New US House Committee to End All COVID Mandates, Investigate Vaccines. Poll Shows 28% of Americans Know Someone Who Died from Vaccines


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Git yer popcorn.

"As the list of doctors and scientists warning of the dangers of the mRNA spike protein COVID vaccines grows, the newly-seated Republican majority Congress has the ending of all COVID mandates as a priority, as well as investigation of the vaccines and the origins of COVID. A new Republican-controlled committee is the Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (See: Top Formerly Pro-COVID-Vax London Cardiologist Now Says Covid Shots Must be Stopped )

ABC News writes in “House GOP promises to probe COVID-19 origins, ax proxy voting, magnetometers”:

“The Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic would make a significant item on many Republicans’ wish lists a reality. According to the proposed rules, the committee would investigate COVID’s origins, “the impact of school closures on American children,” and the development of vaccines and corresponding federal mandates.”

One of the best-known members of the House Freedom Caucus, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is an adamant and vocal opponent of vaccine mandates, once saying on the Steve Bannon Show “Bannon Warroom” that we must “stop the vaccines,” and another time calling advocates of coerced COVID vaccination, such as under threat of job loss, “vaccine Nazis.”

It is now well-known that the COVID vaccines do not stop the transmission of COVID, as Anthony Fauci claimed when he said on May 16, 2021 on CBS Face the Nation:

“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community….In other words, you become a dead end to the virus.”

Fauci’s error was compounded when it emerged in October of 2022 in the European Parliament that not only did the Pfizer shot not stop transmission, according to Pfizer president of international markets Janine Small. It was never even tested for it in the first place."

28% of Americans Say They Know Someone Killed by the COVID Shots​

Without a system in place to thoroughly investigate any sudden, unexpected death, especially of a young person, it is left to intuition and common sense to know that it is abnormal for young healthy people, sometimes fabulously fit with resting heart rates of mountain climbers or trained marathoners, to suddenly drop dead.

Even an alpha rat, observing that another rat has keeled over after feeding from a pile of bait, will not touch that bait. The rat does not apply science. It is immediately on alert. Long-term effects of the vaccines are unknown. It has always taken one to three years of animal safety trials for a vaccine before it ever enters a human. The average time for bringing any new drug or vaccine to general use is 10 years.

But apparently what rats know is not known by humans. It gives pause to think that rats were here millions of years before humans and probably will be millions of years after.

Rasmussen has released a poll which shows that 28% of Americans say they know someone personally whose death may have been caused by the COVID vaccines, which a large segment of people took only because they were coerced to in order to keep their jobs.

Any form of “coercion” to submit an experimental medical procedure has been long banned under the World War II Nuremberg Code. reports:

“Twenty-eight percent (28%) of adults say they personally know someone whose death they think may have been caused by side effects of COVID-19 vaccines,”

Since the introduction of the mRNA COVID products made by Pfizer and Moderna, the CDC’s “early warning” reporting system has collected six times more reports of unexpected deaths post-injection than for all vaccines combined over 30 years, or now over 32,000 deaths and hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and permanent disabilities. Most of the deaths occur within the first few days of an injection (see chart below.). The system is the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS.)

Below: Number of death reports collected by official CDC Adverse Events Reporting System, total for 2021 and 2022 now stands at over 32,000. (Source) (CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE)

Below: Number of days elapsed until death reports (Source) (CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE)

Epoch TV: 30,000 COVID Vaccine Deaths Submitted to CDC System: Triple All Other Vaccines Over 30 Years (View at Rumble) (View directly at Epoch Times TV)

This may be the most outstanding numeric in over 2.5 years. The number of identified people who were not seriously ill and took vaxes and have since died in last 2 years has exceeded those that were identified as dying From Covid
The House can't do shit without the Senate and President.

Bluster and bullshit

They can investigate and release facts that will disgust people so much they will throw them out.
The House can't do shit without the Senate and President.

Bluster and bullshit

And since spending bills must originate in the House, your little Ukraine money laundering machine is over. :auiqs.jpg:

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