Never-Trumpers Never More


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
We find this in, of all places, the newspaper of Dr. Evil, the richest man in the world. Yep....the Washington Post, whose motto is 'It looks like a newspaper,.....but it isn't.'

So, what a surprise to see....

1. "I never considered voting for Trump in 2016. I may be forced to vote for him this year.

2. I don’t need a bumper sticker or a lawn sign to convey my distaste for Trump — his odious tweets, his chronic mendacity and general crudeness. Over the past four years, like an oil slick that besmirches all it touches, Trump himself has managed to obscure his administration’s more-substantive accomplishments, such as focusing the world’s attention on China’s threat to global security and brokering a new era of Middle East peace.

3. I fear Trump’s erratic, personality-driven decision-making. His contempt for NATO is alarming, as is his delusion that he can manage rogue leaders. I don’t doubt that his eagerness to withdraw U.S. troops from their stability missions in places such as Afghanistan and Iraq will encourage conflict and terrorism. And I fret that his bizarrely isolationist attitude toward international trade will hurt the U.S. economy and splinter the global trading juggernaut that over the past half-century has brought the world amazing prosperity, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty.

4. But I fear the leftward lurch of the Democratic Party even more.

What is there to be afraid of? I fear that former vice president Joe Biden would be a figurehead president, incapable of focus or leadership, who would run a teleprompter presidency with the words drafted by his party’s hard-left ideologues. I fear that a Congress with Democrats controlling both houses — almost certainly ensured by a Biden victory in November — would begin an assault on the institutions of government that preserve the nation’s small “d” democracy. That could include the abolition of the filibuster, creating an executive-legislative monolith of unlimited political power; an increase in the number of Supreme Court seats to ensure a liberal supermajority; passage of devastating economic measures such as the Green New Deal; nationalized health care; the dismantling of U.S. borders and the introduction of socialist-inspired measures that will wreck an economy still recovering from the pandemic shutdown.

5. I fear the grip of Manhattan-San Francisco progressive mores that increasingly permeate my daily newspapers, my children’s curriculums and my local government. I fear the virtue-signaling bullies who increasingly try to dominate or silence public discourse — and encourage my children to think that their being White is intrinsically evil, that America’s founding is akin to original sin. I fear the growing self-censorship that guides many people’s every utterance, and the leftist vigilantes who view every personal choice — from recipes to hairdos — through their twisted prisms of politics and culture. An entirely Democratic-run Washington, urged on by progressives’ media allies, would no doubt only accelerate these trends. "

Make no mistake.....the very same re-orientation is taking place among Democrat voters......or, at least, those Democrat voters capable of ratiocination.
Lest any miss the point of the OP, it is as I have posited a number of times: astute voters vote for policies, not persons.

Ms. Pletka doesn't like the person, Trump, for a number of reasons, but is clear headed enough to respect the polices and accomplishments he brings to the table.
A far, far better economy than Hussein.
Better for minorities.
A Middle East peace that Hussein has no interest fact presaged genocidal wars.
Actual success with NAFTA, and China.....
By election day, many more will see the light.

Not, of course, those dolts who treat political decisions as they would treat betting on their local sports team.

What remains to be seen, is which sort of voter there are more of.
Fear the angry hoards of thousands of far left liberal law makers as if they were marching up from Mexico in 2018.

They're coming to take away your suburb too, ladies.....
Fear the angry hoards of thousands of far left liberal law makers as if they were marching up from Mexico in 2018.

They're coming to take away your suburb too, ladies.....

Time for you to stop being Blind.

6. “Nor do Biden’s national-security positions reassure me. While he promises a welcome change in style and a renewed respect for U.S. alliances, Biden would, like Trump, pull our troops from the Middle East and South Asia. Worse yet, he would slash defense spending and likely renew the Obama administration’s misbegotten love affair with Iran’s tyrants.

Then there is the Democratic Party’s hostility to the state of Israel. Biden supporters will clamor that the candidate’s history is very pro-Israel, but as president would he be strong enough to stand up to the new Democratic Party’s less-than-ardent support for the Jewish state?”
Finally a grown up who understands the frailties of Trump are FAR FAR outweighed by his fundamental love for America, family, law enforcement and the military. I disliked Trump when he was the host of the "Apprentice". Thought he was a boorish, braggart, narcissistic person...and he hasn't changed! But I like others as well as the author have seen that just because he is the President doesn't mean he has to play fair, be fair with people that don't like him, love America,Family,law enforcement and military. He has taken care of them. And constitutionally that's really all that is required! He's not suppose to be LIKED! To be "politically correct"... but he must get things done...which he has!
So I agree 100% with the article and totally believe a landslide the likes of Reagan/Mondale is coming... 49 out of 50 states.
Calif/NY voters are really turned off by their state Democrats. When Cuomo turned down the hospital ships that Trump had ready within days, in lieu of sending deathly ill seniors back to the nursing homes... that should be one reason alone for kicking Democrats out.
Fear the angry hoards of thousands of far left liberal law makers as if they were marching up from Mexico in 2018.

They're coming to take away your suburb too, ladies.....

Time for you to stop being Blind.

6. “Nor do Biden’s national-security positions reassure me. While he promises a welcome change in style and a renewed respect for U.S. alliances, Biden would, like Trump, pull our troops from the Middle East and South Asia. Worse yet, he would slash defense spending and likely renew the Obama administration’s misbegotten love affair with Iran’s tyrants.

Then there is the Democratic Party’s hostility to the state of Israel. Biden supporters will clamor that the candidate’s history is very pro-Israel, but as president would he be strong enough to stand up to the new Democratic Party’s less-than-ardent support for the Jewish state?”

The author is using a red herring to suck the reader into the standard same old attack tactic used year after year. "I don't really like Trumpybear, but......."
We find this in, of all places, the newspaper of Dr. Evil, the richest man in the world. Yep....the Washington Post, whose motto is 'It looks like a newspaper,.....but it isn't.'

So, what a surprise to see....

1. "I never considered voting for Trump in 2016. I may be forced to vote for him this year.

2. I don’t need a bumper sticker or a lawn sign to convey my distaste for Trump — his odious tweets, his chronic mendacity and general crudeness. Over the past four years, like an oil slick that besmirches all it touches, Trump himself has managed to obscure his administration’s more-substantive accomplishments, such as focusing the world’s attention on China’s threat to global security and brokering a new era of Middle East peace.

3. I fear Trump’s erratic, personality-driven decision-making. His contempt for NATO is alarming, as is his delusion that he can manage rogue leaders. I don’t doubt that his eagerness to withdraw U.S. troops from their stability missions in places such as Afghanistan and Iraq will encourage conflict and terrorism. And I fret that his bizarrely isolationist attitude toward international trade will hurt the U.S. economy and splinter the global trading juggernaut that over the past half-century has brought the world amazing prosperity, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty.

4. But I fear the leftward lurch of the Democratic Party even more.

What is there to be afraid of? I fear that former vice president Joe Biden would be a figurehead president, incapable of focus or leadership, who would run a teleprompter presidency with the words drafted by his party’s hard-left ideologues. I fear that a Congress with Democrats controlling both houses — almost certainly ensured by a Biden victory in November — would begin an assault on the institutions of government that preserve the nation’s small “d” democracy. That could include the abolition of the filibuster, creating an executive-legislative monolith of unlimited political power; an increase in the number of Supreme Court seats to ensure a liberal supermajority; passage of devastating economic measures such as the Green New Deal; nationalized health care; the dismantling of U.S. borders and the introduction of socialist-inspired measures that will wreck an economy still recovering from the pandemic shutdown.

5. I fear the grip of Manhattan-San Francisco progressive mores that increasingly permeate my daily newspapers, my children’s curriculums and my local government. I fear the virtue-signaling bullies who increasingly try to dominate or silence public discourse — and encourage my children to think that their being White is intrinsically evil, that America’s founding is akin to original sin. I fear the growing self-censorship that guides many people’s every utterance, and the leftist vigilantes who view every personal choice — from recipes to hairdos — through their twisted prisms of politics and culture. An entirely Democratic-run Washington, urged on by progressives’ media allies, would no doubt only accelerate these trends. "

Make no mistake.....the very same re-orientation is taking place among Democrat voters......or, at least, those Democrat voters capable of ratiocination.
In the case of the second paragraph, yes. Trump can be odious and crude in his tweets. He has never claimed to be presidential in his demeanor. He was no doubt taught that, when attacked, attack back. He's not a diplomat, nor is he apologetic in nature. He's egotistical, as most heads of corporations are. That said, let us not forget that before running for office on the Republican ticket, he was a Democrat, the Democrat sycophants loved to have their pictures with him and he donated tons of money to various causes, including the Clintons.
Also, the qualifications for president are very minimal, and being eloquent isn't one of them.
In the third paragraph, we encounter part of the very reason he ran for president on the Republican ticket. He saw the ongoing decline of the United States, both on the world stage economically and militarily. He doesn't have a disdain for NATO. He has had issues with the member nations "not" paying their agreed upon fair share for NATO's defense and made it a point to seriously address the issue and subsequently, the NATO nations broke down and ponied up their fair share for NATO's defense. Trade-wise, he is absolutely NOT an isolationist. He only insisted upon "fair and reciprocal" trade deals, to end the imbalance that favored foreign nations over the United States. He also saw where most of our manufacturing jobs went overseas, putting many out of work. He has made it a goal to get companies back and has succeeded to some degree. As for Afghanistan, Iraq, and other areas of conflict, our founding fathers never envisioned us to be the "world's police force." Afghanistan has had British occupation, Russian occupation and now, American occupation. Afghanistan has "never" been conquered and most likely never will. The only reason we went in there in the first place was, if you will recall, Osama bin Laden and his followers had fled to Afghanistan and we wanted them for their planning and execution of the attack on our World Trade Center. We asked the Taliban government to turn him and his followers over to us, but per Afghan custom, they were obligated to protect guests and told us that if they wanted him, we had to come and try to take him. Our government was up for the challenge. Our mistake was, once we decimated Osama's numbers and we found him in Pakistan and killed him, we should have gotten out then, but the propped up Afghan government asked us to remain. We should have declined. We're not out to change the world. As for Iraq. Once Hussein was tossed out of Kuwait by the U.S. and coalition forces, we should have left it alone. All we did by getting rid of Hussein and his military was to create a potential Iranian ally, as the new government is Shiite dominated, as is Iran, the alliance was certain to eventually happen. We have to stop trying to topple governments. Again, we're not the world's police force. Our troops have to be weary. They keep rotating in and out of conflict over and over and over. It's time to bring them home.
As for your subsequent paragraphs, we have been infiltrated by Marxist/Stalinist ideologs in our educational system and media. Part of the blame can certainly fall on China, but also, some can go to none other than, George Soros, pumping millions into various local District Attorney races, to undermine our very legal system. That man needs to have his citizenship revoked and be tossed back to Hungary, where I'm sure they would like to prosecute him, or send him to the Philippines where Duterte has a more severe punishment for him. So, we need to solve the Communist infiltration on our home front, then look at ways to end China's influence here.
Fear the angry hoards of thousands of far left liberal law makers as if they were marching up from Mexico in 2018.

They're coming to take away your suburb too, ladies.....

Time for you to stop being Blind.

6. “Nor do Biden’s national-security positions reassure me. While he promises a welcome change in style and a renewed respect for U.S. alliances, Biden would, like Trump, pull our troops from the Middle East and South Asia. Worse yet, he would slash defense spending and likely renew the Obama administration’s misbegotten love affair with Iran’s tyrants.

Then there is the Democratic Party’s hostility to the state of Israel. Biden supporters will clamor that the candidate’s history is very pro-Israel, but as president would he be strong enough to stand up to the new Democratic Party’s less-than-ardent support for the Jewish state?”

The author is using a red herring to suck the reader into the standard same old attack tactic used year after year. "I don't really like Trumpybear, but......."

7. Are there problems on the right — horrible nasties on a par with the violent protesters who have lately inflicted untold damage on many U.S. cities, businesses and lives? You bet. These execrable gun-toting racists have received too much tacit encouragement from Trump. But they do not represent the mainstream of the Republican Party or guide the choices of the vast mass of Republican members of Congress.

A year ago, I thought the Democratic Party was similarly insulated from the extreme left. But I don’t anymore, not when so much of the party’s thinking is driven by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) — all of whom were once on the fringes.”

Seems you are also driven by the insanity of Sanders and Warren.

I don't believe there is any medical aid for your condition.
We find this in, of all places, the newspaper of Dr. Evil, the richest man in the world. Yep....the Washington Post, whose motto is 'It looks like a newspaper,.....but it isn't.'

So, what a surprise to see....

1. "I never considered voting for Trump in 2016. I may be forced to vote for him this year.

2. I don’t need a bumper sticker or a lawn sign to convey my distaste for Trump — his odious tweets, his chronic mendacity and general crudeness. Over the past four years, like an oil slick that besmirches all it touches, Trump himself has managed to obscure his administration’s more-substantive accomplishments, such as focusing the world’s attention on China’s threat to global security and brokering a new era of Middle East peace.

3. I fear Trump’s erratic, personality-driven decision-making. His contempt for NATO is alarming, as is his delusion that he can manage rogue leaders. I don’t doubt that his eagerness to withdraw U.S. troops from their stability missions in places such as Afghanistan and Iraq will encourage conflict and terrorism. And I fret that his bizarrely isolationist attitude toward international trade will hurt the U.S. economy and splinter the global trading juggernaut that over the past half-century has brought the world amazing prosperity, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty.

4. But I fear the leftward lurch of the Democratic Party even more.

What is there to be afraid of? I fear that former vice president Joe Biden would be a figurehead president, incapable of focus or leadership, who would run a teleprompter presidency with the words drafted by his party’s hard-left ideologues. I fear that a Congress with Democrats controlling both houses — almost certainly ensured by a Biden victory in November — would begin an assault on the institutions of government that preserve the nation’s small “d” democracy. That could include the abolition of the filibuster, creating an executive-legislative monolith of unlimited political power; an increase in the number of Supreme Court seats to ensure a liberal supermajority; passage of devastating economic measures such as the Green New Deal; nationalized health care; the dismantling of U.S. borders and the introduction of socialist-inspired measures that will wreck an economy still recovering from the pandemic shutdown.

5. I fear the grip of Manhattan-San Francisco progressive mores that increasingly permeate my daily newspapers, my children’s curriculums and my local government. I fear the virtue-signaling bullies who increasingly try to dominate or silence public discourse — and encourage my children to think that their being White is intrinsically evil, that America’s founding is akin to original sin. I fear the growing self-censorship that guides many people’s every utterance, and the leftist vigilantes who view every personal choice — from recipes to hairdos — through their twisted prisms of politics and culture. An entirely Democratic-run Washington, urged on by progressives’ media allies, would no doubt only accelerate these trends. "

Make no mistake.....the very same re-orientation is taking place among Democrat voters......or, at least, those Democrat voters capable of ratiocination.
In the case of the second paragraph, yes. Trump can be odious and crude in his tweets. He has never claimed to be presidential in his demeanor. He was no doubt taught that, when attacked, attack back. He's not a diplomat, nor is he apologetic in nature. He's egotistical, as most heads of corporations are. That said, let us not forget that before running for office on the Republican ticket, he was a Democrat, the Democrat sycophants loved to have their pictures with him and he donated tons of money to various causes, including the Clintons.
Also, the qualifications for president are very minimal, and being eloquent isn't one of them.
In the third paragraph, we encounter part of the very reason he ran for president on the Republican ticket. He saw the ongoing decline of the United States, both on the world stage economically and militarily. He doesn't have a disdain for NATO. He has had issues with the member nations "not" paying their agreed upon fair share for NATO's defense and made it a point to seriously address the issue and subsequently, the NATO nations broke down and ponied up their fair share for NATO's defense. Trade-wise, he is absolutely NOT an isolationist. He only insisted upon "fair and reciprocal" trade deals, to end the imbalance that favored foreign nations over the United States. He also saw where most of our manufacturing jobs went overseas, putting many out of work. He has made it a goal to get companies back and has succeeded to some degree. As for Afghanistan, Iraq, and other areas of conflict, our founding fathers never envisioned us to be the "world's police force." Afghanistan has had British occupation, Russian occupation and now, American occupation. Afghanistan has "never" been conquered and most likely never will. The only reason we went in there in the first place was, if you will recall, Osama bin Laden and his followers had fled to Afghanistan and we wanted them for their planning and execution of the attack on our World Trade Center. We asked the Taliban government to turn him and his followers over to us, but per Afghan custom, they were obligated to protect guests and told us that if they wanted him, we had to come and try to take him. Our government was up for the challenge. Our mistake was, once we decimated Osama's numbers and we found him in Pakistan and killed him, we should have gotten out then, but the propped up Afghan government asked us to remain. We should have declined. We're not out to change the world. As for Iraq. Once Hussein was tossed out of Kuwait by the U.S. and coalition forces, we should have left it alone. All we did by getting rid of Hussein and his military was to create a potential Iranian ally, as the new government is Shiite dominated, as is Iran, the alliance was certain to eventually happen. We have to stop trying to topple governments. Again, we're not the world's police force. Our troops have to be weary. They keep rotating in and out of conflict over and over and over. It's time to bring them home.
As for your subsequent paragraphs, we have been infiltrated by Marxist/Stalinist ideologs in our educational system and media. Part of the blame can certainly fall on China, but also, some can go to none other than, George Soros, pumping millions into various local District Attorney races, to undermine our very legal system. That man needs to have his citizenship revoked and be tossed back to Hungary, where I'm sure they would like to prosecute him, or send him to the Philippines where Duterte has a more severe punishment for him. So, we need to solve the Communist infiltration on our home front, then look at ways to end China's influence here.

Interesting post.

Clearly you have given it some thought.
Fear the angry hoards of thousands of far left liberal law makers as if they were marching up from Mexico in 2018.

They're coming to take away your suburb too, ladies.....

Time for you to stop being Blind.

6. “Nor do Biden’s national-security positions reassure me. While he promises a welcome change in style and a renewed respect for U.S. alliances, Biden would, like Trump, pull our troops from the Middle East and South Asia. Worse yet, he would slash defense spending and likely renew the Obama administration’s misbegotten love affair with Iran’s tyrants.

Then there is the Democratic Party’s hostility to the state of Israel. Biden supporters will clamor that the candidate’s history is very pro-Israel, but as president would he be strong enough to stand up to the new Democratic Party’s less-than-ardent support for the Jewish state?”

The author is using a red herring to suck the reader into the standard same old attack tactic used year after year. "I don't really like Trumpybear, but......."

Here is another author who is clearly more perceptive than you are.

"NeverTrump Awokening: Orange Man Bad, But Trojan Horse Man Worse
Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 9:35pm
Danielle Pletka on voting for Trump: Biden “would merely be the facade for … an agenda that would seriously damage the nation”

Danielle Pletka of the American Enterprise Institute has been described by non-other than the execrable Jennifer Rubin as a fellow NeverTrumper.

I never heard of Pletka, but a post she wrote for WaPo about her awokening to the error of her NeverTrump ways is getting a lot of attention, I never considered voting for Trump in 2016. I may be forced to vote for him this year:

In 2016, I never considered voting for Donald Trump. The Johnny-come-lately Republican and his nasty schoolyard jibes seemed to me the worst degradation of American politics. But in 2020, I may be forced to vote for the man.
Hear me out.
Hearing her out is mostly a bashing of Orange Man Bad:

I don’t need a bumper sticker or a lawn sign to convey my distaste for Trump — his odious tweets, his chronic mendacity and general crudeness.
All that and more said, at least Trump is who he is:

With Donald Trump, I know what I am getting. He wears his sins on the outside. For good and ill, he runs his administration. I worry more about his incompetence and vacillation than I do about any dictatorial tendencies.
Not so Joe Biden, a Trojan Horse for the radical left:

But I fear the leftward lurch of the Democratic Party even more.
What is there to be afraid of? I fear that former vice president Joe Biden would be a figurehead president, incapable of focus or leadership, who would run a teleprompter presidency with the words drafted by his party’s hard-left ideologues. I fear that a Congress with Democrats controlling both houses — almost certainly ensured by a Biden victory in November — would begin an assault on the institutions of government that preserve the nation’s small “d” democracy…."
Fear the angry hoards of thousands of far left liberal law makers as if they were marching up from Mexico in 2018.

They're coming to take away your suburb too, ladies.....

Time for you to stop being Blind.

6. “Nor do Biden’s national-security positions reassure me. While he promises a welcome change in style and a renewed respect for U.S. alliances, Biden would, like Trump, pull our troops from the Middle East and South Asia. Worse yet, he would slash defense spending and likely renew the Obama administration’s misbegotten love affair with Iran’s tyrants.

Then there is the Democratic Party’s hostility to the state of Israel. Biden supporters will clamor that the candidate’s history is very pro-Israel, but as president would he be strong enough to stand up to the new Democratic Party’s less-than-ardent support for the Jewish state?”

The author is using a red herring to suck the reader into the standard same old attack tactic used year after year. "I don't really like Trumpybear, but......."

Here is another author who is clearly more perceptive than you are.

"NeverTrump Awokening: Orange Man Bad, But Trojan Horse Man Worse
Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 9:35pm
Danielle Pletka on voting for Trump: Biden “would merely be the facade for … an agenda that would seriously damage the nation”

Danielle Pletka of the American Enterprise Institute has been described by non-other than the execrable Jennifer Rubin as a fellow NeverTrumper.

I never heard of Pletka, but a post she wrote for WaPo about her awokening to the error of her NeverTrump ways is getting a lot of attention, I never considered voting for Trump in 2016. I may be forced to vote for him this year:

In 2016, I never considered voting for Donald Trump. The Johnny-come-lately Republican and his nasty schoolyard jibes seemed to me the worst degradation of American politics. But in 2020, I may be forced to vote for the man.
Hear me out.
Hearing her out is mostly a bashing of Orange Man Bad:

I don’t need a bumper sticker or a lawn sign to convey my distaste for Trump — his odious tweets, his chronic mendacity and general crudeness.
All that and more said, at least Trump is who he is:

With Donald Trump, I know what I am getting. He wears his sins on the outside. For good and ill, he runs his administration. I worry more about his incompetence and vacillation than I do about any dictatorial tendencies.
Not so Joe Biden, a Trojan Horse for the radical left:

But I fear the leftward lurch of the Democratic Party even more.
What is there to be afraid of? I fear that former vice president Joe Biden would be a figurehead president, incapable of focus or leadership, who would run a teleprompter presidency with the words drafted by his party’s hard-left ideologues. I fear that a Congress with Democrats controlling both houses — almost certainly ensured by a Biden victory in November — would begin an assault on the institutions of government that preserve the nation’s small “d” democracy…."

Your herring has a bad smell.
Fear the angry hoards of thousands of far left liberal law makers as if they were marching up from Mexico in 2018.

They're coming to take away your suburb too, ladies.....

Time for you to stop being Blind.

6. “Nor do Biden’s national-security positions reassure me. While he promises a welcome change in style and a renewed respect for U.S. alliances, Biden would, like Trump, pull our troops from the Middle East and South Asia. Worse yet, he would slash defense spending and likely renew the Obama administration’s misbegotten love affair with Iran’s tyrants.

Then there is the Democratic Party’s hostility to the state of Israel. Biden supporters will clamor that the candidate’s history is very pro-Israel, but as president would he be strong enough to stand up to the new Democratic Party’s less-than-ardent support for the Jewish state?”

The author is using a red herring to suck the reader into the standard same old attack tactic used year after year. "I don't really like Trumpybear, but......."

Here is another author who is clearly more perceptive than you are.

"NeverTrump Awokening: Orange Man Bad, But Trojan Horse Man Worse
Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 9:35pm
Danielle Pletka on voting for Trump: Biden “would merely be the facade for … an agenda that would seriously damage the nation”

Danielle Pletka of the American Enterprise Institute has been described by non-other than the execrable Jennifer Rubin as a fellow NeverTrumper.

I never heard of Pletka, but a post she wrote for WaPo about her awokening to the error of her NeverTrump ways is getting a lot of attention, I never considered voting for Trump in 2016. I may be forced to vote for him this year:

In 2016, I never considered voting for Donald Trump. The Johnny-come-lately Republican and his nasty schoolyard jibes seemed to me the worst degradation of American politics. But in 2020, I may be forced to vote for the man.
Hear me out.
Hearing her out is mostly a bashing of Orange Man Bad:

I don’t need a bumper sticker or a lawn sign to convey my distaste for Trump — his odious tweets, his chronic mendacity and general crudeness.
All that and more said, at least Trump is who he is:

With Donald Trump, I know what I am getting. He wears his sins on the outside. For good and ill, he runs his administration. I worry more about his incompetence and vacillation than I do about any dictatorial tendencies.
Not so Joe Biden, a Trojan Horse for the radical left:

But I fear the leftward lurch of the Democratic Party even more.
What is there to be afraid of? I fear that former vice president Joe Biden would be a figurehead president, incapable of focus or leadership, who would run a teleprompter presidency with the words drafted by his party’s hard-left ideologues. I fear that a Congress with Democrats controlling both houses — almost certainly ensured by a Biden victory in November — would begin an assault on the institutions of government that preserve the nation’s small “d” democracy…."

Your herring has a bad smell.

Your perception is're alone in that room.
Fear the angry hoards of thousands of far left liberal law makers as if they were marching up from Mexico in 2018.

They're coming to take away your suburb too, ladies.....

Time for you to stop being Blind.

6. “Nor do Biden’s national-security positions reassure me. While he promises a welcome change in style and a renewed respect for U.S. alliances, Biden would, like Trump, pull our troops from the Middle East and South Asia. Worse yet, he would slash defense spending and likely renew the Obama administration’s misbegotten love affair with Iran’s tyrants.

Then there is the Democratic Party’s hostility to the state of Israel. Biden supporters will clamor that the candidate’s history is very pro-Israel, but as president would he be strong enough to stand up to the new Democratic Party’s less-than-ardent support for the Jewish state?”

The author is using a red herring to suck the reader into the standard same old attack tactic used year after year. "I don't really like Trumpybear, but......."

7. Are there problems on the right — horrible nasties on a par with the violent protesters who have lately inflicted untold damage on many U.S. cities, businesses and lives? You bet. These execrable gun-toting racists have received too much tacit encouragement from Trump. But they do not represent the mainstream of the Republican Party or guide the choices of the vast mass of Republican members of Congress.

A year ago, I thought the Democratic Party was similarly insulated from the extreme left. But I don’t anymore, not when so much of the party’s thinking is driven by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) — all of whom were once on the fringes.”

Seems you are also driven by the insanity of Sanders and Warren.

I don't believe there is any medical aid for your condition.
Where are these violent right wing gun-toting racists? I did a quick google search and found like I'm sure you are aware
The Southern Poverty Law Center and here is their summation:

White nationalist groups espouse white supremacist or white separatist ideologies, often focusing on the alleged inferiority of nonwhites. Groups listed in a variety of other categories—Ku Klux Klan, neo-Confederate, neo-Nazi, racist skinhead and Christian Identity—could also be fairly described as white nationalist.
The suspect in El Paso wrote that his ideas were aimed at stopping the “cultural and ethnic replacement” of white people—the main animating idea of the white nationalist movement.
Now SPLC identified 849 groups that fit that above description.
Now to be fair has SPLC identified anti-white groups?
Well of the above 849 total groups.. 280 have "Black" in their title.
Fear the angry hoards of thousands of far left liberal law makers as if they were marching up from Mexico in 2018.

They're coming to take away your suburb too, ladies.....

Time for you to stop being Blind.

6. “Nor do Biden’s national-security positions reassure me. While he promises a welcome change in style and a renewed respect for U.S. alliances, Biden would, like Trump, pull our troops from the Middle East and South Asia. Worse yet, he would slash defense spending and likely renew the Obama administration’s misbegotten love affair with Iran’s tyrants.

Then there is the Democratic Party’s hostility to the state of Israel. Biden supporters will clamor that the candidate’s history is very pro-Israel, but as president would he be strong enough to stand up to the new Democratic Party’s less-than-ardent support for the Jewish state?”

The author is using a red herring to suck the reader into the standard same old attack tactic used year after year. "I don't really like Trumpybear, but......."

7. Are there problems on the right — horrible nasties on a par with the violent protesters who have lately inflicted untold damage on many U.S. cities, businesses and lives? You bet. These execrable gun-toting racists have received too much tacit encouragement from Trump. But they do not represent the mainstream of the Republican Party or guide the choices of the vast mass of Republican members of Congress.

A year ago, I thought the Democratic Party was similarly insulated from the extreme left. But I don’t anymore, not when so much of the party’s thinking is driven by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) — all of whom were once on the fringes.”

Seems you are also driven by the insanity of Sanders and Warren.

I don't believe there is any medical aid for your condition.
Where are these violent right wing gun-toting racists? I did a quick google search and found like I'm sure you are aware
The Southern Poverty Law Center and here is their summation:

White nationalist groups espouse white supremacist or white separatist ideologies, often focusing on the alleged inferiority of nonwhites. Groups listed in a variety of other categories—Ku Klux Klan, neo-Confederate, neo-Nazi, racist skinhead and Christian Identity—could also be fairly described as white nationalist.
The suspect in El Paso wrote that his ideas were aimed at stopping the “cultural and ethnic replacement” of white people—the main animating idea of the white nationalist movement.
Now SPLC identified 849 groups that fit that above description.
Now to be fair has SPLC identified anti-white groups?
Well of the above 849 total groups.. 280 have "Black" in their title.

Now, now,.....let's not attack Ms. Pletka on minor differences of opinions, when, overall, she strikes the correct note.
A never-Trumper who has seen the light.

As the great first Republican President said:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),
8. “With Donald Trump, I know what I am getting. He wears his sins on the outside. For good and ill, he runs his administration.

I worry more about his incompetence and vacillation than I do about any dictatorial tendencies.

On the other side, however, I am increasingly persuaded that what I see in Joe Biden — whom I first met in 1992, and whom I believe to be a decent person — would merely be the facade for an administration, fully backed by both houses of Congress, with an agenda that would seriously damage the nation.

The corrosive left-wing extremism of 2020 would be ascendant, while a smiling President Biden assures the country that everything is fine. Trump, for all his flaws, could be all that stands between our imperfect democracy and the tyranny of the woke left.”

Let me amplify on "all that stands between our imperfect democracy and the tyranny of the woke left.”

A Democrat victory would not only bring this...
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

....but reparations,....Washington DC and Puerto Rico as states, with four more Democrat Senators, the end of the filibuster, and open borders.

The end of this noble experiment in self governance.
Fear the angry hoards of thousands of far left liberal law makers as if they were marching up from Mexico in 2018.

They're coming to take away your suburb too, ladies.....
with riots. we've been watching.

Remember how we were told they were 'mostly peaceful'?

Now, this....
"Exclusive: $1 billion-plus riot damage is most expensive in insurance history"
I think Trump will win in a close one and it cannot be argued that close elections are the sign of a strong nation. With that being said I simply cannot vote for either major party and do not put any faith in any elected official. I never have. My faith is in God and my savior. I don't care who wins really although Trump's policies are better for most people.
We find this in, of all places, the newspaper of Dr. Evil, the richest man in the world. Yep....the Washington Post, whose motto is 'It looks like a newspaper,.....but it isn't.'

So, what a surprise to see....

1. "I never considered voting for Trump in 2016. I may be forced to vote for him this year.

2. I don’t need a bumper sticker or a lawn sign to convey my distaste for Trump — his odious tweets, his chronic mendacity and general crudeness. Over the past four years, like an oil slick that besmirches all it touches, Trump himself has managed to obscure his administration’s more-substantive accomplishments, such as focusing the world’s attention on China’s threat to global security and brokering a new era of Middle East peace.

3. I fear Trump’s erratic, personality-driven decision-making. His contempt for NATO is alarming, as is his delusion that he can manage rogue leaders. I don’t doubt that his eagerness to withdraw U.S. troops from their stability missions in places such as Afghanistan and Iraq will encourage conflict and terrorism. And I fret that his bizarrely isolationist attitude toward international trade will hurt the U.S. economy and splinter the global trading juggernaut that over the past half-century has brought the world amazing prosperity, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty.

4. But I fear the leftward lurch of the Democratic Party even more.

What is there to be afraid of? I fear that former vice president Joe Biden would be a figurehead president, incapable of focus or leadership, who would run a teleprompter presidency with the words drafted by his party’s hard-left ideologues. I fear that a Congress with Democrats controlling both houses — almost certainly ensured by a Biden victory in November — would begin an assault on the institutions of government that preserve the nation’s small “d” democracy. That could include the abolition of the filibuster, creating an executive-legislative monolith of unlimited political power; an increase in the number of Supreme Court seats to ensure a liberal supermajority; passage of devastating economic measures such as the Green New Deal; nationalized health care; the dismantling of U.S. borders and the introduction of socialist-inspired measures that will wreck an economy still recovering from the pandemic shutdown.

5. I fear the grip of Manhattan-San Francisco progressive mores that increasingly permeate my daily newspapers, my children’s curriculums and my local government. I fear the virtue-signaling bullies who increasingly try to dominate or silence public discourse — and encourage my children to think that their being White is intrinsically evil, that America’s founding is akin to original sin. I fear the growing self-censorship that guides many people’s every utterance, and the leftist vigilantes who view every personal choice — from recipes to hairdos — through their twisted prisms of politics and culture. An entirely Democratic-run Washington, urged on by progressives’ media allies, would no doubt only accelerate these trends. "

Make no mistake.....the very same re-orientation is taking place among Democrat voters......or, at least, those Democrat voters capable of ratiocination.
In the case of the second paragraph, yes. Trump can be odious and crude in his tweets. He has never claimed to be presidential in his demeanor. He was no doubt taught that, when attacked, attack back. He's not a diplomat, nor is he apologetic in nature. He's egotistical, as most heads of corporations are. That said, let us not forget that before running for office on the Republican ticket, he was a Democrat, the Democrat sycophants loved to have their pictures with him and he donated tons of money to various causes, including the Clintons.
Also, the qualifications for president are very minimal, and being eloquent isn't one of them.
In the third paragraph, we encounter part of the very reason he ran for president on the Republican ticket. He saw the ongoing decline of the United States, both on the world stage economically and militarily. He doesn't have a disdain for NATO. He has had issues with the member nations "not" paying their agreed upon fair share for NATO's defense and made it a point to seriously address the issue and subsequently, the NATO nations broke down and ponied up their fair share for NATO's defense. Trade-wise, he is absolutely NOT an isolationist. He only insisted upon "fair and reciprocal" trade deals, to end the imbalance that favored foreign nations over the United States. He also saw where most of our manufacturing jobs went overseas, putting many out of work. He has made it a goal to get companies back and has succeeded to some degree. As for Afghanistan, Iraq, and other areas of conflict, our founding fathers never envisioned us to be the "world's police force." Afghanistan has had British occupation, Russian occupation and now, American occupation. Afghanistan has "never" been conquered and most likely never will. The only reason we went in there in the first place was, if you will recall, Osama bin Laden and his followers had fled to Afghanistan and we wanted them for their planning and execution of the attack on our World Trade Center. We asked the Taliban government to turn him and his followers over to us, but per Afghan custom, they were obligated to protect guests and told us that if they wanted him, we had to come and try to take him. Our government was up for the challenge. Our mistake was, once we decimated Osama's numbers and we found him in Pakistan and killed him, we should have gotten out then, but the propped up Afghan government asked us to remain. We should have declined. We're not out to change the world. As for Iraq. Once Hussein was tossed out of Kuwait by the U.S. and coalition forces, we should have left it alone. All we did by getting rid of Hussein and his military was to create a potential Iranian ally, as the new government is Shiite dominated, as is Iran, the alliance was certain to eventually happen. We have to stop trying to topple governments. Again, we're not the world's police force. Our troops have to be weary. They keep rotating in and out of conflict over and over and over. It's time to bring them home.
As for your subsequent paragraphs, we have been infiltrated by Marxist/Stalinist ideologs in our educational system and media. Part of the blame can certainly fall on China, but also, some can go to none other than, George Soros, pumping millions into various local District Attorney races, to undermine our very legal system. That man needs to have his citizenship revoked and be tossed back to Hungary, where I'm sure they would like to prosecute him, or send him to the Philippines where Duterte has a more severe punishment for him. So, we need to solve the Communist infiltration on our home front, then look at ways to end China's influence here.
basically, you show what a real president looks like if they want to get things done.

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