Indiana Oracle
The Truth is Hard to Find
A newly released study revealed that 21 of the 25 largest subprime lenders were owned or financially supported by Citigroup (C), Wells Fargo (WFC) and other lenders that received U.S. aid. The watchdog group that released the report said it showed "mega-banks that funded the subprime industry were not victims of an unforeseen financial collapse, as they have sometimes portrayed themselves. These banks were deliberate enablers that bankrolled the type of lending thats now threatening the financial system."
Wall Street Breakfast: Must-Know News -- Seeking Alpha
Citigroup, Wells Fargo Gained From Subprime Lenders, Group Says -
Wall Street Breakfast: Must-Know News -- Seeking Alpha
Citigroup, Wells Fargo Gained From Subprime Lenders, Group Says -