Newly Released Documents Reveal FBI Agent on General Flynn Case Claims It Was Run from the Top and There Were No Crimes


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Newly Released Documents Reveal FBI Agent on General Flynn Case Claims It Was Run from the Top and There Were No Crimes

25 Sep 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft
Yesterday more documents were released in the General Flynn case. These documents were hidden and covered up by the FBI for four years. The documents are damning for the Deep State and show more abuse, corruption and criminal acts by the investigators and attorneys after General Flynn and President Trump.
The great Techno Fog on Twitter dug into the documents and unraveled the corruption surrounding the Russia Collusion sham. In a series of tweets, Techno Fog shares the following:
FBI Agent William Barnett believed the prosecution of General Flynn by the Mueller gang was used as a means to ‘get Trump’:

Barnett worked on both General Flynn’s investigation before the election and then for the Mueller gang after the election. Barnett thought the rationale for Crossfire Razor (the investigation of General Flynn before the 2016 election and during the campaign while he was working with candidate Trump to win the election) “was not great”. (Of course it wasn’t. Razor allowed the Obama and Hillary gangs to spy on President Trump up through the election.)
General Flynn was accused of leaving an event in 2014 with an undisclosed person. This no doubt is in reference to Svetlana Lokhova who was accused of this lie by Stefan Halper who was paid handsomely for making it.

Project Razor continued in a holding pattern, no doubt to justify spying on the Trump campaign. Agent Barnett didn’t understand why and suggested closing the case since there was “nothing left to do”.

In late December corrupt agent Peter Strzok ordered the Flynn case closed. But then on January 4, 2017, Strzok tells Barnett to keep the case open. This was the day before the infamous meeting in the White House with Obama, Biden, Yates, Comey, Susan Rice, Brennan and a few others. They kept the Flynn case open based on the Logan Act which Barnett thought was questionable.
Barnett states the Flynn case was “top down”. Meaning it came from the top. Certainly this means Comey but likely it means Obama as well.

Barnett was on the case from the beginning but was not notified of the ambush interview of General Flynn in the White House on January 24, 2017. He thought the case was so abusive that he asked to be taken off the case.

Now we have more proof that the Flynn and Trump Russia collusion investigations were garbage. The higher ups were running the investigations, likely including Obama and Biden.
There was not enough information to even start the investigation and Flynn committed no crimes. Let’s see what type of insanity Judge Sullivan in the Flynn case pulls now.

Wait, how many time have Obama, the DNC and their complicit told us there was zero corruption in the Obama administration? From Operation Fast and Furious to Operation Crossfire Hurricane and CrossFire Razor the former administration was corrupt to the core.
Surely his holiness Obama himself told us that his was the most transparent administration evah....
Having read this article, that as long as Sullivan refuses to dismiss the case against Gen. Flynn, Sydney will continue to get the real and devastating evidence out in the form of pleadings. His obstinate position just continues to expose Obama and those who have conspired to frame Gen. Flynn and Pres. Trump.
Pres. Trump may be withholding his pardon of Flynn so that we get as much as we can in the complicity of Obama, Comey and Brennan directing the attack on Gen Flynn.
One has to wonder why Strzok has been indicted and prosecuted by now? Seems here's more than enough evidence to send him to the gray bar hotel in Club Fed for life....

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