“Peaceful” protestors attack and attempt to kill driver of white Prius in LA


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019

the only person arrested was the driver of the Prius but I dont think the cops saw the video taken from the helicopter

these lefty anarchists are getting worse every week in the deep blue democrat cities and more people are going to die unnecessarily
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the only person arrested was the driver of the Prius but I dont think the cops saw the video taken by the helicopter

these lefty anarchists are getting worse every week in the deep blue democrat cities and more people are going to die unnecessarily

Ya, 'leftist protesters' are the only ones behind all this mayhem (rolls eyes)..Pro-Trump activists have been planning violence ahead of Portland protests, including at one to be held this weekend

These riots are sponsored by george soros and his flunkies in Black Lies Matter

so you get nowhere trying to shift the blame to someone else

the only person arrested was the driver of the Prius but I dont think the cops saw the video taken by the helicopter

these lefty anarchists are getting worse every week in the deep blue democrat cities and more people are going to die unnecessarily

Now the rioter-terrorists have "chase" vehicles conveniently standing by to run down law-abiding citizens who just want to get from "A" to "B" and back again alive during the course of their daily lives. It's like something out of a Chuck Norris 80's double feature. The only difference? There aren't any Chuck Norris American heroes left to stop these terrorists. I'll ask the obvious and banal question even though the fucking answer is—obvious. Where were/are the police when/while these terrorist rioters are assembling and deploying their barbarian army units?

America will NEVER successfully resist this kind of domestic street terrorism because Americans at large are to fucking busy being shocked, offended and/or surprised by daily worsening leftwing violence and unchecked terrorist tactics to stand up and do SOMETHING about it.

I mean, Jesus Christ my lord and savior forgive me, I was in the grocery store a few hours ago. A fight broke out when a black woman butted in line to get to the automated checkout. Like seven people were in front of her and she just walked right past them. So a white chick with a black guy called her out and the black women, as she's throwing fists with the white chick, kept on saying, and I quote, "Ya raping me, ya raping me." What the fuck does that even mean?

Our nation, our civilization—they're circling the drain. Everyone "sees it" happening but no one cares to either get the fuck out of dodge and live to fight another day or intervene or resist. Good luck to everyone—yer gonna need it.
Anarchists are attacking their own, anyone driving around in a prius is a liberal by definition.
I was going to make the same point

in fact its obvious we are dealing with a terrified snowflake soy boy by the way he stupidly allowed his car to be stopped by the pickup truck
It’s well known now by fact based people that if you see these bunches trying to bring you to a stop or surround you then just run over them .
Anarchists are attacking their own, anyone driving around in a prius is a liberal by definition.
I was going to make the same point

in fact its obvious we are dealing with a terrified snowflake soy boy by the way he stupidly allowed his car to be stopped by the pickup truck

Respectfully, not everyone (or most folks for that matter) are trained stuntmen or ex-DSS agents. The guy in the Prius didn't stand a chance—that's obvious. And he shouldn't have had to worry about rioter scum in the first place. THIS IS AMERICA, not fucking Mogadishu.
And he shouldn't have had to worry about rioter scum in the first place.

the cops have their hands tied by the democrats running LA

but odds are the driver was a liberal

and yes, he did allow himself to be stopped when he should have kept going
pure jackasses....and they WONDER why cops kill jackass criminals like THEM!!!! ??????
And he shouldn't have had to worry about rioter scum in the first place.

the cops have their hands tied by the democrats running LA

but odds are the driver was a liberal

and yes, he did allow himself to be stopped when he should have kept going

Did you notice the driver got out of the vehicle and followed the police officers directions and he didn't get shot.

the only person arrested was the driver of the Prius but I dont think the cops saw the video taken from the helicopter

these lefty anarchists are getting worse every week in the deep blue democrat cities and more people are going to die unnecessarily

the green hoodless car looks to be stolen---given how they just walked as fast as they cuold away from it.
Did you notice the driver got out of the vehicle and followed the police officers directions and he didn't get shot.
Well he’s white and apparently not affected by the black brain disease that causes the victims to resist arrest and get shot

the only person arrested was the driver of the Prius but I dont think the cops saw the video taken from the helicopter

these lefty anarchists are getting worse every week in the deep blue democrat cities and more people are going to die unnecessarily

the green hoodless car looks to be stolen---given how they just walked as fast as they cuold away from it.

No one in the crazy (but “peaceful”) Black Lies Matter mob who were trying to kill the white driver got arrested.

a fact that I find odd
Anarchists are attacking their own, anyone driving around in a prius is a liberal by definition.
I was going to make the same point

in fact its obvious we are dealing with a terrified snowflake soy boy by the way he stupidly allowed his car to be stopped by the pickup truck
The person driving looked like he/she could have gotten away. Does this mean now that the rioters are going to have their own drivers? This means they are organized and are a revolutionary group. The politicians involved in this need to be arrested and/or killed. This is their fault.

the only person arrested was the driver of the Prius but I dont think the cops saw the video taken by the helicopter

these lefty anarchists are getting worse every week in the deep blue democrat cities and more people are going to die unnecessarily

Ya, 'leftist protesters' are the only ones behind all this mayhem (rolls eyes)..Pro-Trump activists have been planning violence ahead of Portland protests, including at one to be held this weekend

You should call the cops!

the only person arrested was the driver of the Prius but I dont think the cops saw the video taken by the helicopter

these lefty anarchists are getting worse every week in the deep blue democrat cities and more people are going to die unnecessarily

Ya, 'leftist protesters' are the only ones behind all this mayhem (rolls eyes)..Pro-Trump activists have been planning violence ahead of Portland protests, including at one to be held this weekend

Amazing how every time a BLM mob is shown for the thugs they really are...people like you, Ben...race in to try and spin the narrative to put blame on Trump!

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