"Nobody likes me."


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Well, not entirely true. Putin likes him. Kim likes him. William Barr likes him as does Roger Stone and Flynn. White nationalists and the Kkk adore him. Hannity, imbaugh, Ingraham and Tucker like him. So, he's not a total reject. Most Republicans like him. But, are those enough to get him re-elected? Time will tell.
"It can only be my personality," Trump said, "that's all."

I agree. My view of Trump has long been he's a do it onto others before they do it to you sort of guy. Somebody that's out to use you and surely isn't somebody I'd trust.
Half the country loves him. Can the Vegetable say the same?

BS ^ ;) Without Rasmussen his RCPA is 41%. NEVER believe Razzy!

RCP Average7/21 - 7/30--43.654.1-10.5
Emerson7/29 - 7/30964 LV4551-6
Rasmussen Reports7/28 - 7/301500 LV5048+2
Reuters/Ipsos7/27 - 7/28947 RV4058-18
Economist/YouGov7/26 - 7/281260 RV4453-9
IBD/TIPP7/25 - 7/281160 RV4152-11
The Hill/HarrisX7/24 - 7/262842 RV4456-12
CNBC/Change Research (D)7/24 - 7/261039 LV4456-12
Politico/Morning Consult7/24 - 7/261997 RV4057-17
Harvard-Harris7/21 - 7/231932 RV4456-12
"It can only be my personality," Trump said, "that's all."

I agree. My view of Trump has long been he's a do it onto others before they do it to you sort of guy. Somebody that's out to use you and surely isn't somebody I'd trust.
No one likes a president who is a bigot, a racist, and a misogynist.

No one likes a president who is unfit to hold office, who is incompetent, a liar, dishonest, corrupt, and places his own self-interest before that of what’s best for the country.

No one likes a president who whines like a child about being disliked while thousands of Americans are dying from a pandemic he’s failed to address.

Trump is appropriately disliked for valid reasons far beyond his personality.
Half the country loves him. Can the Vegetable say the same?

BS ^ ;) Without Rasmussen his RCPA is 41%. NEVER believe Razzy!

RCP Average7/21 - 7/30--43.654.1-10.5
Emerson7/29 - 7/30964 LV4551-6
Rasmussen Reports7/28 - 7/301500 LV5048+2
Reuters/Ipsos7/27 - 7/28947 RV4058-18
Economist/YouGov7/26 - 7/281260 RV4453-9
IBD/TIPP7/25 - 7/281160 RV4152-11
The Hill/HarrisX7/24 - 7/262842 RV4456-12
CNBC/Change Research (D)7/24 - 7/261039 LV4456-12
Politico/Morning Consult7/24 - 7/261997 RV4057-17
Harvard-Harris7/21 - 7/231932 RV4456-12
On April 16 Biden was up 2% in Florida but now the hottest spot on the Covid 19 map has Biden up 51%-38%. Here in Pa., FOX news has him doing much better than he is in Florida. Biden is only leading 50%- 39%.
Donald, don't worry.....in this country lies a few idiots who think your the bomb, so cheer up.
If the man is complaining, to me, he should just be glad that he gets any attention at all. It took one of my most favorite singers 20 years to score his second top ten song, may God rest the soul of my late beautiful precious Billy Joe Royal.

God bless you and our leader and his family always!!!


P.S. Then there is my other late beautiful precious, Steve Sanders of the Oak Ridge Boys that is..........don't even get me started on what it took for that man to get people's attention again..........I pray so hard that the Lord forgave him..........
"It can only be my personality," Trump said, "that's all."

I agree. My view of Trump has long been he's a do it onto others before they do it to you sort of guy. Somebody that's out to use you and surely isn't somebody I'd trust.
No one likes a president who is a bigot, a racist, and a misogynist.

which is why the cocksuckers in the media are constantly lying and claiming he is that.

that constant lying by filthy liars can drive down a man's poll numbers is no surprise.

what is a surprise, is that people can be stupid enough to think that this will not have come back and bite them on the ass someday.

Well, not entirely true. Putin likes him. Kim likes him. William Barr likes him as does Roger Stone and Flynn. White nationalists and the Kkk adore him. Hannity, imbaugh, Ingraham and Tucker like him. So, he's not a total reject. Most Republicans like him. But, are those enough to get him re-elected? Time will tell.
I've never seen an adult so willing to pour his profound insecurities out for all to see, like this person.

Desperate for attention, desperate for approval, desperate to impress, desperate to play the victim.

And he just constantly throws his damage out there. Incredible.

Half the country loves him. Can the Vegetable say the same?
News Flash, these left behind, hooch drinking redneck racist that worship the shit that stains Trumps diapers are NOT half the country......if half the effin country loved this white beyatch....surely his approval ratings since taking office would reach pass 50% at some point during his reign of terror and it has not, so keep believing the bullshit fool!!

Well, not entirely true. Putin likes him. Kim likes him. William Barr likes him as does Roger Stone and Flynn. White nationalists and the Kkk adore him. Hannity, imbaugh, Ingraham and Tucker like him. So, he's not a total reject. Most Republicans like him. But, are those enough to get him re-elected? Time will tell.
I've never seen an adult so willing to pour his profound insecurities out for all to see, like this person.

Desperate for attention, desperate for approval, desperate to impress, desperate to play the victim.

And he just constantly throws his damage out there. Incredible.

Trump is a sick white bastard, end of story!!

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