Newsmaxx Tops Fox News In Ratings Battle, Fox Is Done..


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Newsmax overtook Fox News by 26,000 viewers in the key 25-to-54 age demographic, coveted by advertisers in the TV industry, during the 10pm programme slot. Mr Trump fell out with Fox after it called the election in Joe Biden’s favour, alongside all other mainstream broadcasters. At the recent crowded “Trump Victory” rally in Georgia, his supporters booed the channel's correspondent Griff Jenkins."

Fox News is paying the price for not being sufficiently loyal to Trump and they may never recover from this, Newsmaxx and OAN will supplant Fox as the leading news source for the Republican voting base...Unless Fox changes its tune and fire any host who reports anything that Trump doesn't like, their days are numbered...Also, Twitter and Youtube have been very mean to Trump, flagging his posts, removing videos exposing the COVID hoax -- which is why Parler will replace Twitter as the leading social media platform and Rumble will replace Youtube as the leading video content platform...
People like to hear news supporting their prejudices. It bothers them when faced with things they do not like.

Yes, I've heard that.


"Newsmax overtook Fox News by 26,000 viewers in the key 25-to-54 age demographic, coveted by advertisers in the TV industry, during the 10pm programme slot. Mr Trump fell out with Fox after it called the election in Joe Biden’s favour, alongside all other mainstream broadcasters. At the recent crowded “Trump Victory” rally in Georgia, his supporters booed the channel's correspondent Griff Jenkins."

Fox News is paying the price for not being sufficiently loyal to Trump and they may never recover from this, Newsmaxx and OAN will supplant Fox as the leading news source for the Republican voting base...Unless Fox changes its tune and fire any host who reports anything that Trump doesn't like, their days are numbered...Also, Twitter and Youtube have been very mean to Trump, flagging his posts, removing videos exposing the COVID hoax -- which is why Parler will replace Twitter as the leading social media platform and Rumble will replace Youtube as the leading video content platform...
Funny how you lefties always claimed us conservatives simply repeat whatever Faux News blasts at us.

You must find it baffling that we reject Faux News. You commie-crats would never question CNN or any of the rest of the MSM.

"Newsmax overtook Fox News by 26,000 viewers in the key 25-to-54 age demographic, coveted by advertisers in the TV industry, during the 10pm programme slot. Mr Trump fell out with Fox after it called the election in Joe Biden’s favour, alongside all other mainstream broadcasters. At the recent crowded “Trump Victory” rally in Georgia, his supporters booed the channel's correspondent Griff Jenkins."

Fox News is paying the price for not being sufficiently loyal to Trump and they may never recover from this, Newsmaxx and OAN will supplant Fox as the leading news source for the Republican voting base...Unless Fox changes its tune and fire any host who reports anything that Trump doesn't like, their days are numbered...Also, Twitter and Youtube have been very mean to Trump, flagging his posts, removing videos exposing the COVID hoax -- which is why Parler will replace Twitter as the leading social media platform and Rumble will replace Youtube as the leading video content platform...
Funny how you lefties always claimed us conservatives simply repeat whatever Faux News blasts at us.

You must find it baffling that we reject Faux News. You commie-crats would never question CNN or any of the rest of the MSM.

You rejected Fox News because they wouldn't cross the proverbial crazy line and hawk that Trump actually won the election. He didn't. Biden did. So you went to other outlets that would play to what narrative you believed in. And those outlets were all too willing to comply.

I question CNN a lot. The thing about them is, while you might disagree with their opinion panels, they don't manufacture news, or peddle non-existent conspiracy theories.

"Newsmax overtook Fox News by 26,000 viewers in the key 25-to-54 age demographic, coveted by advertisers in the TV industry, during the 10pm programme slot. Mr Trump fell out with Fox after it called the election in Joe Biden’s favour, alongside all other mainstream broadcasters. At the recent crowded “Trump Victory” rally in Georgia, his supporters booed the channel's correspondent Griff Jenkins."

Fox News is paying the price for not being sufficiently loyal to Trump and they may never recover from this, Newsmaxx and OAN will supplant Fox as the leading news source for the Republican voting base...Unless Fox changes its tune and fire any host who reports anything that Trump doesn't like, their days are numbered...Also, Twitter and Youtube have been very mean to Trump, flagging his posts, removing videos exposing the COVID hoax -- which is why Parler will replace Twitter as the leading social media platform and Rumble will replace Youtube as the leading video content platform...
Newsmax is also doing better than every other news network? Does that mean CNN is done too, since they arent anywhere close to FOX News in the ratings?
Fox News is a good example of what happens to businesses who hire Democrats. The business and all the investments in it are sacrificed to score political points. Google and Facebook are on the way out too for the same reason.

That woman might be the most obnoxious person in politics.

Rachel Maddow isn't in politics. She's TV opinion show host.
The most obnoxious woman in politics is still Candace Owens.
Sarah Palin is too but she's pretty much irrelevant.
The FCC needs to get involved again in TV and movies. Balanced programming needs to return as damn near all of it is Prog promoted propaganda. You guys do not look at the other side of what you push. There is not only a good amount of people falling through the cracks, you have created new ones. And this with massive taxes used in programs.
People like to hear news supporting their prejudices. It bothers them when faced with things they do not like.
People meaning yourself.
Well you should know.

I generally start at the top of the Real Clear Politics and read top down to get my news info.
Maybe you might want to try looking at numerous sources instead of a site that dares to ask the question "How should Biden investigate Trump" if a corrupt swamp creature that often couldn't remember what office he was running for and needed to be investigated himself has any business trying to go on a witchhunt on Trump. Political differences aren't illegal.....unless you're a Tinhorn Dictator.
People like to hear news supporting their prejudices. It bothers them when faced with things they do not like.
People meaning yourself.
Well you should know.

I generally start at the top of the Real Clear Politics and read top down to get my news info.
Maybe you might want to try looking at numerous sources instead of a site that dares to ask the question "How should Biden investigate Trump" if a corrupt swamp creature that often couldn't remember what office he was running for and needed to be investigated himself has any business trying to go on a witchhunt on Trump. Political differences aren't illegal.....unless you're a Tinhorn Dictator.

I Didn't vote for Biden..

RCP is numerous sources.
People like to hear news supporting their prejudices. It bothers them when faced with things they do not like.
People meaning yourself.
Well you should know.

I generally start at the top of the Real Clear Politics and read top down to get my news info.
Maybe you might want to try looking at numerous sources instead of a site that dares to ask the question "How should Biden investigate Trump" if a corrupt swamp creature that often couldn't remember what office he was running for and needed to be investigated himself has any business trying to go on a witchhunt on Trump. Political differences aren't illegal.....unless you're a Tinhorn Dictator.

I Didn't vote for Biden..

RCP is numerous sources.
Just exactly what laws has Trump broken?
Have you ever thought that every crime that the left accused Trump of committing is just another campaign tactic?
Russian Collusion was just a scam...a fraud perpetrated on the public to undermine Trump.
It was a coup attempt culminating in a fraudulent election that Trump was winning in a landslide until they dumped millions of fake votes in a few key cities. Democrat held cities like Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta....where most of the fake votes were generated.
There is no fucking way Joe Biden got 81 million and I both know that.
How can a candidate get 81 million votes.....14 million more votes than Obama....without bothering to campaign.
How the frigg could he do that by campaigning from his basement?
Personally I just think people like you know something is fishy about it....but you don't care because all you care about is winning. How you win doesn't matter.

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