new caravans headed to the US-Mexico border.


Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2020
thousands of haitians and central americans and people of other nationalities in a southern mexico detention center have started to move in caravans toward the US border. mexico has promised them asylum and work and humanitarian visas. they are mad that the mexican government is moving their applications for relief too slowly. but these so call asylum seekers in mexico have openly stated that what they want is for the mexican government to let them travel freely unhindered to the US border. they do not want to stay in mexico. they come with children with them. mexico's immigration agents and national guard have tried to stop these caravans and return them to the detention centers. these foreigners have violently attacked mexico's security personal with clubs and rocks.they demand safe passage thru mexico toward the US border.they say that they have the right to seek a better life for themselves and their families. they have no respect for immigration laws or any laws in other countries. some of mexico's security personal that have fought back have been fired from their jobs. the mexican immigration services have been detaining them in small groups to avoid violent confrontations. these lawless violent asylum seekers want a piece of dementia joe's America. Dementia joe has tried to end the wait in mexico policy for asylum seekers and restated the CATCH AND RELEASE policy. Just catch then and release them into the US population. these lawless violent so call immigrants could end up been your neighbors . dementia joe wont enforce immigration laws .
The Democrat Party's hate, racism, violence and corruption has alienated educated mainstream middle class Americans, therefore they are trying to "change America's demographics" by erasing our country's borders and inviting millions of uneducated third world welfare dependent racist latino nationalist to come and loot the taxpayers.
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The Democrat Party's hate, racism, violence and corruption has alienated educated mainstream middle class Americans, therefore they are trying "change America's demographics" by erasing our countries borders and inviting millions of uneducated third world welfare dependent racist latino nationalist to come and loot the taxpayers.
It is part of the great reset. Change the demographics, lower education standards by virtually eliminating education in the country for two years, trash the economy and manufacturing to third world standards, create shortages in all consumer goods, and do it all by renaming the flu as covid. The U.S. is the world's newest third world country, complete with dictatorial installed government.
The Democrat Party's hate, racism, violence and corruption has alienated educated mainstream middle class Americans, therefore they are trying to "change America's demographics" by erasing our country's borders and inviting millions of uneducated third world welfare dependent racist latino nationalist to come and loot the taxpayers.
yep at this point they see it as building an irreversible voting base.
They will complain about the free food, too, like all of these fake 'refugees' do.
Our worthless political 'leaders' are allowing us to be buried by the endless flood of illegal aliens.

The only way to stop these fucking caravans and mobs of invaders is to catch them and send their asses back.

But Biden has the balls of a parakeet. He's fucking worthless. Much worse, actually. He seems to want America to be destroyed by these invaders.
Our worthless political 'leaders' are allowing us to be buried by the endless flood of illegal aliens.

The only way to stop these fucking caravans and mobs of invaders is to catch them and send their asses back.

But Biden has the balls of a parakeet. He's fucking worthless. Much worse, actually. He seems to want America to be destroyed by these invaders.
Why would you disparage a parakeet like that?
thousands of haitians and central americans and people of other nationalities in a southern mexico detention center have started to move in caravans toward the US border. mexico has promised them asylum and work and humanitarian visas. they are mad that the mexican government is moving their applications for relief too slowly. but these so call asylum seekers in mexico have openly stated that what they want is for the mexican government to let them travel freely unhindered to the US border. they do not want to stay in mexico. they come with children with them. mexico's immigration agents and national guard have tried to stop these caravans and return them to the detention centers. these foreigners have violently attacked mexico's security personal with clubs and rocks.they demand safe passage thru mexico toward the US border.they say that they have the right to seek a better life for themselves and their families. they have no respect for immigration laws or any laws in other countries. some of mexico's security personal that have fought back have been fired from their jobs. the mexican immigration services have been detaining them in small groups to avoid violent confrontations. these lawless violent asylum seekers want a piece of dementia joe's America. Dementia joe has tried to end the wait in mexico policy for asylum seekers and restated the CATCH AND RELEASE policy. Just catch then and release them into the US population. these lawless violent so call immigrants could end up been your neighbors . dementia joe wont enforce immigration laws .
Any link?

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