New movie may actually show how Black lives matter and antifa end up....and how democrats of the past aided mass murderers.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is an article on a movie coming it was made, how it got Hollywood actors to appear in it is a story that should be told....

This is the story of democrats party members of the press...hiding the marxist mass murder in the Soviet Union....the New York Times, helping to hide one of the worst atrocities ever committed by left wingers...second only to the Chinese marxist mass murder....

This is where the democrat party and their terrorist groups, antifa and black lives matter end up........

Cancel culture was already in Stalin’s toolbox in 1933. Cancel culture dominated in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, and would later spread to Cambodia, China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela with local versions in Iraq, Iran, and elsewhere. Jones experiences it first hand in Moscow and Ukraine, and later.

And as Jones suspects, Duranty knew.

Gareth Jones, in real life as the film, can either stay silent, go along with Duranty and lend his support to Stalin’s grotesque cancel culture, or he can wage a public information war to expose the truth about the Soviet Union and thereby the truth about Duranty and the Times. Mr. Jones hinges on this choice.

Mr. Jones brings this true story to life in an appropriately dark and oppressive atmosphere. Every scene is unsettling and slightly terrifying. Peter Sarsgaard portrays the execrable Duranty as the greasy, amoral purveyor of fake news that he was. As he tries to bait journalist and Jones friend Ada Brooks (Vanessa Kirby, who delivers a strong yet understated performance) into putting her name to his lies in one scene, he blithely dismisses Stalin’s genocide as “breaking a few eggs.” This is now Duranty’s most famous real-life quote, and Sarsgaard delivers it with the due charm of a languid, constantly stoned cobra.

The writer Jones inspired? In a gripping scene after Jones has made his choice, a visibly shaken socialist friend asks him, “Is there no hope?” That friend is Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell. Out of Jones’ experiences in Ukraine and the Soviet Union, Orwell writes Animal Farm.

All told, Stalin’s famine killed between 6 and 10 million Ukrainians.

Mr. Jones is a warning from the past and a harbinger of the future if cancel culture is not, itself, canceled. It’s a dark thriller, spare in its production and score, heavy in atmosphere. As statue after statue falls around the nation, Mr. Jones becomes more urgent and relevant to our time. A rebuke to fake news, cancel culture, status culture, socialism, and cowardly government quislings and media weasels, Mr. Jones is a long-overdue film rebuke to the New York Times.

The “paper of record” proves in its widely criticized and discredited 1619 Project that it has not improved. Neither has the Pulitzer Prize committee, which has repeatedly refused to revoke the award it gave Duranty for his 1931 articles cheerleading Stalin’s bloody reign.

Mr. Jones is now available on Amazon Video, which is somewhat surprising. Perhaps it’s there as a dig to the Washington Post’s greatest rival newspaper (Jeff Bezos owns the Post and Amazon). Mr. Jones deserves to become part of the curriculum alongside Animal Farm to provide that novel its context and to keep alive the name and memory of a courageous and tragic journalist who told the truth: Gareth Jones.

Watch Mr. Jones — before they cancel it.

This is an article on a movie coming it was made, how it got Hollywood actors to appear in it is a story that should be told....

This is the story of democrats party members of the press...hiding the marxist mass murder in the Soviet Union....the New York Times, helping to hide one of the worst atrocities ever committed by left wingers...second only to the Chinese marxist mass murder....

This is where the democrat party and their terrorist groups, antifa and black lives matter end up........

Cancel culture was already in Stalin’s toolbox in 1933. Cancel culture dominated in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, and would later spread to Cambodia, China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela with local versions in Iraq, Iran, and elsewhere. Jones experiences it first hand in Moscow and Ukraine, and later.

And as Jones suspects, Duranty knew.

Gareth Jones, in real life as the film, can either stay silent, go along with Duranty and lend his support to Stalin’s grotesque cancel culture, or he can wage a public information war to expose the truth about the Soviet Union and thereby the truth about Duranty and the Times. Mr. Jones hinges on this choice.

Mr. Jones brings this true story to life in an appropriately dark and oppressive atmosphere. Every scene is unsettling and slightly terrifying. Peter Sarsgaard portrays the execrable Duranty as the greasy, amoral purveyor of fake news that he was. As he tries to bait journalist and Jones friend Ada Brooks (Vanessa Kirby, who delivers a strong yet understated performance) into putting her name to his lies in one scene, he blithely dismisses Stalin’s genocide as “breaking a few eggs.” This is now Duranty’s most famous real-life quote, and Sarsgaard delivers it with the due charm of a languid, constantly stoned cobra.

The writer Jones inspired? In a gripping scene after Jones has made his choice, a visibly shaken socialist friend asks him, “Is there no hope?” That friend is Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell. Out of Jones’ experiences in Ukraine and the Soviet Union, Orwell writes Animal Farm.

All told, Stalin’s famine killed between 6 and 10 million Ukrainians.

Mr. Jones is a warning from the past and a harbinger of the future if cancel culture is not, itself, canceled. It’s a dark thriller, spare in its production and score, heavy in atmosphere. As statue after statue falls around the nation, Mr. Jones becomes more urgent and relevant to our time. A rebuke to fake news, cancel culture, status culture, socialism, and cowardly government quislings and media weasels, Mr. Jones is a long-overdue film rebuke to the New York Times.

The “paper of record” proves in its widely criticized and discredited 1619 Project that it has not improved. Neither has the Pulitzer Prize committee, which has repeatedly refused to revoke the award it gave Duranty for his 1931 articles cheerleading Stalin’s bloody reign.

Mr. Jones is now available on Amazon Video, which is somewhat surprising. Perhaps it’s there as a dig to the Washington Post’s greatest rival newspaper (Jeff Bezos owns the Post and Amazon). Mr. Jones deserves to become part of the curriculum alongside Animal Farm to provide that novel its context and to keep alive the name and memory of a courageous and tragic journalist who told the truth: Gareth Jones.

Watch Mr. Jones — before they cancel it.

No one has ever proved ANTIFA is real. You're a liar.
See how easy it was to prove you're a liar? You have no means to prove ANTIFA exists.
There is ample evidence on the Web for all to see.

No one is interested in competing with your Leftist Willful Ignorance.

So please .... keep posting your ignorant bullshit .... if for nothing else entertainment.
See how easy it was to prove you're a liar? You have no means to prove ANTIFA exists.
There is ample evidence on the Web for all to see.

No one is interested in competing with your Leftist Willful Ignorance.

So please .... keep posting your ignorant bullshit .... if for nothing else entertainment.
No there isn't. If there was, you would have provided links proving they exist. You did not. You're a liar like your ilk, who make shit up out of thin air.
No there isn't. If there was, you would have provided links proving they exist. You did not. You're a liar like your ilk, who make shit up out of thin air.
LMAO ...

No I won't ....

Not new to this game bro ...

I don't waste my time trying to convince psycho Leftist of reality ....

Keep searching ....

Maybe you will find yourself a like Useful Idiot !!!!
This is an article on a movie coming it was made, how it got Hollywood actors to appear in it is a story that should be told....

This is the story of democrats party members of the press...hiding the marxist mass murder in the Soviet Union....the New York Times, helping to hide one of the worst atrocities ever committed by left wingers...second only to the Chinese marxist mass murder....

This is where the democrat party and their terrorist groups, antifa and black lives matter end up........

Cancel culture was already in Stalin’s toolbox in 1933. Cancel culture dominated in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, and would later spread to Cambodia, China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela with local versions in Iraq, Iran, and elsewhere. Jones experiences it first hand in Moscow and Ukraine, and later.

And as Jones suspects, Duranty knew.

Gareth Jones, in real life as the film, can either stay silent, go along with Duranty and lend his support to Stalin’s grotesque cancel culture, or he can wage a public information war to expose the truth about the Soviet Union and thereby the truth about Duranty and the Times. Mr. Jones hinges on this choice.

Mr. Jones brings this true story to life in an appropriately dark and oppressive atmosphere. Every scene is unsettling and slightly terrifying. Peter Sarsgaard portrays the execrable Duranty as the greasy, amoral purveyor of fake news that he was. As he tries to bait journalist and Jones friend Ada Brooks (Vanessa Kirby, who delivers a strong yet understated performance) into putting her name to his lies in one scene, he blithely dismisses Stalin’s genocide as “breaking a few eggs.” This is now Duranty’s most famous real-life quote, and Sarsgaard delivers it with the due charm of a languid, constantly stoned cobra.

The writer Jones inspired? In a gripping scene after Jones has made his choice, a visibly shaken socialist friend asks him, “Is there no hope?” That friend is Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell. Out of Jones’ experiences in Ukraine and the Soviet Union, Orwell writes Animal Farm.

All told, Stalin’s famine killed between 6 and 10 million Ukrainians.

Mr. Jones is a warning from the past and a harbinger of the future if cancel culture is not, itself, canceled. It’s a dark thriller, spare in its production and score, heavy in atmosphere. As statue after statue falls around the nation, Mr. Jones becomes more urgent and relevant to our time. A rebuke to fake news, cancel culture, status culture, socialism, and cowardly government quislings and media weasels, Mr. Jones is a long-overdue film rebuke to the New York Times.

The “paper of record” proves in its widely criticized and discredited 1619 Project that it has not improved. Neither has the Pulitzer Prize committee, which has repeatedly refused to revoke the award it gave Duranty for his 1931 articles cheerleading Stalin’s bloody reign.

Mr. Jones is now available on Amazon Video, which is somewhat surprising. Perhaps it’s there as a dig to the Washington Post’s greatest rival newspaper (Jeff Bezos owns the Post and Amazon). Mr. Jones deserves to become part of the curriculum alongside Animal Farm to provide that novel its context and to keep alive the name and memory of a courageous and tragic journalist who told the truth: Gareth Jones.

Watch Mr. Jones — before they cancel it.

No one has ever proved ANTIFA is real. You're a liar.

I can't decide.....are you simply a liar, or more an imbecile.

Just as the KKK was, a Democrat military creation.....the latest is the co-opting of the German Communist ANTIFA

The two iterations of the military wing of the Democrat Party:

“In addition to the more than 40 identified Klan groups, the ADL tracked Klan activity to 11 other states during that same time, including some states perceived to be more liberal, like California. The ADL tracked the movement from January 2016 to June 2017.

Nationwide, there are still an estimated 3,000 Klan members and unaffiliated people who "identify with Klan ideology," according to the ADL. Membership, though, remains spread across dozens of groups. The largest Klans reportedly don't have more than 50 to 100 active members, and most have fewer than 25.”

“However, social media does give some indication of how many people are involved in the Antifa movement, but those numbers don't indicate a massive following. The New York City Antifa Twitter account has a little under 18,000 followers, and the account for Philadelphia only has about 6,000. The group's previously low profile has quickly dissolved — search interest in Antifa has exploded in the last 72 hours, according to Google Trends.” After Charlottesville, Interest In The Antifa Movement Is Spiking

“Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies.

“Dr. Bones," the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a 'insurgent' focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more 'militia' structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”

Antifa Calls for 'Slaughter' of Border Patrol Dogs

Bones went on to suggest that fellow travelers organize "hidden cells" and focus on ambushes and assassinations to bleed "right-leaning forces" dry. He said the during the day comrades should pretend to be into "helping everybody" and never talk about their "nighttime activities."

KKK....ANTIFA.....same crew, with reversed costumes.

Heartwarming: Antifa Member Suddenly Realizes The True Fascist Was Inside Him All Along
Antifa doesn’t exist?

That’s really what you’re going with?
Yes! And so far, no one has provided proof. Including you. Where is their office? Who is their leader? Where do they organize? Do they have uniforms? Lol! You lying asses got made about ANTIFA.
This is an article on a movie coming it was made, how it got Hollywood actors to appear in it is a story that should be told....

This is the story of democrats party members of the press...hiding the marxist mass murder in the Soviet Union....the New York Times, helping to hide one of the worst atrocities ever committed by left wingers...second only to the Chinese marxist mass murder....

This is where the democrat party and their terrorist groups, antifa and black lives matter end up........

Cancel culture was already in Stalin’s toolbox in 1933. Cancel culture dominated in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, and would later spread to Cambodia, China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela with local versions in Iraq, Iran, and elsewhere. Jones experiences it first hand in Moscow and Ukraine, and later.

And as Jones suspects, Duranty knew.

Gareth Jones, in real life as the film, can either stay silent, go along with Duranty and lend his support to Stalin’s grotesque cancel culture, or he can wage a public information war to expose the truth about the Soviet Union and thereby the truth about Duranty and the Times. Mr. Jones hinges on this choice.

Mr. Jones brings this true story to life in an appropriately dark and oppressive atmosphere. Every scene is unsettling and slightly terrifying. Peter Sarsgaard portrays the execrable Duranty as the greasy, amoral purveyor of fake news that he was. As he tries to bait journalist and Jones friend Ada Brooks (Vanessa Kirby, who delivers a strong yet understated performance) into putting her name to his lies in one scene, he blithely dismisses Stalin’s genocide as “breaking a few eggs.” This is now Duranty’s most famous real-life quote, and Sarsgaard delivers it with the due charm of a languid, constantly stoned cobra.

The writer Jones inspired? In a gripping scene after Jones has made his choice, a visibly shaken socialist friend asks him, “Is there no hope?” That friend is Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell. Out of Jones’ experiences in Ukraine and the Soviet Union, Orwell writes Animal Farm.

All told, Stalin’s famine killed between 6 and 10 million Ukrainians.

Mr. Jones is a warning from the past and a harbinger of the future if cancel culture is not, itself, canceled. It’s a dark thriller, spare in its production and score, heavy in atmosphere. As statue after statue falls around the nation, Mr. Jones becomes more urgent and relevant to our time. A rebuke to fake news, cancel culture, status culture, socialism, and cowardly government quislings and media weasels, Mr. Jones is a long-overdue film rebuke to the New York Times.

The “paper of record” proves in its widely criticized and discredited 1619 Project that it has not improved. Neither has the Pulitzer Prize committee, which has repeatedly refused to revoke the award it gave Duranty for his 1931 articles cheerleading Stalin’s bloody reign.

Mr. Jones is now available on Amazon Video, which is somewhat surprising. Perhaps it’s there as a dig to the Washington Post’s greatest rival newspaper (Jeff Bezos owns the Post and Amazon). Mr. Jones deserves to become part of the curriculum alongside Animal Farm to provide that novel its context and to keep alive the name and memory of a courageous and tragic journalist who told the truth: Gareth Jones.

Watch Mr. Jones — before they cancel it.

No one has ever proved ANTIFA is real. You're a liar.

I can't decide.....are you simply a liar, or more an imbecile.

Just as the KKK was, a Democrat military creation.....the latest is the co-opting of the German Communist ANTIFA

The two iterations of the military wing of the Democrat Party:

“In addition to the more than 40 identified Klan groups, the ADL tracked Klan activity to 11 other states during that same time, including some states perceived to be more liberal, like California. The ADL tracked the movement from January 2016 to June 2017.

Nationwide, there are still an estimated 3,000 Klan members and unaffiliated people who "identify with Klan ideology," according to the ADL. Membership, though, remains spread across dozens of groups. The largest Klans reportedly don't have more than 50 to 100 active members, and most have fewer than 25.”

“However, social media does give some indication of how many people are involved in the Antifa movement, but those numbers don't indicate a massive following. The New York City Antifa Twitter account has a little under 18,000 followers, and the account for Philadelphia only has about 6,000. The group's previously low profile has quickly dissolved — search interest in Antifa has exploded in the last 72 hours, according to Google Trends.” After Charlottesville, Interest In The Antifa Movement Is Spiking

“Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies.

“Dr. Bones," the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a 'insurgent' focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more 'militia' structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”

Antifa Calls for 'Slaughter' of Border Patrol Dogs

Bones went on to suggest that fellow travelers organize "hidden cells" and focus on ambushes and assassinations to bleed "right-leaning forces" dry. He said the during the day comrades should pretend to be into "helping everybody" and never talk about their "nighttime activities."

KKK....ANTIFA.....same crew, with reversed costumes.

Heartwarming: Antifa Member Suddenly Realizes The True Fascist Was Inside Him All Along
In other words, you have no evidence they exist, except by way of your own wild imagination. You failed. Next?
No there isn't. If there was, you would have provided links proving they exist. You did not. You're a liar like your ilk, who make shit up out of thin air.
LMAO ...

No I won't ....

Not new to this game bro ...

I don't waste my time trying to convince psycho Leftist of reality ....

Keep searching ....

Maybe you will find yourself a like Useful Idiot !!!!
You waste time lying. And this game for you is over, because you failed to deliver. You lose.
This is an article on a movie coming it was made, how it got Hollywood actors to appear in it is a story that should be told....

This is the story of democrats party members of the press...hiding the marxist mass murder in the Soviet Union....the New York Times, helping to hide one of the worst atrocities ever committed by left wingers...second only to the Chinese marxist mass murder....

This is where the democrat party and their terrorist groups, antifa and black lives matter end up........

Cancel culture was already in Stalin’s toolbox in 1933. Cancel culture dominated in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, and would later spread to Cambodia, China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela with local versions in Iraq, Iran, and elsewhere. Jones experiences it first hand in Moscow and Ukraine, and later.

And as Jones suspects, Duranty knew.

Gareth Jones, in real life as the film, can either stay silent, go along with Duranty and lend his support to Stalin’s grotesque cancel culture, or he can wage a public information war to expose the truth about the Soviet Union and thereby the truth about Duranty and the Times. Mr. Jones hinges on this choice.

Mr. Jones brings this true story to life in an appropriately dark and oppressive atmosphere. Every scene is unsettling and slightly terrifying. Peter Sarsgaard portrays the execrable Duranty as the greasy, amoral purveyor of fake news that he was. As he tries to bait journalist and Jones friend Ada Brooks (Vanessa Kirby, who delivers a strong yet understated performance) into putting her name to his lies in one scene, he blithely dismisses Stalin’s genocide as “breaking a few eggs.” This is now Duranty’s most famous real-life quote, and Sarsgaard delivers it with the due charm of a languid, constantly stoned cobra.

The writer Jones inspired? In a gripping scene after Jones has made his choice, a visibly shaken socialist friend asks him, “Is there no hope?” That friend is Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell. Out of Jones’ experiences in Ukraine and the Soviet Union, Orwell writes Animal Farm.

All told, Stalin’s famine killed between 6 and 10 million Ukrainians.

Mr. Jones is a warning from the past and a harbinger of the future if cancel culture is not, itself, canceled. It’s a dark thriller, spare in its production and score, heavy in atmosphere. As statue after statue falls around the nation, Mr. Jones becomes more urgent and relevant to our time. A rebuke to fake news, cancel culture, status culture, socialism, and cowardly government quislings and media weasels, Mr. Jones is a long-overdue film rebuke to the New York Times.

The “paper of record” proves in its widely criticized and discredited 1619 Project that it has not improved. Neither has the Pulitzer Prize committee, which has repeatedly refused to revoke the award it gave Duranty for his 1931 articles cheerleading Stalin’s bloody reign.

Mr. Jones is now available on Amazon Video, which is somewhat surprising. Perhaps it’s there as a dig to the Washington Post’s greatest rival newspaper (Jeff Bezos owns the Post and Amazon). Mr. Jones deserves to become part of the curriculum alongside Animal Farm to provide that novel its context and to keep alive the name and memory of a courageous and tragic journalist who told the truth: Gareth Jones.

Watch Mr. Jones — before they cancel it.

No one has ever proved ANTIFA is real. You're a liar.

I can't decide.....are you simply a liar, or more an imbecile.

Just as the KKK was, a Democrat military creation.....the latest is the co-opting of the German Communist ANTIFA

The two iterations of the military wing of the Democrat Party:

“In addition to the more than 40 identified Klan groups, the ADL tracked Klan activity to 11 other states during that same time, including some states perceived to be more liberal, like California. The ADL tracked the movement from January 2016 to June 2017.

Nationwide, there are still an estimated 3,000 Klan members and unaffiliated people who "identify with Klan ideology," according to the ADL. Membership, though, remains spread across dozens of groups. The largest Klans reportedly don't have more than 50 to 100 active members, and most have fewer than 25.”

“However, social media does give some indication of how many people are involved in the Antifa movement, but those numbers don't indicate a massive following. The New York City Antifa Twitter account has a little under 18,000 followers, and the account for Philadelphia only has about 6,000. The group's previously low profile has quickly dissolved — search interest in Antifa has exploded in the last 72 hours, according to Google Trends.” After Charlottesville, Interest In The Antifa Movement Is Spiking

“Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies.

“Dr. Bones," the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a 'insurgent' focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more 'militia' structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”

Antifa Calls for 'Slaughter' of Border Patrol Dogs

Bones went on to suggest that fellow travelers organize "hidden cells" and focus on ambushes and assassinations to bleed "right-leaning forces" dry. He said the during the day comrades should pretend to be into "helping everybody" and never talk about their "nighttime activities."

KKK....ANTIFA.....same crew, with reversed costumes.

Heartwarming: Antifa Member Suddenly Realizes The True Fascist Was Inside Him All Along
In other words, you have no evidence they exist, except by way of your own wild imagination. You failed. Next?

Get lost, you moron.
This is an article on a movie coming it was made, how it got Hollywood actors to appear in it is a story that should be told....

This is the story of democrats party members of the press...hiding the marxist mass murder in the Soviet Union....the New York Times, helping to hide one of the worst atrocities ever committed by left wingers...second only to the Chinese marxist mass murder....

This is where the democrat party and their terrorist groups, antifa and black lives matter end up........

Cancel culture was already in Stalin’s toolbox in 1933. Cancel culture dominated in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, and would later spread to Cambodia, China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela with local versions in Iraq, Iran, and elsewhere. Jones experiences it first hand in Moscow and Ukraine, and later.

And as Jones suspects, Duranty knew.

Gareth Jones, in real life as the film, can either stay silent, go along with Duranty and lend his support to Stalin’s grotesque cancel culture, or he can wage a public information war to expose the truth about the Soviet Union and thereby the truth about Duranty and the Times. Mr. Jones hinges on this choice.

Mr. Jones brings this true story to life in an appropriately dark and oppressive atmosphere. Every scene is unsettling and slightly terrifying. Peter Sarsgaard portrays the execrable Duranty as the greasy, amoral purveyor of fake news that he was. As he tries to bait journalist and Jones friend Ada Brooks (Vanessa Kirby, who delivers a strong yet understated performance) into putting her name to his lies in one scene, he blithely dismisses Stalin’s genocide as “breaking a few eggs.” This is now Duranty’s most famous real-life quote, and Sarsgaard delivers it with the due charm of a languid, constantly stoned cobra.

The writer Jones inspired? In a gripping scene after Jones has made his choice, a visibly shaken socialist friend asks him, “Is there no hope?” That friend is Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell. Out of Jones’ experiences in Ukraine and the Soviet Union, Orwell writes Animal Farm.

All told, Stalin’s famine killed between 6 and 10 million Ukrainians.

Mr. Jones is a warning from the past and a harbinger of the future if cancel culture is not, itself, canceled. It’s a dark thriller, spare in its production and score, heavy in atmosphere. As statue after statue falls around the nation, Mr. Jones becomes more urgent and relevant to our time. A rebuke to fake news, cancel culture, status culture, socialism, and cowardly government quislings and media weasels, Mr. Jones is a long-overdue film rebuke to the New York Times.

The “paper of record” proves in its widely criticized and discredited 1619 Project that it has not improved. Neither has the Pulitzer Prize committee, which has repeatedly refused to revoke the award it gave Duranty for his 1931 articles cheerleading Stalin’s bloody reign.

Mr. Jones is now available on Amazon Video, which is somewhat surprising. Perhaps it’s there as a dig to the Washington Post’s greatest rival newspaper (Jeff Bezos owns the Post and Amazon). Mr. Jones deserves to become part of the curriculum alongside Animal Farm to provide that novel its context and to keep alive the name and memory of a courageous and tragic journalist who told the truth: Gareth Jones.

Watch Mr. Jones — before they cancel it.

No one has ever proved ANTIFA is real. You're a liar.

I can't decide.....are you simply a liar, or more an imbecile.

Just as the KKK was, a Democrat military creation.....the latest is the co-opting of the German Communist ANTIFA

The two iterations of the military wing of the Democrat Party:

“In addition to the more than 40 identified Klan groups, the ADL tracked Klan activity to 11 other states during that same time, including some states perceived to be more liberal, like California. The ADL tracked the movement from January 2016 to June 2017.

Nationwide, there are still an estimated 3,000 Klan members and unaffiliated people who "identify with Klan ideology," according to the ADL. Membership, though, remains spread across dozens of groups. The largest Klans reportedly don't have more than 50 to 100 active members, and most have fewer than 25.”

“However, social media does give some indication of how many people are involved in the Antifa movement, but those numbers don't indicate a massive following. The New York City Antifa Twitter account has a little under 18,000 followers, and the account for Philadelphia only has about 6,000. The group's previously low profile has quickly dissolved — search interest in Antifa has exploded in the last 72 hours, according to Google Trends.” After Charlottesville, Interest In The Antifa Movement Is Spiking

“Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies.

“Dr. Bones," the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a 'insurgent' focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more 'militia' structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”

Antifa Calls for 'Slaughter' of Border Patrol Dogs

Bones went on to suggest that fellow travelers organize "hidden cells" and focus on ambushes and assassinations to bleed "right-leaning forces" dry. He said the during the day comrades should pretend to be into "helping everybody" and never talk about their "nighttime activities."

KKK....ANTIFA.....same crew, with reversed costumes.

Heartwarming: Antifa Member Suddenly Realizes The True Fascist Was Inside Him All Along
In other words, you have no evidence they exist, except by way of your own wild imagination. You failed. Next?

Get lost, you moron.
The truth and reality is a bitch ain't it?
You waste time lying. And this game for you is over, because you failed to deliver. You lose.

Fuckin Leftist ....
Go Figure ....
This is an article on a movie coming it was made, how it got Hollywood actors to appear in it is a story that should be told....

This is the story of democrats party members of the press...hiding the marxist mass murder in the Soviet Union....the New York Times, helping to hide one of the worst atrocities ever committed by left wingers...second only to the Chinese marxist mass murder....

This is where the democrat party and their terrorist groups, antifa and black lives matter end up........

Cancel culture was already in Stalin’s toolbox in 1933. Cancel culture dominated in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, and would later spread to Cambodia, China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela with local versions in Iraq, Iran, and elsewhere. Jones experiences it first hand in Moscow and Ukraine, and later.

And as Jones suspects, Duranty knew.

Gareth Jones, in real life as the film, can either stay silent, go along with Duranty and lend his support to Stalin’s grotesque cancel culture, or he can wage a public information war to expose the truth about the Soviet Union and thereby the truth about Duranty and the Times. Mr. Jones hinges on this choice.

Mr. Jones brings this true story to life in an appropriately dark and oppressive atmosphere. Every scene is unsettling and slightly terrifying. Peter Sarsgaard portrays the execrable Duranty as the greasy, amoral purveyor of fake news that he was. As he tries to bait journalist and Jones friend Ada Brooks (Vanessa Kirby, who delivers a strong yet understated performance) into putting her name to his lies in one scene, he blithely dismisses Stalin’s genocide as “breaking a few eggs.” This is now Duranty’s most famous real-life quote, and Sarsgaard delivers it with the due charm of a languid, constantly stoned cobra.

The writer Jones inspired? In a gripping scene after Jones has made his choice, a visibly shaken socialist friend asks him, “Is there no hope?” That friend is Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell. Out of Jones’ experiences in Ukraine and the Soviet Union, Orwell writes Animal Farm.

All told, Stalin’s famine killed between 6 and 10 million Ukrainians.

Mr. Jones is a warning from the past and a harbinger of the future if cancel culture is not, itself, canceled. It’s a dark thriller, spare in its production and score, heavy in atmosphere. As statue after statue falls around the nation, Mr. Jones becomes more urgent and relevant to our time. A rebuke to fake news, cancel culture, status culture, socialism, and cowardly government quislings and media weasels, Mr. Jones is a long-overdue film rebuke to the New York Times.

The “paper of record” proves in its widely criticized and discredited 1619 Project that it has not improved. Neither has the Pulitzer Prize committee, which has repeatedly refused to revoke the award it gave Duranty for his 1931 articles cheerleading Stalin’s bloody reign.

Mr. Jones is now available on Amazon Video, which is somewhat surprising. Perhaps it’s there as a dig to the Washington Post’s greatest rival newspaper (Jeff Bezos owns the Post and Amazon). Mr. Jones deserves to become part of the curriculum alongside Animal Farm to provide that novel its context and to keep alive the name and memory of a courageous and tragic journalist who told the truth: Gareth Jones.

Watch Mr. Jones — before they cancel it.

No one has ever proved ANTIFA is real. You're a liar.

I can't decide.....are you simply a liar, or more an imbecile.

Just as the KKK was, a Democrat military creation.....the latest is the co-opting of the German Communist ANTIFA

The two iterations of the military wing of the Democrat Party:

“In addition to the more than 40 identified Klan groups, the ADL tracked Klan activity to 11 other states during that same time, including some states perceived to be more liberal, like California. The ADL tracked the movement from January 2016 to June 2017.

Nationwide, there are still an estimated 3,000 Klan members and unaffiliated people who "identify with Klan ideology," according to the ADL. Membership, though, remains spread across dozens of groups. The largest Klans reportedly don't have more than 50 to 100 active members, and most have fewer than 25.”

“However, social media does give some indication of how many people are involved in the Antifa movement, but those numbers don't indicate a massive following. The New York City Antifa Twitter account has a little under 18,000 followers, and the account for Philadelphia only has about 6,000. The group's previously low profile has quickly dissolved — search interest in Antifa has exploded in the last 72 hours, according to Google Trends.” After Charlottesville, Interest In The Antifa Movement Is Spiking

“Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies.

“Dr. Bones," the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a 'insurgent' focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more 'militia' structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”

Antifa Calls for 'Slaughter' of Border Patrol Dogs

Bones went on to suggest that fellow travelers organize "hidden cells" and focus on ambushes and assassinations to bleed "right-leaning forces" dry. He said the during the day comrades should pretend to be into "helping everybody" and never talk about their "nighttime activities."

KKK....ANTIFA.....same crew, with reversed costumes.

Heartwarming: Antifa Member Suddenly Realizes The True Fascist Was Inside Him All Along
In other words, you have no evidence they exist, except by way of your own wild imagination. You failed. Next?

Get lost, you moron.
The truth and reality is a bitch ain't it?

The truth.


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