No abortion for rape victims

Republicans have more compassion for a clump of cells than for a traumatised woman who has been through the worst thing any woman could ever experience.

If you think rape is the worst thing any woman can ever experience you are an idiot.

The arrogance of conservatism never ceases to amaze me. Now you are telling people what to think?? You have no right to do that. If that's what she thinks, that's what she thinks.

You can think whatever the fuck you want. If you chose to think that rape is the worst possible experience it is possible for a woman to undergo I will call you an idiot. I provided plenty of examples of worst experiences to make my point, and can provide more if you want to desire to be even more idiotic than Noomi.
What counts as worst possible experiences? It doesn't get much more subjective than that. I'm not a woman, so I can't comment on what a woman finds horrible. Men and women aren't exactly wired the same, neither physically nor emotionally. Speaking for myself, I can't imagine too many things much worse than if I were anally raped, but then that's just me. I have to assume there are other men that may think differently.

I don't really see what that has to do with the matter one way or another.
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What counts as worst possible experiences? It doesn't get much more subjective than that. I'm not a woman, so I can't comment on what a woman finds horrible. Men and women aren't exactly wired the same, neither physically nor emotionally. Speaking for myself, I can't imagine too many things much worse than if I were anally raped, but then that's just me. I have to assume there are other men that may think differently.

I don't really see what that has to do with the matter one way or another.

If a woman is threatened with something, and chooses to be raped, that means she thinks that the alternative is worse than rape. Anyone with an IQ about the freezing point of water would grasp that without explanation. Noomi is the one that made the ridiculous claim the fact that I have spent so much time pointing out the obvious just shows how brain dead the pro abortion crowd is.
What noomi offered up was that if there are two people, and the choice is that she be raped, or the other person get hit, it just makes sense that the other person take the punishment. Because her rape is much, much worse than the physical abuse than another person would suffer. Therefore they should be happy to take the punishment, thus preserving her well being.
If you think rape is the worst thing any woman can ever experience you are an idiot.

The arrogance of conservatism never ceases to amaze me. Now you are telling people what to think?? You have no right to do that. If that's what she thinks, that's what she thinks.

You can think whatever the fuck you want. If you chose to think that rape is the worst possible experience it is possible for a woman to undergo I will call you an idiot. I provided plenty of examples of worst experiences to make my point, and can provide more if you want to desire to be even more idiotic than Noomi.

What an absolute jerk you are. Those are what YOU consider the worst experiences any woman can have. But you cannot force it on other people. Throw as many tantrums as you want. You're WRONG!!!
What counts as worst possible experiences? It doesn't get much more subjective than that. I'm not a woman, so I can't comment on what a woman finds horrible. Men and women aren't exactly wired the same, neither physically nor emotionally. Speaking for myself, I can't imagine too many things much worse than if I were anally raped, but then that's just me. I have to assume there are other men that may think differently.

I don't really see what that has to do with the matter one way or another.

If a woman is threatened with something, and chooses to be raped, that means she thinks that the alternative is worse than rape. Anyone with an IQ about the freezing point of water would grasp that without explanation. Noomi is the one that made the ridiculous claim the fact that I have spent so much time pointing out the obvious just shows how brain dead the pro abortion crowd is.

Chooses to be raped??? You are an idiot.
Rick Berg, North Dakota GOP Senate Candidate: No Abortion Access For Rape Victims

He must plan on raising the unwanted fetus. I mean, surely he would not demand the power to control women's lives unless he also planned to take responsibility for his power over them.

He probably also believes in slavery - ultimate control over people's lives.

Republicans have more compassion for a clump of cells than for a traumatised woman who has been through the worst thing any woman could ever experience.

If you think rape is the worst thing any woman can ever experience you are an idiot.

Rape: Not nearly as bad as overcooking the Thanksgiving turkey or getting a lousy perm, right?

If you cannot understand the trauma of rape, you will never comprehend the beautiful, the mysterious, the sanctity of the feminine mystique.

I think the only thing that one could imagine that would be worse than rape would be murder.

But, on the other hand, perhaps I am just an idiot.
No, that wasn't the argument at all.

noomi argued that rape was worse than anything that could ever happen to someone else, therefore, in a situation where the choice was between her getting raped, or someone else getting beaten, that other person should accept that their injuries would be less consequential than her own suffering, therefore they should accept the abuse and let her off.
She also maintained that rape was worse than anything else that could ever happen to a person, including attacks on children, and laughed at the concept that there are situations where women do indeed choose to be raped rather than have their loved ones tortured.
She obviously has no knowledge of Darfur, where women must leave the confines of their villages to seek water and food for their families, and are subsequently raped...they must make a very conscious choice and rape is a given...and they do it to protect their families..because when men or children leave the villages to seek water and food, they are beaten and/or killed.
The arrogance of conservatism never ceases to amaze me. Now you are telling people what to think?? You have no right to do that. If that's what she thinks, that's what she thinks.

You can think whatever the fuck you want. If you chose to think that rape is the worst possible experience it is possible for a woman to undergo I will call you an idiot. I provided plenty of examples of worst experiences to make my point, and can provide more if you want to desire to be even more idiotic than Noomi.

What an absolute jerk you are. Those are what YOU consider the worst experiences any woman can have. But you cannot force it on other people. Throw as many tantrums as you want. You're WRONG!!!

That's just it, I don't consider them the worst, I consider dying the worst, anything short of being dead is a plus.

By the way, I am not forcing anything on anyone, nor am I throwing a tantrum. There are millions of women throughout history who, when faced with the prospect of rape, have chosen that over myriads of alternatives. That proves that they made the decision that rape was not nearly as devastating as the alternatives they faced. Every time you insist that you are correct in your claim that rape is worse than anything else that could possibly happen you insult those women.

That makes you the asshole in this conversation, it also makes you wrong. I would use caps to drive that point home, but I am saddened, not angry, by how pathetic you are.
Republicans have more compassion for a clump of cells than for a traumatised woman who has been through the worst thing any woman could ever experience.

If you think rape is the worst thing any woman can ever experience you are an idiot.

Rape: Not nearly as bad as overcooking the Thanksgiving turkey or getting a lousy perm, right?

If you cannot understand the trauma of rape, you will never comprehend the beautiful, the mysterious, the sanctity of the feminine mystique.

I think the only thing that one could imagine that would be worse than rape would be murder.

But, on the other hand, perhaps I am just an idiot.

Another idiot flies into the thread and makes a fool out of himself. Tell you what, Professor, why don't you read the thread and slunk off into the corner of the board you usually inhabit where you don't have to debate intelligent people.
I'm not labeling you, I'm describing you. You do deserve it, for the stupid things you say about women and children. From not caring about women being tortured and killed in the middle east, to your callous comments about the unborn, and indeed, your over the top offensive comment about a light sentence for the little girl brutally abused in the other thread....your comments are disgusting and show a complete lack of compassion or regard for life. Even your comments about your DOGS show that you are uncaring and self absorbed. I don't find you repugnant because we have different views..I find you repugnant because you say horrific things. I'm sorry nobody has ever said that to you before. But your comments show a lack of character and a shallowness or absence of soul.

Of course I care about women ho are raped and killed in overseas countries. I am sorry you assume otherwise, but they have nothing to do with this subject, which is why I am getting a bit pissed off.
My opinion on abortion does not make me a horrible person, I simply have a differing opinion to you.

The dogs are NOT MINE. They do not belong to me. They simply live in my house.

I find you to be appalling at times, but I have never, and WOULD NEVER, say you were a horrible person because of it. I hate some of your opinions, but I would never say that I hated you because of those opinions.

I actually have respect for you, no matter what you think of me. Shame you don't have the same.

I assume otherwise because you sneeringly dismissed them, after it was stupidly stated that nobody had to choose between rape and the lives of loved ones. You asked what they have to do with YOU. Well they have nothing to do with YOU, not everything has something to do with YOU....but that was the example of the situation that it was said didn't exist.

I'm not a horrible person. I hope you aren't. But the things you write make my blood run cold. I don't know if you're really young and just don't know how you come across or what, but that degree of disdain for the life and well being of others is a serious character flaw that honestly you should address and quick. People sometimes have to make themselves care about other beings, they aren't always hardwired to do it...usually parents will catch this in children and can shape them as they raise them and help them to grow into somewhat empathetic people, eventually. But for some people, for whatever reason it doesn't take root. I don't see any empathy in you. Maybe you're just projecting what you think is a tough persona, or maybe it's just that you aren't able to relate that part of your personality through the written word...I hope so. But people are going to react negatively to it. People don't like to hear/read about how it's okay to allow someone else to be hurt if you think they would suffer less than you would...people don't like to hear that you think a particularly cold and brutal child abuser should just get a slap on the wrist...people don't like to hear someone talking about how they think a dog should be grateful to them....these aren't endearing characteristics.

I have never once said that a child abuser should get a slap on the wrist. I just think that sometimes the justice system can be a little too harsh, just as it can be way too lenient.
People might not like to hear my opinions, but I have a right to express them. I don't like a lot of opinions here, but you have the right to them and I would never tell you that you were a callous and horrible person because of it.

We just need to respect that we have different views on certain subjects, and that we both see the world differently.

Btw, I am not as young as you might think - I am 29. Dunno how old you are, but I'd guess you are older, simply because you have differing views to mine.
So do punches, what's your point?

You said rape was mostly psychological. I was simply saying that it wasn't. No point was meant by my statement.

Are you saying that, without the physical damage, rape is not a big deal? If not, what the fuck is your point?

Rape is a bigger deal than a simple bruise, or a papercut. You seem to be making rape into something trivial, when it isn't. You might not think you are, but your posts tell otherwise.
No, that wasn't the argument at all.

noomi argued that rape was worse than anything that could ever happen to someone else, therefore, in a situation where the choice was between her getting raped, or someone else getting beaten, that other person should accept that their injuries would be less consequential than her own suffering, therefore they should accept the abuse and let her off.

Getting a light slap in the face isn't getting 'beaten' and its not as traumatic as rape.
She obviously has no knowledge of Darfur, where women must leave the confines of their villages to seek water and food for their families, and are subsequently raped...they must make a very conscious choice and rape is a given...and they do it to protect their families..because when men or children leave the villages to seek water and food, they are beaten and/or killed.

Can you post some evidence of this - or did you just make it up?

btw, What knowledge do you have of Darfur? When were you there?
What counts as worst possible experiences? It doesn't get much more subjective than that. I'm not a woman, so I can't comment on what a woman finds horrible. Men and women aren't exactly wired the same, neither physically nor emotionally. Speaking for myself, I can't imagine too many things much worse than if I were anally raped, but then that's just me. I have to assume there are other men that may think differently.

I don't really see what that has to do with the matter one way or another.

If a woman is threatened with something, and chooses to be raped, that means she thinks that the alternative is worse than rape. Anyone with an IQ about the freezing point of water would grasp that without explanation. Noomi is the one that made the ridiculous claim the fact that I have spent so much time pointing out the obvious just shows how brain dead the pro abortion crowd is.

And yet you have presented absolutel no evidence whatsoever that anyone has ever made that choice, have you?
She obviously has no knowledge of Darfur, where women must leave the confines of their villages to seek water and food for their families, and are subsequently raped...they must make a very conscious choice and rape is a given...and they do it to protect their families..because when men or children leave the villages to seek water and food, they are beaten and/or killed.

Can you post some evidence of this - or did you just make it up?

btw, What knowledge do you have of Darfur? When were you there?

It was probably in the paper, therefore it must be true.

Although I think KG might be right about it, though. I imagine that rape is very common in other countries.
Rape has been used a a form pf punishment in Darfur, I understand, and certainly many people have been killed - what I dispute is that anyone is making the conscious choice to be raped rather than being beaten or having their husbands killed.

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