New expose' on Apple's failure to clean up its practices

Jury sides with Apple...

Apple Wins iPod Lawsuit
December 16, 2014 ~ A U.S. jury has decided that Apple Corp. did not act improperly when one of its software updates restricted music purchases on iPods to the company's iTunes digital store.
The California jury Tuesday found in favor of Apple in a billion-dollar class action lawsuit filed by a group of individuals and companies that purchased iPods. They sought about $350 million in damages from Apple. After Real Networks developed RealPlayer, which allowed music purchased there to play on iPods, Apple introduced a software update that restricted the iPod to music bought on iTunes. The company said the upgrade was meant to improve the iPod user experience.


iPod Shuffle.

Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers told jurors that legitimate improvements are allowed under antitrust law, regardless of their effect on competitors. According to a Reuters news analysis, under U.S. law a company cannot be found anti-competitive if a product alteration is an improvement for customers.

The case was filed nearly 10 years ago and dates to a time when anti-piracy software prevented iPods from playing songs downloaded from competing online outlets. Apple phased out the restrictive software several years ago. The plaintiffs are a group of individuals and businesses who purchased iPods from 2006 to 2009.

Apple Wins iPod Lawsuit
I think a billionaire can afford to pay their workers a little more. Don't you think?

They always have...except back then they were only millionaires. And I started in the workforce when the minimum wage was $1.00/hour in 1960. That's why I went on to post high school education to get myself out of having to bitch about millionaires not paying higher wages. Now they just basically live off the government teat.

My strategy worked.
Its the free market at work.

By golly if it was really that bad those people who just move to where they jobs are, right? Or get better skills...How much better skills cost? I hope its not more than the slave wages they pay
Its the free market at work.

By golly if it was really that bad those people who just move to where they jobs are, right? Or get better skills...How much better skills cost? I hope its not more than the slave wages they pay

That's why the "family" idea was such a good know, with a mother and a FATHER (either or both employed) in the family raising their little darlings the correct way rather than letting them roam the streets mugging people, then killing people TO SUPPORT THEIR drug habit.

But they blew the hell out of that theory years ago. AND NOW IT'S TOO DAMNED LATE.
One of these reasons this pisses me off so much is grown adults act like teenagers to get their yearly phone upgrade. Too many people have drunk the kool aid. Apple USED TO BE fringe, anti-conformity. Now they are what they used to hate. Ironic eh?
Underpaid workers with no benefits. Sounds like GOP policies are spreading. Finally. Guess that means they are winning.

Thankfully, we have a minimum wage that says we value American workers. Pay the workers right or go robotic, I say.
A minimum wage the GOP wants to abolish. Just like Medicare and Social Security and anything else that helps Americans.

Really? Where's your proof of that? Can you link me to any article that names GOPers who want that to happen? Not written by some socialist SoB.
I said: A minimum wage the GOP wants to abolish. Just like Medicare and Social Security and anything else that helps Americans.

You said: Really? Where's your proof of that? Can you link me to any article that names GOPers who want that to happen? Not written by some socialist SoB

Which part are you talking about? Abolishing the minimum wage, Medicare or Social Security?

gop abolish the minimum wage - Google Search

gop abolish medicare - Google Search

gop abolish social security - Google Search

Pick your source.

If you don't know that, you are enmeshed in a determined ignorance about the GOP. Refusing to even acknowledge what they actually stand for. Shame on you.
Its the free market at work.

By golly if it was really that bad those people who just move to where they jobs are, right? Or get better skills...How much better skills cost? I hope its not more than the slave wages they pay

That's why the "family" idea was such a good know, with a mother and a FATHER (either or both employed) in the family raising their little darlings the correct way rather than letting them roam the streets mugging people, then killing people TO SUPPORT THEIR drug habit.

But they blew the hell out of that theory years ago. AND NOW IT'S TOO DAMNED LATE.
Father's die. They get hurt. They go into the military. The GOP helps move their jobs overseas. You can't blame everyone on drugs or dads. Shit happens. Placing blanket blame is like the ultimate in ignorance.
One of these reasons this pisses me off so much is grown adults act like teenagers to get their yearly phone upgrade. Too many people have drunk the kool aid. Apple USED TO BE fringe, anti-conformity. Now they are what they used to hate. Ironic eh?

There's nothing wrong with loving tech devices. I agree that the worker should be paid more, but who are you to tell me not to buy what a work for??? Why pay the workers more if it isn't to improve their buying power?
Its the free market at work.

By golly if it was really that bad those people who just move to where they jobs are, right? Or get better skills...How much better skills cost? I hope its not more than the slave wages they pay

That's why the "family" idea was such a good know, with a mother and a FATHER (either or both employed) in the family raising their little darlings the correct way rather than letting them roam the streets mugging people, then killing people TO SUPPORT THEIR drug habit.

But they blew the hell out of that theory years ago. AND NOW IT'S TOO DAMNED LATE.
Father's die. They get hurt. They go into the military. The GOP helps move their jobs overseas. You can't blame everyone on drugs or dads. Shit happens. Placing blanket blame is like the ultimate in ignorance.

This is why we need r&d, infrastructure, science and reformed education(lets steal one of the top 5 educational systems methods ;) ) We need fairer laws for competion for new companies to form. The consumer deserves it, the worker deserves it and our country deserves it.

Certainly, the father plays a strong role in the development of a boy. There's no questioning that.
Its the free market at work.

By golly if it was really that bad those people who just move to where they jobs are, right? Or get better skills...How much better skills cost? I hope its not more than the slave wages they pay

That's why the "family" idea was such a good know, with a mother and a FATHER (either or both employed) in the family raising their little darlings the correct way rather than letting them roam the streets mugging people, then killing people TO SUPPORT THEIR drug habit.

But they blew the hell out of that theory years ago. AND NOW IT'S TOO DAMNED LATE.
Father's die. They get hurt. They go into the military. The GOP helps move their jobs overseas. You can't blame everyone on drugs or dads. Shit happens. Placing blanket blame is like the ultimate in ignorance.

This is why we need r&d, infrastructure, science and reformed education(lets steal one of the top 5 educational systems methods ;) ) We need fairer laws for competion for new companies to form. The consumer deserves it, the worker deserves it and our country deserves it.

Certainly, the father plays a strong role in the development of a boy. There's no questioning that.
Toro :thup:
This is not how any child should be treated. This is not how any human being should be forced to live. Look at this!

IHS Child Slave Labor News A Real Bite Out of Apple Child Slave Labor

With the heavy demand of products Apple faced, Apple opened many more factories. They are located in Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, the U.S., the Czech Republic, Malaysia and the Philippines, but most of its products are assembled in China. It has been admitted by Apple that child slave labor is used mostly in China to keep up with the ever growing demand of Apple products.

Many problems are facing the sweatshop workers and Apple. Not only is Apple supporting this slave labor, suicide rates and deadly chemicals are hurting those working in the factories as well. An audit for the company found that at least eleven 15-year-old children were found to be working in three factories that supply Apple in the last year.It was said: “When Apple investigated further, we uncovered additional records and conducted worker interviews that revealed excessive working hours and seven days of continuous work.” The audit then began to report that at least 55 of factories which produced Apple products were ignoring rules that staff must not work more than 60 hours a week.
The audit also found one facility had attempted to conceal evidence of employing underage labor, while two others had falsified records relating to the number of working hours and days of rest employees were receiving. One of these plants had falsified records for two years in a row in order to conceal that it was using child labor and overworking staff. Based on the repeat core violation and inadequate actions, Apple is terminating all business with this facility.
And this! IHS Child Slave Labor News A Real Bite Out of Apple Child Slave Labor

Apple has been repeatedly criticised for using factories which abuse workers and impose harsh conditions on workers. 62 workers at a factory which makes parts for Apple and Nokia were hospitalised after being poisoned by n-hexane, a toxic chemical commonly used in technology. This can cause muscular degeneration and blurred eyesight. Apple has not commented on the problems at the plant, which is in Suzhou, China. A spokesman for Wintek, which runs the factory, said that almost all of affected staff were back at work.
Reports have now been emerging about a high number of worker suicides at the Foxconn factory in Shenzhen, China. The first suicide was during the summer when Sun Danyong, a 25 year old worker, lost a prototype of the fourth-generation iPhone, jumped to his death. Now, a shocking 12 Foxconn workers have now ended their lives this year, mostly by jumping from the massive multi-story dormitories they live in. All those who have committed suicide have been between the ages of 18 and 24. They only know their role as producing the high quality products Apple produces.
Apple began as a high grossing company in the electronic fields. Little did the co-owners of the company expect the demand that was on their products. Once reaching a high demand for popular iPhones and iPods, the company turned to child slave labor to support the company. The Apple company claims to be shutting down many of the places that are using such labor, but the real testimony of Apple relies on the other thousands of factories that commit this crime daily.
I will never buy any Apple hardware (never have) because I don't support slavery. PLUS, I'm not the type of person who has to have the latest trendy phone as a piece of jewelry
Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.
Proverbs 21:13
I am just the end line purchaser of a product.

If there is a production/employee problem. That is between Apple and the country where the goods are being manufactured and is not my concern.

I'm happy with my Apple devices and plan on buying more. ..... :cool:

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