New poll finds strong support for immigration bill


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
A newly released telephone survey has found that more than two-thirds of those polled favor the state's tough, wide-ranging immigration measure. But it also found that more than half of those questioned were worried that Senate Bill 1070 could lead to civil rights violations.

The legislation, passed by the Arizona Senate on Monday, is in the hands of Governor Jan Brewer. She has not yet indicated whether she will sign it, veto it, or do nothing and allow it to become law. She has until the end of the day Saturday to take action.

The new poll, which was released Wednesday morning, was conducted by Rasmussen Reports, a New Jersey-based public opinion polling firm that routinely keeps tabs on voter sentiment in a variety of political races and issues around the country.

The firm polled 500 "likely" voters on April 15.

The survey asked if respondents if they "favor or oppose legislation that authorized local police to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant."

Of those surveyed, 70 percent said they favored it, 23 percent said they opposed it, and 6 percent said they were unsure. blogs - Political Insider - PoliticalInsider - New poll finds strong support for immigration bill
The police can stop anyone for any reason and question them.

Tourism will go way down and they will end up paying out a shit load of money on court cases and setttlements.

This is a stupid and unconstitutional law
I have one problem with this bill. Failure to carry your ID would be grounds for arrest. Any way you slice it, that's a Gestapo tactic. A whole lot of law-abiding American citizens will inevitably get caught up in the dragnet. Arizona's governor better get smart and veto this thing or else the state will become an embarrassment to itself.
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maybe that's the end game.. to force it into the Supreme Court? So you libruls favor the rights of the illegals over the rights of Arizona citizens? Figures.
The police can stop anyone for any reason and question them.

Tourism will go way down and they will end up paying out a shit load of money on court cases and setttlements.

This is a stupid and unconstitutional law

That is NOT what the bill says, and I fail to see how you can find it Unconstitutional, except in the sense that people like you always kneejerk to "Unconstitutional!" to mean "I don't like it!"
maybe that's the end game.. to force it into the Supreme Court? So you libruls favor the rights of the illegals over the rights of Arizona citizens? Figures.

You're simply not very bright WT. Try, and I know for you it's really hard, to put yourself in the shoes of others. Consider, many citizens of Arizona are brown, and in the future it's possible that a brown governor will serve along with a brown legislature and a brown Attorney General.
Probable cause and habeas corpus will no longer be law, and a white guy or gal will be ordered to prove their citizenship. Damn, payback is a mother fcuker.
maybe that's the end game.. to force it into the Supreme Court? So you libruls favor the rights of the illegals over the rights of Arizona citizens? Figures.

You're simply not very bright WT. Try, and I know for you it's really hard, to put yourself in the shoes of others. Consider, many citizens of Arizona are brown, and in the future it's possible that a brown governor will serve along with a brown legislature and a brown Attorney General.
Probable cause and habeas corpus will no longer be law, and a white guy or gal will be ordered to prove their citizenship. Damn, payback is a mother fcuker.

Nice to know you think the "brown" folks are such good, high-principled people.
For those brain dead less than half wit morons who are jumping all over those who see the pending legislation as some sort of violation of someones rights, start eating fish to pump up your mental acuity. The illegals don't belong here and it's about time someone grew a pair of attachments and did the right thing. Three cheers for Senator Pearce!!! :clap2:
'Consider, many citizens of Arizona are brown, and in the future it's possible that a brown governor will serve along with a brown legislature and a brown Attorney General.'

And this strikes fear into your little ole heart??? LOL! LOL!
Truthmatters, and many like him, are falling for the rhetoric of 'La Raza', MALDEF, LULAC, and all the other pro-illegal orgs out there scared to death that it will interfere with their AZTLAN mentality.

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