New York Dems Try To Divert Responsibility While Exporting Corona Virus

While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

It looks like you're far more interested in blaming someone (other than Donald Trump), for the mess that Donald Trump created by ignoring this virus for three months, or treating it as just another plot by Democrats to take down his Presidency. Well this virus WILL take down his presidency, and it won't be because the Democrats and the media created this crisis. It will be because Donald J. Trump has handled this crisis just like everything else - with chaos, in-fighting, and ignoring the experts.

Actually, you have it half assed backwards. President Trump has been listening to experts like VP Pence and Senior Advisor Jared Kushner every step of the way.
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

It looks like you're far more interested in blaming someone (other than Donald Trump), for the mess that Donald Trump created by ignoring this virus for three months, or treating it as just another plot by Democrats to take down his Presidency. Well this virus WILL take down his presidency, and it won't be because the Democrats and the media created this crisis. It will be because Donald J. Trump has handled this crisis just like everything else - with chaos, in-fighting, and ignoring the experts.

Actually, you have it half assed backwards. President Trump has been listening to experts like VP Pence and Senior Advisor Jared Kushner every step of the way.

Every step since March 13th...and no Pence and Kushner aren't experts. That's why Pence lets the experts do the advising and talking. he didn't do that before Friday the 13th. :)
Kushner is like Where's Waldo right now.
Typical New York assholes. Running away from the Democrat controlled shithole and infecting the rest of the country.

Thank god we have a good Republican governor that has put the shitheads into quarantine.
And for goodness sake quit trying to out the blame on anyone one politician. Wait until this shit has passed and start concentrating on viable solutions to deal with the problems ahead that will be in your own communities, states, etc...
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

Not getting it are you? This isn't the flu. There is no stabilization as of yet. We are still on the upward slope of the curve. If we can start living a limited, normal existence by Memorial Day, I'll be stunned. It took China 2.5 months to flatten their curve. We are barely one week into our version of a lockdown. This article is an example of how quickly this spreads and why it's impossible to go back to just living our lives until we completely lock down people's worst behavioral instincts. This was a March 5th party, and we're now just seeing the devastation.
40 people in Connecticut exposed to coronavirus at a party, officials say

Stories like this are starting to surface all over the place. People as far back as February attending events and traveling, spreading this virus.
I ask you, if the leader of the free world, the President of the United States comes home from Davos on January 22nd and proceeds to implement all or most of the policies that were only put in place after March 13th, you think we might be having a different outcome?
Wow, loving freedom and enjoying liberty is considered by you as bad behavioral instincts.

In case you missed it, the topic is why aren't DEMOCRATS locking down their hotspots by enforcing quarantine of their cities? Take note, it has NOTHING to do with Trump.

When you're spreading a highly contagious virus it is. I believe they call that a public health danger.
Something that would have been addressed if we had a real leader sitting in the White House.
It has everything to do with Trump....and his complete dismissal and subsequent lack of response...until the adults had to step in.
You might have a point...

Maybe Trump should shut down the roads and airports in NY, and have troops seal the state off (with nothing except emergency supplies which can be airdropped going in)... and allowing NOTHING and NOBODY to leave the state... until the outbreak is over!!!

I suggested this 2 days ago.
All I got in response was the sound of crickets.
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

Not getting it are you? This isn't the flu. There is no stabilization as of yet. We are still on the upward slope of the curve. If we can start living a limited, normal existence by Memorial Day, I'll be stunned. It took China 2.5 months to flatten their curve. We are barely one week into our version of a lockdown. This article is an example of how quickly this spreads and why it's impossible to go back to just living our lives until we completely lock down people's worst behavioral instincts. This was a March 5th party, and we're now just seeing the devastation.
40 people in Connecticut exposed to coronavirus at a party, officials say

Stories like this are starting to surface all over the place. People as far back as February attending events and traveling, spreading this virus.
I ask you, if the leader of the free world, the President of the United States comes home from Davos on January 22nd and proceeds to implement all or most of the policies that were only put in place after March 13th, you think we might be having a different outcome?
Wow, loving freedom and enjoying liberty is considered by you as bad behavioral instincts.

In case you missed it, the topic is why aren't DEMOCRATS locking down their hotspots by enforcing quarantine of their cities? Take note, it has NOTHING to do with Trump.

When you're spreading a highly contagious virus it is. I believe they call that a public health danger.
Something that would have been addressed if we had a real leader sitting in the White House.
It has everything to do with Trump....and his complete dismissal and subsequent lack of response...until the adults had to step in.
You might have a point...

Maybe Trump should shut down the roads and airports in NY, and have troops seal the state off (with nothing except emergency supplies which can be airdropped going in)... and allowing NOTHING and NOBODY to leave the state... until the outbreak is over!!!

I suggested this 2 days ago.
All I got in response was the sound of crickets.
I think its probably pretty well spread in FL too.
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

Not getting it are you? This isn't the flu. There is no stabilization as of yet. We are still on the upward slope of the curve. If we can start living a limited, normal existence by Memorial Day, I'll be stunned. It took China 2.5 months to flatten their curve. We are barely one week into our version of a lockdown. This article is an example of how quickly this spreads and why it's impossible to go back to just living our lives until we completely lock down people's worst behavioral instincts. This was a March 5th party, and we're now just seeing the devastation.
40 people in Connecticut exposed to coronavirus at a party, officials say

Stories like this are starting to surface all over the place. People as far back as February attending events and traveling, spreading this virus.
I ask you, if the leader of the free world, the President of the United States comes home from Davos on January 22nd and proceeds to implement all or most of the policies that were only put in place after March 13th, you think we might be having a different outcome?
Wow, loving freedom and enjoying liberty is considered by you as bad behavioral instincts.

In case you missed it, the topic is why aren't DEMOCRATS locking down their hotspots by enforcing quarantine of their cities? Take note, it has NOTHING to do with Trump.

When you're spreading a highly contagious virus it is. I believe they call that a public health danger.
Something that would have been addressed if we had a real leader sitting in the White House.
It has everything to do with Trump....and his complete dismissal and subsequent lack of response...until the adults had to step in.
You might have a point...

Maybe Trump should shut down the roads and airports in NY, and have troops seal the state off (with nothing except emergency supplies which can be airdropped going in)... and allowing NOTHING and NOBODY to leave the state... until the outbreak is over!!!

I suggested this 2 days ago.
All I got in response was the sound of crickets.
I think its probably pretty well spread in FL too.

Agree. And place a big red circle over New Jersey too.
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

Not getting it are you? This isn't the flu. There is no stabilization as of yet. We are still on the upward slope of the curve. If we can start living a limited, normal existence by Memorial Day, I'll be stunned. It took China 2.5 months to flatten their curve. We are barely one week into our version of a lockdown. This article is an example of how quickly this spreads and why it's impossible to go back to just living our lives until we completely lock down people's worst behavioral instincts. This was a March 5th party, and we're now just seeing the devastation.
40 people in Connecticut exposed to coronavirus at a party, officials say

Stories like this are starting to surface all over the place. People as far back as February attending events and traveling, spreading this virus.
I ask you, if the leader of the free world, the President of the United States comes home from Davos on January 22nd and proceeds to implement all or most of the policies that were only put in place after March 13th, you think we might be having a different outcome?
Wow, loving freedom and enjoying liberty is considered by you as bad behavioral instincts.

In case you missed it, the topic is why aren't DEMOCRATS locking down their hotspots by enforcing quarantine of their cities? Take note, it has NOTHING to do with Trump.

When you're spreading a highly contagious virus it is. I believe they call that a public health danger.
Something that would have been addressed if we had a real leader sitting in the White House.
It has everything to do with Trump....and his complete dismissal and subsequent lack of response...until the adults had to step in.
You might have a point...

Maybe Trump should shut down the roads and airports in NY, and have troops seal the state off (with nothing except emergency supplies which can be airdropped going in)... and allowing NOTHING and NOBODY to leave the state... until the outbreak is over!!!

I suggested this 2 days ago.
All I got in response was the sound of crickets.
I think its probably pretty well spread in FL too.

Agree. And place a big red circle over New Jersey too.
After reading about the infected family going to their NJ get-a-way for they wouldn't be restricted like they would be in NY I can understand why travel may need to be limited and restricted to a point. On the other hand we need to be careful that power grabs aren't allowed.

Our roads were not as busy today as usual with the exception of truck trailer.
I live in a vacation/retirement community
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

Not getting it are you? This isn't the flu. There is no stabilization as of yet. We are still on the upward slope of the curve. If we can start living a limited, normal existence by Memorial Day, I'll be stunned. It took China 2.5 months to flatten their curve. We are barely one week into our version of a lockdown. This article is an example of how quickly this spreads and why it's impossible to go back to just living our lives until we completely lock down people's worst behavioral instincts. This was a March 5th party, and we're now just seeing the devastation.
40 people in Connecticut exposed to coronavirus at a party, officials say

Stories like this are starting to surface all over the place. People as far back as February attending events and traveling, spreading this virus.
I ask you, if the leader of the free world, the President of the United States comes home from Davos on January 22nd and proceeds to implement all or most of the policies that were only put in place after March 13th, you think we might be having a different outcome?
Wow, loving freedom and enjoying liberty is considered by you as bad behavioral instincts.

In case you missed it, the topic is why aren't DEMOCRATS locking down their hotspots by enforcing quarantine of their cities? Take note, it has NOTHING to do with Trump.

When you're spreading a highly contagious virus it is. I believe they call that a public health danger.
Something that would have been addressed if we had a real leader sitting in the White House.
It has everything to do with Trump....and his complete dismissal and subsequent lack of response...until the adults had to step in.
You might have a point...

Maybe Trump should shut down the roads and airports in NY, and have troops seal the state off (with nothing except emergency supplies which can be airdropped going in)... and allowing NOTHING and NOBODY to leave the state... until the outbreak is over!!!

I suggested this 2 days ago.
All I got in response was the sound of crickets.
I think its probably pretty well spread in FL too.

Agree. And place a big red circle over New Jersey too.
After reading about the infected family going to their NJ get-a-way for they wouldn't be restricted like they would be in NY I can understand why travel may need to be limited and restricted to a point. On the other hand we need to be careful that power grabs aren't allowed.

Our roads were not as busy today as usual with the exception of truck trailer.

I live in a resort/retirement community and the talk on the town's FaceBook page has been all about people coming from Toronto to their vacation homes and bringing the virus with them. They should just stay in the city with their virus. We've still had no cases in our county, and we have no ventilators here. Anyone needing a ventilator will have to go to one of the big health centres.

My youngest daughter considered going to her husband's family farm on Manitoulin Island, not to escape the virus so much, as to escape the crazy that this going on in the cities. I spent a day helping her get supplies and set up at home three weeks ago. It was nuts in the city, and I have to say I was grateful to get back to the peace and sanity of the small town.
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

Not getting it are you? This isn't the flu. There is no stabilization as of yet. We are still on the upward slope of the curve. If we can start living a limited, normal existence by Memorial Day, I'll be stunned. It took China 2.5 months to flatten their curve. We are barely one week into our version of a lockdown. This article is an example of how quickly this spreads and why it's impossible to go back to just living our lives until we completely lock down people's worst behavioral instincts. This was a March 5th party, and we're now just seeing the devastation.
40 people in Connecticut exposed to coronavirus at a party, officials say

Stories like this are starting to surface all over the place. People as far back as February attending events and traveling, spreading this virus.
I ask you, if the leader of the free world, the President of the United States comes home from Davos on January 22nd and proceeds to implement all or most of the policies that were only put in place after March 13th, you think we might be having a different outcome?
Wow, loving freedom and enjoying liberty is considered by you as bad behavioral instincts.

In case you missed it, the topic is why aren't DEMOCRATS locking down their hotspots by enforcing quarantine of their cities? Take note, it has NOTHING to do with Trump.

When you're spreading a highly contagious virus it is. I believe they call that a public health danger.
Something that would have been addressed if we had a real leader sitting in the White House.
It has everything to do with Trump....and his complete dismissal and subsequent lack of response...until the adults had to step in.

There are very, very few Democrats that can be considered mature, pragmatic adults. They are mostly petulant adults who have never emotionally matured beyond 20 years.
I live in a vacation/retirement community
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

Not getting it are you? This isn't the flu. There is no stabilization as of yet. We are still on the upward slope of the curve. If we can start living a limited, normal existence by Memorial Day, I'll be stunned. It took China 2.5 months to flatten their curve. We are barely one week into our version of a lockdown. This article is an example of how quickly this spreads and why it's impossible to go back to just living our lives until we completely lock down people's worst behavioral instincts. This was a March 5th party, and we're now just seeing the devastation.
40 people in Connecticut exposed to coronavirus at a party, officials say

Stories like this are starting to surface all over the place. People as far back as February attending events and traveling, spreading this virus.
I ask you, if the leader of the free world, the President of the United States comes home from Davos on January 22nd and proceeds to implement all or most of the policies that were only put in place after March 13th, you think we might be having a different outcome?
Wow, loving freedom and enjoying liberty is considered by you as bad behavioral instincts.

In case you missed it, the topic is why aren't DEMOCRATS locking down their hotspots by enforcing quarantine of their cities? Take note, it has NOTHING to do with Trump.

When you're spreading a highly contagious virus it is. I believe they call that a public health danger.
Something that would have been addressed if we had a real leader sitting in the White House.
It has everything to do with Trump....and his complete dismissal and subsequent lack of response...until the adults had to step in.
You might have a point...

Maybe Trump should shut down the roads and airports in NY, and have troops seal the state off (with nothing except emergency supplies which can be airdropped going in)... and allowing NOTHING and NOBODY to leave the state... until the outbreak is over!!!

I suggested this 2 days ago.
All I got in response was the sound of crickets.
I think its probably pretty well spread in FL too.

Agree. And place a big red circle over New Jersey too.
After reading about the infected family going to their NJ get-a-way for they wouldn't be restricted like they would be in NY I can understand why travel may need to be limited and restricted to a point. On the other hand we need to be careful that power grabs aren't allowed.

Our roads were not as busy today as usual with the exception of truck trailer.

I live in a resort/retirement community and the talk on the town's FaceBook page has been all about people coming from Toronto to their vacation homes and bringing the virus with them. They should just stay in the city with their virus. We've still had no cases in our county, and we have no ventilators here. Anyone needing a ventilator will have to go to one of the big health centres.

My youngest daughter considered going to her husband's family farm on Manitoulin Island, not to escape the virus so much, as to escape the crazy that this going on in the cities. I spent a day helping her get supplies and set up at home three weeks ago. It was nuts in the city, and I have to say I was grateful to get back to the peace and sanity of the small town.

Small town America is Conservative and good. Big cities are Liberal and bad. Not sure why some haven't figured out that just correlation yet.
I live in a vacation/retirement community
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

Not getting it are you? This isn't the flu. There is no stabilization as of yet. We are still on the upward slope of the curve. If we can start living a limited, normal existence by Memorial Day, I'll be stunned. It took China 2.5 months to flatten their curve. We are barely one week into our version of a lockdown. This article is an example of how quickly this spreads and why it's impossible to go back to just living our lives until we completely lock down people's worst behavioral instincts. This was a March 5th party, and we're now just seeing the devastation.
40 people in Connecticut exposed to coronavirus at a party, officials say

Stories like this are starting to surface all over the place. People as far back as February attending events and traveling, spreading this virus.
I ask you, if the leader of the free world, the President of the United States comes home from Davos on January 22nd and proceeds to implement all or most of the policies that were only put in place after March 13th, you think we might be having a different outcome?
Wow, loving freedom and enjoying liberty is considered by you as bad behavioral instincts.

In case you missed it, the topic is why aren't DEMOCRATS locking down their hotspots by enforcing quarantine of their cities? Take note, it has NOTHING to do with Trump.

When you're spreading a highly contagious virus it is. I believe they call that a public health danger.
Something that would have been addressed if we had a real leader sitting in the White House.
It has everything to do with Trump....and his complete dismissal and subsequent lack of response...until the adults had to step in.
You might have a point...

Maybe Trump should shut down the roads and airports in NY, and have troops seal the state off (with nothing except emergency supplies which can be airdropped going in)... and allowing NOTHING and NOBODY to leave the state... until the outbreak is over!!!

I suggested this 2 days ago.
All I got in response was the sound of crickets.
I think its probably pretty well spread in FL too.

Agree. And place a big red circle over New Jersey too.
After reading about the infected family going to their NJ get-a-way for they wouldn't be restricted like they would be in NY I can understand why travel may need to be limited and restricted to a point. On the other hand we need to be careful that power grabs aren't allowed.

Our roads were not as busy today as usual with the exception of truck trailer.

I live in a resort/retirement community and the talk on the town's FaceBook page has been all about people coming from Toronto to their vacation homes and bringing the virus with them. They should just stay in the city with their virus. We've still had no cases in our county, and we have no ventilators here. Anyone needing a ventilator will have to go to one of the big health centres.

My youngest daughter considered going to her husband's family farm on Manitoulin Island, not to escape the virus so much, as to escape the crazy that this going on in the cities. I spent a day helping her get supplies and set up at home three weeks ago. It was nuts in the city, and I have to say I was grateful to get back to the peace and sanity of the small town.

Small town America is Conservative and good. Big cities are Liberal and bad. Not sure why some haven't figured out that just correlation yet.

It's also whiter than white. In the city, my daughter's school newsletter came home in 19 different languages. White people are 45% of the population. Out here, there is one non-white family in my grandsons' public school.
Wonder what Como will say when Florida cases start to spike and NY is starting to flatten their curve and all these people start coming back to NY from Florida and other places.
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

It looks like you're far more interested in blaming someone (other than Donald Trump), for the mess that Donald Trump created by ignoring this virus for three months, or treating it as just another plot by Democrats to take down his Presidency. Well this virus WILL take down his presidency, and it won't be because the Democrats and the media created this crisis. It will be because Donald J. Trump has handled this crisis just like everything else - with chaos, in-fighting, and ignoring the experts.
Well 60% of the American people don’t agree with you, not that that matters to you one wit.
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

It looks like you're far more interested in blaming someone (other than Donald Trump), for the mess that Donald Trump created by ignoring this virus for three months, or treating it as just another plot by Democrats to take down his Presidency. Well this virus WILL take down his presidency, and it won't be because the Democrats and the media created this crisis. It will be because Donald J. Trump has handled this crisis just like everything else - with chaos, in-fighting, and ignoring the experts.
Well 60% of the American people don’t agree with you, not that that matters to you one wit.

Why are you quoting polls? I'm posting my opinion based on my watching the pressers, and reading your posts. 60% of the American people have no idea what's going on with this virus, and it hasn't affected them yet, in any meaningful way.

Donald Trump has his aides pimp his decisions are all of his press conferences. I notice fewer and fewer officials standing on stage with him. And no one is social distancing on that podium.
And in the rural places I have been in the last two weeks except for the grocery stores you wouldn’t even know there was a corona virus if you didn’t turn on the news. Life goes on as usual except that every fast food is drive through.
I live in a vacation/retirement community
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

Not getting it are you? This isn't the flu. There is no stabilization as of yet. We are still on the upward slope of the curve. If we can start living a limited, normal existence by Memorial Day, I'll be stunned. It took China 2.5 months to flatten their curve. We are barely one week into our version of a lockdown. This article is an example of how quickly this spreads and why it's impossible to go back to just living our lives until we completely lock down people's worst behavioral instincts. This was a March 5th party, and we're now just seeing the devastation.
40 people in Connecticut exposed to coronavirus at a party, officials say

Stories like this are starting to surface all over the place. People as far back as February attending events and traveling, spreading this virus.
I ask you, if the leader of the free world, the President of the United States comes home from Davos on January 22nd and proceeds to implement all or most of the policies that were only put in place after March 13th, you think we might be having a different outcome?
Wow, loving freedom and enjoying liberty is considered by you as bad behavioral instincts.

In case you missed it, the topic is why aren't DEMOCRATS locking down their hotspots by enforcing quarantine of their cities? Take note, it has NOTHING to do with Trump.

When you're spreading a highly contagious virus it is. I believe they call that a public health danger.
Something that would have been addressed if we had a real leader sitting in the White House.
It has everything to do with Trump....and his complete dismissal and subsequent lack of response...until the adults had to step in.
You might have a point...

Maybe Trump should shut down the roads and airports in NY, and have troops seal the state off (with nothing except emergency supplies which can be airdropped going in)... and allowing NOTHING and NOBODY to leave the state... until the outbreak is over!!!

I suggested this 2 days ago.
All I got in response was the sound of crickets.
I think its probably pretty well spread in FL too.

Agree. And place a big red circle over New Jersey too.
After reading about the infected family going to their NJ get-a-way for they wouldn't be restricted like they would be in NY I can understand why travel may need to be limited and restricted to a point. On the other hand we need to be careful that power grabs aren't allowed.

Our roads were not as busy today as usual with the exception of truck trailer.

I live in a resort/retirement community and the talk on the town's FaceBook page has been all about people coming from Toronto to their vacation homes and bringing the virus with them. They should just stay in the city with their virus. We've still had no cases in our county, and we have no ventilators here. Anyone needing a ventilator will have to go to one of the big health centres.

My youngest daughter considered going to her husband's family farm on Manitoulin Island, not to escape the virus so much, as to escape the crazy that this going on in the cities. I spent a day helping her get supplies and set up at home three weeks ago. It was nuts in the city, and I have to say I was grateful to get back to the peace and sanity of the small town.

Small town America is Conservative and good. Big cities are Liberal and bad. Not sure why some haven't figured out that just correlation yet.

It's also whiter than white. In the city, my daughter's school newsletter came home in 19 different languages. White people are 45% of the population. Out here, there is one non-white family in my grandsons' public school.

So what? Should they bus some minorities in to make it more diverse? Farmers and country folks tend to be white, that is true. I am not saying it is better because most are white, I am saying it is better due to the lack of Liberals and their politics. I don't think inner cities are worse because they have a large minority population, I think they are worse because of Liberals and their politics.
While Cuomo and Deblasio get into a pissing contest with the feds they have not locked down the city but continue to export,corona virus by allowing people to travel outside New York. Half the corona cases are in New York City and it is increasingly clear that the rest of the country is going to be held hostage by the big apple. It defies common sense that cuomo wants to argue about ventilators when his inaction is promoting the spread of corona in the rest of the country, the rest of us are at risk because New York is not in lockdown. If we are all in this together and I have a responsibility to stay at home than the epicenter of the virus has a responsibility to lockdown the whole city a la China.

And let’s remember the context. As of today, 800 people have died let’s say in last two weeks. 55,000 have the virus. The number of deaths has stabilized in the low double digits during last 24 hrs. The news media of all stripes promotes panic and juices up every report in a national pressure cooker. fox runs a scoreboard of the numbers 24/7 like it is a sporting event. All these numbers are dwarfed by flu statistics, and most of the results are skewed by the fact that testing has increased dramatically even though 90% of those tested don’t have the virus. If the malaria pill lives up to its promise, the crisis will be over sooner rather than later and trumps hope for an Easter normalcy will be in reach. Hopefully we can descend from this brinksmanship soon and go to living our lives among all the risks we have survived before with a renewed sense of purpose.

It looks like you're far more interested in blaming someone (other than Donald Trump), for the mess that Donald Trump created by ignoring this virus for three months, or treating it as just another plot by Democrats to take down his Presidency. Well this virus WILL take down his presidency, and it won't be because the Democrats and the media created this crisis. It will be because Donald J. Trump has handled this crisis just like everything else - with chaos, in-fighting, and ignoring the experts.
Well 60% of the American people don’t agree with you, not that that matters to you one wit.

Why are you quoting polls? I'm posting my opinion based on my watching the pressers, and reading your posts. 60% of the American people have no idea what's going on with this virus, and it hasn't affected them yet, in any meaningful way.

Donald Trump has his aides pimp his decisions are all of his press conferences. I notice fewer and fewer officials standing on stage with him. And no one is social distancing on that podium.
That’s bullshit and you know it. do You liberals ever stop being so condescending to the vast majority of Americans, do you ever stop believing that you are so superior to the rest of us, so much smarter, so much more worthy of having your opinions listened to than anyone else’s. You have a closed mind and a blind hatred and instead of a glass half full yours is always half empty.

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