No Nine-Year-Old Is Gay

This is what happens when you give America-hating dirtbags a teaching certificate....the government schools are packed with them...lesbians, communists, pedophile gym teachers. Face it, they've got our schools, our media, our entertainment industry and they even had the White House for 8's a wonder there were enough of us normals left to elect either ends now or we lose the country.

I love the way you went from lesbians and communists straight to pedophiles.
As for "losing this country"? - Your a nut Tommy. Hope that someone is keeping an eye on you.
STFU stupid regressive old people.

People don't make a "decision" whether or not they're gay.

They either are or they aren't.

God, you guys are dumb.
So you think a nine year old knows enough to decide whether he is gay ir not?
Did you decide you were heterosexual?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Don't have top decide. Everyone is born that way. Later after peer pressure and being exposed to faggotry at school some decide to become queers.
STFU stupid regressive old people.

People don't make a "decision" whether or not they're gay.

They either are or they aren't.

God, you guys are dumb.
BUllshit. They decide to be faggots. But not a nine years old.

You're an IDIOT Mikey - Certifiable
I see. I'm an idiot and you want kids to be faggots. Guess I'd rather be an idiot then a freak and want children's lives ruined by misery and disease.

I want kids to be gay? Thanks for proving my point. :rolleyes:
my invitation to this 'board' did not come from you so, go f*** yourself

You're a worthless cookie-cutter leftist drone...probably a sock of some other shitbag.

LOL, yet another internet tuff guy

Another gem from're not even up to being a shitbag here.....sub-shitbag.

you seem to know a LOT about the 'shitbag' thing; you keep repeating that term like you have experience with shitbags.

Do you have a resume to demonstrate your experience with the shitbags?

Horn is in a bunker waiting for a shooting war over Trump. Be gentle :wink:
This is what happens when you give America-hating dirtbags a teaching certificate....the government schools are packed with them...lesbians, communists, pedophile gym teachers. Face it, they've got our schools, our media, our entertainment industry and they even had the White House for 8's a wonder there were enough of us normals left to elect either ends now or we lose the country.

I love the way you went from lesbians and communists straight to pedophiles.
As for "losing this country"? - Your a nut Tommy. Hope that someone is keeping an eye on you.
He is absolutely correct. People like you are helping destroy children and this country with your vile sickness.
STFU stupid regressive old people.

People don't make a "decision" whether or not they're gay.

They either are or they aren't.

God, you guys are dumb.
So you think a nine year old knows enough to decide whether he is gay ir not?
Did you decide you were heterosexual?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Don't have top decide. Everyone is born that way. Later after peer pressure and being exposed to faggotry at school some decide to become queers.

no not everyone is born straight. do you wake up and decide to be straight every day? well, gay people don't wake up and decide to be gay.

what morons you hacks are.
STFU stupid regressive old people.

People don't make a "decision" whether or not they're gay.

They either are or they aren't.

God, you guys are dumb.
BUllshit. They decide to be faggots. But not a nine years old.

You're an IDIOT Mikey - Certifiable
I see. I'm an idiot and you want kids to be faggots. Guess I'd rather be an idiot then a freak and want children's lives ruined by misery and disease.

I want kids to be gay? Thanks for proving my point. :rolleyes:
You don't have a point other than wanting destroy morality.
STFU stupid regressive old people.

People don't make a "decision" whether or not they're gay.

They either are or they aren't.

God, you guys are dumb.
BUllshit. They decide to be faggots. But not a nine years old.

You're an IDIOT Mikey - Certifiable
I see. I'm an idiot and you want kids to be faggots. Guess I'd rather be an idiot then a freak and want children's lives ruined by misery and disease.

I want kids to be gay? Thanks for proving my point. :rolleyes:

sick, huh?
STFU stupid regressive old people.

People don't make a "decision" whether or not they're gay.

They either are or they aren't.

God, you guys are dumb.
So you think a nine year old knows enough to decide whether he is gay ir not?
Did you decide you were heterosexual?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Don't have top decide. Everyone is born that way. Later after peer pressure and being exposed to faggotry at school some decide to become queers.

no not everyone is born straight. do you wake up and decide to be straight every day? well, gay people don't wake up and decide to be gay.

what morons you hacks are.
Too bad you can't prove your lie pervert.
You are born gay

You don’t suddenly turn on a switch
If a nine year old has those feelings, parents shouldn’t dissuade him

Mostly true, but there are certainly people who chose same sex over hetero. Especially girls.
The point of some in this thread, I believe, is this should be a lesson on how wrong our society is today "sexualizing" very young children.
Nine years old is the 4th grade for most, some 5th grade depending on their birthday. When both of us were that young we saw most girls as pest and tattle-tells. We liked boys way more than girls because we had more in common with them... seeing girls as an object of our sexual attraction just wasn't there. And let me say - neither was it for this boy. Unless.... he has been exposed to sexual material he shouldn't have been or shows showing gays etc. and it influenced him.
It may very well be true, and we will never know, that he was going to be gay when he sexually matured. I also believe a person is born that way. I have two gay nephews and it was obvious from day one they acted like girls way more than boys.
This is what happens when you give America-hating dirtbags a teaching certificate....the government schools are packed with them...lesbians, communists, pedophile gym teachers. Face it, they've got our schools, our media, our entertainment industry and they even had the White House for 8's a wonder there were enough of us normals left to elect either ends now or we lose the country.

I love the way you went from lesbians and communists straight to pedophiles.
As for "losing this country"? - Your a nut Tommy. Hope that someone is keeping an eye on you.

Many pedophiles are gay. Consider the following:

Study of 3,000 gay men in 2004, published in early 2005, I believe the January or February Issue:
ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

If it's a "pervasive" "epidemic" among gay men, it's not a huge extrapolation to say it's also a causal factor in "gay kids"... The CDC doesn't use words like "epidemic" lightly or as hyperbole..

Mayo Clinic Special Article on Pedophilia 2007:

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia), or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia). 3,6,10,29 The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men

So a demographic that makes up around 5% of the population overall is responsible for up to 30% of ALL children molested. They base this on the rate of children reporting being molested which always reflects boys hiding the fact more than girls who are more open about revealing the abuse. It's no wonder "gay boy teens" kill themselves. They've been sitting on an untreated infection for years and finally implode from the weight of keeping it a secret. The LGBT remedy for this? Encourage them to embrace "what they are" and punish people for nudging them to get help... This nicely explains why gay male teen suicides keep rising despite all the social acceptance being foisted on schools and so forth, indoctrinated in fact into our youth. The "gay" boys keep offing themselves...

Can you imagine the angst and turmoil of hating your unwanted imprinted sexuality from being molested and then a cult telling anyone who could help you (society) that they'll be punished if they attempt to help you....and...the salt in the wound...."you should embrace what you've mean "were born as..."... No wonder. No fucking wonder they kill themselves.
STFU stupid regressive old people.

People don't make a "decision" whether or not they're gay.

They either are or they aren't.

God, you guys are dumb.
BUllshit. They decide to be faggots. But not a nine years old.

You're an IDIOT Mikey - Certifiable
I see. I'm an idiot and you want kids to be faggots. Guess I'd rather be an idiot then a freak and want children's lives ruined by misery and disease.

I want kids to be gay? Thanks for proving my point. :rolleyes:

sick, huh?
I agree wanting kids to be amoral disease riddled freaks is sick. Why to you support it?
That's a lot of stupid assumptions right there ^ Just WoW :rolleyes-41:

Study of 3,000 gay men in 2004, published in early 2005, I believe the January or February Issue:
ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

If it's a "pervasive" "epidemic" among gay men, it's not a huge extrapolation to say it's also a causal factor in "gay kids"... The CDC doesn't use words like "epidemic" lightly or as hyperbole..

You quote a single lone idiot from 2005 and want buy-in?
This is what happens when you give America-hating dirtbags a teaching certificate....the government schools are packed with them...lesbians, communists, pedophile gym teachers. Face it, they've got our schools, our media, our entertainment industry and they even had the White House for 8's a wonder there were enough of us normals left to elect either ends now or we lose the country.

I love the way you went from lesbians and communists straight to pedophiles.
As for "losing this country"? - Your a nut Tommy. Hope that someone is keeping an eye on you.

Many pedophiles are gay. Consider the following:

Study of 3,000 gay men in 2004, published in early 2005, I believe the January or February Issue:
ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

If it's a "pervasive" "epidemic" among gay men, it's not a huge extrapolation to say it's also a causal factor in "gay kids"... The CDC doesn't use words like "epidemic" lightly or as hyperbole..

Mayo Clinic Special Article on Pedophilia 2007:

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia), or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia). 3,6,10,29 The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men

So a demographic that makes up around 5% of the population overall is responsible for up to 30% of ALL children molested. They base this on the rate of children reporting being molested which always reflects boys hiding the fact more than girls who are more open about revealing the abuse. It's no wonder "gay boy teens" kill themselves. They've been sitting on an untreated infection for years and finally implode from the weight of keeping it a secret. The LGBT remedy for this? Encourage them to embrace "what they are" and punish people for nudging them to get help... This nicely explains why gay male teen suicides keep rising despite all the social acceptance being foisted on schools and so forth, indoctrinated in fact into our youth. The "gay" boys keep offing themselves...

Can you imagine the angst and turmoil of hating your unwanted imprinted sexuality from being molested and then a cult telling anyone who could help you (society) that they'll be punished if they attempt to help you....and...the salt in the wound...."you should embrace what you've mean "were born as..."... No wonder. No fucking wonder they kill themselves.

No Links?
Another pathetic effort
STFU stupid regressive old people.

People don't make a "decision" whether or not they're gay.

They either are or they aren't.

God, you guys are dumb.
BUllshit. They decide to be faggots. But not a nine years old.

You're an IDIOT Mikey - Certifiable
I see. I'm an idiot and you want kids to be faggots. Guess I'd rather be an idiot then a freak and want children's lives ruined by misery and disease.

I want kids to be gay? Thanks for proving my point. :rolleyes:

sick, huh?

The ignorance in this thread is deep.
I knew that people like this existed, but I hadn't a clue just how many of them there were.
Guess that's how we got Trump
No one that young has the wherewithal to make that kind of decision. The parents should be thrown in jail.

9-year-old commits suicide after coming out as gay to his classmates

Years ago I asked a gay friend how old he was when he realized he was gay. He told me he was 5. As an adult he was a drag queen and flamboyantly gay.

Before same sex marriage was legalized in Canada, a nine year old girl I know asked me if girls could marry girls. As an adult she came out as a lesbian.

Another woman told me she didn’t realize she was gay until she went to college. She wasn’t really interested in boys or dating as a adolescent, but just thought she was a late bloomer

So yes, a 9 year old can certainly know he’s gay.
No one that young has the wherewithal to make that kind of decision. The parents should be thrown in jail.

9-year-old commits suicide after coming out as gay to his classmates

Years ago I asked a gay friend how old he was when he realized he was gay. He told me he was 5. As an adult he was a drag queen and flamboyantly gay.

Before same sex marriage was legalized in Canada, a nine year old girl I know asked me if girls could marry girls. As an adult she came out as a lesbian.

Another woman told me she didn’t realize she was gay until she went to college. She wasn’t really interested in boys or dating as a adolescent, but just thought she was a late bloomer

So yes, a 9 year old can certainly know he’s gay.

5 years old...yeah whatever. A 5 year old doesn't even know sex exist yet, yet alone aware of it and is sexually attracted to other pre-schoolers.... :rolleyes:
STFU stupid regressive old people.

People don't make a "decision" whether or not they're gay.

They either are or they aren't.

God, you guys are dumb.
So you think a nine year old knows enough to decide whether he is gay ir not?

I think as a nine-year-old he can be confused about it. I knew I liked boys at a young age but when I was twelve I started getting crushes on girls and it really confused me... not that I would’ve ever told my mom about it. Let’s just say I didn’t decide at twelve I must be bisexual. I probably didn’t even know what the term meant.
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No one that young has the wherewithal to make that kind of decision. The parents should be thrown in jail.

9-year-old commits suicide after coming out as gay to his classmates

you don't know what you're talking about.

children identify their sexuality much much younger. my friend's son told her at 3 he was going to marry a man. he never deviated from that and his crush was draco Malfoy.

so there ya go.

maybe you should learn something, snooks.

Once instance of a 3-year-old being right about their sexuality as an adult proves nothing.

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