NO COPS ALLOWED. That’s the confirmed policy of SF bakery

So if the bakery is robbed, cops can’t respond because they have guns? Seems like a dumb moronic policy, but at least we know the robbers will be safe.

I'm safe. I'll never be caught dead in a bakery. I never eat the poison.

All the fat Californica donut eating leftists better be ready to duck the robbers' bullets.

Pretty funny shit.

And it's the right of the Police not to respond to the establishment owner's (or staffer's calls for help.

The business has the right to position themselves to a "place" where the Police happily choose not to respond in a timely manner.

True. Just don't come whining when the Police DO delay their response to any call for help from those idiots.
The police have no legal obligation to come to the aid of the public so anyone who is depending on the police for protection is an idiot.
Nope, being a business owner myself, it's just plain stupid to antagonize the police when you might very well need their help at some point. Let me point this out:

The police are more than willing to honor their request to not come in their bakery armed with a gun.

Do you think a criminal wanting to rob the place would honor the bakery's request to not come in the store armed with a gun?
/-----/ "Do you think a criminal wanting to rob the place would honor the bakery's request to not come in the store armed with a gun?"
Excellent point. We await cnm's snarky reply.
The bakery is a police free zone. That's what, you idiot.
How do you get that from this?

NO COPS ALLOWED. That’s the confirmed policy of the bakery chain Reem’s. One of our officers was denied service last weekend because he was in uniform. Reem’s confirms that they will not serve anyone armed and in uniform. Presumably, this includes members of the US Military.
I guess the bottom line of what they are saying is that they don't need the police. They can take care of things themselves.

You know actually a lot of businesses do not need the police and can take care of things themselves. In fact some businesses don't want to get police involved at all and just handle it themselves so they don't read about it in the newspaper. If people read about it in the newspaper they won't want to come to that bar or restaraunt, so police don't get involved and they keep it quiet. Many night clubs and bars operate this way. They are very effective at handling most situations themselves with their own bouncers. I totally can see why they don't want firearms in the place. Again many night clubs and bars I been to have signs outside "no firearms" and some have metal detectors. As long as no one is bringing a gun the place they can handle most situations themselves.

I am sure if the restaurant you mentioned in this post absolutely had to call the police they would, but I totally understand their no firearms policy. If you let firearms in a business things can get out of hand easily and it is harder for that business to be able to handle things themselves.
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You know actually a lot of businesses do not need the police and can take care of things themselves. In fact some businesses don't want to get police involved at all and just handle it themselves so they don't read about it in the newspaper. If people read about it in the newspaper they won't want to come to that bar or restaraunt, so police don't get involved and they keep it quiet. Many night clubs and bars operate this way. They are very effective at handling most situations themselves with their own bouncers. I totally can see why they don't want firearms in the place. Again many night clubs and bars I been to have signs outside "no firearms" and some have metal detectors. As long as no one is bringing a gun the place they can handle most situations themselves.

I am sure if the restaurant you mentioned in this post absolutely had to call the police they would, but I totally understand their no firearms policy. If you let firearms in a business things can get out of hand easily and it is harder for that business to be able to handle things themselves.
Can you explain how things can get out of hand by a cop walking in to buy a donut.
It's not my policy to favor. The bakery doesn't want any guns in their store. Should guns be forced on them against their wishes?
/——-/ I’m confident the criminals will respect the gun ban. I’m sure of it.
You know actually a lot of businesses do not need the police and can take care of things themselves.

A lot of people think that. They go through life telling themselves, "Hey, I'm one of the good guys. No one will try to harm me just because I have a business, a nice house, a nice car, a nice family".

Until the day then that "good guy" card isn't accepted by the local crook, crazy, or someone who just plain doesn't give a damn.

And, as they're laying there on the pavement, the last thought to go through their mind will be, "Where are the police?".
I can't argue against this really because I approved of the bakery that didn't want to make a cake for a fags wedding. So I can't be a hypocrite and say this is wrong

If I think a business (aside from essential businesses like water, electric, hospital, insurance, etc) should be allowed to not service blacks, fags, non English speaking people and so on then I have to accept the door swings both ways.

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