New data indicates america on the verge of civil war and neither side will back off

New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

There is no civil war coming, Crazy Train, and you wouldn't know what to do if there was.

Sadly your not intelligence to see the WAR happening now google, apple, infowars, so take your crazy and shove it up your ass prick!!
and trust me you are are TRULY a brain damaged moron. stupid ass.

“The Revolution won’t happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” – Max Horkheimer

keep knocking those site profits down see how long this place last.
Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.
Martial law is very unlikely to occur.

"Martial rule can never exist where the courts are open, and in the proper and unobstructed exercise of their jurisdiction. It is also confined to the locality of actual war."

Thanks , but you are clueless we are and have been under martial law since gawd dam BUSH you dumbasses!!

The only martial law going since Bush is in your head. Best get that checked bubba.
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

Where did this bullshit come from? Stormfront.
I don't believe any of these polls which are designed purely as click bait to stir people up and get people to read their yellow journalism. There will be no civil war. The economy is great, people are employed, we have the most affluent society of all time to the point where people have so few real worries they can LOOK FOR THINGS in which to be offended, and worry about. Minor things, and insignificant things like statues are their biggest fear. Think about that!
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA
You posted this OP because you want a race war, disguised as a Civil war. The same thing Trump is promoting. You aren't fooling anyone, and neither is Trump.
We barely escaped with our lives during the last summer’s civil war. We’ve been working day and night to repair the portcullis and palisade.
I have been hearing those assholes from the GOP, the Republicans, the right, conservatives, etc., spewing shit about a civil war ever since Obama was elected in November, 2008.

Well, I keep hearing all of these wanna be arm chair warriors whining about civil war & it's been over ten fucking years.

What are you assholes waiting for? Why don't you just get that lead outta your asses & get 'er done?

Quit fucking crying about it & just do it. :26:
Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.
Nah, the Dimwitocraps will not buy guns because they are too scary. Again when the cities start to burn because President Trump gets reelected in a landslide against creepy groping Joe, there will be a call to arms, and the police who are assassinated by leftwingers are going to walk away.
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA
You posted this OP because you want a race war, disguised as a Civil war. The same thing Trump is promoting. You aren't fooling anyone, and neither is Trump.
The race war that BLM is shooting police? Or Antifa attacking students at school? You libtards are stupid mother fuckers.
The question being much longer will conservatives tolerate all the violence directed towards them without striking back?
Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.
Nah, the Dimwitocraps will not buy guns because they are too scary. Again when the cities start to burn because President Trump gets reelected in a landslide against creepy groping Joe, there will be a call to arms, and the police who are assassinated by leftwingers are going to walk away.

Don't know what planet you reside on but I know a lot of Dems that own a lot of firearms.

You must live on MARS (Missing All Required Senses)
Some never learn the truth even when is STARED THEM DOWN EYES TO EYES and the democratic assholes are so fkn stupid they believe anything a gawd dam political fk tells them. YOU ARE MORONS!!!!!!!!


New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

There is no civil war coming, Crazy Train, and you wouldn't know what to do if there was.
That sort of over confidence only makes such a thing more likely.

Why do you think it impossible when we have not seen the lack ofcivility, open hatred and civil violence since the 1850s, and where did it lead us?

These fkn morons think AMERICA is IMMUNE to everything and anything as these are your same gawd dam parasites that say just what that mental fk up has.
I have been hearing those assholes from the GOP, the Republicans, the right, conservatives, etc., spewing shit about a civil war ever since Obama was elected in November, 2008.

Well, I keep hearing all of these wanna be arm chair warriors whining about civil war & it's been over ten fucking years.

What are you assholes waiting for? Why don't you just get that lead outta your asses & get 'er done?

Quit fucking crying about it & just do it. :26:
They're pussies who talk the game, and without a gun, they're probably too obese to get out of their own way.
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA

There is no civil war coming, Crazy Train, and you wouldn't know what to do if there was.
That sort of over confidence only makes such a thing more likely.

Why do you think it impossible when we have not seen the lack of civility, open hatred and civil violence since the 1850s, and where did it lead us?
Lack of civility comes from a learned hatred in the home and from friends. And that hatred centers around racism. Don't believe me? Just ask an Indian, a black, or a Hispanic. They'll tell you it's been going on for centuries, and they're exactly right. They are the victims of that "lack of civility" you are hiding from but try and label it as something else.

Racism is what Trump ran on because of Obama and the fake bc bs. And Trump cultists ate it up.

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