Northern Irish nun killed in Ecuador earthquake takes step towards sainthood

Tammy must always disparage Catholics because he is a heretic that worships the altar of Government and delights in anti-Christian movements like LGBTQ, anbortion, and transgenderism.

You’ll never see him criticize Islam, the religion of the pedophile prophet, and the rape gangs and murderers it produces.

He is somewhat lop sided in his mania .

But there will be little left to follow for Kafflicks once the Jesus cult figure is honestly revealed, so, -- as the thinking goes --- first lose the Cult Christians with their Jesus Conspiracy story and Moslems will then self evaporate .
The bare cupboard syndrome .Nothing left .

First the Cultists have to be shown that Jesus and Mary were both Essenes, and after he had been rescued from the cross, the two married and she bore him two sons and a daughter . That will puncture the Cult story !!

Naturally , Kafflicks are not very happy with this version but I doubt we will have long to wait before events sort out the truth .

We" Blasphemers" are also known as the Truth Finders . Or , The Awakened .

He is somewhat lop sided in his mania .

But there will be little left to follow for Kafflicks once the Jesus cult figure is honestly revealed, so, -- as the thinking goes --- first lose the Cult Christians with their Jesus Conspiracy story and Moslems will then self evaporate .
The bare cupboard syndrome .Nothing left .

First the Cultists have to be shown that Jesus and Mary were both Essenes, and after he had been rescued from the cross, the two married and she bore him two sons and a daughter . That will puncture the Cult story !!

Naturally , Kafflicks are not very happy with this version but I doubt we will have long to wait before events sort out the truth .

We" Blasphemers" are also known as the Truth Finders . Or , The Awakened .


Good luck proving that theory.
The Catholic Church has always been a corrupt financial organisation. The Pope has usually been the most corrupt man on the planet.

There have been some corrupt Popes, just as there are corrupt people in any institution. It doesn’t change the sacraments setup by Jesus.

Of course your government is made up of saints. Ones that allow rapist Muslims to gang rape thousands of young girls in your country, then tried everything to cover it up. This is your church.
There have been some corrupt Popes, just as there are corrupt people in any institution. It doesn’t change the sacraments setup by Jesus.

Of course your government is made up of saints. Ones that allow rapist Muslims to gang rape thousands of young girls in your country, then tried everything to cover it up. This is your church.
Most Popes were corrupt. The Vatican is a sanctury for pervs. Thats why proper Christians broke away.
Most Popes were corrupt. The Vatican is a sanctury for pervs. Thats why proper Christians broke away.

“Proper Christians” who made up nonsense like “sola scriptura”, formed councils on their own to create their own church doctrine while at the same time claiming the Catholic Church never had any authority to form councils, claimed there is no purgatory and you shouldn’t pray for the dead, and took away communion by making it “symbolic”.

Now these “proper Christians” promote homosexuality and even transgenderism. Most of these denominations are heretical and simply teach you just need to be a “nice person” to get into heaven. These are actually pagan denominations since they are just making up a new version of God and Jesus in their minds that doesn’t actually exist.

That’s how we end up with people like you, who excuse homosexuality and transgenderism at every turn. People who allow mass immigration from Satanic cults like Islam to overrun your country. People who turn a blind eye to mass rapes going on in your own country.
Do you have to be a nun to be Godly ? Lots of judging going on there.

I actually agree with you.

The woman I mentioned earlier, whose daughters are nuns, is the most Godly person I've ever met, outside of the clergy. If she has a moment free in her day, she devotes it to the church or the community. I've never met a more charitable person in my life, and she does all this on top of the chores of running a farm.

You are so naive. Money is everything in Catholicism.
As a Catholic, I have never been personally asked to give. Anyone who attends a Catholic church will never personally be asked to donate. As a congregation, perhaps once a year, but never individually. You could attend a Catholic Church all your life and never have finances addressed to you personally, proving you have no idea what you're talking about.
As a Catholic, I have never been personally asked to give. Anyone who attends a Catholic church will never personally be asked to donate. As a congregation, perhaps once a year, but never individually. You could attend a Catholic Church all your life and never have finances addressed to you personally, proving you have no idea what you're talking about.

I've never been asked to give. As you said, once a year, for the parish "Capital Campaign", the priest asks the entire congregation to give from their conscience, for money to bank and keep on hand for things like emergency repairs, et cetera.

I had to figure out what to give at weekly Mass because no one would even give me advice. There is no such thing as tithing in the Catholic church.


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