New Jersey Democrat Rep. Bill Pascrell is demanding answers from Ticketmaster for the outrageous prices for Bruce Springsteen tickets

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I come from a boardwalk town where almost everything is tinged with a bit of fraud. So am I. By twenty, no race-car-driving rebel, I was a guitar player on the streets of Asbury Park and already a member in good standing amongst those who “lie” in service of the truth . . . artists, with a small “a.”

- Bruce Springsteen
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DNA, natural ability, study of craft, development of and devotion to an aesthetic philosophy, naked desire for . . . fame? . . . love? . . . admiration? . . . attention? . . . women? . . . sex? . . . and oh, yeah . . . a buck. Then . . . if you want to take it all the way out to the end of the night, a furious fire in the hole that just . . . don’t . . . quit . . . burning.

These are some of the elements that will come in handy should you come face-to-face with eighty thousand (or eighty) screaming rock ’n’ roll fans who are waiting for you to do your magic trick. Waiting for you to pull something out of your hat, out of thin air, out of this world, something that before the faithful were gathered here today was just a song-fueled rumor.
I am here to provide proof of life to that ever elusive, never completely believable “us.” That is my magic trick.

- Bruce Springsteen
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"Watch out! The world is a dangerous and unforgiving place that will knock your ass off your tricycle and into the dead black unknown and only these poor, misguided and unfortunate souls will miss you" - Springsteen's grandmother told him...that affected his songwriting immensely and profoundly
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"we were pretty near poor, though I never thought about it. We were clothed, fed and bedded. I had black and white friends worse off. My parents both had jobs, my mom was a legal secretary and my dad worked at Ford. Our house was old and noticeably decrepit. One kerosene stove in the living room was all we had to heat the whole place" - Springsteen

if anyone should connect with working class and poor families' woes, it's Springsteen, you'd think, and yet he robs them with these ticket sales!
If they want to charge that kind of price and no one goes, so be it, not all that concerned about concert tickets. Too bad the good Congressman does investigate the housing prices and rent prices and the homeless issue, wait that would really benefit America, never mind, he doesn't want to do anything tough.
Americans spent $81 billion on concert tickets so far in 2022, more than the GDPs of most nations
Bruce's grandpa Anthony Alexander Andrew Zerilli was also a crook

he served 3 years in the navy, had 3 wives, & spent 3 years in Sing Sing prison for embezzlement (supposedly taking the rap for another relative, though i don't believe that)
Bruce himself admits a lot of the Irish side of his family are mentally ill, including his dad! what about Bruce himself? who knows?
people listen to Bruce's songs to forget their worries: work, responsibility, their family, the blessings and burdens of an adult life!
There is a great solution here. Don't buy them.

I've noted before that I've set a $100 limit to any ticket I buy. It's been quite awhile since I've paid that much at that.
Dude, Springsteen is a fckn idiot, let the thread die
i'm doing oppo research on him to help Rep Pascrell lock him up...let's see what we find! don't you want to shit on Bruce? don't you want Bruce locked up? this is your thread!
in his teenage years, Bruce was friends with a young Russian kid who Bruce's dad thought was a spy!

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