North Dakota Bill to Exempt Drivers Who "Accidently" Hit Protestors Blocking Roads

Well maybe ND has stand your ground laws . Then the protesters can shoot divers who are trying to run them down!

So you think they can block traffic and shoot at them?


You think blocking traffic is grounds for assualt wh a deadly weapon ?

You lefties have already told us that vehicles aren't deadly weapons. I recall statements to the effect of "vehicles were create for killing".

The purpose of a car is to transport . Doesn't mean it can't be used to mow someone down.

So if there's a Veterans Day parade , you can just drive right through it since its blocking your way ?

They have a permit and police escort.

Anything else?

Well maybe ND has stand your ground laws . Then the protesters can shoot divers who are trying to run them down!

So you think they can block traffic and shoot at them?


You think blocking traffic is grounds for assualt wh a deadly weapon ?

You lefties have already told us that vehicles aren't deadly weapons. I recall statements to the effect of "vehicles were create for killing".

The purpose of a car is to transport . Doesn't mean it can't be used to mow someone down.

So if there's a Veterans Day parade , you can just drive right through it since its blocking your way ?

The purpose of the roadway is for cars not for whiners to block the way.

It's not blocking the way. It's serving a purpose for which is has permission to do.
From the article:

Activists are blasting a new North Dakota bill that would exempt a driver from liability if they unintentionally run over a Dakota Access Pipeline protester blocking traffic on a public road or highway.

I am not sure I agree with such a law, but could possibly stop protesters from illegally blocking traffic..
Well maybe ND has stand your ground laws . Then the protesters can shoot divers who are trying to run them down!

So you think they can block traffic and shoot at them?


You think blocking traffic is grounds for assualt wh a deadly weapon ?

You lefties have already told us that vehicles aren't deadly weapons. I recall statements to the effect of "vehicles were create for killing".

The purpose of a car is to transport . Doesn't mean it can't be used to mow someone down.

So if there's a Veterans Day parade , you can just drive right through it since its blocking your way ?

The purpose of the roadway is for cars not for whiners to block the way.

It's not blocking the way. It's serving a purpose for which is has permission to do.

Hold on ! Now there's a purpose? Moving goalposts are we ?

Look. Having a protest in some far off "free speech zone " doesn't get shit done .
So you think they can block traffic and shoot at them?


You think blocking traffic is grounds for assualt wh a deadly weapon ?

You lefties have already told us that vehicles aren't deadly weapons. I recall statements to the effect of "vehicles were create for killing".

The purpose of a car is to transport . Doesn't mean it can't be used to mow someone down.

So if there's a Veterans Day parade , you can just drive right through it since its blocking your way ?

The purpose of the roadway is for cars not for whiners to block the way.

It's not blocking the way. It's serving a purpose for which is has permission to do.

Hold on ! Now there's a purpose? Moving goalposts are we ?

Look. Having a protest in some far off "free speech zone " doesn't get shit done .

Your the one moving the goal post,

People are on their way to work or drop off the kids, they don't need your pathetic nonsense when your to stupid not to vote.

So you think they can block traffic and shoot at them?


You think blocking traffic is grounds for assualt wh a deadly weapon ?

You lefties have already told us that vehicles aren't deadly weapons. I recall statements to the effect of "vehicles were create for killing".

The purpose of a car is to transport . Doesn't mean it can't be used to mow someone down.

So if there's a Veterans Day parade , you can just drive right through it since its blocking your way ?

The purpose of the roadway is for cars not for whiners to block the way.

It's not blocking the way. It's serving a purpose for which is has permission to do.

Hold on ! Now there's a purpose? Moving goalposts are we ?

Look. Having a protest in some far off "free speech zone " doesn't get shit done .

So because you don't like the location means you can be in a place not designed for humans.

Having that protest in N. Dakota will get shit done. It will keep "accidents" from happing involving stupid protestors being where they don't belong.
You think blocking traffic is grounds for assualt wh a deadly weapon ?

You lefties have already told us that vehicles aren't deadly weapons. I recall statements to the effect of "vehicles were create for killing".

The purpose of a car is to transport . Doesn't mean it can't be used to mow someone down.

So if there's a Veterans Day parade , you can just drive right through it since its blocking your way ?

The purpose of the roadway is for cars not for whiners to block the way.

It's not blocking the way. It's serving a purpose for which is has permission to do.

Hold on ! Now there's a purpose? Moving goalposts are we ?

Look. Having a protest in some far off "free speech zone " doesn't get shit done .

Your the one moving the goal post,

People are on their way to work or drop off the kids, they don't need your pathetic nonsense when your to stupid not to vote.


This is a self defense bill, nothing more nothing less, you want to block traffic with out a permit, it's not my fault if my brakes don't work.


Technically, a person isn't at fault when someone runs out in front of them. This will hopefully stop lawsuits by protesters who are trying to stop traffic. Sometimes, people can't stop in time. People are not supposed to be in the middle of the road. I am surprised that more haven't been hit.

I think it should be illegal for people to protest in the road or other areas where they block access. No one should be held hostage on a highway or street because assholes decided that they have the right to control the flow of traffic.

Also, liberal groups have ensured that the cops that will provide security at the inauguration will not be allowed to have their body cams on. This way, cops cannot record what happens before they approach a subject. Protesters, however, are encouraged to get video of cops.

I hope plenty of other people are going to be using their cams to record what goes on. Police won't have much warning should they need to turn their body cams on if they have to approach someone. These days, there are so many false reports of police abuse and these cams have proven them false in the past.

Of course, the same people who supported all the NSA spying and Obama's AttackWatch website that kept track of dissenters are suddenly claiming that government will use the police body cams to spy on people.

How are police cams any different than the many security cams already in place in stores and other public areas? One does not expect privacy when in public. Funny how the Obama administration told us we should have no expectation of privacy on the phone or on our computers.

Hillary and others thought body cams should be mandatory for cops on duty. Cops will be on duty that day so should have them running the entire time.

"Civil rights groups are taking steps to ensure police respect the constitutional rights of demonstrators at the presidential inauguration. News 4's Mark Segraves reports on why D.C. police officers' body cameras often will be off, and how citizens will be able to record the officers."

Why Body Cameras Will Be Off as Officers Monitor Protesters

Of course, Hillary and others supported police wearing body cams on the job before.

"We should make sure that every police department in the country has body cameras to record interaction between offices on patrol and suspects, that will improve transparency and accountability it will help protect good people on both sides of the lens," Clinton said, calling for body cameras to be the "norm everywhere."

Hillary Clinton calls for mandatory police body cameras -
Suppose you're driving someone to the hospital who is having chest pains and a bunch of protestors are blocking the road and an innocent person dies as a result. I guess you liberals are fine with that, huh?
It's unfair and perhaps intentionally provocative to use "quotation marks" around the word "accidentally". It seems to me the law was enacted in good faith to protect citizens from losing their livelyhood and property defending themselves in a lawsuit by slick world class liberal law firms if they accidentally hit a crazy activist who was illegally disrupting traffic and jumps in front of their car. .
It's unfair and perhaps intentionally provocative to use "quotation marks" around the word "accidentally". It seems to me the law was enacted in good faith to protect citizens from losing their livelyhood and property defending themselves in a lawsuit by slick world class liberal law firms if they accidentally hit a crazy activist who was illegally disrupting traffic and jumps in front of their car. .
The only provocative "people" are the Democrats who are making death threats and rioting and openly rebelling against America.
Cool. Had some brake issues, time to go for a drive! Last I checked, I believe it's illegal to block streets/roads/highways anyway. Game on! Put a scoreboard on the dash, and go for high score...

You'll have more than brake problems if you go to North Dakota with the intent of killing protestors. My advise to you is to forget about it.
My advice to protestors is to remain on sidewalks, public parks, etc. - where you belong.

Your thinly veiled death threats are noted.
Darwinism at its best. Stay off the fucking roads and you won't be hit either intentionally or accidently.

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