New York time new editorial board members celebrated dumbass f**king white people going extinct


You white racists just need to stop crying. I'm quite sure this Asian woman lady has heard plenty from white dudes about me love you long time and all the usual racist shit we put up with. Now you want to whine like little baby back bitches calling somebody anti white when she is not anti white but she's tired of taking the fucked up racism from you white racists and unlike these Asians here, she's no sellout.

So now what do you punks have to say about how asians never say anything about white racism?
Matter of fact thats exactly the issue. She was getting shit from some deranged white boys so she went on the offensive and took it to em.
There was once a time when Liberals tried to hide their true identity...and then one day Democrats allowed their e-mails servers to be illegally accessed, their dirty little secrets, and had them laid bare for the entire world to see. They were exposed as racists, sexists, homophobic Anti-Semites.

Finding themselves in such a bright and undesirable spotlight...and being masters of spin, the Democrats quickly painted themselves as 'VICTIMS' and began the 'Russia, Russia, Russia' narrative.

I guess they figure the proverbial cat is out of the bag now so there is no reason to hide who they are. Intolerant Socialists, racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-Semites, Islamic Extremist sympathizers, propagandists, generators of fake news, primary riggers, debate cheaters, Obstructionists, perjurers, national security compromisers, traitors....

It's all 'good'. Coming out of the closet, so to speak, must be so liberating for them after all these decades.


Are you insane?
dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

If you doubt that, you are either stupid or a dimocrap

New York Times Hires Left-Wing Writer With Trail Of Racist Tweets



Here's one quantifying a Human Being's value based entirely on skin color


dimocraps are literally, the scum of the Earth

You white racists just need to stop crying. I'm quite sure this Asian woman lady has heard plenty from white dudes about me love you long time and all the usual racist shit we put up with. Now you want to whine like little baby back bitches calling somebody anti white when she is not anti white but she's tired of taking the fucked up racism from you white racists and unlike these Asians here, she's no sellout.

So now what do you punks have to say about how asians never say anything about white racism?
Matter of fact thats exactly the issue. She was getting shit from some deranged white boys so she went on the offensive and took it to em.
I’ll give her the tan hammer and an attitude adjustment.
I think that some of this woman's comments are a bit "over the top." However, I must point out that there are a lot of old, cruel, heterosexual, "Christian," "white" men out there who are plainly playing identity politics, portraying each of these characteristics as somehow superior to others and asserting that they have an entitlement to privileges above those accorded to the rest of us. There is no excuse for this. Shame on them! My relatives who fit this same description have never, ever indulged in this sort of unacceptable behavior.
Typical dimocrap scumbag, Checks all the boxes; vagina (of a sort. probably a scabby, crusty one), America Hater, out and out racist, 'minority' and she edited the Harvard Journal of Law and Gender.
It's really amazing that there are white people defending her racism.
Make the NYT feel your disaproval.
Stop buying it until they fire her.
I think that some of this woman's comments are a bit "over the top." However, I must point out that there are a lot of old, cruel, heterosexual, "Christian," "white" men out there who are plainly playing identity politics, portraying each of these characteristics as somehow superior to others and asserting that they have an entitlement to privileges above those accorded to the rest of us. There is no excuse for this. Shame on them! My relatives who fit this same description have never, ever indulged in this sort of unacceptable behavior.

Your silly neurotic fantasies are duly noted. Sounds a lot more like you suffer from an inferiority complex, and feel deep down those 'old cruel white men' are right. As everyone who reads even a little bit of history know's, it's only 'old cruel Christian white men' who started anti-slavery movements or anything else to do with notions like racial equality, and the U.S. is the only country on Earth that even has a lot of 'diversity' in the first place, which is why none of you sniveling brats ever leave the place for all those 'tolerant' countries. the only reason we even have dumbasses like Obama or Sharpton around in the first place is that because, completely unlike every other 'culture' on the planet, we didn't just exterminate our 'racial problems' and be done with it.

Not only that, we even let you tards wet yourselves and cry like stupid cattle about it. Asclepias is a great example of white tolerance beyond any reasonable expectations he would have in Africa, Asia, India, South America, China, etc., plus he gets to experience indoor plumbing to boot, something he would never experience if his ancestors weren't rescued form Africa by those nice generous slave traders who purchased them from their family clan leader.
Are you insane?

Again, no...

Top Democratic Senate Aide On Anti-Semitism: We Don't Care About It

"Remember how Democrats got exposed as Racists, Sexists, Bimophobes, and
ANTI-SEMITES when their own personal e-mails were leaked?

Well, they are coming straight out now and declaring they don't care about anti-Semitism...

Top Democratic Senate Aide On Anti-Semitism: We Don't Care About It"

'Well, if you want to fight anti-Semitism, don’t count on Sen. Patty Murray’s (D-WA) office apparently. A top aide is reported to have said that Murray’s office doesn’t care about anti-Semitism."
Are you insane?

Again, no...

Remember when the Democrats' own personal leaked e-mails exposed them as being RACIST, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites?

Just when you think they are about to live that down, that people are going to forget all about that, the Democrats proudly step forward to remind everyone that they are STILL racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites!

Thank you Democrats, especially / specifically Chuck Schumer!

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer faced a stern rebuke from congressional colleagues for citing skin color in voting against a white federal judge nominee earlier this week."

Lindsey Graham may have said it best when he responded by saying:

"Voting against a highly qualified nominee because of the color of his skin does nothing to bring our country and nation together. Frankly it is a massive step backward."
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC)
March 1, 2018

Schumer slammed for citing skin color in vote against white judicial nominee

So Much For Democrats Calling Others 'Racists' - Thank You, Chuck Schumer: Racist and Proud Of It!
Is anyone surprised by this? We already knew what the NY Times is. Are the angry republicans going to not read the NY Times now because of this outrage?
I think that some of this woman's comments are a bit "over the top." However, I must point out that there are a lot of old, cruel, heterosexual, "Christian," "white" men out there who are plainly playing identity politics, portraying each of these characteristics as somehow superior to others and asserting that they have an entitlement to privileges above those accorded to the rest of us. There is no excuse for this. Shame on them! My relatives who fit this same description have never, ever indulged in this sort of unacceptable behavior.

Your silly neurotic fantasies are duly noted. Sounds a lot more like you suffer from an inferiority complex, and feel deep down those 'old cruel white men' are right. As everyone who reads even a little bit of history know's, it's only 'old cruel Christian white men' who started anti-slavery movements or anything else to do with notions like racial equality, and the U.S. is the only country on Earth that even has a lot of 'diversity' in the first place, which is why none of you sniveling brats ever leave the place for all those 'tolerant' countries. the only reason we even have dumbasses like Obama or Sharpton around in the first place is that because, completely unlike every other 'culture' on the planet, we didn't just exterminate our 'racial problems' and be done with it.

Not only that, we even let you tards wet yourselves and cry like stupid cattle about it. Asclepias is a great example of white tolerance beyond any reasonable expectations he would have in Africa, Asia, India, South America, China, etc., plus he gets to experience indoor plumbing to boot, something he would never experience if his ancestors weren't rescued form Africa by those nice generous slave traders who purchased them from their family clan leader.

So you agree with identity politics? You don't recognize that the guys in the "anti-slavery" movement prevented female people from speaking? Male people who opposed racial segregation prevented female people from speaking"? Why do you idiots of many skin colors seek to silence the other half of humanity? Take some responsibility, please.
Whites should surround this bitch every time she appears in a public place and scream racist at her! Does NY have the balls?
New York Times’ New Editorial Board Member Celebrated “Dumbass F**king White People” Going Extinct
The New York Times’ new editorial board member wrote scores of tweets expressing her hatred for “dumbass f**king white people,” including one which celebrated white people going extinct.

The best thing any PRO AMERICAN can do is help the others to take this pos company down.

How wil the nation ever get rid of " Racisim" if you STUPID POS F.........G. ASSHOLES DON'T STOP POINTING OUT EVERYTHING MAKING IT RACIST!!

Are you leftist morons this gawd dam stupd, oh yes you are!

conspiracy loons should be extinct.

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