Niners hire Chip Kelly


Fuzzy bears!
May 4, 2009
A Picturesque Apocalypse
Great move? Incredible disaster?

Is Kelly close enough to Harbaugh in personality that the same problems are inevitable?

Do the Niners have the players to run Kelly's style of offense?

Obviously I'm trying to be hopeful, but after the Harbaugh fiasco and a quick one year firing of Tomsula, I can't say I'm overly optimistic. I wonder how much time Kelly is expected to take getting the Niners back to winning.

An interesting tidbit I read said that this is only the second coach the Niners have ever had with previous NFL head coaching experience. Dennis Erickson was the other.

Go Niners!
If Kelly stays out of the personnel decisions then you may have a good coach. He was 20-12 in two seasons with the Eagles before he started trading and shuffling the players around. Carlos Hyde should do well under Kelly and maybe Kaper will get a second chance and do well under Kelly's offense.

I heard earlier today that the 49er buzz was around Shanahan, so this surprises me.
If the management seeks the best talent and doesn't meddle in Kelly's system AND they don't start getting pissy about Kelly's personality this could be the best thing that has happened to Santa Clara and Colin Kaepernick.
If the management seeks the best talent and doesn't meddle in Kelly's system AND they don't start getting pissy about Kelly's personality this could be the best thing that has happened to Santa Clara and Colin Kaepernick.

It's the NFL, where outside of the Patriots do you see this?

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