No Black Guy Would Run As A Republican: Janeane Garofalo


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The crazy woman is at it again. On Countdown with Keith Olbermann Janeane Garofalo offered some more of her special brand of wisdom. Past attacks

Herman Cain, according to the former host of the now defunct Air American, is being paid to run as President.

Of course. That's the only possible explanation.

No self respecting Black man would ever consider being conservative, believe in smaller government, or run for POTUS in the rich white man's club.

“[He's] in this presidential race because he deflects the racism that is inherit in the Republican party, the conservative movement, the Tea Party certainly. [In] the last 30 years the Republican party has been moving more and more to the right, but also race-baiting more. Gay-baiting more. Religion-baiting more.

But, Herman Cain, I feel like, is being paid by somebody to be involved and to run for president so that you go like ‘I love that, that can’t be racist. He’s a black guy, a black guy asking for Obama being impeached.‘ Or ’it’s a black guy whose anti-Muslim. It’s a black guy who is a Tea Party guy.’”

I think she's focusing on the wrong party. Some feel that racist Democrats did the same thing in 08'.

Janeane Garofalo Wonders if Herman Cain Paid to Run by Racists | Video |
What a nice lady.

[ame=]Janeane Garofalo Sums up Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Rosie Radio 2/16/10 - YouTube[/ame]
So where are all the critics of a racist joke quipped by Rush Limbaugh earlier this week? They descended en masse to trash and object to El Rushbo's tasteless joke. (And yeah, it was tasteless and offensive but it was a joke.)

This isn't a joke. And it is a lady making a decidedly racist comment.

Will the same champions of anti-racist-speech come thundering in here to protest this? And will they do it with the same kind of 'strong' adjectives and characterizations as they did with Rush?
So where are all the critics of a racist joke quipped by Rush Limbaugh earlier this week? They descended en masse to trash and object to El Rushbo's tasteless joke. (And yeah, it was tasteless and offensive but it was a joke.)

This isn't a joke. And it is a lady making a decidedly racist comment.

Will the same champions of anti-racist-speech come thundering in here to protest this? And will they do it with the same kind of 'strong' adjectives and characterizations as they did with Rush?

Only coons would run for office in today's republican party. It's treasonous and they need to be treated real ugly.

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