No hablamos Espanol mis amigo,,,

Working Man

Aug 22, 2004
NO get the F out of my way so I can get a Grande El sandwich de carne de bacca con queso, por favor... To all you Gringos out there I am looking to start some shit about that place in Philly (hence the Philly Cheese steak sandwiches) that wants only to serve to those people who order in English..

The Latiin dipshits want their members to go there and start some trouble so that they can sue the owner of the sandwich stand.

Honestly? I think it is a publicity stunt by the owner. But, he has a right to ask that his staff not be inconvienienced with languages not known by his staff. Or, maybe he doesn't like "beaners".. Who knows. But, it did make me want to go out and get one of those super duper vein clogging subs... YUMM!!:teeth:

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