Not MY President!


May 26, 2004
Dallas, TX
OK, so I live in Texas, so I I've seen very few of these bumper stickers, thank GOD (erm, is the "G-Word" OK to say?? LOL!)!
But when I DO see them it is as anti-American as you can get. Yes, I voted for George Bush. But if Kerry had won the election, I would have been upset, clearly, but I would NEVER have slammed my country's leader publically, for all the world to see. We as Americans can only do well by our country as a united front. I say, if he's NOT YOUR PRESIDENT...Then follow up on that and MOVE to France, Canada,etc. And be SURE to take Michael Moore with you, while you're at it! :finger3:

Oh! And by the way.. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND our President George W. Bush! Oh YEAH!!
That kind of bumper sticker makes no sense really. He won all around this time,popular vote and all,so what the hell is their problem? These people are idiots. They actually seem to believe if you don't like who is voted in,you can just say "he's not my president".
krisy said:
That kind of bumper sticker makes no sense really. He won all around this time,popular vote and all,so what the hell is their problem? These people are idiots. They actually seem to believe if you don't like who is voted in,you can just say "he's not my president".

He IS your president if you reside in the 50 states. Regardless of your vote. I reiterate once again..If you choose to stand against our leadership and the government and morals upon which it's stood for decades, then you are creating a national threat. Bring it on. But read your bible first, because those before you who have will shoot you down.

If you pray for our administration, our troops, and their families and loved ones, I welcome these prayers with love and am lighting a flame for them as well. I am also praying for those who are in the face of war at any capacity, whose friends and family are not willing to get past their politics.
This is an ugly war, but the most UGLY aspect is any lack of unification between our citizens.
If you are a Michael Moore fan, please remove him from any lists/posts/etc..He is toxic to our country and it's well being. He is an anti-American communist. He needs to be silenced, the youth are his prey..
"The only way to make sure people you agree with can speak is to support the rights of people you don't agree with." ---Eleanor Holmes Norton

Way too support freedom of speech guys.
Polystyrate said:
"The only way to make sure people you agree with can speak is to support the rights of people you don't agree with." ---Eleanor Holmes Norton

Way too support freedom of speech guys.

1st, that quote isn't true. Dictators often do a swell job makng sure only people they agree with can speek, while not protecting the rights of others to do the same.

2ndly, yeah, they can say whatever the hell they want. But saying that is anti-American.

Note: Anti-American, not un-American. Speaking ones mind, no matter how disgusting the thought, is not going against the American principles. But the prefix "anti" means "against". To say the POTUS is not "your president", means that you do not accept that he earned the postion. The American constitution DOES accept that he earned the position. Therefore, your assertion that he is "not your president" directly conflicts with the American government system. It is against it. Anti-American.
Well, we will see how supporting and understanding you all will be when the next democratic president/party you didnt vote for rules the government. Your not gonna last long if everyperson who you dissagree with, you immediatly slander or shut down. Disliking bush does not make you anti-american, it makes you anti-bush. Everyone who disliked Clinton would then have been anti-american for eight years with your logic. So then wouldn't G.W. have been anti-american in 1992 to 2000?
Polystyrate said:
Well, we will see how supporting and understanding you all will be when the next democratic president/party you didnt vote for rules the government. Your not gonna last long if everyperson who you dissagree with, you immediatly slander or shut down. Disliking bush does not make you anti-american, it makes you anti-bush. Everyone who disliked Clinton would then have been anti-american for eight years with your logic. So then wouldn't G.W. have been anti-american in 1992 to 2000?

So who's your choice for 2008?
How could I even begin to choose when I dont even know whos running? Unlike alot of people now a days I don't choose based on party. When I see who is in the primaries, i'll do some research and see who i like, then go from there.
Polystyrate said:
Well, we will see how supporting and understanding you all will be when the next democratic president/party you didnt vote for rules the government. Your not gonna last long if everyperson who you dissagree with, you immediatly slander or shut down. Disliking bush does not make you anti-american, it makes you anti-bush. Everyone who disliked Clinton would then have been anti-american for eight years with your logic. So then wouldn't G.W. have been anti-american in 1992 to 2000?

Not once did I say Bill Clinton was not my president. Not Once. And Therein lays the difference.
theim said:
Not once did I say Bill Clinton was not my president. Not Once. And Therein lays the difference.

I agree. we may have been utterly ashamed that he was our President but that didnt change that he was the President. But then i wasnt able to vote for President till 2000 so I didnt have much choice.
Never said you did. IMO people can say whatever they want about our president, and are still very much american. A person can hate the president and not recognize him and still lead very productive, contributing, and posative lives as american citizens. Someone who says "I hate america" is anti-american, but any citizen who says "I hate bush" or "not my president", (much to your dismay) loses no rights or becomes any less of an american citizen, let alone your anti-thesis (anti-american). Why would you want to create an enviroment where people who disagree with us are considered not only less, but our polar opposite?
Polystyrate said:
Never said you did. IMO people can say whatever they want about our president, and are still very much american. A person can hate the president and not recognize him and still lead very productive, contributing, and posative lives as american citizens. Someone who says "I hate america" is anti-american, but any citizen who says "I hate bush" or "not my president", (much to your dismay) loses no rights or becomes any less of an american citizen, let alone your anti-thesis (anti-american). Why would you want to create an enviroment where people who disagree with us are considered not only less, but our polar opposite?

Tell me, if they were anti American, what would they be doing different?
Taking steps to completely dismantle our govenrment and the complete destruction of anything american or created by american influence. Thats anti-american, bitching about your elected officials most certainly is not. Comments suggesting that anyone who is NOT far right is wrong, is only going to cause greater divides in this country, is that what you want?
Polystyrate said:
Never said you did. IMO people can say whatever they want about our president, and are still very much american. A person can hate the president and not recognize him and still lead very productive, contributing, and posative lives as american citizens. Someone who says "I hate america" is anti-american, but any citizen who says "I hate bush" or "not my president", (much to your dismay) loses no rights or becomes any less of an american citizen, let alone your anti-thesis (anti-american). Why would you want to create an enviroment where people who disagree with us are considered not only less, but our polar opposite?

I know no other way to say this...please forgive me, but you are a fucking idiot. Maybe it's not 'you'; Me replying with "You are a fucking idiot" is NOT meant to be 'personal' - Maybe it's your 'ideas are idoitic'...maybe that's more accurate. It's just that your opinions are crap. My advice to you would be to find a clue about life - grow up some. Maybe join the Military.
Fuck, fuck, mother fucker fuck, fuck, mother fuck fuck, noich noich noich.
Look I can say the f-word too, Im tough like D (deeeeezzzzzzznnnnnnuuuuttttsss!!!!!)
I'm not going to overturn this decision because it was quite obvious this guy was a troll. I knew he was gone when he registered the 2nd ID last night (right after he posted here).

With that said, if a moderator 'gives it' to a member then you have to expect it in return. We can't be going around banning people for offenses we are guilty of ourselves. Except for Polyester or whover the hell he was.
but I TOLD Him it wasn't personal. And I meant it. Perhaps my articulation is 'off' today? :)

Thanks for getting my back, John...however, I was hoping the guy would take an honest look at himself, and correct his skewed views. :)

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