Not Black Enough Syndrome

No the solution is for you not to take one black persons statement and apply it to all blacks...I know its hard to do and leaves you pointless but you'll seem more credible

Wow. You didn't read thru the whole thread did you?

Some of us were having a conversation about a true issue within the African American community. It's called colorism. And it exists.

I'll put up this exchange.

I grew up in a similar situation;I was a mixed race kid growing up in the NYC metro area in the seventies and early eighties. I had my share of Black folks making those comments, but they were definitely in the MINORITY and usually the fools who were going nowhere good in life. I also had my share of ignorant White folks who made their share of ignorant comments as well, they were definitely in the MINORITY and many of them were going nowhere good.
In short, I think that this "syndrome" is being overblown to fit a certain biased narrative. What I experienced above, made me a stronger, fairer, and better person.

This is my response to Pheonixops (who I've known for years btw and have always been able to have a respectful dialogue between us):eusa_angel:

Well it does happen in many ways. Not black enough. Not white enough. Women in Africa actually bleaching their skin these days.

Too flat chested or too busty; Too short or too tall; Too skinny or too fat; any of those in any color.

But as far as this thread goes there's a great documentary called Dark Girls that supposedly really explores colorism in the African American community.

I've never had a chance to see the whole documentary but I'd love to. I saw Bill Duke being interviewed on CBC and man oh man he showed some really hard hitting clips.

(I'm a Bill Duke fan from way back).

Sigh. This is one of the problems of living where I live now, I don't have access to much media these days. Two hours plus one way to see a movie (and that's in good weather) :eusa_angel:
The term is in and of itself a racist term. Not Black Enough. Really?

Bull freaking shit here. I put up a documentary that is called "Dark Girls". By Bill Duke.

Want to call this racist too? Get a grip. Colorism exists. By calling every thing and everyone racist we are never going to move forward. It stifles discussion.

Welcome to The Official Dark Girls Movie

Documentary exploring the deep-seated biases and attitudes about skin color particularly dark skinned women, outside of and within the Black American culture.

The Official Dark Girls Movie Website

Thats actually good Tiny...Not like that one sided bullshit Chic is posting.

Michael Moore, in his book “Stupid White Men : ...And Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!” urges whites to marry blacks and procreate so we can breed the whiteness out of the country. P. 79.

"[Clarence] Thomas also was quoted as saying, "It would seem that some black people want to say that when you, as a black, become successful, you cease to be black. That's ridiculous. If a white person becomes successful, (does he) cease to be white?"
Business | Clarence Thomas Interview: `I Am Not An Uncle Tom' -- Opinions Haven't Hurt Blacks, He Says | Seattle Times Newspaper

How ya' like me now, booooyyyyyyyeeee???
We're all so sensitive to race these days, it's sad. I don't know. Maybe because I spent so many years in Toronto.

So I truly don't understand this.

Now don't take this the wrong way :) but I can jerk chicken as good as anyone.

Irie is a staple in my kitchen. I can make roti. I love goat. And I'm half Ukrainian and half Irish. :lol:

And for some of you out there "jump up"! Caribana was always part of my life there. A celebration of each other instead of hostility.

"Boston Globe, critic Wesley Morris struggled to convey the villainy of Stephen’s character, turning to a present-day comparison for help. “The movie is too modern for what Jackson is doing to be limited to 1858,” Morris wrote. “He’s conjuring the house Negro, yes, but playing him as though he were Clarence Thomas.It was not the first time a liberal writer had taken a cheap shot at the conservative Supreme Court justice."
A History Lesson From Clarence Thomas -

Did you get that???

Again: "It was not the first time a liberal writer had taken a cheap shot at the conservative..."
Wow...'re taking some beating here, aren't you?

So that I may address you correctly....are you a liar or a dope?
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"Boston Globe, critic Wesley Morris struggled to convey the villainy of Stephen’s character, turning to a present-day comparison for help. “The movie is too modern for what Jackson is doing to be limited to 1858,” Morris wrote. “He’s conjuring the house Negro, yes, but playing him as though he were Clarence Thomas.It was not the first time a liberal writer had taken a cheap shot at the conservative Supreme Court justice."
A History Lesson From Clarence Thomas -

Did you get that???

Again: "It was not the first time a liberal writer had taken a cheap shot at the conservative..."
Wow...'re taking some beating here, aren't you?

So that I may address you correctly....are you a liar or a dope?

so you're saying that Repubs see themselves under attack constantly? that is news :doubt:

Kentucky Fan Blames "Liberal Socialism" For UK Missing The Tournament

"Boston Globe, critic Wesley Morris struggled to convey the villainy of Stephen’s character, turning to a present-day comparison for help. “The movie is too modern for what Jackson is doing to be limited to 1858,” Morris wrote. “He’s conjuring the house Negro, yes, but playing him as though he were Clarence Thomas.It was not the first time a liberal writer had taken a cheap shot at the conservative Supreme Court justice."
A History Lesson From Clarence Thomas -

Did you get that???

Again: "It was not the first time a liberal writer had taken a cheap shot at the conservative..."
Wow...'re taking some beating here, aren't you?

So that I may address you correctly....are you a liar or a dope?

so you're saying that Repubs see themselves under attack constantly? that is news :doubt:

Kentucky Fan Blames "Liberal Socialism" For UK Missing The Tournament

" you're saying that Repubs...."


Have someone with more brainpower than you obviously have, read the OP to you.....and then explain it.

Any fifth grader will do.

"I believe that you have probably heard about the ordeal a sociology professor by the name of Jean Cobbs (as well as many others) has been going through for the past seven years at Virginia State University. Her crime is that she is an unabashed black Conservative and a Republican. For that, she has been subjected to a campaign of political persecution, discrimination and retaliation which included a basically administration-approved physical assault upon her."

Tell me when you've had enough....
This is actually a good topic and thread. Let's get back to me; I'm not a Democrat, I vote for people from all parties who meet my criteria. I have articulated that fact amongst Black folks, I'm not ostracized and called insulting names. I have had discussions with the aforementioned people (some of them relatives and friends) where I disagreed with some of President Obama's policies and they actually agreed with me. I voted for Gary Johnson and they know that as well. No "uncle tom" shit, no attitude, just normal.

Here's where I see the "problem" with SOME Black republicans/conservatives lie; for starters they are aligning themselves with a party that after the Civil Rights movement enacted the Southern Strategy (see the admissions by Lee Atwater, Mehlman, Steel, and now seemingly Priebus) which alienated the Republicans from Black people.At this time, the Democrats stepped up and gave them more representation (House of Representatives, Mayors, etc.). Secondly, not a few of them pander to their White republican audience by making insulting comments about a MAJORITY of Black people. Here are some examples;
Jessie Lee Peterson , black conservative.
""One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," Peterson told The Huffington Post's Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. "I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work."

Alan West, black conservative:
"GOP Rep. Allen West believes that the Democratic Party is akin to a modern-day “plantation.” "
"“The people on that plantation are upset because they’ve been disregarded, disrespected and their concerns are not cared about…I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman to kind of lead people on the underground railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility.”"

Herman Cain:
"Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said Monday night on Fox News' "The Sean Hannity Show" that he "left the Democratic plantation," echoing language used by African-American Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) this summer."
Add the "Blacks are brainwashed" statement to the one above.

Of course many Black people are going to be insulted by those blanket, ignorant, insults and generalizations made by the aforementioned people. Of course some people will respond to the assholes above with insults. Those clowns need to realize (I'm sure that they do.) that being on a "plantation" wasn't voluntary. Many were treated like animals and property, many were abused and treated brutally. Being a Democrat is VOLUNTARY and in the past 50+ years that party HAS encouraged Black people to join their ranks in leadership positions. The republicans in the past 50+ years have pretty much not done that in fact they seemed adversarial. Just look at the insulting things not a few republicans and conservatives say about Blacks on this forum!!!

Some of these "Black conservatives" say those insulting things to act as proxies for their White racist counterparts. In my opinion, they do this to garner approval and material gain from the aforementioned people. It's pretty much in the same vein as people saying; "See! They call themselves *******, so why can't we call them *******?".

In short, I think that there's a more positive and productive way to put their message out there, see Tony Brown. Put out good ideas and NOT blanket inaccurate insults and generalizations. The part of the message coming from the west's, cain, and peterson that sticks out to some if not many Black people the most, is translated as the aforementioned saying to White republican/conservatives: "See those ******* who vote democrat are dumb, lazy, and want handouts.". That couldn't be any further from the truth about the majority of Black people who vote Democrat.

I find it funny when some republicans (Black and White) come out with that bullshit about "Martin Luther King was a republican." crap. Do those people actually think that he would agree with them?

"If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas." King was more than just talk in this regard. Working through his Operation Breadbasket, King threatened boycotts of businesses that did not hire blacks in proportion to their population. "

"King was even an early proponent of reparations. In his 1964 book, Why We Can’t Wait, he wrote,
No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law."

"King of course was a great opponent of the free economy. In a speech in front of his staff in 1966 he said,

You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism."

Sound familiar?
Thank you phoenix.

The point I was making Chic is that just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true. You keep posting personal stories about Ppl being attacked by nameless faceless "liberals" then use that story as a way to broad brush every liberal.

Well, I posted where a guy blamed liberals for knocking Kentucky out to March Madness. See, someone said it Chic and by your standard that means it's true. We both know what you are trying to do...and it the only way you can attempt to make a point & it's sad.
Thank you phoenix.

The point I was making Chic is that just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true. You keep posting personal stories about Ppl being attacked by nameless faceless "liberals" then use that story as a way to broad brush every liberal.

Well, I posted where a guy blamed liberals for knocking Kentucky out to March Madness. See, someone said it Chic and by your standard that means it's true. We both know what you are trying to do...and it the only way you can attempt to make a point & it's sad.

Said "nameless faceless "liberals"" are ubiquitous.
This is actually a good topic and thread. Let's get back to me; I'm not a Democrat, I vote for people from all parties who meet my criteria. I have articulated that fact amongst Black folks, I'm not ostracized and called insulting names. I have had discussions with the aforementioned people (some of them relatives and friends) where I disagreed with some of President Obama's policies and they actually agreed with me. I voted for Gary Johnson and they know that as well. No "uncle tom" shit, no attitude, just normal.

Here's where I see the "problem" with SOME Black republicans/conservatives lie; for starters they are aligning themselves with a party that after the Civil Rights movement enacted the Southern Strategy (see the admissions by Lee Atwater, Mehlman, Steel, and now seemingly Priebus) which alienated the Republicans from Black people.At this time, the Democrats stepped up and gave them more representation (House of Representatives, Mayors, etc.). Secondly, not a few of them pander to their White republican audience by making insulting comments about a MAJORITY of Black people. Here are some examples;
Jessie Lee Peterson , black conservative.
""One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," Peterson told The Huffington Post's Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. "I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work."

Alan West, black conservative:
"GOP Rep. Allen West believes that the Democratic Party is akin to a modern-day “plantation.” "
"“The people on that plantation are upset because they’ve been disregarded, disrespected and their concerns are not cared about…I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman to kind of lead people on the underground railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility.”"

Herman Cain:
"Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said Monday night on Fox News' "The Sean Hannity Show" that he "left the Democratic plantation," echoing language used by African-American Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) this summer."
Add the "Blacks are brainwashed" statement to the one above.

Of course many Black people are going to be insulted by those blanket, ignorant, insults and generalizations made by the aforementioned people. Of course some people will respond to the assholes above with insults. Those clowns need to realize (I'm sure that they do.) that being on a "plantation" wasn't voluntary. Many were treated like animals and property, many were abused and treated brutally. Being a Democrat is VOLUNTARY and in the past 50+ years that party HAS encouraged Black people to join their ranks in leadership positions. The republicans in the past 50+ years have pretty much not done that in fact they seemed adversarial. Just look at the insulting things not a few republicans and conservatives say about Blacks on this forum!!!

Some of these "Black conservatives" say those insulting things to act as proxies for their White racist counterparts. In my opinion, they do this to garner approval and material gain from the aforementioned people. It's pretty much in the same vein as people saying; "See! They call themselves *******, so why can't we call them *******?".

In short, I think that there's a more positive and productive way to put their message out there, see Tony Brown. Put out good ideas and NOT blanket inaccurate insults and generalizations. The part of the message coming from the west's, cain, and peterson that sticks out to some if not many Black people the most, is translated as the aforementioned saying to White republican/conservatives: "See those ******* who vote democrat are dumb, lazy, and want handouts.". That couldn't be any further from the truth about the majority of Black people who vote Democrat.

I find it funny when some republicans (Black and White) come out with that bullshit about "Martin Luther King was a republican." crap. Do those people actually think that he would agree with them?

"If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas." King was more than just talk in this regard. Working through his Operation Breadbasket, King threatened boycotts of businesses that did not hire blacks in proportion to their population. "

"King was even an early proponent of reparations. In his 1964 book, Why We Can’t Wait, he wrote,
No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law."

"King of course was a great opponent of the free economy. In a speech in front of his staff in 1966 he said,

You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism."

Sound familiar?

For clarity....

"All major exit polls showed between 96% and 97% of African Americans who voted, voted for Obama."
Read more: Fact..97% of blacks voted for Obama=Racist African American vote! (John Kerry, Al Gore) - Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - City-Data Forum

Are you prepared to deny that the 3-5% who didn't, don't face the kind of difficulties that Joseph Phillips writes so eloquently...poignantly....about?

Do you contend, as ClosedMind has, that it is fabricated?
Thank you phoenix.

The point I was making Chic is that just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true. You keep posting personal stories about Ppl being attacked by nameless faceless "liberals" then use that story as a way to broad brush every liberal.

Well, I posted where a guy blamed liberals for knocking Kentucky out to March Madness. See, someone said it Chic and by your standard that means it's true. We both know what you are trying to do...and it the only way you can attempt to make a point & it's sad.

Said "nameless faceless "liberals"" are ubiquitous.

I know they're around every corner, every teacher, every news station, every college...BOO! Theres one attacking you right now! :doubt:

You sound like a 5th grader with a bad report card. When asked how they got such bad grades, they respond:

"The teachers hate me!"

"Are you sure its not because you werent doing a good job?"

"Thats not it all the teachers hate me!"
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Thank you phoenix.

The point I was making Chic is that just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true. You keep posting personal stories about Ppl being attacked by nameless faceless "liberals" then use that story as a way to broad brush every liberal.

Well, I posted where a guy blamed liberals for knocking Kentucky out to March Madness. See, someone said it Chic and by your standard that means it's true. We both know what you are trying to do...and it the only way you can attempt to make a point & it's sad.

Said "nameless faceless "liberals"" are ubiquitous.

I know they're around every corner, every teacher, every news station, every college...BOO! Theres one attacking you right now! :doubt:

You sound like a 5th grader with a bad report card. When asked how they got such bad grades, they respond "The teachers hate me!"

[ame=]Philadelphia teacher bullies student wearing Romney-Ryan t-shirt - YouTube[/ame]
This is actually a good topic and thread. Let's get back to me; I'm not a Democrat, I vote for people from all parties who meet my criteria. I have articulated that fact amongst Black folks, I'm not ostracized and called insulting names. I have had discussions with the aforementioned people (some of them relatives and friends) where I disagreed with some of President Obama's policies and they actually agreed with me. I voted for Gary Johnson and they know that as well. No "uncle tom" shit, no attitude, just normal.

Here's where I see the "problem" with SOME Black republicans/conservatives lie; for starters they are aligning themselves with a party that after the Civil Rights movement enacted the Southern Strategy (see the admissions by Lee Atwater, Mehlman, Steel, and now seemingly Priebus) which alienated the Republicans from Black people.At this time, the Democrats stepped up and gave them more representation (House of Representatives, Mayors, etc.). Secondly, not a few of them pander to their White republican audience by making insulting comments about a MAJORITY of Black people. Here are some examples;
Jessie Lee Peterson , black conservative.
""One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," Peterson told The Huffington Post's Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. "I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work."

Alan West, black conservative:
"GOP Rep. Allen West believes that the Democratic Party is akin to a modern-day “plantation.” "
"“The people on that plantation are upset because they’ve been disregarded, disrespected and their concerns are not cared about…I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman to kind of lead people on the underground railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility.”"

Herman Cain:
"Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said Monday night on Fox News' "The Sean Hannity Show" that he "left the Democratic plantation," echoing language used by African-American Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) this summer."
Add the "Blacks are brainwashed" statement to the one above.

Of course many Black people are going to be insulted by those blanket, ignorant, insults and generalizations made by the aforementioned people. Of course some people will respond to the assholes above with insults. Those clowns need to realize (I'm sure that they do.) that being on a "plantation" wasn't voluntary. Many were treated like animals and property, many were abused and treated brutally. Being a Democrat is VOLUNTARY and in the past 50+ years that party HAS encouraged Black people to join their ranks in leadership positions. The republicans in the past 50+ years have pretty much not done that in fact they seemed adversarial. Just look at the insulting things not a few republicans and conservatives say about Blacks on this forum!!!

Some of these "Black conservatives" say those insulting things to act as proxies for their White racist counterparts. In my opinion, they do this to garner approval and material gain from the aforementioned people. It's pretty much in the same vein as people saying; "See! They call themselves *******, so why can't we call them *******?".

In short, I think that there's a more positive and productive way to put their message out there, see Tony Brown. Put out good ideas and NOT blanket inaccurate insults and generalizations. The part of the message coming from the west's, cain, and peterson that sticks out to some if not many Black people the most, is translated as the aforementioned saying to White republican/conservatives: "See those ******* who vote democrat are dumb, lazy, and want handouts.". That couldn't be any further from the truth about the majority of Black people who vote Democrat.

I find it funny when some republicans (Black and White) come out with that bullshit about "Martin Luther King was a republican." crap. Do those people actually think that he would agree with them?

"If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas." King was more than just talk in this regard. Working through his Operation Breadbasket, King threatened boycotts of businesses that did not hire blacks in proportion to their population. "

"King was even an early proponent of reparations. In his 1964 book, Why We Can’t Wait, he wrote,
No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law."

"King of course was a great opponent of the free economy. In a speech in front of his staff in 1966 he said,

You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism."

Sound familiar?

For clarity....

"All major exit polls showed between 96% and 97% of African Americans who voted, voted for Obama."
Read more: Fact..97% of blacks voted for Obama=Racist African American vote! (John Kerry, Al Gore) - Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - City-Data Forum

Are you prepared to deny that the 3-5% who didn't, don't face the kind of difficulties that Joseph Phillips writes so eloquently...poignantly....about?

Do you contend, as ClosedMind has, that it is fabricated?

I am willing to bet, that depending on their family and circle of friends that could have happened to some people, especially if those people are telling the others that they are on a "plantation" and "brainwashed" because the vote democrat. I certainly didn't face that with the Black people I am related to and friends with. We talk about politics and social issues quite often.
I just want to add one point. I've made it know that I am a Liberal who has Libertarian leanings, I've made it known that I have disagreed with some of President Obama's policies, I've made it known that I voted for Gary Johnson , I've made it known that i would vote for a democrat , republican, Libertarian, etc if I agreed with their policies, I've made it known that I was disappointed with some of Obamcare's provisions, I've made it known that I am pro-second Amendment, yet in this forum where some people have NO problem hurling insults, I have yet to be called an "Uncle Tom" or even be insulted by ANY self described Black poster here or democrat, etc. I have been insulted by some republican conservatives here though.
How do you explain that? This is real time right here, there are plenty of Black people, democrats, and Liberals here. ;)

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