What is wrong with the Supreme Court these days? Brunson case RE overturning distrusted results of the 2020 election.


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022

I just don't get this. The only thing that makes sense is that the SCOTUS doesn't want to tick off Deep State.

What are your thoughts on this?

Are they afraid of being impeached or something? I just don't get it. There is massive evidence of vote fraud. Mollie Hemingway was on Fox last night (they didn't discuss the fake election she wrote a book about, though... Come to think of it Fox puzzles me also... but then maybe I shouldn't be surprised)


I just don't get this. The only thing that makes sense is that the SCOTUS doesn't want to tick off Deep State.

What are your thoughts on this?

Are they afraid of being impeached or something? I just don't get it. There is massive evidence of vote fraud. Mollie Hemingway was on Fox last night (they didn't discuss the fake election she wrote a book about, though... Come to think of it Fox puzzles me also... but then maybe I shouldn't be surprised)

You do know that the Marxists/Nazis march in front of their house regularly? And without any protection from the DOJ....

I just don't get this. The only thing that makes sense is that the SCOTUS doesn't want to tick off Deep State.

What are your thoughts on this?

Are they afraid of being impeached or something? I just don't get it. There is massive evidence of vote fraud. Mollie Hemingway was on Fox last night (they didn't discuss the fake election she wrote a book about, though... Come to think of it Fox puzzles me also... but then maybe I shouldn't be surprised)

There IS NO EVIDENCE (still) that there was ANY widespread fraud in the 2020 election.
Of course they are going to dismiss it.

What does that make?..about 71 cases now dismissed? :)
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There IS NO EVIDENCE (still) that there was ANY widespread fraud in the 2020 election.
Of course they are going to dismiss it.

What does that make?..about 71 cases now dismissed? :)
not hardly. I think only 2 got to the Sup Ct.

And you may want to check out Logic 101 which tends to dictate that just because justices don't take up a certain case does not mean the case is without merit, and in this case, quite a lot of merit but politics seem to rule in the US nowadays
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Allegations are still not evidence.
who said otherwise?

you liberals always act like thus and so is true just to further your sicko agenda.

I have evidence and plenty of it. Too bad y'all are too afraid to look at it. But that's your cowardice and hackery... we're so surprised!!
not hardly. I think only 2 got to the Sup Ct.

And you may want to check out Logic 101 which tends to dictate that just because justices don't take up a certain case does not mean the case is without merit, and in this case, quite a lot of merit but politics seem to rule in the US nowadays
So your claim is that this right wing Court is playing politics to favor the Dems?

You’re insane
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every night? No, I didn't know that
But why did they can Roe if they are living in fear?
Did i say every night? No now stop being a retard, as for Roe vs Wade, it wasnt a law by the Constitution, so if 9 liberal judges can say it is, then 9 conservative judges can say it isnt. Want to have babies executed inside or outside the womb, then have Congress , Senate and President sign a bill into law that enable stupid Marxist women to kill their babies. They are stupid, so the stupid gene wont spread that way.
So your claim is that is right wing Court is playing politics to favor the Dems?

You’re insane
like I really care what some dumbass liberal thinks of my mental condition. Again, you liberals refuse to look at the evidence and then VOILA'!

There's no evidence!

Did i say every night? No now stop being a retard, as for Roe vs Wade, it wasnt a law by the Constitution, so if 9 liberal judges can say it is, then 9 conservative judges can say it isnt. Want to have babies executed inside or outside the womb, then have Congress , Senate and President sign a bill into law that enable stupid Marxist women to kill their babies. They are stupid, so the stupid gene wont spread that way.
what does all that have to do with scotus not taking cases about obvious vote fraud?
I got a really good idea, when you Marxists get your ass handed to you , intellectually, just walk away, dont try to divert the issue into something else, because that will just make you look even more stupid than you are.

like I really care what some dumbass liberal thinks of my mental condition. Again, you liberals refuse to look at the evidence and then VOILA'!

There's no evidence!


I know I'm a broken record, but they are a Cult.
Trying to project normal human behavior on to them and then being surprised that they behave as Cultists do is silly.

I just don't get this. The only thing that makes sense is that the SCOTUS doesn't want to tick off Deep State.

What are your thoughts on this?

Are they afraid of being impeached or something? I just don't get it. There is massive evidence of vote fraud. Mollie Hemingway was on Fox last night (they didn't discuss the fake election she wrote a book about, though... Come to think of it Fox puzzles me also... but then maybe I shouldn't be surprised)

/——/ Look back at the absolute shyt storm that hit the USSC after the 2000 election. The left spent 8 years claiming they USSC “installed“ Bush president. No wonder they don’t want to get involved.
not hardly. I think only 2 got to the Sup Ct.

And you may want to check out Logic 101 which tends to dictate that just because justices don't take up a certain case does not mean the case is without merit, and in this case, quite a lot of merit but politics seem to rule in the US nowadays

not hardly. I think only 2 got to the Sup Ct.

And you may want to check out Logic 101 which tends to dictate that just because justices don't take up a certain case does not mean the case is without merit, and in this case, quite a lot of merit but politics seem to rule in the US nowadays
That's exactly what it infers, dope. Now you can go for Plan C & hold your hand on your ass for the orange blob to be reinstated.

Trump has about as much a chance at being reinstated then he has of dodging an indictment.

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