No confidence in government.


VIP Member
Aug 16, 2016
Am I the only one who feels this way? It seems like no matter which candidate or which party it is, things just get worse and worse for every day people. It feels like there’s no way out.


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Things are a mess, I agree. But we have to deal with it the best way we can. Vote for the people you believe can make your life better and better for everyone else.

What party can handle the violence in the streets and what party can bring a good economy back to us?
Things are a mess, I agree. But we have to deal with it the best way we can. Vote for the people you believe can make your life better and better for everyone else.

What party can handle the violence in the streets and what party can bring a good economy back to us?
They can’t. I just don’t think that either party can fix the messes they worked to create. It just seems like the poor get poorer no matter who’s in charge, our rights are eroded no matter who’s in charge. I don’t think anyone voted for that, but it keeps happening. Year after year. One administration after the next.
Your first mistake is thinking politicians can make your life better. They can’t, and wouldn’t if they could. The only politician that can help is the one that will shrink this ever growing cancer that is federal government. Voting for people promising to give you something just makes it worse.
Things are a mess, I agree. But we have to deal with it the best way we can. Vote for the people you believe can make your life better and better for everyone else.

What party can handle the violence in the streets and what party can bring a good economy back to us?
They can’t. I just don’t think that either party can fix the messes they worked to create. It just seems like the poor get poorer no matter who’s in charge, our rights are eroded no matter who’s in charge. I don’t think anyone voted for that, but it keeps happening. Year after year. One administration after the next.
Actually I think it is getting worse. BLM has to stop. Arrest those who break the law and make them go to trial. Bring in the National Guard. Get control of our cities so it is safe again.
Your first mistake is thinking politicians can make your life better. They can’t, and wouldn’t if they could. The only politician that can help is the one that will shrink this ever growing cancer that is federal government. Voting for people promising to give you something just makes it worse.
Yeah, but the government isn’t gonna shrink itself. Last time someone tried weakening the federal government was in 1860. The federal government got 600,000 Americans killed to preserve its throne.
You are looking at things the wrong way. Government isn't the solution, it's largely the problem. The Federal government was designed to be weak and poor with most power vested in the states. That way you have multiple, sometimes as many as fifty, solutions to any problem rather than one, one-size-fits-all solution dictated to all states. The less money and power the Federal Government has, the smaller the messes it creates are.
Things are a mess, I agree. But we have to deal with it the best way we can. Vote for the people you believe can make your life better and better for everyone else.

What party can handle the violence in the streets and what party can bring a good economy back to us?
They can’t. I just don’t think that either party can fix the messes they worked to create. It just seems like the poor get poorer no matter who’s in charge, our rights are eroded no matter who’s in charge. I don’t think anyone voted for that, but it keeps happening. Year after year. One administration after the next.
Actually I think it is getting worse. BLM has to stop. Arrest those who break the law and make them go to trial. Bring in the National Guard. Get control of our cities so it is safe again.
It’s not just BLM, or riots, or whatever. It seems like there’s just total and utter intellectual rot in every facet of power in our country. Academia, media, government, military, civil society.
Things are a mess, I agree. But we have to deal with it the best way we can. Vote for the people you believe can make your life better and better for everyone else.

What party can handle the violence in the streets and what party can bring a good economy back to us?
They can’t. I just don’t think that either party can fix the messes they worked to create. It just seems like the poor get poorer no matter who’s in charge, our rights are eroded no matter who’s in charge. I don’t think anyone voted for that, but it keeps happening. Year after year. One administration after the next.
Actually I think it is getting worse. BLM has to stop. Arrest those who break the law and make them go to trial. Bring in the National Guard. Get control of our cities so it is safe again.
It’s not just BLM, or riots, or whatever. It seems like there’s just total and utter intellectual rot in every facet of power in our country. Academia, media, government, military, civil society.
You got me. You are correct! Thanks!
Your first mistake is thinking politicians can make your life better. They can’t, and wouldn’t if they could. The only politician that can help is the one that will shrink this ever growing cancer that is federal government. Voting for people promising to give you something just makes it worse.
Yeah, but the government isn’t gonna shrink itself. Last time someone tried weakening the federal government was in 1860. The federal government got 600,000 Americans killed to preserve its throne.
The Article V movement might be our best hope.

Article V in the Constitution allows states to amend the Constitution in case the Federal government became too corrupt/powerful.

We are there.

Around 15 states have joined and we need at least a 2/3 majority of states to join. It has never been done before, but at no time in history has it been needed like it is now.
Your first mistake is thinking politicians can make your life better. They can’t, and wouldn’t if they could. The only politician that can help is the one that will shrink this ever growing cancer that is federal government. Voting for people promising to give you something just makes it worse.
Yeah, but the government isn’t gonna shrink itself. Last time someone tried weakening the federal government was in 1860. The federal government got 600,000 Americans killed to preserve its throne.
Which is why we need a Constitutional convention.
Things are a mess, I agree. But we have to deal with it the best way we can. Vote for the people you believe can make your life better and better for everyone else.

What party can handle the violence in the streets and what party can bring a good economy back to us?
They can’t. I just don’t think that either party can fix the messes they worked to create. It just seems like the poor get poorer no matter who’s in charge, our rights are eroded no matter who’s in charge. I don’t think anyone voted for that, but it keeps happening. Year after year. One administration after the next.
Actually I think it is getting worse. BLM has to stop. Arrest those who break the law and make them go to trial. Bring in the National Guard. Get control of our cities so it is safe again.
It’s not just BLM, or riots, or whatever. It seems like there’s just total and utter intellectual rot in every facet of power in our country. Academia, media, government, military, civil society.
most o what you mention comes from the leftist's view of the direction they want to take America.
Academia controlled by leftists The media run by leftists the government controlled by leftists
Even the military has been guided in the leftists agenda direction
Things are a mess, I agree. But we have to deal with it the best way we can. Vote for the people you believe can make your life better and better for everyone else.

What party can handle the violence in the streets and what party can bring a good economy back to us?
Ya mean what party is responsible for the violence ... From foreign-funded democrat-supported domestic terrorists in Democrat-run cities, vowing more if they do not get their way.
Of course, right, it’s the evil other political party ruining your country. Your own party is totally blameless. This is exactly the kind of mental rot I’m talking about.
Of course, right, it’s the evil other political party ruining your country. Your own party is totally blameless. This is exactly the kind of mental rot I’m talking about.
I believe you should give my post some consideration. You named what was wrong I pointed out they were controlled by leftists
Do you not wish to have an open discussion?
Be careful what you wish for amending the constitution- it's not paid any attention unless it serves a purpose when the wind blows the right direction and you can bet it won't change with an amendment.
It's fine like it is. Voters have the power to oust the sociopaths but don't. That can be laid directly at the feet of the Education System, which is, UNconstituional, yet, the majority of people (even "conservatives") argue there has to be some form of Public Education-
Immediate change will bring buyers remorse- the road to hell is paved with good intentions- we didn't get here over night and NOTHING can be rebuilt or repaired quickly and have the expected result last- it takes time. It's a simple mechanical process- simple is not spelled easy or quick- voting for the same people over and over expecting different results is the epitome of crazy- voting D or R is voting for the same people since the RNC and DNC control the money to sink into their preferred candidate- do as my signature says. Eventually (not over night or even next year) the message will be clear, if not loud.
I believe you should give my post some consideration. You named what was wrong I pointed out they were controlled by leftists
Do you not wish to have an open discussion?
I do- show us who is different. Show us what exactly the "right" has done to secure liberty against the dastardly lefty- show us actual policy difference, not rhetoric. BOTH sides support and subscribe to the same crap- voters desires are just fodder for divisiveness- there ain't a dimes worth of difference in policy.
Of course, right, it’s the evil other political party ruining your country. Your own party is totally blameless. This is exactly the kind of mental rot I’m talking about.
I believe you should give my post some consideration. You named what was wrong I pointed out they were controlled by leftists
Do you not wish to have an open discussion?
The military’s problems aren’t related to politics. I can tell you that as an actual service member. And politically speaking it has only a slight slant depending on what branch of the military you’re talking about. The government has a very sizeable conservative minority (if not an outright majority), and the judicial branch is technically majority conservative. Furthermore, may I remind you that ultimately, laws don’t usually pass unless they have some level of approval from both parties. Your professional politics team, whichever one it is, probably voted in favor of our middle eastern wars, probably votes to give themselves pay raises, and probably at one point or another supported the infringement of people’s rights.

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