Newsom threatens DeSantis


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
California governor Gavin Newsom (D.) suggested Florida governor Ron DeSantis (R.) should face kidnapping charges after DeSantis allegedly helped orchestrate a flight of migrants to the California capital from the border, hours before a second flight arrived with more migrants.

The threat came after a first private jet arrived Saturday in Sacramento from New Mexico with 16 illegal migrants from Venezuela and Colombia onboard. A second flight arrived midday Monday, reportedly carrying 20 more migrants. It is not confirmed whether DeSantis is behind the flights, but the migrants reportedly were carrying Florida state government paperwork.

Newsom posted the text of a California law that details the potential charge Newsom could leverage. "Every person, who being out of this state, abducts or takes by force or fraud any person contrary to the law of the place where that act is committed, and brings, sends, or conveys that person within the limits of this state ... is guilty of kidnapping," the law reads.

The migrants came from Texas near El Paso and were first sent to New Mexico before flying to California.

Why is Newsom angry with DeSantis and not Biden and Mayorkas?
I understand that the Illegals are told where the flight is going and get on voluntarily.

How is that "kidnapping" at all?

If I was an illegal, I'd WANT to go to a sanctuary city. Especially one with a mild climate like Sacramento, and one with plenty of rich people with lots of change to spare.
I understand that the Illegals are told where the flight is going and get on voluntarily.

How is that "kidnapping" at all?

If I was an illegal, I'd WANT to go to a sanctuary city. Especially one with a mild climate like Sacramento, and one with plenty of rich people with lots of change to spare.

Lets interview the immigrants and find out what they were told
The so-called 'sanctuary cities' are being called out on theri criminal encouragment of illegal immigration, and now are sniveling about Desantis and Abbot rescuing their 'refugees' and sending them where they're 'wanted'. lol the hypocrisy and fake moral signaling is so obvious even they can't cover it up. Newsom feels their pain; he has some real estate scams to perpetrate in SF he wants to cash in on and those filthy illegals will get in the way of emptying expensive buildings in SF and driving the prices way down and bought dirt cheap.

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