No Second Opinions Allowed

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
No Second Opinions Allowed
It is normal to get a second opinion on serious medical issues. But now that the Wuhan coronavirus has been weaponized for political purposes, the public is denied a second opinion on this crucial topic, because only one opinion is allowed by the leftists who control Silicon Valley.

The liberal media is twisting itself into knots to portray the press conference in Washington Monday by America’s Frontline Doctors as a gathering of nutcases. Propagandists have zeroed in on Dr Stella Immanuel, who is from Nigeria, as the most vulnerable target, dispensing with their usual racial sensitivity to accuse her of believing in witchcraft.

However, the issue isn’t whether Stella Immanuel has a screw loose. As Matt Christiansen explains, the issue is whether left-wing ideologues should be allowed to politicize medical information and then restrict our access to it:

Youtube made him change the original video of this
Oy...hello nazi germany

The video that Big Tech (specifically, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube/Google, and Squarespace) went to such hysterical extremes to suppress is still available on BitChute, where it has benefitted from the Streisand Effect:

Unfortunately, fewer people may see this than would have had it not been censored. A general impression has been created among those who rely on the MSM that the views expressed are beyond the pale.

The liberal establishment does not want us to have hope regarding COVID-19. It wants us to panic or succumb to despair, in the belief that this will hurt the incumbent in November’s presidential election.

It is intolerable that leftist political operatives should have this ever-tightening chokehold on the flow of information.

On tips from KirklesWorth, StephaneDumas, Scott D, Dragon’s Lair, Anonymous, and Rapinhoe.

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They friggin banned a self censored video already ! It was still up when I posted ...itsbeen yanked ...for your own good comrades

Here's Matt's take uncensored on bit chute

The drs are still up on bitchute to of course
Everything about COVID1984 is manipulated, because it was never about health, it has always been about pushing numerous globalist agendas, by fooling gullible people through fearmongering and lies.

This channel has been doing good work on this whole thing. Everyone should watch this and the other videos on this channel:

No Second Opinions Allowed
It is normal to get a second opinion on serious medical issues. But now that the Wuhan coronavirus has been weaponized for political purposes, the public is denied a second opinion on this crucial topic, because only one opinion is allowed by the leftists who control Silicon Valley.

The liberal media is twisting itself into knots to portray the press conference in Washington Monday by America’s Frontline Doctors as a gathering of nutcases. Propagandists have zeroed in on Dr Stella Immanuel, who is from Nigeria, as the most vulnerable target, dispensing with their usual racial sensitivity to accuse her of believing in witchcraft.

However, the issue isn’t whether Stella Immanuel has a screw loose. As Matt Christiansen explains, the issue is whether left-wing ideologues should be allowed to politicize medical information and then restrict our access to it:

Youtube made him change the original video of this
Oy...hello nazi germany

The video that Big Tech (specifically, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube/Google, and Squarespace) went to such hysterical extremes to suppress is still available on BitChute, where it has benefitted from the Streisand Effect:

Unfortunately, fewer people may see this than would have had it not been censored. A general impression has been created among those who rely on the MSM that the views expressed are beyond the pale.

The liberal establishment does not want us to have hope regarding COVID-19. It wants us to panic or succumb to despair, in the belief that this will hurt the incumbent in November’s presidential election.

It is intolerable that leftist political operatives should have this ever-tightening chokehold on the flow of information.

On tips from KirklesWorth, StephaneDumas, Scott D, Dragon’s Lair, Anonymous, and Rapinhoe.

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This isn't a second opinion. It's political backed movement (The Tea Party Patriots) to put forth some (relatively) good looking people in white coats telling the American people that they are being lied to and we already have the cure in front of us. We can open schools, open businesses, go back to normal. In other words, it's an attempt to bolster the re-election chances of Donald John Trump. And it blew up in their faces spectacularly. LOL. The only people "politicizing" medical information here are Trump supporters and their right wing media klaxxons.
No Second Opinions Allowed
It is normal to get a second opinion on serious medical issues. But now that the Wuhan coronavirus has been weaponized for political purposes, the public is denied a second opinion on this crucial topic, because only one opinion is allowed by the leftists who control Silicon Valley.

The liberal media is twisting itself into knots to portray the press conference in Washington Monday by America’s Frontline Doctors as a gathering of nutcases. Propagandists have zeroed in on Dr Stella Immanuel, who is from Nigeria, as the most vulnerable target, dispensing with their usual racial sensitivity to accuse her of believing in witchcraft.

However, the issue isn’t whether Stella Immanuel has a screw loose. As Matt Christiansen explains, the issue is whether left-wing ideologues should be allowed to politicize medical information and then restrict our access to it:

Youtube made him change the original video of this
Oy...hello nazi germany

The video that Big Tech (specifically, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube/Google, and Squarespace) went to such hysterical extremes to suppress is still available on BitChute, where it has benefitted from the Streisand Effect:

Unfortunately, fewer people may see this than would have had it not been censored. A general impression has been created among those who rely on the MSM that the views expressed are beyond the pale.

The liberal establishment does not want us to have hope regarding COVID-19. It wants us to panic or succumb to despair, in the belief that this will hurt the incumbent in November’s presidential election.

It is intolerable that leftist political operatives should have this ever-tightening chokehold on the flow of information.

On tips from KirklesWorth, StephaneDumas, Scott D, Dragon’s Lair, Anonymous, and Rapinhoe.

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View attachment 368913

This isn't a second opinion. It's political backed movement (The Tea Party Patriots) to put forth some (relatively) good looking people in white coats telling the American people that they are being lied to and we already have the cure in front of us. We can open schools, open businesses, go back to normal. In other words, it's an attempt to bolster the re-election chances of Donald John Trump. And it blew up in their faces spectacularly. LOL. The only people "politicizing" medical information here are Trump supporters and their right wing media klaxxons.

Good thing they banned them from every platform comrade
Good thing you leftist are highly intelligent and can spot misinformation from a mile away Especially in drumphs nazi America..and especially when physicians have an opinion that doesnt jive with the WHO ........the who that contadicts itself all the time

Msm Flashback


lefries .jpg
No Second Opinions Allowed
It is normal to get a second opinion on serious medical issues. But now that the Wuhan coronavirus has been weaponized for political purposes, the public is denied a second opinion on this crucial topic, because only one opinion is allowed by the leftists who control Silicon Valley.

The liberal media is twisting itself into knots to portray the press conference in Washington Monday by America’s Frontline Doctors as a gathering of nutcases. Propagandists have zeroed in on Dr Stella Immanuel, who is from Nigeria, as the most vulnerable target, dispensing with their usual racial sensitivity to accuse her of believing in witchcraft.

However, the issue isn’t whether Stella Immanuel has a screw loose. As Matt Christiansen explains, the issue is whether left-wing ideologues should be allowed to politicize medical information and then restrict our access to it:

Youtube made him change the original video of this
Oy...hello nazi germany

The video that Big Tech (specifically, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube/Google, and Squarespace) went to such hysterical extremes to suppress is still available on BitChute, where it has benefitted from the Streisand Effect:

Unfortunately, fewer people may see this than would have had it not been censored. A general impression has been created among those who rely on the MSM that the views expressed are beyond the pale.

The liberal establishment does not want us to have hope regarding COVID-19. It wants us to panic or succumb to despair, in the belief that this will hurt the incumbent in November’s presidential election.

It is intolerable that leftist political operatives should have this ever-tightening chokehold on the flow of information.

On tips from KirklesWorth, StephaneDumas, Scott D, Dragon’s Lair, Anonymous, and Rapinhoe.

All links highlighted
View attachment 368913

This isn't a second opinion. It's political backed movement (The Tea Party Patriots) to put forth some (relatively) good looking people in white coats telling the American people that they are being lied to and we already have the cure in front of us. We can open schools, open businesses, go back to normal. In other words, it's an attempt to bolster the re-election chances of Donald John Trump. And it blew up in their faces spectacularly. LOL. The only people "politicizing" medical information here are Trump supporters and their right wing media klaxxons.

Good thing they banned them from every platform comrade
Good thing you leftist are highly intelligent and can spot misinformation from a mile away Especially in drumphs nazi America..and especially when physicians have an opinion that doesnt jive with the WHO ........the who that contadicts itself all the time

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You right wingers will swallow and then parrot anything in the name of worship and adoration of your lord and savior won't you? It's downright pathetic. You people take stupid to levels I've never seen in my lifetime.
All of the articles in your collage here are from January and early February. Early in the game. And that's what happens in an outbreak like this. And it was made worse by the fact that the people at the top who
knew this was coming...did nothing. As time went on, more information was acquired and we found out that this wasn't the flu (hint, some of us knew this in February). These platforms removed this group of doctor's
misinformation because it was nothing more than a politically backed effort to bolster Trump's re-election.

But that's OK. Don't let me spoil your pity party. Remember, it's just the Democrats latest hoax. It will disappear with warmer weather. Hydroxychloroquine is our miracle drug. MAGA.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find some disinfectants to gargle. :)

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