New Michigan Contact Tracing Rules- Stalin would be proud


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

If I were in michigan I would use fake names, addresses and tel numbers
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

If I were in michigan I would use fake names, addresses and tel numbers
I have been doing that for years now when these stores want to give me discounts in order to get my number and/or email address to get discounts on products in their stores.

So. . . it won't be much of a change. :heehee:

I have noticed that a lot of stores have started "scanning" your ID for alchohol purchases instead of looking at it, which bothers me. . . I don't want stores or the government connecting my purchasing or tracking my meta-data, so now I have to keep track of where, and which stores scan your ID, versus, which ones just look at it for age verified purchases. Bothersome.

They can get my ID, but it has the wrong address. . . and I haven't updated the address. . . b/c, well, the DMV is closed, whose problem is that? And they can have my old landline #, it's probably disco'd. But honestly, I don't ever go out to eat.

Interestingly enough, what they are NOT sharing with the folks of the state? Is this does not apply to places of worship.

"A violation of the order is punishable by misdemeanor charge, up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $200 — or both. The order exempts churches, synagogues and other houses of worship."
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

Maine's been doing that since June when restaurants reopened. So what? It helps contact tracers contact you quickly if you've been exposed.
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

If I were in michigan I would use fake names, addresses and tel numbers
I have been doing that for years now when these stores want to give me discounts in order to get my number and/or email address to get discounts on products in their stores.

So. . . it won't be much of a change. :heehee:

I have noticed that a lot of stores have started "scanning" your ID for alchohol purchases instead of looking at it, which bothers me. . . I don't want stores or the government connecting my purchasing or tracking my meta-data, so now I have to keep track of where, and which stores scan your ID, versus, which ones just look at it for age verified purchases. Bothersome.

They can get my ID, but it has the wrong address. . . and I haven't updated the address. . . b/c, well, the DMV is closed, whose problem is that? And they can have my old landline #, it's probably disco'd. But honestly, I don't ever go out to eat.

Interestingly enough, what they are NOT sharing with the folks of the state? Is this does not apply to places of worship.

"A violation of the order is punishable by misdemeanor charge, up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $200 — or both. The order exempts churches, synagogues and other houses of worship."
It is the programming logic sequence which needs the license to scan we go through it when we buy weed, or want to shoot up Sudafed..
Yeah man I hears ya. Next step is to put those FIDO chips in us so they can track us everywhere.

Oh shit I was typing that without my AFDB. I've got to move, again.

"A violation of the order is punishable by misdemeanor charge, up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $200 — or both. The order exempts churches, synagogues and other houses of worship."
I’m glad that the 4th Reich in michigan is at least still afraid of the Lord.

But short of that I can imagine citizens having to produce a picture ID to get a haircut
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

Maine's been doing that since June when restaurants reopened. So what? It helps contact tracers contact you quickly if you've been exposed.

More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

If I were in michigan I would use fake names, addresses and tel numbers
I have been doing that for years now when these stores want to give me discounts in order to get my number and/or email address to get discounts on products in their stores.

So. . . it won't be much of a change. :heehee:

I have noticed that a lot of stores have started "scanning" your ID for alchohol purchases instead of looking at it, which bothers me. . . I don't want stores or the government connecting my purchasing or tracking my meta-data, so now I have to keep track of where, and which stores scan your ID, versus, which ones just look at it for age verified purchases. Bothersome.

They can get my ID, but it has the wrong address. . . and I haven't updated the address. . . b/c, well, the DMV is closed, whose problem is that? And they can have my old landline #, it's probably disco'd. But honestly, I don't ever go out to eat.

Interestingly enough, what they are NOT sharing with the folks of the state? Is this does not apply to places of worship.

"A violation of the order is punishable by misdemeanor charge, up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $200 — or both. The order exempts churches, synagogues and other houses of worship."

They excluded the places of worship because they knew it would get the directive overturned more easily.
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

Maine's been doing that since June when restaurants reopened. So what? It helps contact tracers contact you quickly if you've been exposed.

You object to being contacted if you've been exposed to Covid, and I'm the sheep?
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

If I were in michigan I would use fake names, addresses and tel numbers
I have been doing that for years now when these stores want to give me discounts in order to get my number and/or email address to get discounts on products in their stores.

So. . . it won't be much of a change. :heehee:

I have noticed that a lot of stores have started "scanning" your ID for alchohol purchases instead of looking at it, which bothers me. . . I don't want stores or the government connecting my purchasing or tracking my meta-data, so now I have to keep track of where, and which stores scan your ID, versus, which ones just look at it for age verified purchases. Bothersome.

They can get my ID, but it has the wrong address. . . and I haven't updated the address. . . b/c, well, the DMV is closed, whose problem is that? And they can have my old landline #, it's probably disco'd. But honestly, I don't ever go out to eat.

Interestingly enough, what they are NOT sharing with the folks of the state? Is this does not apply to places of worship.

"A violation of the order is punishable by misdemeanor charge, up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $200 — or both. The order exempts churches, synagogues and other houses of worship."

They excluded the places of worship because they knew it would get the directive overturned more easily.
Helping save lives and prevent illness is not going to be overturned.
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

Maine's been doing that since June when restaurants reopened. So what? It helps contact tracers contact you quickly if you've been exposed.

You object to being contacted if you've been exposed to Covid, and I'm the sheep?

I object to being forced to document my movements without ever being convicted of anything, accused of anything, and just trying to get a haircut or have a drink. And of course being forced to do so under penalty of fine or imprisonment.

If they had just asked, it would be different, but they are doing this by fiat, not even by law passed by legislative action.
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

If I were in michigan I would use fake names, addresses and tel numbers
I have been doing that for years now when these stores want to give me discounts in order to get my number and/or email address to get discounts on products in their stores.

So. . . it won't be much of a change. :heehee:

I have noticed that a lot of stores have started "scanning" your ID for alchohol purchases instead of looking at it, which bothers me. . . I don't want stores or the government connecting my purchasing or tracking my meta-data, so now I have to keep track of where, and which stores scan your ID, versus, which ones just look at it for age verified purchases. Bothersome.

They can get my ID, but it has the wrong address. . . and I haven't updated the address. . . b/c, well, the DMV is closed, whose problem is that? And they can have my old landline #, it's probably disco'd. But honestly, I don't ever go out to eat.

Interestingly enough, what they are NOT sharing with the folks of the state? Is this does not apply to places of worship.

"A violation of the order is punishable by misdemeanor charge, up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $200 — or both. The order exempts churches, synagogues and other houses of worship."

They excluded the places of worship because they knew it would get the directive overturned more easily.
Helping save lives and prevent illness is not going to be overturned.

You can't force a Church to document who attends it, that violates free exercise.

Forcing other businesses to document who attends under penalty of fines violates freedom in general.

But of course scared dried up cat lady twats like you just submit to shit like this.
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

Maine's been doing that since June when restaurants reopened. So what? It helps contact tracers contact you quickly if you've been exposed.
And what if I don't GAF about a virus barely worse than a bad flu? One that is less than a flu for much of the country? What happens if I think the govt should stay in their lane & get out of mine?
Not everybody is terrified like you. Maybe we recognize they don't have that authority so it is an illegal order
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

If I were in michigan I would use fake names, addresses and tel numbers
I have been doing that for years now when these stores want to give me discounts in order to get my number and/or email address to get discounts on products in their stores.

So. . . it won't be much of a change. :heehee:

I have noticed that a lot of stores have started "scanning" your ID for alchohol purchases instead of looking at it, which bothers me. . . I don't want stores or the government connecting my purchasing or tracking my meta-data, so now I have to keep track of where, and which stores scan your ID, versus, which ones just look at it for age verified purchases. Bothersome.

They can get my ID, but it has the wrong address. . . and I haven't updated the address. . . b/c, well, the DMV is closed, whose problem is that? And they can have my old landline #, it's probably disco'd. But honestly, I don't ever go out to eat.

Interestingly enough, what they are NOT sharing with the folks of the state? Is this does not apply to places of worship.

"A violation of the order is punishable by misdemeanor charge, up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $200 — or both. The order exempts churches, synagogues and other houses of worship."

They excluded the places of worship because they knew it would get the directive overturned more easily.
Helping save lives and prevent illness is not going to be overturned.

You can't force a Church to document who attends it, that violates free exercise.

Forcing other businesses to document who attends under penalty of fines violates freedom in general.

But of course scared dried up cat lady twats like you just submit to shit like this.
In the end, this isn't really about a dangerous pathogen. Folks that do the research, know, that the fatality of this pathogen, isn't much more deadly than a bad flu.

WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu Head of Health Emergencies Program “best estimates” put IFR at 0.14%

This is about global oligarchs creating a new economic paradigm to control the entire planet.

All folks have to do is look. . . But those whole only watch the MSM, or listen to the pronouncements of government approved experts, won't get it.

Government, all government, and bureaucracies, at this point, are on board with the new bio-security paradigm, and will not let go of increased power. THEY DO NOT CARE THAT IT IS BEING DONE AUTOCRATICALLY.

. . . OL works/worked for government, of course she has no interest in protecting freedom, regardless of the truth.

More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

If I were in michigan I would use fake names, addresses and tel numbers
Exactly what I’ll be doing in an hour or so.
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

They should have allowed the would be kidnappers to take Whitmer----Michigan would have been better off.
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

They should have allowed the would be kidnappers to take Whitmer----Michigan would have been better off.

Authoritarian dreams from party of (no) law and order.

Well Trump did support MBS in the killing and dismemberment of an enemy of the Saudis Arabian State, a journalist.
More Big Brother-style proclamations flowing from a Dem controlled state. Is the concept that we are a nation of free people just too much for lefties to grasp?
Please tell us how DT is the real tyrant again? Be fact specific 'cuz your feelings don't count here

"The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is requiring restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments to record the names, contact information, and visit times of all customers to “aid with contact tracing.” Any establishment that does not comply is threatened with a maximum $200 fine and a misdemeanor charge punishable with up to six months in prison."

They need to be taken to task immediately on this unlawful intrusion of privacy.

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