No One Buys Chevy Volts, Workers Play Cards at Stimulus Backed Plant


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Amidst much fanfare, President Obama shook hands with workers at the July 15, 2010 ground breaking ceremony for the LG Chem plant in Holland, Michigan, built with a $150 million grant from the Department of Energy as part of his 2009 "Stimulus" package. The plant, owned by a Korean company, was supposed to manufacture batteries to be used in electric Chevrolet Volt, the latest offering from the government owned General Motors corporation bailed out by President Obama with billions of taxpayers dollars.

To an enthralled crowd that included then Governor of Michigan Jennifer Granholm, executives of the Korean company that own the plant, and hundreds of hopeful factory workers, President Obama made a bold promise that day:

"This is a symbol of where Michigan is going, this is a symbol of where Holland is going, and this is a symbol of where America's going."

Full story @ No One Buys Chevy Volts, Workers Play Cards at Stimulus Backed Plant

No worries, the government will use money to defend embassies in unstable countries to buy Volts for embassies in Paris, or London, or anyplace deserving of a perk.
No worries, the government will use money to defend embassies in unstable countries to buy Volts for embassies in Paris, or London, or anyplace deserving of a perk.

Funny, I didnt see any burnt up volts in the Libya attack aftermath. Guess they were not deserving. I cant stand our POTUS prick
No worries, the government will use money to defend embassies in unstable countries to buy Volts for embassies in Paris, or London, or anyplace deserving of a perk.

Funny, I didnt see any burnt up volts in the Libya attack aftermath. Guess they were not deserving. I cant stand our POTUS prick

That embassy had already had eight attacks in the prior six months. The Volts were probably evacuated.
No worries, the government will use money to defend embassies in unstable countries to buy Volts for embassies in Paris, or London, or anyplace deserving of a perk.

Funny, I didnt see any burnt up volts in the Libya attack aftermath. Guess they were not deserving. I cant stand our POTUS prick

That embassy had already had eight attacks in the prior six months. The Volts were probably evacuated.

Good response. I was not aware of all that. Volts in Eueope must have been more important than security. Probably just trying to buy all G.M. that he can so he don't look like such a complete failure
America Thanks You, President Obama, for saving the Auto Industry!!!


Obama didn't save shit. Taxpayers that will have to pay the money back on the other hand....
America Thanks You, President Obama, for saving the Auto Industry!!!



So spending all of them BILLIONS that look like they are moving overseas is saving it? About like him investing in them wind farms in China? Think there is too much "sugar" in your kool-aid?
Sad but funny as hell story I need to tell right quick..Me and My neighbor own Mercedes SEC's...I have a 1989 and he HAD a can see whose sad and whose still happy already right?...keep reading...

My neighbors' dumbass traded in his 1991 Mercedes 560 SEC to get a gotdamn Prius during Obama's "Cash for Clunkers" fiasco. Big time Obama cocksucker he is...anyway.. Now in 2012, All he talks about is how much he missees that much so that his entire garage is covered in Mercedes memoribilia and not one gotdamn picture of a fucking Prius to be found....LOL:clap2:


not my SEC pictured, just for reference
Nice to see that the United Auto Workers are doing what they're really good at: taking every opportunity to NOT work.

I wonder how many UAW "workers" are out in the Volt battery plant parking lot smoking dope, drinking beer, and screwing female co-workers. That stuff is commonplace at ALL U.S. auto plants.
Nice to see that the United Auto Workers are doing what they're really good at: taking every opportunity to NOT work.

I wonder how many UAW "workers" are out in the Volt battery plant parking lot smoking dope, drinking beer, and screwing female co-workers. That stuff is commonplace at ALL U.S. auto plants.

Which is why there are so many recalls. poor workmanship. It's the reason GM suffered for so many years in my opinion.

I never bought a GM vehicle with a production year after 1970. worthless shit. that's sad.
The last GM I owned was 1 1975 Chevy Vega. Great looking car, but what a piece of shit.
The last GM I owned was 1 1975 Chevy Vega. Great looking car, but what a piece of shit.

My last GM was a 1970 Chevelle 454. not perfect but hauled ass. crashed that motherfucker on Prom night in a race. wrapped it around a pole. I was sick for weeks.
The job i have takes me to different big auto manufactures quite often....and there's not ONE of them that i don't see people just walking around, reading the newspaper, outside smoking....very few of them break a sweat at their jobs! That Holland battery plant is about 35 miles from where i live. I don't expect it to stay open much longer.............
I'd honestly like to know how many Obama supporters on THIS SITE actually participated in the "Cash for Clunkers" program failure that Obama put in play in 2008?

How's that Volt/Prius/Leaf/Smart Car working out for you?
I never bought a GM vehicle with a production year after 1970. worthless shit. that's sad.

I've only bought one since then myself, a Volt. Quite an excellent car to date, certainly as good as my last couple of Toyota hybrids, better than a few of my more recent Ford.

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