Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

That sacrifice may not be as small as you think. Those that are trusted with the care of the sick, the injured, the young, and helpless who refuse to follow government healthcare requirements may find getting another job in their field harder than they think. Vaccine mandates have the supported of most of the people and when those mandates end the epidemic, they will be a lot more popular.

Most fields of professional medical personnel are short handed and have been since before the pandemic. I don't think they will be having too hard of a time finding a job.
I think they will be reinstate if they get vaccinated within a couple of weeks. If they don't, they better be prepared to move out of state to get another job in law enforcement. A state trooper in Washington with 5 years experience makes about 90K a year.

You may not know this but thanks to BLM and the commies, nobody is interested in police work anymore. Who can blame them?

In my suburb we are looking for five additional officers we can't find. I had a meeting with our Chief. He told me when he applied back in 1990, he was against 700 other applicants. Today he said when they put out an ad, they are lucky to get 22, and most of not all will be able to pass the test, the physical, and get through the Police Academy. As he explained, it's not just our city with these woes, it's a nationwide problem.

So any officer that gets kicked off the force because of the vaccine mandate, send them our way. We need them and we have no mandates other than you do your job the best you can.
Most fields of professional medical personnel are short handed and have been since before the pandemic. I don't think they will be having too hard of a time finding a job.
Tell them to come to South Dakota. My doctor in Washington, which I left for South Dakota several weeks ago, is now planning on bringing his skills here!

It is not how long you test that is important. It is how well you test.

Sorry but I disagree. No matter how well you test, we don't know the results of offspring ten years later if their mother got the shot. We don't know if five years down the road they find the vaccines are doing organ damage like kidney or liver. We just don't know. Only time (not good testing) can give us those answers.
Ray, you're right. This vaccine will not keep you from "getting" Covid just as the Flu vaccine with not keep you from getting the flu. In fact no vaccine will keep you from getting the disease it was designed to fight. The same is true antibiotics or antivirals. You have to first be infected before the vaccine or medicine will begin to work. The immune system can't mount a response until the infection starts. For those who have been vaccinated and are infected with Corvid, antibodies will be fighting virus within hours. For those who have not been vaccinated, the immune system may take a week or longer before it attacks the virus. During that time, the virus will have increased it's number thousands or million of times. Thus the unvaccinated is 28 times more likely to develop a serious infection requiring hospitalization.

Fine and dandy, but my point was the vaccine will not end this epidemic.
Sorry but I disagree. No matter how well you test, we don't know the results of offspring ten years later if their mother got the shot. We don't know if five years down the road they find the vaccines are doing organ damage like kidney or liver. We just don't know. Only time (not good testing) can give us those answers.
Of course we don't! Anyone who believes otherwise is a complete fool.
Of course we don't! Anyone who believes otherwise is a complete fool.

I don't know what each individual believes, but I find it foolish that they think people should not have any concerns about taking this vaccine. Of course some do, and their decisions should be respected just like those of us who took the vaccine.

The problem with Democrats is that if they want something, everybody else should want it too. If they are against something, everybody else should be against it too.

I took the vaccine but I don't try to coach anybody else into following my footsteps. If you want to take it too, I applaud you. If you don't want to take it, I also applaud you as well. It's what being an American is all about.

We must have 50 or so topics about people getting sick and dying from not being vaccinated in effort to try and change the minds of anti-vax people. On the other side of the coin, topics how people got sick, suspected of dying from the vaccine, or vaccinated people who died from covid anyway, again, trying to convince others into not taking the vaccine. You will never see that from me.
I don't know what each individual believes, but I find it foolish that they think people should not have any concerns about taking this vaccine. Of course some do, and their decisions should be respected just like those of us who took the vaccine.

The problem with Democrats is that if they want something, everybody else should want it too. If they are against something, everybody else should be against it too.

I took the vaccine but I don't try to coach anybody else into following my footsteps. If you want to take it too, I applaud you. If you don't want to take it, I also applaud you as well. It's what being an American is all about.

We must have 50 or so topics about people getting sick and dying from not being vaccinated in effort to try and change the minds of anti-vax people. On the other side of the coin, topics how people got sick, suspected of dying from the vaccine, or vaccinated people who died from covid anyway, again, trying to convince others into not taking the vaccine. You will never see that from me.
All this is as it should be. Thank you for saying it so well.
So in what other cases are you going to support the use of force and blackmail? The government now has the ability to force the population to do anything it wants by using mandates where they'll lose their livelihood if they don't comply, nothing is unconstitutional any longer, and you have no individual rights as long as it can be touted as being for the good of everyone else in society. Bravo for destroying the very fabric of what this country was founded on. You, and those like you, will continue to cheer the fascism as long as there is a 'D' in charge, you're mindless sheep.
Oh, Bullshit. Government has been mandating shit like this since the first settlers hit this country. In epidemics, people have been force out of their homes, arrested on streets and thrown into houses of detention to die or get well. In 1798, the US congress issued it's first health mandate. 3 times in US history the Supreme Court upheld vaccination mandates. The federal goverment has mandated the deaths of thousands of Indians and mandate a policy to exterminate the America Indians. Congress passed a law forced young men to fight and die for their country. Over a hundred thousand Japanese Americans were imprisoned for nearly 4 years who committed no crime. And you whine about government requiring a vaccination in the worst epidemic in US history that has already killed more than 700,000. :cuckoo:
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Oh, Bullshit. Government has been mandating shit since the first settlers hit this country. In epidemics, people have been force out of their homes, arrested on streets and thrown into houses of detention to die or get well. In 1798, the US congress issued it's first health mandate. 3 times in US history the Supreme Court upheld vaccination mandates. The federal goverment has mandated the deaths of thousands of Indians and mandate a policy to exterminate the America Indians. Congress passed a law, the draft that forced young men to fight and die for their country. Over a hundred thousand Japanese Americans were imprisoned for nearly 4 years who committed no crime. And you whine about government requiring a vaccination in the worst epidemic in US history that has already killed more than 700,000.
No one on this board has ever been able to prove to me that the so-called virus has ever even been isolated. Whenever anyone has tried, I have shared those attempts with a good friend of mine who has been in epidemiological research for forty years, and she assures me it's all lies that people have learned to parrot from the TV.

My husband's family were among those American citizens of Japanese descent who were robbed of so much after Pearl Harbor, and he would be livid with rage if he knew that you want me to be treated like he and his family were treated, with my bodily autonomy taken away so you could have your false sense of security from something that is not even a factual threat. Take that artless comparison and shove it up your foul ass.
You don't know enough about it to make comments. First of all SS uses a point system. Age is part of that point system as they know when you lose your job and career late in life, getting a replacement is nearly impossible. Next (as my lawyer explained) is that SS uses a 15 year window. If you worked in any other field within that 15 years, they will disqualify you because you have experience in another field of work. You will then have to prove you cannot work your former career either.

Uh, huh. My sister was a nurse. She had been a nurse since the 1970's. She started losing her eyesight in her mid-fifties... and disability still wouldn't pay her even though no hospital would hire her.

Look, man, you managed to game the system. That's awesome. You enjoy that government cheese. You've earned it.

Yes, Vox, the lying machine of the left. That aside, just because the suspects were black doesn't make it racist to think they were guilty. You don't know what racist means.

Uh, yeah, it kind of does because THEY DIDN'T DO IT. Now, you can give Trump a mulligan for thinking they did at the time, but takign out a full time ad calling for them to be executed (remember, again, no one died) was a bit over the top. But refusing to admit you made a mistake... is something that really is racist.

Yes they did when Trump first got in. He had to clean up DumBama's mess and that took time. Once Trump got control over the situation, the killing stopped. In fact not one dead American in his last 18 months.

Yeah, when you retreat to your bases and promise the Taliban they can have the country, that will cut down on the deaths.

Oh bullshit. You tried that "timeline" crap when Hussein fucked up Iraq so badly. Keep blaming other people for your idiots mistakes. Hussein was completely responsible for the Iraq disaster. Biden is completely responsible for the Afghanistan disaster. Learn how to take some responsibility once in a great while. Who knows, if you start doing that, maybe you'll become a Republican.

The only "disaster" in those countries was going into them to start with.. and that's all on you guys.

Democrats didn't start those wars, Republicans did.. And they LIED to get us into them. They lied about how they were going. Maybe you guys should take some responsibility.

When I was growing up, my parents said Democrats gave us wars and Republicans gave us Recessions. Now Republicans give us both...
By your logic, Trump was responsible for every human being on earth that died of COVID or complications caused by COVID.

No, just the Americans he was responsible to protect and did a shitty job of it. He's the one who lied about how serious it was to not spook the markets.

In the meanwhile, the Dark Skinned nations you love so much only get vaccines from the US, not their own elitist scumbags.

Are you still mad Darshna took your job? She was probably a lot cuter than you are.
No, just the Americans he was responsible to protect and did a shitty job of it. He's the one who lied about how serious it was to not spook the markets.

Are you still mad Darshna took your job? She was probably a lot cuter than you are.
I have news for're full of shit.
Almost every nation in the Eastern Hemisphere and South of our border is still suffering terribly from COVID and begging the US for free vaccines.
Tell us why most of the nations South of the US has more billionaires than the US that won't spend a penny vaccinating their fellow citizens.
The Israeli study of tens of thousands prove you are full of shit.
The Israeli study of tens of thousands prove you are full of shit.
If you take the time to read the actual study, you will see they ignored asymptomatic cases and cases with minor discomfort. It does make sense that those with more serious cases would have developed a stronger immune response and a stronger immune memory. In other words the study does not apply to some one that got a got a positive tests but rather someone who got seriously ill from covid. Also the study has not been subjected to peer view.
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Bring it on over! Kristi Noem is immensely popular here, no matter how hard the media try to convince the world otherwise! The part of South Dakota I live in, farm country, is soul soothing. I'm just a few miles from a Hutterite colony where I buy a lot of good, clean food. There's plenty of room for you if you ever decide to try it.
I would expect there would be plenty of room. Generally, I stay away from places where there are more pigs than people.

If you take the time to read the actual study, you will see they ignored asymptomatic cases and cases with minor discomfort. It does make sense that those with more serious cases would have developed a stronger immune response and a stronger immune memory. In other words the study does not apply to some one that got a got a positive tests but rather someone who got seriously ill from covid. Also the study has not been subjected to peer view.
Israel has no peers.

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