New Anne Coulter Book On Racism By The Left Sets The Record Straight. Read It.

I would never, ever let an extreme ideologue political hack from either side of the extreme fringe influence my mode of thinking while "telling like it is". God help America if people rely on that sector of the political spectrum to guide them to conclusive trains of thought. :eusa_hand:

So what unextreme folks guide your train of thought? Olbermann? Maddow? Who do you read that is offering a comprehensive and thorough history of race relations in this country and the realities that exist at this time?

He's busy...

...I'll tell you: Dr. Seuss, "The Cat In The Hat."

If both of you want to consider Coulter, that's your business. My wife, who is very liberal watches Maddow and that's her business. I just don't subscribe to extreme ideologues. If anyone has blinders on, it's usually these folks because they are solely driven by their ideology and it's always "us against them". In other words, you don't get objective thinking. Talking-heads, who are so representative of the extreme fringes are the reason this country is so polarized and going nowhere but down.
You can disagree with me, because that's your business.
And where do I get information that helps form my opinion? Factual history and unbiased resources. You know, there are times I actually do agree with your side of the aisle because I can do that.

Obama supporters thought that electing a black president would end race as a major issue in politics once and for all.....but instead Obama and friends had other ideas.

Instead they used and continue to use race as a weapon more than ever before.

Now this country is more racially divided then just about any point in our history.

Chapter 1: Race Wars of Convenience, Not Necessity

The Democrats’ slogan during the Bush years was: “Dissent is patriotic.”
Under Obama, it’s: “Dissent is racist.”

Liberals luxuriate in calling other people “racists” out of pure moral
preening. They seem to imagine that in African American households
throughout the land you’ll find mantel portraits of Martin Luther King Jr.,
Robert Kennedy and Keith Olbermann. (More likely, those mantels would
have portraits of Bernie Goetz.)

Beginning in the seventies, there was constant racial turmoil in this
country, stirred up by the media, academia and Hollywood to promote
their fantasy of America as “Mississippi Burning.”

This was madness. There had been a real fight over civil rights for a century,
especially in the previous two decades, but by the end of the sixties, it
was over. Segregationist violence was gone, and all public places integrated.
But in their minds, liberals lived in a heroic past, where they were the ones
manning the barricades and marching against segregation. Liberals were
hallucinating—about the present and the past.

Contrary to the myth Democrats told about themselves—that they
were hairy-chested warriors for equal rights—the entire history of civil
rights consists of Republicans battling Democrats to guarantee the constitutional rights of black people.

Web Extra: Read an Exclusive Excerpt of Ann Coulter’s New Book - ABC News
So what unextreme folks guide your train of thought? Olbermann? Maddow? Who do you read that is offering a comprehensive and thorough history of race relations in this country and the realities that exist at this time?

He's busy...

...I'll tell you: Dr. Seuss, "The Cat In The Hat."

If both of you want to consider Coulter, that's your business. My wife, who is very liberal watches Maddow and that's her business. I just don't subscribe to extreme ideologues. If anyone has blinders on, it's usually these folks because they are solely driven by their ideology and it's always "us against them". In other words, you don't get objective thinking. Talking-heads, who are so representative of the extreme fringes are the reason this country is so polarized and going nowhere but down.
You can disagree with me, because that's your business.
And where do I get information that helps form my opinion? Factual history and unbiased resources. You know, there are times I actually do agree with your side of the aisle because I can do that.

So could you give us an example of factual history and unbiased resource that you consult? Can you tell us what sources Ann Coulter consults? Or I consult for that matter?

And can you give us an example of an extreme ideological point held by Ann Coulter? Is there any specific verifiable point of view she holds that you can identify as extreme? Have you honestly read her stuff making any effort to understand what she is saying?

You see, if you cannot or will not answer such inquiries, it is you who appears to be the extremist when I have yet to find fault with her scholarship and have not noted any point of view she actually holds that I thought was extreme. Seems to me her point of view is pretty darn mainstream whether or not I agree with her, and sometimes I don't.
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She should have used a pen name in order to get more than 10% of the country to take it seriously.

I assume you are suggesting that of Ms. Coulter, as your post is infused with your usual incoherence, and this makes it difficult to determine the target of your attack.

If so, I wonder if you'd share exactly how many of her best-sellers your read.

Surely, you wouldn't be one of those anencephalic posters who have strong opinions about subjects about which they have no actual knowledge.

Smart women are sexy.......:cool:
She should have used a pen name in order to get more than 10% of the country to take it seriously.

I assume you are suggesting that of Ms. Coulter, as your post is infused with your usual incoherence, and this makes it difficult to determine the target of your attack.

If so, I wonder if you'd share exactly how many of her best-sellers your read.

Surely, you wouldn't be one of those anencephalic posters who have strong opinions about subjects about which they have no actual knowledge.

Smart women are sexy.......:cool:

Well I generally look for more testosterone for sexy, but I have definitely come to appreciate Ann Coulter as one of the most brilliant satirists of our time. You don't have to like what she says to appreciate both her scholarship and her very unique talent.
I would never, ever let an extreme ideologue political hack from either side of the extreme fringe influence my mode of thinking while "telling like it is". God help America if people rely on that sector of the political spectrum to guide them to conclusive trains of thought. :eusa_hand:

So what unextreme folks guide your train of thought? Olbermann? Maddow? Who do you read that is offering a comprehensive and thorough history of race relations in this country and the realities that exist at this time?

He's busy...

...I'll tell you: Dr. Seuss, "The Cat In The Hat."

PC,,you have to try to get more zingers. I think you have over-used the Dr. Seuss zinger analogy more than enough on these boards.
She should have used a pen name in order to get more than 10% of the country to take it seriously.

I assume you are suggesting that of Ms. Coulter, as your post is infused with your usual incoherence, and this makes it difficult to determine the target of your attack.

If so, I wonder if you'd share exactly how many of her best-sellers your read.

Surely, you wouldn't be one of those anencephalic posters who have strong opinions about subjects about which they have no actual knowledge.

the fact that her books are bestsellers says more about her audience than it does about the quality of her writing and alleged thought.

somewhere, h.l. mencken is laughing
I assume you are suggesting that of Ms. Coulter, as your post is infused with your usual incoherence, and this makes it difficult to determine the target of your attack.

If so, I wonder if you'd share exactly how many of her best-sellers your read.

Surely, you wouldn't be one of those anencephalic posters who have strong opinions about subjects about which they have no actual knowledge.

Smart women are sexy.......:cool:

Well I generally look for more testosterone for sexy, but I have definitely come to appreciate Ann Coulter as one of the most brilliant satirists of our time. You don't have to like what she says to appreciate both her scholarship and her very unique talent.

I wasn't speaking of Anne......she's too boney for my tastes.

Obama supporters thought that electing a black president would end race as a major issue in politics once and for all.....but instead Obama and friends had other ideas.

Instead they used and continue to use race as a weapon more than ever before.

Now this country is more racially divided then just about any point in our history.

Chapter 1: Race Wars of Convenience, Not Necessity

The Democrats’ slogan during the Bush years was: “Dissent is patriotic.”
Under Obama, it’s: “Dissent is racist.”

Liberals luxuriate in calling other people “racists” out of pure moral
preening. They seem to imagine that in African American households
throughout the land you’ll find mantel portraits of Martin Luther King Jr.,
Robert Kennedy and Keith Olbermann. (More likely, those mantels would
have portraits of Bernie Goetz.)

Beginning in the seventies, there was constant racial turmoil in this
country, stirred up by the media, academia and Hollywood to promote
their fantasy of America as “Mississippi Burning.”

This was madness. There had been a real fight over civil rights for a century,
especially in the previous two decades, but by the end of the sixties, it
was over. Segregationist violence was gone, and all public places integrated.
But in their minds, liberals lived in a heroic past, where they were the ones
manning the barricades and marching against segregation. Liberals were
hallucinating—about the present and the past.

Contrary to the myth Democrats told about themselves—that they
were hairy-chested warriors for equal rights—the entire history of civil
rights consists of Republicans battling Democrats to guarantee the constitutional rights of black people.

Web Extra: Read an Exclusive Excerpt of Ann Coulter’s New Book - ABC News

Ann writes good stuff, but she's wrong on race.

Republicans are deluding themselves with the fantasy that "Democrats are the real racists".

The truth is that Republicans are white racists, while Democrats are anti-white racists. Yes, it really is that simple.
So what unextreme folks guide your train of thought? Olbermann? Maddow? Who do you read that is offering a comprehensive and thorough history of race relations in this country and the realities that exist at this time?

He's busy...

...I'll tell you: Dr. Seuss, "The Cat In The Hat."

If both of you want to consider Coulter, that's your business. My wife, who is very liberal watches Maddow and that's her business. I just don't subscribe to extreme ideologues. If anyone has blinders on, it's usually these folks because they are solely driven by their ideology and it's always "us against them". In other words, you don't get objective thinking. Talking-heads, who are so representative of the extreme fringes are the reason this country is so polarized and going nowhere but down.
You can disagree with me, because that's your business.
And where do I get information that helps form my opinion? Factual history and unbiased resources. You know, there are times I actually do agree with your side of the aisle because I can do that.

Fence-sitters get splinters.

'course, in your case, you won't, you phony.

You hop Left.
So what unextreme folks guide your train of thought? Olbermann? Maddow? Who do you read that is offering a comprehensive and thorough history of race relations in this country and the realities that exist at this time?

He's busy...

...I'll tell you: Dr. Seuss, "The Cat In The Hat."

PC,,you have to try to get more zingers. I think you have over-used the Dr. Seuss zinger analogy more than enough on these boards.

1. " I think you have over-used the Dr. Seuss zinger...blah, blah, blah..."

But only with folks on a Dr. Seuss level!

Shoe fit?

2. " have to try to get more zingers."
You know, they have a name for folks who aren't satisfied until they've been spanked...but, if you
need it....

Would you agree to be irradiated to save the world an irritant?
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So every time a black person mentions a case of racism in this country they are lying?

there was a black woman that was going 20 miles an hour over the speed limit in the school zone. She pulled into the school to drop her kid off with the police right behind her because she would not pull over when the cop put the siren on.

She refused to give the trooper her ID. The cop pulled her out of the car and slapped the cuffs on her.

The husband came into the school and sreamed driving while black.

Is that one good enough for you?

How about the Dukee lacross lie or Tawana Brawley or.....

I could go on.

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