North Korea vs Gun Control


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
There is an interesting parallel between the NK situation and the gun control debate that I want to throw out there...

Based on the slogan, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" does that also apply to Nukes? "Nukes don't kill people, people who push the button kill people" So does the rationale apply to both situations?

Is North Korea breaking international law by testing and developing weapons? Are they breaking laws by talking shit and making threats? If so, what laws are being broken? If not, then does the fact that they are developing weapons and threatening to use them if attacked warrant a military response like Trump has proclaimed?

Last time I checked it isn't illegal for a US citizen to threaten to use lethal force if they are attacked or if somebody threatens their life or family.

I know it isn't exactly apples to apples but thought it would stir an interesting debate. thoughts?
Is there not a hint of hypocrisy in the USA, the holder of the biggest stockpile of WMD in the world, telling others they are not allowed to equip themselves with similar 'defenses''?
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
Is there not a hint of hypocrisy in the USA, the holder of the biggest stockpile of WMD in the world, telling others they are not allowed to equip themselves with similar 'defenses''?
I don't mind efforts limiting other countries from developing Nukes, especially wild card countries that are not part of the civilized world. Same concept of why police and security guards can be armed in areas where citizens can not... Responsible actors earn the right to have more power than those who have not earned it.

I do find some hypocrisy for those that don't support any kind of gun control in this country yet they support controlling the firepower of outside countries, which is why I started this thread.
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?

Threatening to nuke the US? That's not "target practice."
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?

Threatening to nuke the US? That's not "target practice."
Didn't we make the same threats? Did you see Trumps statements over the past week? What laws are the threats breaking, i'm being sincere, i'm curious about the legality.
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?

Threatening to nuke the US? That's not "target practice."
Didn't we make the same threats? Did you see Trumps statements over the past week? What laws are the threats breaking, i'm being sincere, i'm curious about the legality.

Ok, whatever. Believe the NORKS are entitled to threaten us with nuclear weapons, I don't care. The Iranians too.
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?

Well, Nk. Korea did threaten to bring nuclear destruction to the US. Yes, you CAN go to the gun range and shoot off your weapons. It's where the proper place is to do that. CAN'T discharge a weapon in the city limits here in Amarillo, because there is a chance of hitting your neighbor. N. Korea is basically firing a weapon in the city limits, as well as threatening it's neighbors.

Sorry, but your analogy doesn't work very well. If N. Korea hadn't threatened the US, and if they had kept all their tests in their own country, then there wouldn't be much of a problem and your analogy would work.

However.................N. Korea is the equivalent of the redneck neighbor that likes to go in their backyard and shoot off guns for celebrations, as well as threatens to shoot any neighbor they don't like.
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?

Threatening to nuke the US? That's not "target practice."
Didn't we make the same threats? Did you see Trumps statements over the past week? What laws are the threats breaking, i'm being sincere, i'm curious about the legality.

Ok, whatever. Believe the NORKS are entitled to threaten us with nuclear weapons, I don't care. The Iranians too.
I'm posing questions and observations, not stating my beliefs. Are you not able to engage in an intelligent debate? You seem to give up or resort to insults when challenging questions are posed.

Would you care to try again to answer the questions?
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?

Well, Nk. Korea did threaten to bring nuclear destruction to the US. Yes, you CAN go to the gun range and shoot off your weapons. It's where the proper place is to do that. CAN'T discharge a weapon in the city limits here in Amarillo, because there is a chance of hitting your neighbor. N. Korea is basically firing a weapon in the city limits, as well as threatening it's neighbors.

Sorry, but your analogy doesn't work very well. If N. Korea hadn't threatened the US, and if they had kept all their tests in their own country, then there wouldn't be much of a problem and your analogy would work.

However.................N. Korea is the equivalent of the redneck neighbor that likes to go in their backyard and shoot off guns for celebrations, as well as threatens to shoot any neighbor they don't like.
Thats an interesting comparison... But NK is not firing weapons here in the US they are doing it in their own country so I don't think your analogy of firing within the city limits is comparable. I haven't seen reports that the missile tests they are doing as being an immediate threat to harming anybody.

Now your point about their threats is interesting. Im curious about what laws they are breaking by making threats? How their threats are different than the ones that Trump just made? And what is the punishment for making threats...

And to tie it back to the comparison in the OP... If a citizen makes a threat with their gun, "any intruder that tries to break into my house will be shot dead by my gun"... Should they be arrested? Should their gun be taken away?
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?

Threatening to nuke the US? That's not "target practice."
Didn't we make the same threats? Did you see Trumps statements over the past week? What laws are the threats breaking, i'm being sincere, i'm curious about the legality.

Ok, whatever. Believe the NORKS are entitled to threaten us with nuclear weapons, I don't care. The Iranians too.
I'm posing questions and observations, not stating my beliefs. Are you not able to engage in an intelligent debate? You seem to give up or resort to insults when challenging questions are posed.

Would you care to try again to answer the questions?

You're not merely "stating your beliefs". What you are doing is attempting to use libertarian precepts in order to reinforce liberal progressive ideologies.

Was I born yesterday or something?
North Korea is classic example of left run amok. It is what Democrats want for our society.
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?

Well, Nk. Korea did threaten to bring nuclear destruction to the US. Yes, you CAN go to the gun range and shoot off your weapons. It's where the proper place is to do that. CAN'T discharge a weapon in the city limits here in Amarillo, because there is a chance of hitting your neighbor. N. Korea is basically firing a weapon in the city limits, as well as threatening it's neighbors.

Sorry, but your analogy doesn't work very well. If N. Korea hadn't threatened the US, and if they had kept all their tests in their own country, then there wouldn't be much of a problem and your analogy would work.

However.................N. Korea is the equivalent of the redneck neighbor that likes to go in their backyard and shoot off guns for celebrations, as well as threatens to shoot any neighbor they don't like.
Thats an interesting comparison... But NK is not firing weapons here in the US they are doing it in their own country so I don't think your analogy of firing within the city limits is comparable. I haven't seen reports that the missile tests they are doing as being an immediate threat to harming anybody.

Now your point about their threats is interesting. Im curious about what laws they are breaking by making threats? How their threats are different than the ones that Trump just made? And what is the punishment for making threats...

And to tie it back to the comparison in the OP... If a citizen makes a threat with their gun, "any intruder that tries to break into my house will be shot dead by my gun"... Should they be arrested? Should their gun be taken away?

You're right, N. Korea isn't firing weapons here in the US. If they did that, it would be considered an act of war. But my analogy still stands, because the missiles that they have test fired so far have been landing in international waters (the equivalent of shooting in the middle of the street), and if they carry out their threat to land some within 20 miles of Guam, those missiles will be flying over other countries (equivalent of shooting at someone through someone else's yard).

As far as the threatening? Yeah, again the analogy stands and N. Korea is doing the equivalent of standing on their back porch with a bullhorn, and threatening to shoot the person across the street. If you were to do that in the city limits, you would be charged with threatening, and if you had a gun in your hand and were shaking it (or test firing missiles), that would be considered brandishing.
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?

Well, Nk. Korea did threaten to bring nuclear destruction to the US. Yes, you CAN go to the gun range and shoot off your weapons. It's where the proper place is to do that. CAN'T discharge a weapon in the city limits here in Amarillo, because there is a chance of hitting your neighbor. N. Korea is basically firing a weapon in the city limits, as well as threatening it's neighbors.

Sorry, but your analogy doesn't work very well. If N. Korea hadn't threatened the US, and if they had kept all their tests in their own country, then there wouldn't be much of a problem and your analogy would work.

However.................N. Korea is the equivalent of the redneck neighbor that likes to go in their backyard and shoot off guns for celebrations, as well as threatens to shoot any neighbor they don't like.
Thats an interesting comparison... But NK is not firing weapons here in the US they are doing it in their own country so I don't think your analogy of firing within the city limits is comparable. I haven't seen reports that the missile tests they are doing as being an immediate threat to harming anybody.

Now your point about their threats is interesting. Im curious about what laws they are breaking by making threats? How their threats are different than the ones that Trump just made? And what is the punishment for making threats...

And to tie it back to the comparison in the OP... If a citizen makes a threat with their gun, "any intruder that tries to break into my house will be shot dead by my gun"... Should they be arrested? Should their gun be taken away?

You're right, N. Korea isn't firing weapons here in the US. If they did that, it would be considered an act of war. But my analogy still stands, because the missiles that they have test fired so far have been landing in international waters (the equivalent of shooting in the middle of the street), and if they carry out their threat to land some within 20 miles of Guam, those missiles will be flying over other countries (equivalent of shooting at someone through someone else's yard).

As far as the threatening? Yeah, again the analogy stands and N. Korea is doing the equivalent of standing on their back porch with a bullhorn, and threatening to shoot the person across the street. If you were to do that in the city limits, you would be charged with threatening, and if you had a gun in your hand and were shaking it (or test firing missiles), that would be considered brandishing.
North Korean WMD programs must be eradicated for safety of all mankind.
There is an interesting parallel between the NK situation and the gun control debate that I want to throw out there...

Based on the slogan, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" does that also apply to Nukes? "Nukes don't kill people, people who push the button kill people" So does the rationale apply to both situations?

Is North Korea breaking international law by testing and developing weapons? Are they breaking laws by talking shit and making threats? If so, what laws are being broken? If not, then does the fact that they are developing weapons and threatening to use them if attacked warrant a military response like Trump has proclaimed?

Last time I checked it isn't illegal for a US citizen to threaten to use lethal force if they are attacked or if somebody threatens their life or family.

I know it isn't exactly apples to apples but thought it would stir an interesting debate. thoughts?
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?

Well, Nk. Korea did threaten to bring nuclear destruction to the US. Yes, you CAN go to the gun range and shoot off your weapons. It's where the proper place is to do that. CAN'T discharge a weapon in the city limits here in Amarillo, because there is a chance of hitting your neighbor. N. Korea is basically firing a weapon in the city limits, as well as threatening it's neighbors.

Sorry, but your analogy doesn't work very well. If N. Korea hadn't threatened the US, and if they had kept all their tests in their own country, then there wouldn't be much of a problem and your analogy would work.

However.................N. Korea is the equivalent of the redneck neighbor that likes to go in their backyard and shoot off guns for celebrations, as well as threatens to shoot any neighbor they don't like.
Thats an interesting comparison... But NK is not firing weapons here in the US they are doing it in their own country so I don't think your analogy of firing within the city limits is comparable. I haven't seen reports that the missile tests they are doing as being an immediate threat to harming anybody.

Now your point about their threats is interesting. Im curious about what laws they are breaking by making threats? How their threats are different than the ones that Trump just made? And what is the punishment for making threats...

And to tie it back to the comparison in the OP... If a citizen makes a threat with their gun, "any intruder that tries to break into my house will be shot dead by my gun"... Should they be arrested? Should their gun be taken away?

You're right, N. Korea isn't firing weapons here in the US. If they did that, it would be considered an act of war. But my analogy still stands, because the missiles that they have test fired so far have been landing in international waters (the equivalent of shooting in the middle of the street), and if they carry out their threat to land some within 20 miles of Guam, those missiles will be flying over other countries (equivalent of shooting at someone through someone else's yard).

As far as the threatening? Yeah, again the analogy stands and N. Korea is doing the equivalent of standing on their back porch with a bullhorn, and threatening to shoot the person across the street. If you were to do that in the city limits, you would be charged with threatening, and if you had a gun in your hand and were shaking it (or test firing missiles), that would be considered brandishing.

if someone is landing bullets in the middle of my street

while making remarks that they are going to kill me or my family

you can bank on a massive return volley of shots
There is an interesting parallel between the NK situation and the gun control debate that I want to throw out there...

Based on the slogan, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" does that also apply to Nukes? "Nukes don't kill people, people who push the button kill people" So does the rationale apply to both situations?

Is North Korea breaking international law by testing and developing weapons? Are they breaking laws by talking shit and making threats? If so, what laws are being broken? If not, then does the fact that they are developing weapons and threatening to use them if attacked warrant a military response like Trump has proclaimed?

Last time I checked it isn't illegal for a US citizen to threaten to use lethal force if they are attacked or if somebody threatens their life or family.

I know it isn't exactly apples to apples but thought it would stir an interesting debate. thoughts?
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?

Well, Nk. Korea did threaten to bring nuclear destruction to the US. Yes, you CAN go to the gun range and shoot off your weapons. It's where the proper place is to do that. CAN'T discharge a weapon in the city limits here in Amarillo, because there is a chance of hitting your neighbor. N. Korea is basically firing a weapon in the city limits, as well as threatening it's neighbors.

Sorry, but your analogy doesn't work very well. If N. Korea hadn't threatened the US, and if they had kept all their tests in their own country, then there wouldn't be much of a problem and your analogy would work.

However.................N. Korea is the equivalent of the redneck neighbor that likes to go in their backyard and shoot off guns for celebrations, as well as threatens to shoot any neighbor they don't like.
Thats an interesting comparison... But NK is not firing weapons here in the US they are doing it in their own country so I don't think your analogy of firing within the city limits is comparable. I haven't seen reports that the missile tests they are doing as being an immediate threat to harming anybody.

Now your point about their threats is interesting. Im curious about what laws they are breaking by making threats? How their threats are different than the ones that Trump just made? And what is the punishment for making threats...

And to tie it back to the comparison in the OP... If a citizen makes a threat with their gun, "any intruder that tries to break into my house will be shot dead by my gun"... Should they be arrested? Should their gun be taken away?

You're right, N. Korea isn't firing weapons here in the US. If they did that, it would be considered an act of war. But my analogy still stands, because the missiles that they have test fired so far have been landing in international waters (the equivalent of shooting in the middle of the street), and if they carry out their threat to land some within 20 miles of Guam, those missiles will be flying over other countries (equivalent of shooting at someone through someone else's yard).

As far as the threatening? Yeah, again the analogy stands and N. Korea is doing the equivalent of standing on their back porch with a bullhorn, and threatening to shoot the person across the street. If you were to do that in the city limits, you would be charged with threatening, and if you had a gun in your hand and were shaking it (or test firing missiles), that would be considered brandishing.

if someone is landing bullets in the middle of my street

while making remarks that they are going to kill me or my family

you can bank on a massive return volley of shots
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?

Threatening to nuke the US? That's not "target practice."
Didn't we make the same threats? Did you see Trumps statements over the past week? What laws are the threats breaking, i'm being sincere, i'm curious about the legality.

Ok, whatever. Believe the NORKS are entitled to threaten us with nuclear weapons, I don't care. The Iranians too.
I'm posing questions and observations, not stating my beliefs. Are you not able to engage in an intelligent debate? You seem to give up or resort to insults when challenging questions are posed.

Would you care to try again to answer the questions?

You're not merely "stating your beliefs". What you are doing is attempting to use libertarian precepts in order to reinforce liberal progressive ideologies.

Was I born yesterday or something?
You are acting like it... Instead of answering questions and having an intelligent debate/conversation you inject motive and distortions about what my agenda is behind my comments. How about you just stick to the topics at hand and we stop wasting time
North Korea isn't just possessing a weapon, it's called "brandishing", which is illegal in most states. Or "using a weapon in a threatening manner".
How are they using it in a threatening manner? How is it different than when our military tests its weapons, or when a citizen shoots guns at the range?
Live in South Korea for a while and you would understand.

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