchful eyes of God is NOT a loathsome thing to HIM? If the Pastors want to somehow 'lovingly' change the person's life, that is one thing but ultimately the change has to start with their water baptism then. This way, God can be a part of the transformation.
Abomination :

ΒΔΕΛΥΓΜΑΤΩΝ bdelugma 946 βδέλυγμα, βδελύγματος, τό (βδελύσσομαι), a Biblical and ecclesiastical word; in the Sept. mostly for תּועֵבָה, also for שִׁקוּץ and שֶׁקֶץ, a foul thing (loathsome on acct. of its stench), a detestable thing; (Tertullianabominamentum); Luth.Greuel; (A. V. abomination);

8441. tō-w-‘ă-ḇō-w-ṯa-yiḵ toebah תּוֹעֲבוֹתַ֙יִךְ֙

Or tonebah {to-ay-baw'}; feminine active participle of ta'ab; properly, something disgusting (morally), i.e. (as noun) an abhorrence; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol -- abominable (custom, thing), abomination.
Teachers Told Not to Bow Heads, Pray in Public

Teachers Told Not to Bow Heads, Pray in Public

Tennessee school district is under fire after a group of middle school football coaches were reprimanded for bowing their heads during a post-game prayer and teachers were warned to hide from students if they chose to pray during a nationally organized prayer event.

Follow Fox’s Todd Starnes on Twitter.

Sumner County school officials sent guidelines to staff members in advance of today’s “See You At the Pole” prayer event. Christian teenagers around the nation are gathering around their campus flag poles before class to pray for their schools, the nation and each other.
Do most Christians ignore Jesus' advice to not pray in public?

Do most Christians ignore Jesus' advice to not pray in public? - Quora

  • 6"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.…
And so if anyone Person should break this suggestion, they will be asked to leave the premises.
Muslim Students Allowed To Pray In Maryland High School If Grades Are Good

Muslim Students Allowed To Pray In Maryland High School If Grades Are Good

A Maryland public school has drawn attention for its attempt to accommodate Muslim students’ religious needs.

Parkdale High School in Prince George’s County, Md., has begun to allow a small group of high-achieving Muslim students out of class for about eight minutes each day to pray together on campus, reports the Washington Post.

In order to qualify for the privilege, students must get parental permission and good grades, according to Parkdale Principal Cheryl J. Logan.

The First Amendment protects the separation of church and state, but it guarantees students are allowed to practice their faith, The Tennessean reported in 2012.

Hedy Weinberg, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee, told The Tennessean that while schools may restrict how and where students choose to exercise their religious rights, a school may not stop students from doing so.

“Public schools cannot prevent students from expressing religious faith while on school property,” she said.

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