Not Just An Assassination Attempt - A 1-Man 'Insurrection' Attempt


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Spurred on by violent extremist Democrat rhetoric, calling for criminal harrassment and assault of President Trump, his team, and Republican Representatives, a 'domestic terrorists' was incited into not only attempted assassination of federal Republican politicians, but he also attempted to alter the United States government.

By attempting to murder all of the gov politicians he would have thrown the government into chaos, eliminating the Republicans ... for a time ... much like Democrats are trying to do now, legislative now that they have the upper hand rather than through violence, intimidation, and assassination attempt.

The FBI has declared the attack on the Republican politicians, resulting in Steve Scalise being shot - which the Democrats (like Mad Max incited) inspired, was an act of 'domestic terrorism.

And just like domestic terrorist Antifa & BLM the Democrats have supported - that the VP encouraged to continue their violence after the election, have perpetrated MILLIONS of dollars in domestic terrorism / damage and continues to perpetrate more....

The assassination attempt was just one of many domestic terrorist actions the Democrats have inspired. Supported, facilitated...

....& the FBI just acknowledged it.

I used to have great respect for the FBI but not anymore

They are clowns and democrat party operatives

Incompetent and politically biased

What could be worse?
I just can't figure out how the American people are openly being harassed by global forces (telemarketers etc), and how it is that crimes are crossing state lines or crossing our borders while growing out of control, yet nothing is being done enough to put a big time stop to alot of it, and at the least to stop it within a reasonable degree, but if certain things happen, then isn't it amazing how these specialized law enforcement divisions can somehow (with ease), find needles in the haystack's without a problem, otherwise on certain politically charged things ???

Do they really think that the citizen's are so dumb that they can't put two and two together on how these things go, especially when it is the citizen's taking the brunt of it all when these forces don't do enough to help to create a non-politically charged environment for which all American's should hopefully wish to live in, and have justice in ??

Do they care anymore or are they just political hit men and women these days for a political party ?? They talk about reform on the blue line level's, but what about on the upper levels (depoliticizing the forces maybe) ?

All depends on which way the political winds are blowing I guess.

Alot of thing's just need to be tweaked or corrected (we have the structured system's still in place from years of training), but that doesn't even get it done these days if reform isn't talked about. Not sure where the country is heading anymore. It's really ashame.

If law enforcement doesn't work, then we are through in this country, and every global force that was ever talked down to by us, will become our enemy again.

Hitler was in the same delema, where as he made political war on two many fronts by his political and strong armed actions, and we know what happened there.

It's time we get politic's back out of law enforcement.

Some politicians probably see it as hey "keep your friends close, but keep what could be your justice warrior enemy/law enforcement system's closer". Otherwise keep them under your control, and keep them political if at all possible.

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