New data indicates america on the verge of civil war and neither side will back off

Can one of you bloodthirsty fucks give me a heads up before the next civil war starts? I want to be out of the country with my kin and out of that cripple fight.

Why wait? Leave now and take several more Democrats with you.

Hopefully all you retards will kill each other in the process.

Oh nonsense; all we have to do is sit back while the hood rats keep killing each other off, only in far greater numbers as their 'food desert' outruns their crappy cars and the busses and subways no longer run. Easy stuff. We can watch it on CNN in real time.
Then why is every Democrat controlled area a shit hole. Even SF and Portland are shit holes now?
Why? Because in many of our urban areas, capitalists have closed up shop and left the poor behind. That has resulted in a decrease in revenue and an increase in social expenses
So you've never known the "joy" of complying with big city gov't demands and incompetence? Here's a tip: if you don't pull 'em down fast enough, they will screw you anyway.

Most cities find all manner of creative and exciting and new ways to tax the crap out of people and if you aren't politically connected you always get the shaft. Yeah … city gov't is the bane of the middle and small-biz class and chases 'em away leaving only the rich in tall, guarded buildings and lots of poor and aging down in the mosh-pit.

In the Dem's defense I sometimes wonder if our cities elect them because they are dying or if they are dying because we elect Dems. :dunno:
Democrats provide city services

Public transit, parks, schools

Things conservatives oppose
Then why is every Democrat controlled area a shit hole. Even SF and Portland are shit holes now?
Why? Because in many of our urban areas, capitalists have closed up shop and left the poor behind. That has resulted in a decrease in revenue and an increase in social expenses
So you've never known the "joy" of complying with big city gov't demands and incompetence? Here's a tip: if you don't pull 'em down fast enough, they will screw you anyway.

Most cities find all manner of creative and exciting and new ways to tax the crap out of people and if you aren't politically connected you always get the shaft. Yeah … city gov't is the bane of the middle and small-biz class and chases 'em away leaving only the rich in tall, guarded buildings and lots of poor and aging down in the mosh-pit.

In the Dem's defense I sometimes wonder if our cities elect them because they are dying or if they are dying because we elect Dems. :dunno:
Democrats provide city services

Public transit, parks, schools

Things conservatives oppose

And who do you suppose pays for it? I agree that we need to provide locations for tent cities, people to clean the streets and sidewalks for the junkies, needle patrols, pooper scoopers, outright free or subsidized transportation, union controlled k-12 education run by a union hack and some desk jockey in Washington DC. Face it the decline of our cities is a reflection of the failed policies of the Dim’s, as long as they promise the moon for nothing destined to remain in office. The plantation system and mentality evolved from the land to our inner cities. How’s that working out?
Then why is every Democrat controlled area a shit hole. Even SF and Portland are shit holes now?
Why? Because in many of our urban areas, capitalists have closed up shop and left the poor behind. That has resulted in a decrease in revenue and an increase in social expenses
So you've never known the "joy" of complying with big city gov't demands and incompetence? Here's a tip: if you don't pull 'em down fast enough, they will screw you anyway.

Most cities find all manner of creative and exciting and new ways to tax the crap out of people and if you aren't politically connected you always get the shaft. Yeah … city gov't is the bane of the middle and small-biz class and chases 'em away leaving only the rich in tall, guarded buildings and lots of poor and aging down in the mosh-pit.

In the Dem's defense I sometimes wonder if our cities elect them because they are dying or if they are dying because we elect Dems. :dunno:
Democrats provide city services

Public transit, parks, schools

Things conservatives oppose

So Republican run cities don't have public transit, parks and schools? LOL
Maybe it'll be a cold civil war...where both sides buy lots of guns and just scowl at each other from across the street for fifty years.
Awwww man, I'm a happy guy, I don't think I can scowl for 50 years!
You come across as a happy guy.
The other part of a cold civil war is to buy guns for your neighbours, the guy across the road buys guns for his neighbours...and then watch the neighbours fight each other.
My dumbass redneck neighbors already have more guns than people that dumb should be allowed to own.

Is that why your kids have access to the weapons they need to shoot up schools.
My weapons are secured and my kids are educated in their proper use. Which is not shooting up schools.

How about yours?
The way I vision the next civil war will be fought will be like how the IRA and Protestants in Ireland. Lots of mob-like hits and car bombings. Riots involving Antifa vs Patriots will take place in our streets, this time with guns and explosives. Hits on political foes.
You come across as a happy guy. The other part of a cold civil war is to buy guns for your neighbours, the guy across the road buys guns for his neighbours...and then watch the neighbours fight each other.
My dumbass redneck neighbors already have more guns than people that dumb should be allowed to own.
I do enjoy when pompously sanctimonious leftarded MORONS anoint themselves and then sit in judgment of we common deplorables and our constitutional rights. It doomed Shrillary in 2016 and likely will do the same to any Democrat Socialist candidate stupid enough - and there are many - to run on hubris.
Really. This idiot shot a hole in his own roof a couple of years ago. According to the police he was angrily brandishing a rifle while drunk and pissed off at his wife.

But you go ahead and claim him, he fits in with the rest of you idiots well.
I said it first and now you're just repeating me. Win as big as Trump '16. :D
Trump won, America lost.
Not quite. Trump won and angry, bitter, petulant Clintonettes lost.
Trump won. America is now winning...
No America is not winning, just ask the farmers.
Living in denial will do you no good:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Thx Pres. Obama and America Was Already Great.
Fine, but Obama wasn't running for POTUS in 2016 ... Trump and Clinton were and as my previous post noted, we are doing pretty well despite your bitterness and hate.

If Trump solved all the world's probs today you'd still be here tomorrow bitching and whining and yeah ... the loony Democrats Socialists are setting up themselves and you for more disappointment in 2020.
Then why is every Democrat controlled area a shit hole. Even SF and Portland are shit holes now?
Why? Because in many of our urban areas, capitalists have closed up shop and left the poor behind. That has resulted in a decrease in revenue and an increase in social expenses
So you've never known the "joy" of complying with big city gov't demands and incompetence? Here's a tip: if you don't pull 'em down fast enough, they will screw you anyway.

Most cities find all manner of creative and exciting and new ways to tax the crap out of people and if you aren't politically connected you always get the shaft. Yeah … city gov't is the bane of the middle and small-biz class and chases 'em away leaving only the rich in tall, guarded buildings and lots of poor and aging down in the mosh-pit.

In the Dem's defense I sometimes wonder if our cities elect them because they are dying or if they are dying because we elect Dems. :dunno:
Democrats provide city services

Public transit, parks, schools

Things conservatives oppose

And who do you suppose pays for it? I agree that we need to provide locations for tent cities, people to clean the streets and sidewalks for the junkies, needle patrols, pooper scoopers, outright free or subsidized transportation, union controlled k-12 education run by a union hack and some desk jockey in Washington DC. Face it the decline of our cities is a reflection of the failed policies of the Dim’s, as long as they promise the moon for nothing destined to remain in office. The plantation system and mentality evolved from the land to our inner cities. How’s that working out?
Mexico pays for it
Then why is every Democrat controlled area a shit hole. Even SF and Portland are shit holes now?
Why? Because in many of our urban areas, capitalists have closed up shop and left the poor behind. That has resulted in a decrease in revenue and an increase in social expenses
So you've never known the "joy" of complying with big city gov't demands and incompetence? Here's a tip: if you don't pull 'em down fast enough, they will screw you anyway.

Most cities find all manner of creative and exciting and new ways to tax the crap out of people and if you aren't politically connected you always get the shaft. Yeah … city gov't is the bane of the middle and small-biz class and chases 'em away leaving only the rich in tall, guarded buildings and lots of poor and aging down in the mosh-pit.

In the Dem's defense I sometimes wonder if our cities elect them because they are dying or if they are dying because we elect Dems. :dunno:
Democrats provide city services

Public transit, parks, schools

Things conservatives oppose
Yanno, you say a lot of stupid shit but that post is world class stupid. World class. Congrats. :beer:
I said it first and now you're just repeating me. Win as big as Trump '16. :D
Trump won, America lost.
Not quite. Trump won and angry, bitter, petulant Clintonettes lost.
Trump won. America is now winning...
No America is not winning, just ask the farmers.
Living in denial will do you no good:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Thx Pres. Obama and America Was Already Great.
Fine, but Obama wasn't running for POTUS in 2016 ... Trump and Clinton were and as my previous post noted, we are doing pretty well despite your bitterness and hate.

If Trump solved all the world's probs today you'd still be here tomorrow bitching and whining and yeah ... the loony Democrats Socialists are setting up themselves and you for more disappointment in 2020.
I would be happy if he didn’t create world problems

How is Iran working out?
Then why is every Democrat controlled area a shit hole. Even SF and Portland are shit holes now?
Why? Because in many of our urban areas, capitalists have closed up shop and left the poor behind. That has resulted in a decrease in revenue and an increase in social expenses
So you've never known the "joy" of complying with big city gov't demands and incompetence? Here's a tip: if you don't pull 'em down fast enough, they will screw you anyway.

Most cities find all manner of creative and exciting and new ways to tax the crap out of people and if you aren't politically connected you always get the shaft. Yeah … city gov't is the bane of the middle and small-biz class and chases 'em away leaving only the rich in tall, guarded buildings and lots of poor and aging down in the mosh-pit.

In the Dem's defense I sometimes wonder if our cities elect them because they are dying or if they are dying because we elect Dems. :dunno:
Democrats provide city services

Public transit, parks, schools

Things conservatives oppose
Yanno, you say a lot of stupid shit but that post is world class stupid. World class. Congrats. :beer:
It’s true

That is why Republicans do not run cities
You come across as a happy guy. The other part of a cold civil war is to buy guns for your neighbours, the guy across the road buys guns for his neighbours...and then watch the neighbours fight each other.
My dumbass redneck neighbors already have more guns than people that dumb should be allowed to own.
I do enjoy when pompously sanctimonious leftarded MORONS anoint themselves and then sit in judgment of we common deplorables and our constitutional rights. It doomed Shrillary in 2016 and likely will do the same to any Democrat Socialist candidate stupid enough - and there are many - to run on hubris.
Really. This idiot shot a hole in his own roof a couple of years ago. According to the police he was angrily brandishing a rifle while drunk and pissed off at his wife.

But you go ahead and claim him, he fits in with the rest of you idiots well.
That's odd ... he said it was you who did that stupid shit.
You come across as a happy guy. The other part of a cold civil war is to buy guns for your neighbours, the guy across the road buys guns for his neighbours...and then watch the neighbours fight each other.
My dumbass redneck neighbors already have more guns than people that dumb should be allowed to own.
I do enjoy when pompously sanctimonious leftarded MORONS anoint themselves and then sit in judgment of we common deplorables and our constitutional rights. It doomed Shrillary in 2016 and likely will do the same to any Democrat Socialist candidate stupid enough - and there are many - to run on hubris.
Really. This idiot shot a hole in his own roof a couple of years ago. According to the police he was angrily brandishing a rifle while drunk and pissed off at his wife.

But you go ahead and claim him, he fits in with the rest of you idiots well.
That's odd ... he said it was you who did that stupid shit.
Don't be stupier than you have to be.
Then why is every Democrat controlled area a shit hole. Even SF and Portland are shit holes now?
Why? Because in many of our urban areas, capitalists have closed up shop and left the poor behind. That has resulted in a decrease in revenue and an increase in social expenses
So you've never known the "joy" of complying with big city gov't demands and incompetence? Here's a tip: if you don't pull 'em down fast enough, they will screw you anyway.

Most cities find all manner of creative and exciting and new ways to tax the crap out of people and if you aren't politically connected you always get the shaft. Yeah … city gov't is the bane of the middle and small-biz class and chases 'em away leaving only the rich in tall, guarded buildings and lots of poor and aging down in the mosh-pit.

In the Dem's defense I sometimes wonder if our cities elect them because they are dying or if they are dying because we elect Dems. :dunno:
Democrats provide city services

Public transit, parks, schools

Things conservatives oppose
Yanno, you say a lot of stupid shit but that post is world class stupid. World class. Congrats. :beer:
It’s true

That is why Republicans do not run cities

There is not one city that Republicans run?
New data indicates America on the verge of civil war, and neither side will back off

Will the United States soon enter a second civil war? Polling data from Georgetown University shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe a civil war is coming down the pike — and most people aren’t actually willing to make the changes necessary to stop it. Across the board, Americans are doubling down on their political values and are refusing to compromise on the issues tearing the country apart.

The demonic trash would love nothing more for a war to start so they can blame everyone else but themselves. Retards aren't every intelligent what's worse they have all their chromosomes , DNA
They want martial law to go into effect. So that Obama's leftover that are still in the military will be in power. So then they will be able to arrest Pres.Trump's supporters. By putting dummy charges on them. Everytime when Pres.Trump starts handing out the pink list. The Dems will start shouting out loud that Pres.Trump administration is in disarray. And then start saying that he is unfit to be President, just to prevent Pres.Trump from firing Obama's leftovers.

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There is one problem with Martial Law though that the idiot liberals(redundant statement I know) do not understand. All elections are suspended until the civil unrest is subsided. President Trump could assume power like Hitler did because of the antics of the left.

What Would Happen If Martial Law Was Declared In America? would most likely never be rescinded. Trump would simply appoint a successor.


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