new book (by Molly Hemingway), a must read for anyone wanting to know about Election Fraud 2020


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
This is a very informative book... I kind of don't like the way she talks about Giuliani but she states facts and you can't argue with those.. I guess he wanted to go about the lawsuits in a way that was not best... whereas other attorneys differed...

I don't have the book w/ me or I would quote from it.. maybe tomorrow

This is a very informative book... I kind of don't like the way she talks about Giuliani but she states facts and you can't argue with those.. I guess he wanted to go about the lawsuits in a way that was not best... whereas other attorneys differed...

I don't have the book w/ me or I would quote from it.. maybe tomorrow

Name of the book should be "Conned". Which is what the Trump humpers are/were.
They are determined to keep the lie alive until the midterms (at least).

What is stated in this book is OPINION.
And it's beyond pathetic that we're still talking about something that didn't happen almost a year later.
Name of the book should be "Conned". Which is what the Trump humpers are/were.
They are determined to keep the lie alive until the midterms (at least).

What is stated in this book is OPINION.
And it's beyond pathetic that we're still talking about something that didn't happen almost a year later.

"Sore Loser" is a better title.
We're still talking about "Russian Collusion" that didn't happen over 4 years ago - now THAT is pathetic.
See "Trump Tower Meeting". It happened. Unless you can definitively prove they were there to talk about adoption..and not there to look at getting their hands on stolen emails. :)
Look, at this point, it's just best to own it and move on. Like I've said, I can't help it that Mueller decided not to pursue it as a charge.
This is a very informative book... I kind of don't like the way she talks about Giuliani but she states facts and you can't argue with those.. I guess he wanted to go about the lawsuits in a way that was not best... whereas other attorneys differed...

I don't have the book w/ me or I would quote from it.. maybe tomorrow

A former harsh Trump critic drank the kool aid. That pretty much sums it up.
Name of the book should be "Conned". Which is what the Trump humpers are/were.
They are determined to keep the lie alive until the midterms (at least).

What is stated in this book is OPINION.
And it's beyond pathetic that we're still talking about something that didn't happen almost a year later.
how utterly ironic
See "Trump Tower Meeting". It happened. Unless you can definitively prove they were there to talk about adoption..and not there to look at getting their hands on stolen emails. :)
Look, at this point, it's just best to own it and move on. Like I've said, I can't help it that Mueller decided not to pursue it as a charge.
u also can't seem to help it that the Mueller Report found nothing against Trump and wasted something like 35 million of the taxxpayers' money

but liberals... I forgot

don't like facts...Facts kinda put a monkey wrench into their sick agenda...
We're still talking about "Russian Collusion" that didn't happen over 5 years ago - now THAT is pathetic.

more like the corrupt and lying cnn and co. The left is filled with hate for Trump and the people who voted for him... frothing at the mouth all the time like the demonss they are.

why doesn't someone DO somethingg about all this evil?
u also can't seem to help it that the Mueller Report found nothing against Trump and wasted something like 35 million of the taxxpayers' money

but liberals... I forgot

don't like facts...Facts kinda put a monkey wrench into their sick agenda...
All money recovered courtesy of Paul Manafort. Paid for...and let's be honest, Mueller got nowhere because most of the people in Trump's orbit wouldn't talk to him.
If it makes you feel any better, I considered Mueller's undertakings a waste of time and effort. He should have had the balls to recommend charges.

We can argue over Part 1 of the report as long as you'd like. The Trump Tower meeting constituted collusion. Even f'ing Steve Bannon knew that. Can't help it that Mueller didn't consider it as a charge.
But Part 2, the obstruction charges. That was a slam dunk. You should send a thank you fruit basket to Nancy Pelosi. She called her constituency off from impeaching the orange spray tanned one.
Then he turns right around and does it again!!:auiqs.jpg:
So, if you are a Trumper this book is 100% gospel and the book by his former Communications Director is total lies.

If you are not a Trumper, this book is total lies and the book by his former Communications Director is the gosepl.

Do you all not see a pattern here
They are determined to keep the lie alive until the midterms (at least).
A Klingon could get elected before a Democrat these days. You people have put leaders in place that are so intent on gutting this nation that there's NO WAY you'll avoid the electoral bloodbath in store next November. Bidet at 38%, the Cackler at 28%... 16% of that abortion is by Democrats, no less. You've lost around 70% of Independents and NO ONE wins without them these days.
ROUND THE BOWL, AND DOWN THE HOLE... (or into the shorts)
So, if you are a Trumper this book is 100% gospel and the book by his former Communications Director is total lies.

If you are not a Trumper, this book is total lies and the book by his former Communications Director is the gosepl.

Do you all not see a pattern here
no evidence given

so I am gone... typical lib stuff
A Klingon could get elected before a Democrat these days. You people have put leaders in place that are so intent on gutting this nation that there's NO WAY you'll avoid the electoral bloodbath in store next November. Bidet at 38%, the Cackler at 28%... 16% of that abortion is by Democrats, no less. You've lost around 70% of Independents and NO ONE wins without them these days.
ROUND THE BOWL, AND DOWN THE HOLE... (or into the shorts)
dimss know this... they just plan on highjacking elections again
Happened. All down in black and white.
Hell, even Bannon knew it was a fuck up of major league proportions. :)
how come I, erudite as I am re current affairs, am not aware of any problem w/ the Trump Tower mtg?

guess I am just totally clueless...

sorry... I forgot

only cnn lap dummies who repeat all they hear on said station know anything
so let's see

Hemingway is a liar
Giuliani, best mayor of NYC ever.. ditto
Pillow dude who has sold who knows how many pillows, overcame a serious addiction, loves Jesus
Jenna Ellis, great attorney... outspoken Christian

all these people are liars...

but the baby killers in the WH are...



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