NFL avoids court,pays Stank Louis 24 million in damages.LOL


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
As everyone here knows about me,I was the happiest man alive when the Rams moved back to LA where they belong but what I was NOT happy about,was the WAY they did it.They LIED to the city about their intentions of wanting to stay in stank louis to work out a deal and get something done there which was a violation of NFL relocation rules ESPECIALLY since stank louis officials had to spend a lot of money in their planning to try and get a stadium plan to try and keep them there.

Stan Kroneke lied when he first bought the Rams saying he would try and get something done to stay there but he ALWAYS had his eyes on LA from the very get go when he first bought them.The fact he lied to them and was not upfront and truthful about his intentions is one thing i did not like about in the Rams move back to LA.

To avoid court,the NFL and the Rams reached a settlement to them and awarded them money. The corrupt NFL fought tooth and nail to try and keep this lawuit from happening but they failed.Cool to see the NFL NOT getting their way for once like they have in their whole existance.:abgg2q.jpg::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::dance:

Rams agree to pull out checkbook, pay $24 million to 'St. Louis' PSL holders


The thing i just dont get is WHY wont the fucking Oakland officials sue them as well as keeps getting reported for so long that they plan a lawsuit.It does not make sense because they have an even MUCH stronger case against the NFL for violating NFL relocation rules.:rolleyes:

Thier case is airtight against the NFL. The NFL would so much lose their asses in court if THEY sued them as well.:mad:

They would more than likely retain their name and logo just as cleveland did when THEY threatened to sue modell and the NFL when he planned to take the name and logo to Baltimore but in a settlement,to avoid a lawsuit and going to court,he left the name and logo in cleveland. The only thing that makes ANY sense WHY the oakland officials have STILL not filed is the oakland officials have all been bought off by the NFL.:mad::rolleyes:
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Oh and think I am making things up that Oakland has been saying a long time they plan a lawsuit against the raiders to retain the name and logo in oakland? uh think again.listen to this very short video that only takes 4 minutes to hear.

Chris Leighton

see what i am talking about how the media keeps saying there will be a lawsuit from oakland but nothing ever happens?:rolleyes::mad:

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As everyone here knows about me,I was the happiest man alive when the Rams moved back to LA where they belong but what I was NOT happy about,was the WAY they did it.They LIED to the city about their intentions of wanting to stay in stank louis to work out a deal and get something done there which was a violation of NFL relocation rules ESPECIALLY since stank louis officials had to spend a lot of money in their planning to try and get a stadium plan to try and keep them there.

Stan Kroneke lied when he first bought the Rams saying he would try and get something done to stay there but he ALWAYS had his eyes on LA from the very get go when he first bought them.The fact he lied to them and was not upfront and truthful about his intentions is one thing i did not like about in the Rams move back to LA.

To avoid court,the NFL and the Rams reached a settlement to them and awarded them money. The corrupt NFL fought tooth and nail to try and keep this lawuit from happening but they failed.Cool to see the NFL NOT getting their way for once like they have in their whole existance.:abgg2q.jpg::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::dance:

Rams agree to pull out checkbook, pay $24 million to 'St. Louis' PSL holders


The thing i just dont get is WHY wont the fucking Oakland officials sue them as well as keeps getting reported for so long that they plan a lawsuit.It does not make sense because they have an even MUCH stronger case against the NFL for violating NFL relocation rules.:rolleyes:

Thier case is airtight against the NFL. The NFL would so much lose their asses in court if THEY sued them as well.:mad:

They would more than likely retain their name and logo just as cleveland did when THEY threatened to sue modell and the NFL when he planned to take the name and logo to Baltimore but in a settlement,to avoid a lawsuit and going to court,he left the name and logo in cleveland. The only thing that makes ANY sense WHY the oakland officials have STILL not filed is the oakland officials have all been bought off by the NFL.:mad::rolleyes:

As an Oaklandtown Gal, I will be ecstatic to see the backside of the Raiders and hope their flabby asses are quite bruised when the door hits them. The Raiders bled out Oakland; I wish they had never returned from LA.

Good riddance and time to move on. Endless litigation is not going to do the city any good.
These greedy fucks will go wherever someone will build them a free stadium. They are all billionaires. They should build their own stadiums. Not only do the local taxpayers foot the bill for the stadium, but once the thing is built, the ticket prices are so astronomical, no one can afford to buy them except corporations. $24 Million is a pittance to these people. The constant threats to move amount to extortion and blackmail.
As an Oaklandtown Gal, I will be ecstatic to see the backside of the Raiders and hope their flabby asses are quite bruised when the door hits them. The Raiders bled out Oakland; I wish they had never returned from LA.

Good riddance and time to move on. Endless litigation is not going to do the city any good.
They stacked that ugly-ass POS onto the Coliseum to mollify Al Davis....Yuck.
As an Oaklandtown Gal, I will be ecstatic to see the backside of the Raiders and hope their flabby asses are quite bruised when the door hits them. The Raiders bled out Oakland; I wish they had never returned from LA.

Good riddance and time to move on. Endless litigation is not going to do the city any good.
They stacked that ugly-ass POS onto the Coliseum to mollify Al Davis....Yuck.

Yep. Never should have been agreed to.
These greedy fucks will go wherever someone will build them a free stadium. They are all billionaires. They should build their own stadiums. Not only do the local taxpayers foot the bill for the stadium, but once the thing is built, the ticket prices are so astronomical, no one can afford to buy them except corporations. $24 Million is a pittance to these people. The constant threats to move amount to extortion and blackmail.

that is WHY i am proud of stank louis,san diego AND Oakland for standing up the corrupt NFL and telling these asshole owners-build your own fucking stadium.:clap:

I am VERY dissapointed in Minnesoto for wanting to keep the vikings so badly that they gave in and gave those greedy fucks in the NFL like you said so brilliantly:thup: their money so they could have their new shiny stadium. shame on you minnesota and NOW vegas for caving into these greedy asshole fucks.:mad:
These greedy fucks will go wherever someone will build them a free stadium. They are all billionaires. They should build their own stadiums. Not only do the local taxpayers foot the bill for the stadium, but once the thing is built, the ticket prices are so astronomical, no one can afford to buy them except corporations. $24 Million is a pittance to these people. The constant threats to move amount to extortion and blackmail.

damn that sure is the understatement of the YEAR.I could not have said it any better myself word for word.:beer::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
The NFL, as in all professional sports alongside it, serves as a bottom line and nothing more. Don’t ever let these owners try and convince you that they give a damn about the community in which their team is located. It’s all hoopla.

If team A is unprofitable in location A, they will jump ship to location B on a whim without any regard for the people at A.

The NFL is probably the worst of the four major NA professional sports, however. The Rams and the Raiders dicking in and out of L.A., Art Modell and Baltimore, the original Baltimore Colts being whisked away to Indianapolis in the dead of the night. Shameless shit.
California is a shithole full of fruticakes/American haters/illegal lovers/etc
mudslides/fires/droughts/dumbass taxes and laws/etc

AND the NFL--the BLACK players hate America/whites/cops
how nice

you can HAVE the jackass criminal sympathizers
talk about puppy dog--jesus christ
I remember I was kind of like that when I was 13 years old
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As everyone here knows about me,I was the happiest man alive when the Rams moved back to LA where they belong but what I was NOT happy about,was the WAY they did it.They LIED to the city about their intentions of wanting to stay in stank louis to work out a deal and get something done there which was a violation of NFL relocation rules ESPECIALLY since stank louis officials had to spend a lot of money in their planning to try and get a stadium plan to try and keep them there.

Stan Kroneke lied when he first bought the Rams saying he would try and get something done to stay there but he ALWAYS had his eyes on LA from the very get go when he first bought them.The fact he lied to them and was not upfront and truthful about his intentions is one thing i did not like about in the Rams move back to LA.

To avoid court,the NFL and the Rams reached a settlement to them and awarded them money. The corrupt NFL fought tooth and nail to try and keep this lawuit from happening but they failed.Cool to see the NFL NOT getting their way for once like they have in their whole existance.:abgg2q.jpg::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::dance:

Rams agree to pull out checkbook, pay $24 million to 'St. Louis' PSL holders


The thing i just dont get is WHY wont the fucking Oakland officials sue them as well as keeps getting reported for so long that they plan a lawsuit.It does not make sense because they have an even MUCH stronger case against the NFL for violating NFL relocation rules.:rolleyes:

Thier case is airtight against the NFL. The NFL would so much lose their asses in court if THEY sued them as well.:mad:

They would more than likely retain their name and logo just as cleveland did when THEY threatened to sue modell and the NFL when he planned to take the name and logo to Baltimore but in a settlement,to avoid a lawsuit and going to court,he left the name and logo in cleveland. The only thing that makes ANY sense WHY the oakland officials have STILL not filed is the oakland officials have all been bought off by the NFL.:mad::rolleyes:

I stopped watching the NFL back in the mid 90's, for you see, I was a Bengals fan. They were not only the worse football team during that time, ESPN ranked them the worst franchise in the entire world of sports. Essentially what happened was, when Paul Brown died, the team died with him when his son took over. 1990 was the year he died and that was the last year the Bungs ever won a playoff game. In fact, the Bungs have gone the longest of any team in the NFL to not win a playoff game.

Let me put it another way, there are only 4 teams in NFL history to start the season 0-6 four different times. The Bungs are not just one of those teams, they have done it 6 times, 5 of those times were under the current owner Mike Brown.

The year I cut them loose was the year they erected "The Tarp". For you see, the Bungs were soooo bad during the 1990's, their own fans would pelt them with anything they could grab. Mike Brown's answer? It was not to improve the team, oh no, no, no, he erected a tarp to protect them.

Then like all the other owner's in the NFL, Mike Brown wanted a new stadium, and he threatened to leave town if the tax payers did not pay the bill. The city then caved, why I have no idea, but they built him the stadium which was millions of dollars over budget.

But the abject losing continued, so much so, the city of Cincinnati sued him. They underlined in the contract for the stadium that they were providing him with the stadium in order to field a competitive team. They then underlined the word "competitive" and said that he had not fielded a competitive team with the new stadium, so he was under breach of contract.

The next thing you know, old Mike Brown gets Marvin Louis and Carson Palmer in there and they go to the playoffs for the first time in over a 20 years period, and immediately lose the first game. However, since they had made the playoffs, the city could no longer claim that the team was not competitive, so they had to drop the law suit. Mike Brown was off the hook even though the team was still crap.

I could go on and on about the dysfunction of the Bungs. like the fact that Carson Palmer refused to play for the Bungs. That's right, it was either play a year and earn $50 million, or refuse to play and flush it all down the commode. He chose to flush it down the commode instead. I have never seen anyone flush $50 million down the toilet, and probably will never see that again, but it shows you just how dysfunctional they are.

I guess my point is this, NFL owners seem to be the dregs of society. In fact, I remember when the Baltimore Ravens won the Super Bowl. Then rolls out Art Modell, the man who moved them from Cleveland to Baltimore. He gets out there and the first things he says is, "I just want to thank those fans in Cleveland for all those years of support" It was like putting a knife into the fans of Cleveland for the last time, and twisting the blade. Keep in mind, the fans of Cleveland still were without a team at this time.

I have long since moved on. I could not pick up another team, so I just watch college ball now. Looking at all the kneeling nonsense and the liberals who run the NFL and the moving of teams around after fans pay them millions of dollars for their stadiums, I am sure glad I did.

I suggest YOU do the same.
California is a shithole full of fruticakes/American haters/illegal lovers/etc
mudslides/fires/droughts/dumbass taxes and laws/etc

AND the NFL--the BLACK players hate America/whites/cops
how nice

you can HAVE the jackass criminal sympathizers
talk about puppy dog--jesus christ
I remember I was kind of like that when I was 13 years old

California is a shithole full of fruticakes/American haters/illegal lovers/etc
mudslides/fires/droughts/dumbass taxes and laws/etc

AND the NFL--the BLACK players hate America/whites/cops
how nice

you can HAVE the jackass criminal sympathizers
talk about puppy dog--jesus christ
I remember I was kind of like that when I was 13 years old

uh way to stick to the topic Harmonica.wrong thread.not even in the right section.:cuckoo:
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As everyone here knows about me,I was the happiest man alive when the Rams moved back to LA where they belong but what I was NOT happy about,was the WAY they did it.They LIED to the city about their intentions of wanting to stay in stank louis to work out a deal and get something done there which was a violation of NFL relocation rules ESPECIALLY since stank louis officials had to spend a lot of money in their planning to try and get a stadium plan to try and keep them there.

Stan Kroneke lied when he first bought the Rams saying he would try and get something done to stay there but he ALWAYS had his eyes on LA from the very get go when he first bought them.The fact he lied to them and was not upfront and truthful about his intentions is one thing i did not like about in the Rams move back to LA.

To avoid court,the NFL and the Rams reached a settlement to them and awarded them money. The corrupt NFL fought tooth and nail to try and keep this lawuit from happening but they failed.Cool to see the NFL NOT getting their way for once like they have in their whole existance.:abgg2q.jpg::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::dance:

Rams agree to pull out checkbook, pay $24 million to 'St. Louis' PSL holders


The thing i just dont get is WHY wont the fucking Oakland officials sue them as well as keeps getting reported for so long that they plan a lawsuit.It does not make sense because they have an even MUCH stronger case against the NFL for violating NFL relocation rules.:rolleyes:

Thier case is airtight against the NFL. The NFL would so much lose their asses in court if THEY sued them as well.:mad:

They would more than likely retain their name and logo just as cleveland did when THEY threatened to sue modell and the NFL when he planned to take the name and logo to Baltimore but in a settlement,to avoid a lawsuit and going to court,he left the name and logo in cleveland. The only thing that makes ANY sense WHY the oakland officials have STILL not filed is the oakland officials have all been bought off by the NFL.:mad::rolleyes:

I stopped watching the NFL back in the mid 90's, for you see, I was a Bengals fan. They were not only the worse football team during that time, ESPN ranked them the worst franchise in the entire world of sports. Essentially what happened was, when Paul Brown died, the team died with him when his son took over. 1990 was the year he died and that was the last year the Bungs ever won a playoff game. In fact, the Bungs have gone the longest of any team in the NFL to not win a playoff game.

Let me put it another way, there are only 4 teams in NFL history to start the season 0-6 four different times. The Bungs are not just one of those teams, they have done it 6 times, 5 of those times were under the current owner Mike Brown.

The year I cut them loose was the year they erected "The Tarp". For you see, the Bungs were soooo bad during the 1990's, their own fans would pelt them with anything they could grab. Mike Brown's answer? It was not to improve the team, oh no, no, no, he erected a tarp to protect them.

Then like all the other owner's in the NFL, Mike Brown wanted a new stadium, and he threatened to leave town if the tax payers did not pay the bill. The city then caved, why I have no idea, but they built him the stadium which was millions of dollars over budget.

But the abject losing continued, so much so, the city of Cincinnati sued him. They underlined in the contract for the stadium that they were providing him with the stadium in order to field a competitive team. They then underlined the word "competitive" and said that he had not fielded a competitive team with the new stadium, so he was under breach of contract.

The next thing you know, old Mike Brown gets Marvin Louis and Carson Palmer in there and they go to the playoffs for the first time in over a 20 years period, and immediately lose the first game. However, since they had made the playoffs, the city could no longer claim that the team was not competitive, so they had to drop the law suit. Mike Brown was off the hook even though the team was still crap.

I could go on and on about the dysfunction of the Bungs. like the fact that Carson Palmer refused to play for the Bungs. That's right, it was either play a year and earn $50 million, or refuse to play and flush it all down the commode. He chose to flush it down the commode instead. I have never seen anyone flush $50 million down the toilet, and probably will never see that again, but it shows you just how dysfunctional they are.

I guess my point is this, NFL owners seem to be the dregs of society. In fact, I remember when the Baltimore Ravens won the Super Bowl. Then rolls out Art Modell, the man who moved them from Cleveland to Baltimore. He gets out there and the first things he says is, "I just want to thank those fans in Cleveland for all those years of support" It was like putting a knife into the fans of Cleveland for the last time, and twisting the blade. Keep in mind, the fans of Cleveland still were without a team at this time.

I have long since moved on. I could not pick up another team, so I just watch college ball now. Looking at all the kneeling nonsense and the liberals who run the NFL and the moving of teams around after fans pay them millions of dollars for their stadiums, I am sure glad I did.

I suggest YOU do the same.

Yeah I hear you about the Bengals.The fans in cincy really got fucked as well by those fuckers in the NFL.The city caved in wanting them so badly they took funds that were going to be used for a HOSPITAL to build Paul Browns asshole son a new stadium which got closed down BECAUSE of that..
Ohio County Stadium Debts Force Government To Sell Hospital, Raid Savings | HuffPost

A Stadium's Costly Legacy Throws Taxpayers for a Loss

Cincinnati Reds | Field of Schemes

God Paul Browns son is so evil taking money from a hospital.Not in the least surprising though because the truth is these NFL owner are so evil they would kill their own mothers if it mean they would profit im millions and millions of dollars from it.

Yeah when the Ravens won the superbowl it was in reality the CLEVELAND BROWNS that won that superbowl because it was all players from cleveland just baltimore in name so that is not true when they say the cleveland browns have never won a superbowl.

I am not familiar with the story on Modell thanking the fans of cleveland but that i know too well what you are talking about on him slapping the fans in the face on that. that evil bitch owner who moved the rams from LA did they same thing when the rams won a superbowl in stank louis but HER comments were even much worse and a REAL slap in the face to the fans in LA talking about bringing the rams to LA saying-I now know we did the right thing

she is now burning in hell alongside art modell and al davis. i have even heard that her grave is actually in LA and ram fans go there and piss on it all the time.kudos to them.:lmao::laughing0301::beer::yes_text12::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

oh dont worry,ever since the Rams let LA for stank louis i dont support the NFL anymore.I watch the rams games only cause they are back where they belong and ONLY cause i love their cool bad ass looking uniform colors they wear at their home games.the rams are the ONLY team i ever watch now,if they dont make the playoffs,i never watch them. you are right,I cant go wrong in supporting UCLA football,more exciting since they play the game for the love love of the game instead of the money but MOST IMPORTANTLY,they wont up and move,they will ALWAYS stay there in LA.:thup:

oh and just so you know,as i said I am with you.i ONLY watch Ram games now just cause i love their cool looking uniforms,NOTHING ELSE,NOTHING ELSE,I am in heaven when i see these uniforms.coolest in the world,hands down no other team even comes close especially with the horns on the helmet dont you agree? :thup::yes_text12: you just cant beat these unis in these two pics .agreed? lol



also it is mostly ULCA football i watch and most NFL football games i DO watch are classic games from yesteryear i buy over the net when the NFL was not corrupt as it is now.:)

got to admit dont you agree? these are the coolesT bad ass uniformnS in the WORLD/? and everybody around here that knows me tjust so you know,they will ALL tell you the ONLY reason i watch Ram games now is they are back in LA where they belong.:dance:

If they were STILL in stank louis,i would have nothihg to do with the NFL as i did not the last 20 years they were playing there.
Last edited:
As everyone here knows about me,I was the happiest man alive when the Rams moved back to LA where they belong but what I was NOT happy about,was the WAY they did it.They LIED to the city about their intentions of wanting to stay in stank louis to work out a deal and get something done there which was a violation of NFL relocation rules ESPECIALLY since stank louis officials had to spend a lot of money in their planning to try and get a stadium plan to try and keep them there.

Stan Kroneke lied when he first bought the Rams saying he would try and get something done to stay there but he ALWAYS had his eyes on LA from the very get go when he first bought them.The fact he lied to them and was not upfront and truthful about his intentions is one thing i did not like about in the Rams move back to LA.

To avoid court,the NFL and the Rams reached a settlement to them and awarded them money. The corrupt NFL fought tooth and nail to try and keep this lawuit from happening but they failed.Cool to see the NFL NOT getting their way for once like they have in their whole existance.:abgg2q.jpg::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::dance:

Rams agree to pull out checkbook, pay $24 million to 'St. Louis' PSL holders


The thing i just dont get is WHY wont the fucking Oakland officials sue them as well as keeps getting reported for so long that they plan a lawsuit.It does not make sense because they have an even MUCH stronger case against the NFL for violating NFL relocation rules.:rolleyes:

Thier case is airtight against the NFL. The NFL would so much lose their asses in court if THEY sued them as well.:mad:

They would more than likely retain their name and logo just as cleveland did when THEY threatened to sue modell and the NFL when he planned to take the name and logo to Baltimore but in a settlement,to avoid a lawsuit and going to court,he left the name and logo in cleveland. The only thing that makes ANY sense WHY the oakland officials have STILL not filed is the oakland officials have all been bought off by the NFL.:mad::rolleyes:

I stopped watching the NFL back in the mid 90's, for you see, I was a Bengals fan. They were not only the worse football team during that time, ESPN ranked them the worst franchise in the entire world of sports. Essentially what happened was, when Paul Brown died, the team died with him when his son took over. 1990 was the year he died and that was the last year the Bungs ever won a playoff game. In fact, the Bungs have gone the longest of any team in the NFL to not win a playoff game.

Let me put it another way, there are only 4 teams in NFL history to start the season 0-6 four different times. The Bungs are not just one of those teams, they have done it 6 times, 5 of those times were under the current owner Mike Brown.

The year I cut them loose was the year they erected "The Tarp". For you see, the Bungs were soooo bad during the 1990's, their own fans would pelt them with anything they could grab. Mike Brown's answer? It was not to improve the team, oh no, no, no, he erected a tarp to protect them.

Then like all the other owner's in the NFL, Mike Brown wanted a new stadium, and he threatened to leave town if the tax payers did not pay the bill. The city then caved, why I have no idea, but they built him the stadium which was millions of dollars over budget.

But the abject losing continued, so much so, the city of Cincinnati sued him. They underlined in the contract for the stadium that they were providing him with the stadium in order to field a competitive team. They then underlined the word "competitive" and said that he had not fielded a competitive team with the new stadium, so he was under breach of contract.

The next thing you know, old Mike Brown gets Marvin Louis and Carson Palmer in there and they go to the playoffs for the first time in over a 20 years period, and immediately lose the first game. However, since they had made the playoffs, the city could no longer claim that the team was not competitive, so they had to drop the law suit. Mike Brown was off the hook even though the team was still crap.

I could go on and on about the dysfunction of the Bungs. like the fact that Carson Palmer refused to play for the Bungs. That's right, it was either play a year and earn $50 million, or refuse to play and flush it all down the commode. He chose to flush it down the commode instead. I have never seen anyone flush $50 million down the toilet, and probably will never see that again, but it shows you just how dysfunctional they are.

I guess my point is this, NFL owners seem to be the dregs of society. In fact, I remember when the Baltimore Ravens won the Super Bowl. Then rolls out Art Modell, the man who moved them from Cleveland to Baltimore. He gets out there and the first things he says is, "I just want to thank those fans in Cleveland for all those years of support" It was like putting a knife into the fans of Cleveland for the last time, and twisting the blade. Keep in mind, the fans of Cleveland still were without a team at this time.

I have long since moved on. I could not pick up another team, so I just watch college ball now. Looking at all the kneeling nonsense and the liberals who run the NFL and the moving of teams around after fans pay them millions of dollars for their stadiums, I am sure glad I did.

I suggest YOU do the same.

Yeah I hear you about the Bengals.The fans in cincy really got fucked as well by those fuckers in the NFL.The city caved in wanting them so badly they took funds that were going to be used for a HOSPITAL to build Paul Browns asshole son a new stadium which got closed down BECAUSE of that..
Ohio County Stadium Debts Force Government To Sell Hospital, Raid Savings | HuffPost

A Stadium's Costly Legacy Throws Taxpayers for a Loss

Cincinnati Reds | Field of Schemes

God Paul Browns son is so evil taking money from a hospital.Not in the least surprising though because the truth is these NFL owner are so evil they would kill their own mothers if it mean they would profit im millions and millions of dollars from it.

Yeah when the Ravens won the superbowl it was in reality the CLEVELAND BROWNS that won that superbowl because it was all players from cleveland just baltimore in name so that is not true when they say the cleveland browns have never won a superbowl.

I am not familiar with the story on Modell thanking the fans of cleveland but that i know too well what you are talking about on him slapping the fans in the face on that. that evil bitch owner who moved the rams from LA did they same thing when the rams won a superbowl in stank louis but HER comments were even much worse and a REAL slap in the face to the fans in LA talking about bringing the rams to LA saying-I now know we did the right thing

she is now burning in hell alongside art modell and al davis. i have even heard that her grave is actually in LA and ram fans go there and piss on it all the time.kudos to them.:lmao::laughing0301::beer::yes_text12::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

oh dont worry,ever since the Rams let LA for stank louis i dont support the NFL anymore.I watch the rams games only cause they are back where they belong and ONLY cause i love their cool bad ass looking uniform colors they wear at their home games.the rams are the ONLY team i ever watch now,if they dont make the playoffs,i never watch them. you are right,I cant go wrong in supporting UCLA football,more exciting since they play the game for the love love of the game instead of the money but MOST IMPORTANTLY,they wont up and move,they will ALWAYS stay there in LA.:thup:

oh and just so you know,as i said I am with you.i ONLY watch Ram games now just cause i love their cool looking uniforms,NOTHING ELSE,NOTHING ELSE,I am in heaven when i see these uniforms.coolest in the world,hands down no other team even comes close especially with the horns on the helmet dont you agree? :thup::yes_text12: you just cant beat these unis.agreed? lol


also it is mostly ULCA football i watch and most NFL football games i DO watch are classic games from yesteryear i buy over the net when the NFL was not corrupt as it is now.:)

got to admit dont you agree? these are the coolesT bad ass uniformnS in the WORLD/? and everybody around here that knows me tjust so you know,they will ALL tell you the ONLY reason i watch Ram games now is they are back in LA where they belong.:dance:

If they were STILL in stank louis,i would have nothihg to do with the NFL as i did not the last 20 years they were playing there.

Well, whatever floats your boat. I'm not sure I could force myself to watch the Bungs again no matter what uniform they where.

Which reminds me, the all time worst uniform in NFL history,, here is is.


Growing up I could have sworn the dude on the helmet was gay.
Last edited:
California is a shithole full of fruticakes/American haters/illegal lovers/etc
mudslides/fires/droughts/dumbass taxes and laws/etc

AND the NFL--the BLACK players hate America/whites/cops
how nice

you can HAVE the jackass criminal sympathizers
talk about puppy dog--jesus christ
I remember I was kind of like that when I was 13 years old

California is a shithole full of fruticakes/American haters/illegal lovers/etc
mudslides/fires/droughts/dumbass taxes and laws/etc

AND the NFL--the BLACK players hate America/whites/cops
how nice

you can HAVE the jackass criminal sympathizers
talk about puppy dog--jesus christ
I remember I was kind of like that when I was 13 years old

uh way to stick to the topic Harmonica.wrong thread.not even in the right section.:cuckoo:
topic = NFL
NFL players---yes right section right thread
As everyone here knows about me,I was the happiest man alive when the Rams moved back to LA where they belong but what I was NOT happy about,was the WAY they did it.They LIED to the city about their intentions of wanting to stay in stank louis to work out a deal and get something done there which was a violation of NFL relocation rules ESPECIALLY since stank louis officials had to spend a lot of money in their planning to try and get a stadium plan to try and keep them there.

Stan Kroneke lied when he first bought the Rams saying he would try and get something done to stay there but he ALWAYS had his eyes on LA from the very get go when he first bought them.The fact he lied to them and was not upfront and truthful about his intentions is one thing i did not like about in the Rams move back to LA.

To avoid court,the NFL and the Rams reached a settlement to them and awarded them money. The corrupt NFL fought tooth and nail to try and keep this lawuit from happening but they failed.Cool to see the NFL NOT getting their way for once like they have in their whole existance.:abgg2q.jpg::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::dance:

Rams agree to pull out checkbook, pay $24 million to 'St. Louis' PSL holders


The thing i just dont get is WHY wont the fucking Oakland officials sue them as well as keeps getting reported for so long that they plan a lawsuit.It does not make sense because they have an even MUCH stronger case against the NFL for violating NFL relocation rules.:rolleyes:

Thier case is airtight against the NFL. The NFL would so much lose their asses in court if THEY sued them as well.:mad:

They would more than likely retain their name and logo just as cleveland did when THEY threatened to sue modell and the NFL when he planned to take the name and logo to Baltimore but in a settlement,to avoid a lawsuit and going to court,he left the name and logo in cleveland. The only thing that makes ANY sense WHY the oakland officials have STILL not filed is the oakland officials have all been bought off by the NFL.:mad::rolleyes:

I stopped watching the NFL back in the mid 90's, for you see, I was a Bengals fan. They were not only the worse football team during that time, ESPN ranked them the worst franchise in the entire world of sports. Essentially what happened was, when Paul Brown died, the team died with him when his son took over. 1990 was the year he died and that was the last year the Bungs ever won a playoff game. In fact, the Bungs have gone the longest of any team in the NFL to not win a playoff game.

Let me put it another way, there are only 4 teams in NFL history to start the season 0-6 four different times. The Bungs are not just one of those teams, they have done it 6 times, 5 of those times were under the current owner Mike Brown.

The year I cut them loose was the year they erected "The Tarp". For you see, the Bungs were soooo bad during the 1990's, their own fans would pelt them with anything they could grab. Mike Brown's answer? It was not to improve the team, oh no, no, no, he erected a tarp to protect them.

Then like all the other owner's in the NFL, Mike Brown wanted a new stadium, and he threatened to leave town if the tax payers did not pay the bill. The city then caved, why I have no idea, but they built him the stadium which was millions of dollars over budget.

But the abject losing continued, so much so, the city of Cincinnati sued him. They underlined in the contract for the stadium that they were providing him with the stadium in order to field a competitive team. They then underlined the word "competitive" and said that he had not fielded a competitive team with the new stadium, so he was under breach of contract.

The next thing you know, old Mike Brown gets Marvin Louis and Carson Palmer in there and they go to the playoffs for the first time in over a 20 years period, and immediately lose the first game. However, since they had made the playoffs, the city could no longer claim that the team was not competitive, so they had to drop the law suit. Mike Brown was off the hook even though the team was still crap.

I could go on and on about the dysfunction of the Bungs. like the fact that Carson Palmer refused to play for the Bungs. That's right, it was either play a year and earn $50 million, or refuse to play and flush it all down the commode. He chose to flush it down the commode instead. I have never seen anyone flush $50 million down the toilet, and probably will never see that again, but it shows you just how dysfunctional they are.

I guess my point is this, NFL owners seem to be the dregs of society. In fact, I remember when the Baltimore Ravens won the Super Bowl. Then rolls out Art Modell, the man who moved them from Cleveland to Baltimore. He gets out there and the first things he says is, "I just want to thank those fans in Cleveland for all those years of support" It was like putting a knife into the fans of Cleveland for the last time, and twisting the blade. Keep in mind, the fans of Cleveland still were without a team at this time.

I have long since moved on. I could not pick up another team, so I just watch college ball now. Looking at all the kneeling nonsense and the liberals who run the NFL and the moving of teams around after fans pay them millions of dollars for their stadiums, I am sure glad I did.

I suggest YOU do the same.

Yeah I hear you about the Bengals.The fans in cincy really got fucked as well by those fuckers in the NFL.The city caved in wanting them so badly they took funds that were going to be used for a HOSPITAL to build Paul Browns asshole son a new stadium which got closed down BECAUSE of that..
Ohio County Stadium Debts Force Government To Sell Hospital, Raid Savings | HuffPost

A Stadium's Costly Legacy Throws Taxpayers for a Loss

Cincinnati Reds | Field of Schemes

God Paul Browns son is so evil taking money from a hospital.Not in the least surprising though because the truth is these NFL owner are so evil they would kill their own mothers if it mean they would profit im millions and millions of dollars from it.

Yeah when the Ravens won the superbowl it was in reality the CLEVELAND BROWNS that won that superbowl because it was all players from cleveland just baltimore in name so that is not true when they say the cleveland browns have never won a superbowl.

I am not familiar with the story on Modell thanking the fans of cleveland but that i know too well what you are talking about on him slapping the fans in the face on that. that evil bitch owner who moved the rams from LA did they same thing when the rams won a superbowl in stank louis but HER comments were even much worse and a REAL slap in the face to the fans in LA talking about bringing the rams to LA saying-I now know we did the right thing

she is now burning in hell alongside art modell and al davis. i have even heard that her grave is actually in LA and ram fans go there and piss on it all the time.kudos to them.:lmao::laughing0301::beer::yes_text12::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

oh dont worry,ever since the Rams let LA for stank louis i dont support the NFL anymore.I watch the rams games only cause they are back where they belong and ONLY cause i love their cool bad ass looking uniform colors they wear at their home games.the rams are the ONLY team i ever watch now,if they dont make the playoffs,i never watch them. you are right,I cant go wrong in supporting UCLA football,more exciting since they play the game for the love love of the game instead of the money but MOST IMPORTANTLY,they wont up and move,they will ALWAYS stay there in LA.:thup:

oh and just so you know,as i said I am with you.i ONLY watch Ram games now just cause i love their cool looking uniforms,NOTHING ELSE,NOTHING ELSE,I am in heaven when i see these uniforms.coolest in the world,hands down no other team even comes close especially with the horns on the helmet dont you agree? :thup::yes_text12: you just cant beat these unis.agreed? lol


also it is mostly ULCA football i watch and most NFL football games i DO watch are classic games from yesteryear i buy over the net when the NFL was not corrupt as it is now.:)

got to admit dont you agree? these are the coolesT bad ass uniformnS in the WORLD/? and everybody around here that knows me tjust so you know,they will ALL tell you the ONLY reason i watch Ram games now is they are back in LA where they belong.:dance:

If they were STILL in stank louis,i would have nothihg to do with the NFL as i did not the last 20 years they were playing there.

Well, whatever floats your boat. I'm not sure I could force myself to watch the Bungs again no matter what uniform they where.

Which reminds me, the all time worst uniform in NFL history,, here is is.


Growing up I could have sworn the dude on the helmet was gay.
Worst uniform in NFL history might be the bizarre powder-blue and gold disasters that the Eagles wore, or the Bears' and Steelers' weird bumblebee-stripes. Dishonorable mention to the Jags' mustard-yellow disasters and Denver's mustard-yellow with brown pants and brown and gold vertical-striped socks. (What the hell?)
As everyone here knows about me,I was the happiest man alive when the Rams moved back to LA where they belong but what I was NOT happy about,was the WAY they did it.They LIED to the city about their intentions of wanting to stay in stank louis to work out a deal and get something done there which was a violation of NFL relocation rules ESPECIALLY since stank louis officials had to spend a lot of money in their planning to try and get a stadium plan to try and keep them there.

Stan Kroneke lied when he first bought the Rams saying he would try and get something done to stay there but he ALWAYS had his eyes on LA from the very get go when he first bought them.The fact he lied to them and was not upfront and truthful about his intentions is one thing i did not like about in the Rams move back to LA.

To avoid court,the NFL and the Rams reached a settlement to them and awarded them money. The corrupt NFL fought tooth and nail to try and keep this lawuit from happening but they failed.Cool to see the NFL NOT getting their way for once like they have in their whole existance.:abgg2q.jpg::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::dance:

Rams agree to pull out checkbook, pay $24 million to 'St. Louis' PSL holders


The thing i just dont get is WHY wont the fucking Oakland officials sue them as well as keeps getting reported for so long that they plan a lawsuit.It does not make sense because they have an even MUCH stronger case against the NFL for violating NFL relocation rules.:rolleyes:

Thier case is airtight against the NFL. The NFL would so much lose their asses in court if THEY sued them as well.:mad:

They would more than likely retain their name and logo just as cleveland did when THEY threatened to sue modell and the NFL when he planned to take the name and logo to Baltimore but in a settlement,to avoid a lawsuit and going to court,he left the name and logo in cleveland. The only thing that makes ANY sense WHY the oakland officials have STILL not filed is the oakland officials have all been bought off by the NFL.:mad::rolleyes:

I stopped watching the NFL back in the mid 90's, for you see, I was a Bengals fan. They were not only the worse football team during that time, ESPN ranked them the worst franchise in the entire world of sports. Essentially what happened was, when Paul Brown died, the team died with him when his son took over. 1990 was the year he died and that was the last year the Bungs ever won a playoff game. In fact, the Bungs have gone the longest of any team in the NFL to not win a playoff game.

Let me put it another way, there are only 4 teams in NFL history to start the season 0-6 four different times. The Bungs are not just one of those teams, they have done it 6 times, 5 of those times were under the current owner Mike Brown.

The year I cut them loose was the year they erected "The Tarp". For you see, the Bungs were soooo bad during the 1990's, their own fans would pelt them with anything they could grab. Mike Brown's answer? It was not to improve the team, oh no, no, no, he erected a tarp to protect them.

Then like all the other owner's in the NFL, Mike Brown wanted a new stadium, and he threatened to leave town if the tax payers did not pay the bill. The city then caved, why I have no idea, but they built him the stadium which was millions of dollars over budget.

But the abject losing continued, so much so, the city of Cincinnati sued him. They underlined in the contract for the stadium that they were providing him with the stadium in order to field a competitive team. They then underlined the word "competitive" and said that he had not fielded a competitive team with the new stadium, so he was under breach of contract.

The next thing you know, old Mike Brown gets Marvin Louis and Carson Palmer in there and they go to the playoffs for the first time in over a 20 years period, and immediately lose the first game. However, since they had made the playoffs, the city could no longer claim that the team was not competitive, so they had to drop the law suit. Mike Brown was off the hook even though the team was still crap.

I could go on and on about the dysfunction of the Bungs. like the fact that Carson Palmer refused to play for the Bungs. That's right, it was either play a year and earn $50 million, or refuse to play and flush it all down the commode. He chose to flush it down the commode instead. I have never seen anyone flush $50 million down the toilet, and probably will never see that again, but it shows you just how dysfunctional they are.

I guess my point is this, NFL owners seem to be the dregs of society. In fact, I remember when the Baltimore Ravens won the Super Bowl. Then rolls out Art Modell, the man who moved them from Cleveland to Baltimore. He gets out there and the first things he says is, "I just want to thank those fans in Cleveland for all those years of support" It was like putting a knife into the fans of Cleveland for the last time, and twisting the blade. Keep in mind, the fans of Cleveland still were without a team at this time.

I have long since moved on. I could not pick up another team, so I just watch college ball now. Looking at all the kneeling nonsense and the liberals who run the NFL and the moving of teams around after fans pay them millions of dollars for their stadiums, I am sure glad I did.

I suggest YOU do the same.

Yeah I hear you about the Bengals.The fans in cincy really got fucked as well by those fuckers in the NFL.The city caved in wanting them so badly they took funds that were going to be used for a HOSPITAL to build Paul Browns asshole son a new stadium which got closed down BECAUSE of that..
Ohio County Stadium Debts Force Government To Sell Hospital, Raid Savings | HuffPost

A Stadium's Costly Legacy Throws Taxpayers for a Loss

Cincinnati Reds | Field of Schemes

God Paul Browns son is so evil taking money from a hospital.Not in the least surprising though because the truth is these NFL owner are so evil they would kill their own mothers if it mean they would profit im millions and millions of dollars from it.

Yeah when the Ravens won the superbowl it was in reality the CLEVELAND BROWNS that won that superbowl because it was all players from cleveland just baltimore in name so that is not true when they say the cleveland browns have never won a superbowl.

I am not familiar with the story on Modell thanking the fans of cleveland but that i know too well what you are talking about on him slapping the fans in the face on that. that evil bitch owner who moved the rams from LA did they same thing when the rams won a superbowl in stank louis but HER comments were even much worse and a REAL slap in the face to the fans in LA talking about bringing the rams to LA saying-I now know we did the right thing

she is now burning in hell alongside art modell and al davis. i have even heard that her grave is actually in LA and ram fans go there and piss on it all the time.kudos to them.:lmao::laughing0301::beer::yes_text12::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

oh dont worry,ever since the Rams let LA for stank louis i dont support the NFL anymore.I watch the rams games only cause they are back where they belong and ONLY cause i love their cool bad ass looking uniform colors they wear at their home games.the rams are the ONLY team i ever watch now,if they dont make the playoffs,i never watch them. you are right,I cant go wrong in supporting UCLA football,more exciting since they play the game for the love love of the game instead of the money but MOST IMPORTANTLY,they wont up and move,they will ALWAYS stay there in LA.:thup:

oh and just so you know,as i said I am with you.i ONLY watch Ram games now just cause i love their cool looking uniforms,NOTHING ELSE,NOTHING ELSE,I am in heaven when i see these uniforms.coolest in the world,hands down no other team even comes close especially with the horns on the helmet dont you agree? :thup::yes_text12: you just cant beat these unis.agreed? lol


also it is mostly ULCA football i watch and most NFL football games i DO watch are classic games from yesteryear i buy over the net when the NFL was not corrupt as it is now.:)

got to admit dont you agree? these are the coolesT bad ass uniformnS in the WORLD/? and everybody around here that knows me tjust so you know,they will ALL tell you the ONLY reason i watch Ram games now is they are back in LA where they belong.:dance:

If they were STILL in stank louis,i would have nothihg to do with the NFL as i did not the last 20 years they were playing there.

Well, whatever floats your boat. I'm not sure I could force myself to watch the Bungs again no matter what uniform they where.

Which reminds me, the all time worst uniform in NFL history,, here is is.


Growing up I could have sworn the dude on the helmet was gay.

Hmmm strange i never thought that on the helmets.But yeah a lot of people agree with you on the uniforms.that was the ONLY time i did NOT object to a franchise changing their uni's.a college i can see wearing those but not the pros.LOL cant blame you on the Bungs after the corrupt NFL robbed the city.i wont give the NFL a dime same as you.
As an Oaklandtown Gal, I will be ecstatic to see the backside of the Raiders and hope their flabby asses are quite bruised when the door hits them. The Raiders bled out Oakland; I wish they had never returned from LA.

Good riddance and time to move on. Endless litigation is not going to do the city any good.
They stacked that ugly-ass POS onto the Coliseum to mollify Al Davis....Yuck.

yeah that was the worst mistake Oakland made especially since it is such a horrible view,so horrible the view is obstructed and you can hardly see the field,its like watching ants down there.

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