"White in Philly" Sparks Racial Debate


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220


A Philly Magazine cover story is sparking controversy throughout the area. The article, entitled "White in Philly" has led to an open conversation on race relations in the city. NBC10's Denise Nakano has the story.

"White in Philly" Sparks Racial Debate

The article, written by Bob Huber, a white man, describes the experiences of white people who live in racially mixed neighborhoods in Philly.

By David Chang
Tuesday, Mar 19, 2013

The issue of race in the City of Bortherly Love has come to the forefront after a recent Philadelphia Magazine cover story called “Being White in Philly.”

The article, written by Bob Huber, a white man, describes the experiences of white people who live in racially mixed neighborhoods in Philadelphia. The story garnered plenty of attention since it appeared at the beginning of March especially since Mayor Michael Nutter got a hold of it.

On Friday, Nutter sent a letter to the city’s Commission on Human Relations in response to the article. In his letter, Nutter claimed the article had a “disgusting tone” and criticized its “collection of disparaging beliefs and negative stereotypes.” He also claimed the story “used isolated negative experiences” and made “generalizations” to portray African Americans as lazy, irresponsible and criminal. Nutter requested that the city’s Commission on Human Relations conduct an “inquiry” into the state of racial issues in Philadelphia.

Rue Landau, the Executive Director on Human Relations, agreed, claiming that the article perpetuated “harmful stereotypes.” He also stated the Commission is currently looking at “relations in the city.”


"White in Philly" Sparks Racial Debate | NBC 10 Philadelphia
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The response to this article is telling about the race relations themselves. Whites aren't supposed to feel that way, it comes across as angry, etc. Bullshit. They feel how they feel, and everyone has a right to that. The real question is why do they feel that way? I suspect it's because blacks are overy sensitive to the race issue. Two words, Mel Brooks.
I didn't think there were any whites still in Philly.Except in "fishtown",the greater NE.Hell south philly is becoming lil vietnam,the dago's have left for NJ.Where are the whites residing in philly?
I'm friends with a retired Philly Cop who spent 20+ years there. Remember the MOVE riots? He was one of the responders.

His opinion of Philadelphia: It's a Sh*thole. He always refers to it as "Filth-adelphia".

Nothing total Government Control couldn't fix though.
Nutter? Isn't he the Mayor that had to institute a curfew because of all the gangs of "youths" attacking white people? Flash mobs/robs and all that?

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