No Confidence Votes on Iran- Congress is asserting itself because almost nobody trusts Obama.


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Congress is getting it done


President Obama is unhappy with House Speaker John Boehner for inviting Israel’s Prime Minister to address Congress without consulting the White House, with spokesman Josh Earnest calling it a “departure” from protocol. What Mr. Obama should really worry about is that Members of Congress in both parties are showing a stunning lack of confidence in his Iran diplomacy.

That’s the real story behind the invitation to Benjamin Netanyahu, who will be in Washington in March to address the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Mr. Boehner, most Republicans and plenty of Democrats want to hear Mr. Netanyahu make his case on the Iran nuclear negotiations. They can see that Mr. Obama is eager, and not far from desperate, to strike a deal with Tehran, and they’re worried he’ll give up the store.

President Obama with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office of the White House in October. PHOTO: ASSOCIATED PRESS
So is everyone else who is paying attention. That includes Robert Menendez , the New Jersey Democrat, who squared off against the President over Iran at a recent meeting of Senate Democrats. Mr. Menendez is working with Republican Mark Kirk of Illinois on legislation that would ramp up sanctions on the mullahs if no deal is struck by the latest deadline in June.

No Confidence Votes on Iran - WSJ

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