Newt on Trump

From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.
Thanks for posting that. There is indeed a chance he could become President, so in that light, Newt's comments give me some hope. I take the comments of any politician, pundit, politico or partisan with a pretty large grain of salt, but I'll take what I can get.

The two most hopeful things he said are that Trump listens well and asks clarifying questions. Good. That indicates a curiosity and a seriousness that he hasn't displayed generally. And I base that opinion not on media reports, but from direct observation of the guy.

I agree with you that there is a discrepancy, and by all means, the closer Trump is to Newt's comments the better. But at the same time, there is also a huge discrepancy in the embarrassing carnival barker he is on the campaign trail, and the thoughtful adult Newt claims he is in private. Why is that discrepancy so large? And does he realize that his campaign behavior will probably deny him the opportunity to BE that thoughtful adult in the White House?

"Thoughtful adults" as you mean it, left the building a long time ago.

Political discourse in the nation has for decades been completely dominated by Political Correctness.

Hillary isn't going to run a issue based campaign, she'll fear monger and lie about Trump being a racist, while her partisans call him Hitler.

The Republican Party is playing the same game against their own front runner.

Trump's public persona was the ANSWER to Political Correctness and it seemed to be working, at least until the GOP joined in on the Dog Pile.

Do you believe that the GOP flipped the South and keeps it on their side with a racist Southern Strategy?
From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.
Support from Newt Gingrich.....another good reason to reject Trump.

And thanks for really addressing the points raised in the OP and this thread.

HEY MAC, is this guy a "Thoughtful Adult"?
Correll would like some liberals to agree with Gingrich's take on Trump. Correll liked what Gingrich had to say about Trump....and Correll believes that Gingrich is a wise man and a great judge of character.

Correll isn't happy that he can't get any libs to express how they may have misunderstood Trump, based on this new information. After all, Newt is such a brilliant man, his opinion about Trump should be given a lot of consideration

Awesome thread and great topic, Correll. I'm going to reconsider my opinion of Mr. Trump. I have so much respect for what Newt Gingrich has to say, that I have no choice.

Thanks for bringing this important information to us.

Mac? Maybe this is what you meant by "thoughtful adult"?
Mac? Maybe this is what you meant by "thoughtful adult"?
Real progress can't be made unless and until thoughtful adults on both ends of any issue prevail in the conversation. I sure as hell agree with you that such qualities are badly lacking on both "ends" of the spectrum, but until honesty and reason prevail we'll continue to decay.

"Side" irrelevant.
Last edited:
Mac? Maybe this is what you meant by "thoughtful adult"?
Real progress can't be made unless and until thoughtful adults on both ends of any issue prevail in the conversation. I sure as hell agree with you that such qualities are badly lacking on both "ends" of the spectrum, but until honesty and reason prevail we'll continue to decay.

"Side" irrelevant.

From the article.

I want to get back to what Trump is doing, and we both know he is playing on impulses—

No, no we don’t.

We don’t?

What we know is that Trump has had the nerve to raise questions in a clear language because he represents the millions of Americans who are sick and tired of being told that they have to be guilt-ridden and keep their mouth shut."

Trump is fighting against the system of control that you are so concerned about.

If Trump wins, it will be a serious blow to the Conventional Wisdom. Millions of people who are afraid to speak out on issues that need to be addressed, but are not, will be encouraged to speak.

If Trump loses, it will be a huge victory for Political Correctness and the message will be that NO ONE can dare violate the Taboos and not be destroyed.
Trump's loss is victory for America, and a loss for the antiAmerican agendas of the Corrells.
Trump's loss is victory for America, and a loss for the antiAmerican agendas of the Corrells.

And another "thoughtful adult" comment.

Note the detailed response to each and every point raised, the discipline displayed by staying on topic, and avoiding any hint of irrational demagoguery or personal attacks.

Yep. I can see why you would consider Trump to be the problem...
From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.
Support from Newt Gingrich.....another good reason to reject Trump.

And thanks for really addressing the points raised in the OP and this thread.

HEY MAC, is this guy a "Thoughtful Adult"?
So then an endorsement from Newt Gingrich wasn't the point of the OP. What was the point?
Trump's loss is victory for America, and a loss for the antiAmerican agendas of the Corrells.

And another "thoughtful adult" comment.

Note the detailed response to each and every point raised, the discipline displayed by staying on topic, and avoiding any hint of irrational demagoguery or personal attacks.

Yep. I can see why you would consider Trump to be the problem...
You points when they merit rebuttal get rebuttal. Otherwise, they get laughed at.
Fig Newton belongs with Ted Cruz they both change faster than a chameleon changes its colors..



They're both a couple of good "chrisitans" who share the same family values, all righty.


I'm sure you can see how Newt could have no problem with that
From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.
Support from Newt Gingrich.....another good reason to reject Trump.

And thanks for really addressing the points raised in the OP and this thread.

HEY MAC, is this guy a "Thoughtful Adult"?
So then an endorsement from Newt Gingrich wasn't the point of the OP. What was the point?

Trump's loss is victory for America, and a loss for the antiAmerican agendas of the Corrells.

And another "thoughtful adult" comment.

Note the detailed response to each and every point raised, the discipline displayed by staying on topic, and avoiding any hint of irrational demagoguery or personal attacks.

Yep. I can see why you would consider Trump to be the problem...
You points when they merit rebuttal get rebuttal. Otherwise, they get laughed at.

Propagandist like yourself, use Logical Fallacies like the Appeal to Ridicule because they CANNOT rebut their enemies points.

And again you demonstrate why Mac, imo, should not consider Trump the problem.
From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.
Support from Newt Gingrich.....another good reason to reject Trump.

And thanks for really addressing the points raised in the OP and this thread.

HEY MAC, is this guy a "Thoughtful Adult"?
So then an endorsement from Newt Gingrich wasn't the point of the OP. What was the point?

Anecdotes from Newt Gingrich. Perhaps you'd like to elaborate on the significance.
From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.

When did Newt Gingrich become honest and objective?
Awesome. I like how op tries to blame the media for the coming failure of the donald. Without the media there would be no talk about the donald. Serious people blame the orange chimp for the actions of the orange chimp.
From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.
Support from Newt Gingrich.....another good reason to reject Trump.

And thanks for really addressing the points raised in the OP and this thread.

HEY MAC, is this guy a "Thoughtful Adult"?
So then an endorsement from Newt Gingrich wasn't the point of the OP. What was the point?

Anecdotes from Newt Gingrich. Perhaps you'd like to elaborate on the significance.

I already did. Read the thread, and don't bother saying anything unless you have something to say, lefty.
Newt is throwing in the towel. His history shows him to be as zealous a supporter of free trade, NAFTA style, as anyone.

At no point in the article did he endorse Trump's position on Trade.

But yes, I think Newt has given up on elected office.

That does not really address what Newt had to say about Trump.
From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.

When did Newt Gingrich become honest and objective?

I can't think of anything in Newt's background that would lead me to believe Newt is a Trump partisan.

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