No Nine-Year-Old Is Gay

hmmm my youngest is nearly 20 now so it's been a while, but I don't recall any of our three being even remotely interested in girls until at least middle school (7th-8th grade up here, which for my boys was around 12) I also distinctly recall the youngest being grossed out by the elder two boys' interest in girls as he found them "tiresome and boring." In fairness, my boys were all ADD/ADHD and they say that tends to put one a little behind in maturity, even despite their higher IQs.

I think it's possible that a 9 year old might start having some inklings of what they're attracted to, however, I really don't advise just, idk, letting them decide something like that on a lark. As a parent, you don't let your kid decide at 9 what time they're going to come home, what time they're going to go to bed, when they have to go to class, or even what they're going to eat for dinner - because they're dumbasses and they made bad decisions frankly. Why would you let them just arbitrarily decide that they're gay, or that they are trans? A bit more cautious route is advisable or one only increases the confusion of growing up. Kids need stability, they need someone to give them "boundaries" on everything, why should their sexual preferences and/or gender be treated any differently?

IF you're going to ignore "good parenting boundaries" and let your kid make /very/ adult decisions for themselves, then at least prepare them for the hard reality they're going to face. You as an adult (LGBT supporter) are able to push down any "hurtful" behavior, you're able to better empathize with LGBTs, you're better able to control any dislike or discomfort with "alternate" sexuality. Kids on the other hand are /not/ able to do that, they don't even really understand "hurtful" behavior, they are dead honest about how they feel - and if they happen to think LGBT is weird, strange, or even wrong - they will punish those kids. It doesn't matter how much the school clamps down on "bullying" or whatever you want to call it, then kids will just ignore the "odd" ones - which is probably more harmful to a child's developing social skills than not allowing them to decide to be /openly/ gay would be. You need to judge the kido, understand if they are mentally and emotionally strong and mature enough to handle being shunned by probably the majority of their peers - maybe get them in counseling to decide if they can handle it or if they're better off "hiding" their sexuality.

I'm not saying that /all/ kids are assholes, but I do think that the vast majority are; not particularly "on purpose" so much as they just don't have the mental IQ to deal with their own insecurities so they take it out on others - what better way to divert attention from your own flaws, but to point out someone else's - we see it daily on USMB in our adult partisan's, why does anyone believe that kids would be any more understanding or well behaved? ~shrug~
No Nine-Year-Old Is Gay

Bullshit ^ Additionally, this story is SAD and you find it necessary to question a dead nine year old's sexuality.
Pathetic - How about questioning the BULLYING?
Especially surprising that this happened in Denver - a fairly progressive city. :(
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I knew i liked girls when i was 9. I dont see why it would be any different for gays. I feel bad for that kid. Super sad story.

I think parents should be accepting of their childrens sexual preferences, but they also need to be realistic. It might not be fair, but gay kids need to be told to keep it on the down low until they are out of school. Kids at school say whatever they know will hurt your feelings, whether its about your weight, clothes, attractiveness, sexual preference, etc. There is no reason to give them any ammo, especially when doing so has great potential to lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.

Nice post ^ "Keep it on the down low" might have been my approach as a parent. I'm not sure.
Problem with that is that staying in the closet can be nearly as painful.
STFU stupid regressive old people.

People don't make a "decision" whether or not they're gay.

They either are or they aren't.

God, you guys are dumb.
So you think a nine year old knows enough to decide whether he is gay ir not?
Did you "decide" to like girls, or did it just happen? When did you know? I knew in kindergarten. That was my first kiss. It was a long time ago so my memory is fuzzy, but as i recall, she was super hot.

Yep, I had crazy fantasies about kissing cute girls from kindergarten on up. When it happened in sixth grade I about creamed the jeans. Never once did I think about kissing a boy. These idiots who say 9 year olds can't know they're gay and that they choose to be so are ignoring clear and obvious evidence to the contrary.
STFU stupid regressive old people.

People don't make a "decision" whether or not they're gay.

They either are or they aren't.

God, you guys are dumb.
So you think a nine year old knows enough to decide whether he is gay ir not?
Did you "decide" to like girls, or did it just happen? When did you know? I knew in kindergarten. That was my first kiss. It was a long time ago so my memory is fuzzy, but as i recall, she was super hot.

A super hot 5 year old?

I guess this goes along with the guy who was talking about a 6 year old boys penis.
Hey, to a fellow 5 year old, she was hot. Again, it was 40 years ago, so my memory is a bit fuzzy.

No 5 year old boy thinks a girl is "hot". They have no idea what that means unless, of course, they've had time to spend with a Catholic priest, then they could be very sexualized by 5.

Oh Jesus - SERIOUSLY? You didn't have fantasies about cute girls early on in elementary school?
That's a problem - Did you think the 5 year old boys were hot?
I knew i liked girls when i was 9. I dont see why it would be any different for gays. I feel bad for that kid. Super sad story.

I think parents should be accepting of their childrens sexual preferences, but they also need to be realistic. It might not be fair, but gay kids need to be told to keep it on the down low until they are out of school. Kids at school say whatever they know will hurt your feelings, whether its about your weight, clothes, attractiveness, sexual preference, etc. There is no reason to give them any ammo, especially when doing so has great potential to lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.
The age of 9 in child psychology falls into the "latent phase" where children experience feelings towards both genders and later sort out the normal behavior of sex and reproduction. They're testing the waters so to speak. None of them are born one way or another. It is a key age for influence and imprinting. The animals we handle on the ranch have the same phase and we take special care not to let them imprint incorrectly.

If this boy was certain he was gay, he was almost certainly molested. That is not something to get behind in false interpretation. It's something to be investigated by law enforcement. And for CERTAIN it's not to be exploited for expediency in an election year to garner that kneejerk "gay teen suicide" crap of sympathy as you just demonstrated falling prey to...
God likes gays. He made a lot of them.
That's the devils doing.

That's Dopey

No one that young has the wherewithal to make that kind of decision. The parents should be thrown in jail.

9-year-old commits suicide after coming out as gay to his classmates
I blame his death directly on the cult of LGBT and its faithful followers. This psychological infection of our youth has to stop. If the boy was molested (inappropriately sexually imprinted) by a man, he needed therapy, not "coming out" in class.

That's a lot of stupid assumptions right there ^ Just WoW :rolleyes-41:
when I was 6 years old, in first grade, I had a severe crush on a girl in my class; her name was Carol D.
I had no idea why I felt so attracted to this girl but the attraction was overwhelming.
I did one of the corniest things ever; I went to the grocery store with my Mom, as I always did, went to one of those vending machines that contains the two-piece containers that contain weird little items, I got one that contained a ring, and I gave Carol the ring one day at school the next week. This, at six years old.
I have no doubt the nine year old kid from the OP article believed he was gay. I'm not saying he was gay but I believe the kid thought he was.
Kids are MUCH more intuitive than most adults will ever give them credit for.

Cute story - and ironic. I carried books home for a crush named Janet in 6th grade. And I gave her the exact same thing! :)
That's a lot of stupid assumptions right there ^ Just WoW :rolleyes-41:

Study of 3,000 gay men in 2004, published in early 2005, I believe the January or February Issue:
ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

If it's a "pervasive" "epidemic" among gay men, it's not a huge extrapolation to say it's also a causal factor in "gay kids"... The CDC doesn't use words like "epidemic" lightly or as hyperbole..
STFU stupid regressive old people.

People don't make a "decision" whether or not they're gay.

They either are or they aren't.

God, you guys are dumb.
BUllshit. They decide to be faggots. But not a nine years old.

You're an IDIOT Mikey - Certifiable
I see. I'm an idiot and you want kids to be faggots. Guess I'd rather be an idiot then a freak and want children's lives ruined by misery and disease.
"Unfortunately, his classmates were not as accepting as his mother; she says he experienced bullying, which led to his suicide."

Welcome to reality you dumbfuks. This is why kids don't need to be discussing this shit so early in life. Just let them be kids. There's plenty of time later in life to come out. Kids that age aren't mentally mature enough. Not even close. Parenting epic fail.

Edit - I agree with those saying being gay isn't a choice and most likely this 9 year old knew he was gay. But be realistic about it. Other kids that age range aren't mature enough to process it.

I agree, save that a 9 YO could not "know" that. Most 9 YO boys "like" boys and avoid girls.

Cooties, ya know. It doesn't mean they're gay.

"Cooties" are things little girls talk about. Why did your parents name you Billy?

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