New Bullets Mean Certain Death

Your opposition to this fragmenting round also applies to shotguns. Are they "too lethal"?

That's a fair question, and a valid point. I'm not exactly sure how lethal a shotgun is, but I imagine one blast from 15 feet would be enough to put a man under. It probably gets weaker from further ranges, unlike normal handguns, but that in itself is a moot point. Huh, now you've got me thinking Daveman, and I appreciate that.

[MENTION=31132]Lakhota[/MENTION], what do you make of my post, and Daveman's response to it? I don't know much about guns, so I'm likely missing quite a few details. [MENTION=23991]daveman[/MENTION], do you think bullets containing cyanide, if they existed, would be too lethal?

On guns I do support the right to own, and would like to buy a nice, black shotgun for hunting. I went to a Reinneman's awhile ago, and found a nice black shotgun around $400 or so, and it had two interchangeable barrels. I'd like to bag some deer for venison steaks and chili. :D

Regarding the shotgun, are the barrels rifled?

Some are, and some are not.

The reality is it really doesn't make any difference.

If you shoot yourself, that's point blank...and if I shoot you, it's not going to be 100 yards away...statistically, it's going to be less than 7 yards.
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Well, I've read the entire thread, and I'm now convinced the bullets do cause certain death.

A gullible gun grabber reads this shit on, swallows it hook, line and sinker, posts it as fact on a message board...

...then when it is thoroughly and viciously debunked...they die of embarrassment.
Well, I've read the entire thread, and I'm now convinced the bullets do cause certain death.

A gullible gun grabber reads this shit on, swallows it hook, line and sinker, posts it as fact on a message board...

...then when it is thoroughly and viciously debunked...they die of embarrassment.

Careful....they'll generate some stats and magic up a protest march demanding that embarrassment be outlawed or, at the very least, that licenses and training be required for setting out to embarrass their sorry asses.
Just a mention but wasn't it BLACK TALON ammo that every gun grabber was up in arms about sometime in the 90s , mid 90s I think .
Now they're crapping their diapers over bullets

they'll be getting to bats soon enough
Lakhota, if you are worried about killing someone when you use "deadly force", feel free to buy nonlethal rounds for your shotgun. Either beanbags or rubber pellets hurt like hell but don't kill.

Personally, I will stick with MagSafe fragmenting rounds.

I much prefer 00 buckshot.
My 12 gauge Springfield pump sits at the head of my bed for this very reason. Though I can't really carry a shotgun around with me outside, so I also have handguns. This ammo would be good to have.

Pred fan.....the gun grabber limpwristers have no clue.

My 14 year old son has a Savage .17 HMR. Tiny little bullet........nasty as shit.....plow through a quarter at 200 yards. That thing enters the body at the shoulder and God knows how many organs it is bouncing around and tearing up as it tumbles around. In some cases, Id much prefer being hit by a round from my 7.62 X 39 on my back and without most of my shoulder but might well survive. .17 HMR......damn thing is probably passing through a lung, the heart and stopping maybe in the liver. Awesome!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Stupid moron gun grabbers........bubble dwellers.:D:D:D

Yep....a 5.56 standard ball ammo round will pass through .400 of an inch of 4140 commercial heat treated steel at 100 yards. The bullet is only slightly heavier then a .22 bullet. Score one for hydrostatic shock!!

A .22-250 SOFTPOINT will go through half-inch steel plate like paper.
The most amusing posts on this thread, aside from those who don't know shit about what they're talking about, are the "gun grabber" posts. As a lifelong hunter and avid gun enthusiast, I strongly support universal background checks. I don't understand why anyone would oppose that.
People get shot a lot in America, and it isn’t always criminals doing the shooting. There are countless stories, stories every day, of people shooting themselves, their neighbors, their friends, and their children, by accident. They’re often “playing” with their guns. Or “cleaning” them when they go off accidentally. These are the law-abiding gun owners, the responsible ones. Sometimes these people are killed, and sometimes they’re just injured, like in the examples cited above.

But if one Georgia company is successful, accidental shootings that injure people may become a thing of the past. That’s because if people start using their bullets, pretty much every person who gets shot will die.

G2 Research’s “Radically Invasive Projectile” (RIP, get it? — because shooting people to death is hilarious) is a copper bullet that explodes when it hits a target (i.e., a human being) sending pieces screaming through vital organs and clearing a path for the bullet’s core to travel deeper through a person.

This multiplies the damage a bullet can do considerably, and is certain to turn what might otherwise be minor injuries into major ones, and major injuries into deaths.

And this is the bullet’s selling point.

Even if you support gun ownership, which most Americans do, it’s time to admit there is something very sick and wrong with our gun culture in this country. The people conducting “open carry” protests at restaurants and stores around the country don’t have pistols attached to their hips; they are carrying assault weapons almost as big as they are. Soon they’ll be able to buy these bullets that tear people apart from the inside.

What kind of fear motivates you that you need to surround yourself constantly with the killing power of a small nation’s military? Whom do you think you’re making safer by toting this stuff around? The number of people shot accidentally by so-called responsible, law-abiding gun owners in this country is astounding. The deadlier we make our guns and our bullets, the more often those shootings will turn into irreversible tragedies.

There is literally no reason for these bullets to exist. Guns are deadly enough as it is.

New Bullets Mean Certain Death - Blue Nation Review Blue Nation Review

This is the last bullet you'll ever need - watch and see the technology for yourself | Rare

G2R RIP 2014 - YouTube

This certainly is a deadly looking bullet. I wonder how accurate it is. I assume accuracy is secondary to its destructive power.
:eusa_clap:I'll take a few boxes for my 45 and 357 magnum !!
The most amusing posts on this thread, aside from those who don't know shit about what they're talking about, are the "gun grabber" posts. As a lifelong hunter and avid gun enthusiast, I strongly support universal background checks. I don't understand why anyone would oppose that.

We don't either for the most part. the problem is you asshats always, and I mean ALWAYS want there to be a gun registration scheme involved as well. Take the registration out, and the majority of us have no problem with it.
The most amusing posts on this thread, aside from those who don't know shit about what they're talking about, are the "gun grabber" posts. As a lifelong hunter and avid gun enthusiast, I strongly support universal d checks. I don't understand why anyone would oppose that.

Riiiiiight. :doubt:

Let's go snipe can hold the bag and the flashlight, and we'll flush 'em right to ya.
The most amusing posts on this thread, aside from those who don't know shit about what they're talking about, are the "gun grabber" posts. As a lifelong hunter and avid gun enthusiast, I strongly support universal background checks. I don't understand why anyone would oppose that.


We don't either for the most part. the problem is you asshats always, and I mean ALWAYS want there to be a gun registration scheme involved as well. Take the registration out, and the majority of us have no problem with it.

Exactly. I'd be happy to go to the FFL and say "hey, I'm selling a gun to he ok?"

Leave the serial number out of it...qualify the person.
The most amusing posts on this thread, aside from those who don't know shit about what they're talking about, are the "gun grabber" posts. As a lifelong hunter and avid gun enthusiast, I strongly support universal d checks. I don't understand why anyone would oppose that.

Riiiiiight. :doubt:

Let's go snipe can hold the bag and the flashlight, and we'll flush 'em right to ya.

Aw, yes, the old snipe hunt. I remember my first one. As you know, snipe really exist, but are notoriously hard to hunt. Hence, reportedly the origin of the word sniper.
Pred fan.....the gun grabber limpwristers have no clue.

My 14 year old son has a Savage .17 HMR. Tiny little bullet........nasty as shit.....plow through a quarter at 200 yards. That thing enters the body at the shoulder and God knows how many organs it is bouncing around and tearing up as it tumbles around. In some cases, Id much prefer being hit by a round from my 7.62 X 39 on my back and without most of my shoulder but might well survive. .17 HMR......damn thing is probably passing through a lung, the heart and stopping maybe in the liver. Awesome!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Stupid moron gun grabbers........bubble dwellers.:D:D:D

Yep....a 5.56 standard ball ammo round will pass through .400 of an inch of 4140 commercial heat treated steel at 100 yards. The bullet is only slightly heavier then a .22 bullet. Score one for hydrostatic shock!!

A .22-250 SOFTPOINT will go through half-inch steel plate like paper.

4140 .500 CH would stop that round. .500 mild steel is butter for most high velocity rounds.
My buddy and I have been trying to find a cheap alternative to armor plate for high velocity rounds for far we haven't been successful until we've reached .750
And even at that the damage is so great that after a couple of hundred rounds it totally destroy's the target.
Yeah we're cheap that way....
The most amusing posts on this thread, aside from those who don't know shit about what they're talking about, are the "gun grabber" posts. As a lifelong hunter and avid gun enthusiast, I strongly support universal d checks. I don't understand why anyone would oppose that.

Riiiiiight. :doubt:

Let's go snipe can hold the bag and the flashlight, and we'll flush 'em right to ya.

Aw, yes, the old snipe hunt. I remember my first one. As you know, snipe really exist, but are notoriously hard to hunt. Hence, reportedly the origin of the word sniper.

My first snipe hunt at 15 years old I shot 24 out of 25. Never forget that day.

My second was an arranged hunt for my nephews who I sent into the bush of the Texas hill country banging rocks together and saying "whodee who,whodee who" Needless to say they didnt nab shit.....Oh yeah,they were from Minnesota.:D
Riiiiiight. :doubt:

Let's go snipe can hold the bag and the flashlight, and we'll flush 'em right to ya.

Aw, yes, the old snipe hunt. I remember my first one. As you know, snipe really exist, but are notoriously hard to hunt. Hence, reportedly the origin of the word sniper.

My first snipe hunt at 15 years old I shot 24 out of 25. Never forget that day.

My second was an arranged hunt for my nephews who I sent into the bush of the Texas hill country banging rocks together and saying "whodee who,whodee who" Needless to say they didnt nab shit.....Oh yeah,they were from Minnesota.:D

Wow, 15 years old? Simo would be envious.
The most amusing posts on this thread, aside from those who don't know shit about what they're talking about, are the "gun grabber" posts. As a lifelong hunter and avid gun enthusiast, I strongly support universal background checks. I don't understand why anyone would oppose that.

I support gun dealers doing background checks.

Do you want private sales to do them as well?

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