Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

Much better than someone who is delusional enough to believe that there is life after you die.
Have you considered the possibility that those who do not accept that life continues after the physical body dies are the ones deluding themselves? How do you know our existence ends with the death of our physical bodies?
Hinduism is a very inclusive religion and has had numerous offshoots from it, including Buddism, Jainism, and Sikhism. So far as I know, only Christianity and Islam actively recruit adherents, often violently, and are exclusive, you are either a Christian or Muslim or you're not. Hindus, Jews and pagans were exactly the opposite and, as such, much more peaceful.
Just refuting the notion that there are so many different religions.

Of the two we have reduced religion down to, I will take Christ every time.

There is no one like him.
I know it's how how you"feel". Have you done any research?
Enough to know no one has proven there is any such thing as a "soul" to live on after your brain dies.

You get one shot. Concentrate on making it a good one. Don't waste time worrying about keeping jesus happy.
he mind can deceive you and has caused me to doubt in the past, but my heart has never faltered
"The HEART is deceitful above all things -- desperately wicked. Who can know it?" -- Jeremiah

Sorry. You don't know what to believe because you haven't surrendered to God. You really don't believe the Bible.
I was just having this conversation with my fiancee. A long time ago I couldn't make up my mind on what I actually believed since there are so many beliefs out there, but that's the problem. I was thinking with my mind instead of my heart and the mind can deceive you and has caused me to doubt in the past, but my heart has never faltered.
But the mind is the only part of you that can think.

The heart is nothing but a pump.

If your mind deceives you you are deceiving yourself because there is no one else in there with you.

The Abrahamic religions are steeped in dualism. The body and soul, Heaven and earth, God and the universe, body and mind

All are considered separate and distinct things but they really aren't.
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A pejorative statement...not by you, you are just quoting. The man who first said it, had a purpose. The purpose of pejorative statement is always for a transfer of power--and therefore money.

It might also be said that there is no freedom of government without freedom from government. Those who have power and money are not apt to let go of it. What atheists often overlook is that without God, government is the highest power, and the problem with power is that those who have it want more...and it is true that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

While some may not want God for themselves, they might consider that when the majority of citizens insist there is a power higher than government, that belief benefits atheists as well because it holds that absolute power/absolute corruption at bay--at least for a time.
And yet the government does not control every single aspect of your life therefore there is freedom from government.
The more accurate description of faith is people paying attention to God's ways, not so much to please Him but to become the best version of oneself living life abundantly--and in peace and harmony--despite the chaotic world surging around them. It's not about "spending one's time", but about how one chooses to live life.
All that can be done without gods
Have you considered the possibility that those who do not accept that life continues after the physical body dies are the ones deluding themselves? How do you know our existence ends with the death of our physical bodies?

No one knows. But the religious like to pretend they do.
Don't waste time worrying about keeping jesus happy.
Why should I worry about "keeping Jesus happy"? In what kind of religious faith were you raised? Is that what religion/faith means to you? Seriously, that's kind of like saying the reason we charge our phones is to keep them happy.
And yet the government does not control every single aspect of your life therefore there is freedom from government.
Name a few things it doesn't where there are no government rules and its fingers do not touch.
Name a few things it doesn't where there are no government rules and its fingers do not touch.

the very reason this country's gov't was created ...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ...

was to remove religion from the daily lives of its citizens - from the experience of persecution and victimization from the lands they left to begin new lives free of religious intrusion.
Name a few things it doesn't where there are no government rules and its fingers do not touch.
The time I got out of bed
What I said to my wife
What I am typing right now
When I will go for a walk
What I will read
What I will write in my journal
What I will play on my guitar
What I will make in my woodshop

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