New Poll: Donald Trump Wolloping Ron DeSantis by 28 points in Florida

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Good Lord! Trump is smoking DeSantis in the newly released poll. Looks like Floridians have made their choice who they want as Commander -in- Chief in 2024.

The Florida Firewall is Gone!

I think it is going to be Trump vrs Biden in 2024. I think Biden will win about like he did in 2020 and Trump will probably end up running from prison.
Good Lord! Trump is smoking DeSantis in the newly released poll. Looks like Floridians have made their choice who they want as Commander -in- Chief in 2024.

The Florida Firewall is Gone!

Trump has New York as well as CNN to thank for his new-found fame and popularity. Let's see if Georgia can seal the deal for him.
Good Lord! Trump is smoking DeSantis in the newly released poll. Looks like Floridians have made their choice who they want as Commander -in- Chief in 2024.

The Florida Firewall is Gone!

I'm hoping that as both DeSantis and Trump are now focused on Iowa, Iowans will also support Trump by a strong majority and DeSantis will see the writing on the wall and choose not to run in 2024. I honestly think if he does run, the media and deep state will tear him apart. I don't think he's ready for the big stage. Trump is.

I do think a Trump/DeSantis ticket might be very attractive to a great many people though.
Sorry bout that,

1. Trump may offer him the VP spot, or he mights just pee at his feet and give him his puppy puddle.
2. Who knows?:dunno:

It's unfortunate that Trump has to be such a dick when it comes to DeSantis. They could have made a strong team, and instead he's made him an enemy.
Probably the one thing I dislike about Trump the most is his Jr. High School bully mentality. I understand that you have to be tough in politics, but he could have approached his competition with DeSantis in a much better way.
Good Lord! Trump is smoking DeSantis in the newly released poll. Looks like Floridians have made their choice who they want as Commander -in- Chief in 2024.

The Florida Firewall is Gone!

Maybe Floridians just want to keep DeSantis as the Governor, since he's done such a fantastic job there. That way, they have the best of two worlds?

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